Chapter 3

Seducing the Cold-hearted Idol


“Hey, we had our premier night last night” Jae said as he sat on the Bermuda grass.



“It’s sold out, isn’t it great?” he said while trying to sound enthusiastic. He tried to smile, but he can’t.



“I wish you were there, then you should have seen how great action I’ve become” he said as he placed a bouquet of flowers in her grave.



“~Loving you was the sweetest mistake in my life and never did I regret it~” he sang a line from the song he composed, but stopped as tears started to fall from his eyes.



“Babe, why do you have to go? Why do you have to leave me? You should have brought me with you” he said, it was the same questions and sentiments, but he never got tired from asking. It’s been almost a year since he lost her wife in a tragic accident…






“Hey babe, how about dinner with me tonight?” Jae asked Jessica through the phone. They haven’t had dinner together for a week, so Jae to give a little time for his lovely wife.



“Wow, you finally decided to spent time with me. I’m surprised” she joked then chuckled a bit.



“Of course, I miss you beautiful” he chuckled with her. It’s been more than a year since they secretly got married, but still his question on how he end up with such a perfect wife wasn’t answered yet.


“I’ll see you then, handsome” she answered.



“I’ll pick you up at 7 ok?? Be ready for me. I need to go, I love you” he said.



“Wait! Babe, never mind picking me up, you’ll be out of your way. I’ll just take a taxi to our favorite restaurant” she suggested.


“No, I’m okay with it” he insisted.



“But I’m not; I can’t afford us being late on your reservations” he knew he needed to give up or he’ll be late in his recording.



“Fine, I can’t wait to see you. Bye” he said then hanged up, seeing his manager death glaring him.





It was still 6:30 and yet, he’s been there waiting for her.






7:00PM… and it’s not her to come late, she’s always punctual. “Maybe just a little delay” he tought.



7:30PM… and he was damn worried. He tried to call her but it was off.



8:20PM… He received a call from his mom.



“Jae, you need to come to the hospital” her mom said, her voice was hoarse, obviously from crying.



“Jessica…” that was all she managed to say.



“Mom, what happened to Jessica?” he asked.



“S-She met an accident” she finally gathered her words after some sobbing, and Jae didn’t bother to bid goodbye and rushed to the hospital.



“Mom, where is she?” he asked as she saw his mom outside the operating room.



“She’s inside” she was all red from blood.



He slumped down the chair and face palmed. He wanted to cry, but he tried to calm just not to scare his mom more.



“The taxi she was in got bumped by a delivery van” his mother said. He looked at her and didn’t help himself but hug his mom and cried.



“The Taxi driver died” she whispered that only made him more scared.



After awhile, they heard the operating door opened and the doctor walked out.



“Doc, how’s she?” his calmed mother asked.



“I’m sorry, we did everything to revive her, but she lost a lot of blood.” The doctor said.



“No!! That’s not true! You’ve got to be kidding me! She’s alive!” he freaked out.



“Son, stop!” her mom tried to stop him from hitting the wall.



“I’m sorry” the doctor said then walked out.



Jae ran inside the operating room and there, the lifeless Jessica.



“Babe, wake up! Yah! Babe!” he shook her.


“Please, wake up!” he screamed, but still got no reply. He knew right then and there, he lost his life.


*End of Flashback*



Since then, he never sing and end up being an actor.


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