Chapter 1

Seducing the Cold-hearted Idol


Chapter 1




“Oppa, please don’t go” the 8 year old Nikki hugged him tighter, making it known to him that she was not willing to let him go.



“Baby girl, I need to” he said.



“No! You promised you’ll protect me remember?” she sobbed louder and tightened her grip more.



“Listen, baby girl” he held her shoulder and knelt on her knees to level his eyes to her.



“Oppa needs to go to the training to become a singer, like you want. You want me to be a singer right?” he explained



“But I want you to stay, I don’t want you to be a singer anymore” she said and he sighed. He knew that explaining won’t do anything; she’s too stubborn to understand.



“Remember what I promised you?” he started, he’ll have to try another approach. She looked at him; her teary, innocent orbs were showing interest.



“I promised you that I will marry you when you turn 18, so oppa will be back by then” he said, still hoping that she would eventually forget about it as she grow old.



“Pinky promise?” she asked, raising her pinky finger.



“Pinky promise” he said then curled his own pinky finger to hers.



“I’ll miss you, Oppa” she said in a very sad tone.



“I’ll miss you too… very much, baby girl” he said and gave her another hug. Yes, it’s true, he’ll be missing her. She is after all, the younger sister he wished to have.



They were neighbors and their parents are best of friends. He was there when she was born and he took care of her like a big brother would do.



She, on the other hand, grew fond of him that eventually turned into something called puppy love, but to her it was true love and he was aware of it, but just shrugged it for he believe that she’ll soon realize that it was just a mere infatuation.




After almost 10 years, she grew up reminiscing every wonderful moment with him. It was two months before her 18th birthday, which she also considered as their engagement party.



“Hey Nikki” it was her bestfriend, Ella.



“Hey” she answered; she was busy looking at herself in the mirror.



“I pity the mirror” her other bestfriend, Elaine and all of her friends laughed.



“Why?” she answered, still looking at the mirror.



“It might break anytime” she chuckled and the laugher became louder.



“Thank you for being such a great friend” she said sarcastically.



“Give the mirror a break, will you? Your face won’t change, don’t worry” Ella said.



“I’m just checking if something needs to be changed” she answered, but placed her mirror inside her bag. She heard sighs from her friends.



“Nikki, you’re perfectly fine” Ella said.



“No! You’re perfect” Geo, her gay friend added.



“Perfectly ugly!” someone shouted. It was the “MEAN GIRLS”



“Are you referring to yourself?” Ella shouted back.



“Tsk! Nikki, Nikki, Nikki. Still waiting for your prince charming? Kim Jaejoong?” the mean girls laughed.



“Wake up from you fairy tale!” someone said.



“Haven’t you heard? Your Prince Charming is married to a real Princess” the leader added and they all laughed mockingly.



“That’s not true!” Nikki stood up and was about to attack, but her friends stopped her.



“Well, they said it themselves” she said and walked out.



“It’s not true right?” she asked her friends, but they just looked at her with sympathy.



“You knew?” she asked them.



“Nikki—“ she ran without knowing where to go, she just let her feet lead her.



She stopped; she was in the hill, where Jae would take her to play when they were young; the place, where she first told him she wanted him to be her husband; the place, where Jae promised to marry her; the special place, where he first kissed her.






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