I'm Tired...

Deduced A Way To You


“Seo Hyun, today is the last day of the test. Another five hours, your result will be announced by sameonim. Do you think you did enough to get through the test?” Hyo Yeon turned to Seo Hyun. They had been very close for the last five days, maybe because Hyo Yeon was the only one that Seo Hyun could talk to.

“I don’t know, I did all I can and now I only can hope for the best.” Seo Hyun sighed weakly.

“After today, are you going to stop this work or you will continue to work in here? Do you have your own work before this?” Hyo Yeon asked. Although they talked a lot in the past five days but Seo Hyun never told her about her previous job.

“I don’t think to that part yet, I only concentrate on the test only. And yes, I did have my own job before but I got suspended because the upper level suspected that I got that post by under-table, they are now still investigating it. Until they find out the truth, I don’t know if I can continue to work in there or not.” Seo Hyun shook her head weakly.

“Don’t feel down. Let me ask you, if both job give you a chance to continue, which one will you choose?” Hyo Yeon asked.

“If can, I want to continue my previous job because that was what I really want to do but I don’t think that is the case at all because there was really a person helped me to get that post. I only knew about this after I got the news from upper level, so I don’t think I can go back to that job anymore.” Seo Hyun sadly said.

“Then what about this job?” Hyo Yeon asked again.

“Although I never thought to do this at all before this, I used to hate chebol, but after these past five days of doing my best on this job, I started to like this job. Maybe because of these five days, I got to know sameonim in different way. When I first saw her, she was so high above and I felt that she the one that like to control over people, very high-handed and many bad thought about her. But these five days of working with her, I got to see the different image of her and sometime I could understand that why she is so cold toward other people. I got a feeling that she is tired of this but because of her family, she needs to continue doing this, that’s maybe the reason I hope to be able to help her sharing some of the burdens because I really see her as my family.” Seo Hyun said.

“Then… today will not be our last day meeting but maybe some days, we can’t talk with each other like now anymore.” Hyo Yeon put a bitter smile.

“What make you say so?” Seo Hyun asked in confused.

“This s just my thought, maybe someday you will be seating inside that room and I will be out here still. There will always a gap between us.” Hyo Yeon said.

“What are you saying? Even you are true about me seating inside the room but we still can carry our friendship, there is never a gap between us. The only gap I know that is the difference between our heights.” Seo Hyun turned to grab Hyo Yeon’s hand.

“It’s not you don’t want to friend with me, it’s me. I’m just a secretary and you are my boss, at that time, how can I continue to be that close with you?” Hyo Yeon said.

“No, that will never happen because I will never be in that room. So, don’t worry about that.” Seo Hyun denied. She knew that she will never be sitting in that room, not even Yong Hwa’s mother asked her because that is not what she wanted. The closest she could and wanted get to was here, the seat in front of the room.

“No one will know what really happen in the future, Seo Hyun. But let’s just concentrate on now while we still can talk and laugh like we did in these past five days.” Hyo Yeon put out a smile in replied.

“Hyo Yeon, Seo Hyun, please cancel all the meeting for today. I got something to do. Seo Hyun, you should come with me.” Suddenly, Yong Hwa’s mother called through the intercom, she sounded very nervous and hurried.

“Algessseubnida, sameonim.” Hyo Yeon replied.

“What’s so hurried?” Hyo Yeon turned to Seo Hyun, who shared the same confused look as her.

“Seo Hyun, we should go now. Yong Hwa’s appa got send to emergency.” Yong Hwa’s mother pushed open the door and said to Seo Hyun.

“Ne!” Seo Hyun quickly got up to catch up with Yong Hwa’s mother who was walking hurriedly to the lift.

“Eommeonim, what happened to abeonim?” Seo Hyun asked as they reached the ground floor and went into the car, which was already ready in front of the front door.

“I’m not very sure but Nam ajussi called just now saying that he faint in the house when he was walking down from the stairs.” Yong Hwa’s mother said as the car drove off. Nam ajussi was their driver, who usually served Yong Hwa’s father.

“I… I should call Yong Hwa oppa.” Seo Hyun covered with her hands as she was shock to hear briefly what happen to Yong Hwa’s father, and then she remembered that she had to inform Yong Hwa, so she took her phone out.

“No need, I already called him before we come down.” Yong Hwa’s mother stopped Seo Hyun.

“Ah, ne…” Seo Hyun put her phone back and replied weakly.

“Seo Hyun, if… if Yong Hwa’s appa, he… and if Yong Hwa did not want to come back to company, can I ask you to take over my place?” Yong Hwa’s mother asked suddenly.

“Huh? Eommeonim, I can’t. You know that I can’t take control of the whole company myself, like how you do. And don’t worry; I believe that abeonim will be safe and healthy.” Seo Hyun quickly rejected.

“Seo Hyun, I also didn’t come to this stage with full knowledge from start, it’s all based on experience. From what I see in these past five days, I believe that you can handle it well better than me. I’m very tired already, since Yong Hwa’s appa got hospitalised years ago due to cancer, I took over this company to avoid it from falling apart but now, I’m very tired of it already. Just now, when I first receive the call from Nam ajussi, the first thought come to my mind was if he really can’t go through this, I’ll be regretted forever because I didn’t spend enough time with him. This life is not going to live forever, and my last wish is to spend my last day with him beside me. I should let go and pass it down to the younger generation.” Yong Hwa’s mother said weakly and took Seo Hyun’s hands for the first time.

“But… but… even if eommeonim want to pass it down for us, it should be in Yong Hwa’s oppa hand, not me. People will not obey if I really took over the seat. We should convince oppa to come back and take over this company, the most I can promise is to help oppa from aside. The spotlight should not be on me.” Seo Hyun rejected again.

“If Yong Hwa is easily to be convinced, then I already did two three years ago before he decided to do private detective. I understand what you are worrying, what I ask just now if just the last retort, if Yong Hwa really didn’t want to come back, you are now my last hope. This is why I bring you to meet almost all our business friends and partners because I want to introduce you to them. Most of them knew that you are my future daughter-in-law and promised me that even in the future you took over this company from me, they will still bond with our company.” Yong Hwa’s mother said.

“Eommeonim, I… I… this is too sudden and I don’t want to make hush decision. I still think that Yong Hwa oppa should be the one, I’ll try to convince him.” Seo Hyun still could not accept Yong Hwa’s mother suggestion.

“Yes, it will all depend on how Yong Hwa chooses. Let’s push this back until he tell us his choice.” Yong Hwa’s mother nodded weakly. Of course she also hoped that Yong Hwa could come back but as a mother, she knew Yong Hwa too well and she was just preparing another way out by asking Seo Hyun to take over. The next part of the journey to the hospital was a silent journey as no one in the car willing to break the silent because each of them had something in their mind.


“Doctor, how is appa?” Yong Hwa quickly went to the doctor as soon as he saw him walked out from the operation room. Seo Hyun and Yong Hwa’s mother also followed from behind.

“We already help him to clear out the blood in his head and stop the bleeding. Now we can only wait until the patient woke up to make a detail test, to see if his brain is working perfectly. The patient will be sent to the intensive care room; you all can go to see him but please don’t be there too long. The anaesthetics drug effect will not go until next morning so, he won’t be waking up until tomorrow morning.” The doctor explained and walked off.

“Eomma, do you want to get something first? It was already passed the lunch time but you didn’t have anything yet.” Yong Hwa turned to his mother.

“No, I want to go up to find your appa, you should bring Seo Hyun to get something. She and the baby should not miss meal.” Yong Hwa’s mother said.

“Eommeonim, the doctor said that abeonim will not wake up until tomorrow morning, we should go to eat something first or your body might not able to support you until abeonim wake up. Do you want abeonim to visit you in return?” Seo Hyun stopped Yong Hwa’s mother.

“Eomma, Hyun is right. Appa already in ward now, I didn’t hope to see you in too. Please, just eat something or drink something, for appa’s sake.” Yong Hwa nodded in agreed with Seo Hyun.

“Arasso… let’s go now, but I want to see your appa for once first before I could take anything, just to make sure that he is still here.” Yong Hwa’s mother nodded weakly.

“Okay, let’s go together.” Yong Hwa said. They went to the lift and went to intensive care unit to peek on Yong Hwa’s father for a while. Yong Hwa’s mother almost change her mind to stay back with her husband when she saw him but Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun insisted her to follow them to get some foods first.


“Hyung, how is abeonim?” Later that evening, Jong Hyun, Jung Shin, Min Hyuk, Yoona, Soo Young, Sunny and Ji Young all went to visit them in the hospital.

“The doctor said they have to wait him to wake up first to finally conclude that the operation is perfectly done or not, now we can only wait till appa wake up.” Yong Hwa explained.

“Gumo, don’t worry. Samchon will be all fine.” Sunny went to Yong Hwa’s mother and comforted her.

“I’m fine, I will not let myself fall when he needed me the most.” Yong Hwa’s mother determinedly said.

“Eomma, remember what you said just now. Don’t act like just now again.” Yong Hwa reminded his mother.

“Arasso… you nag more than me today.” Yong Hwa’s mother put a weak smile.

“I nag you because I care about you. If you don’t like, I’ll stop it now.” Yong Hwa smiley said. He felt relief that his mother finally smiled, even it was a small one. It was a good start for her to not stress herself too much.

“You can nag me as much as you like now, while you can. Maybe tomorrow you will not have the chance to do it anymore.” Yong Hwa’s mother said.

“Gumo, what are you talking about?” Sunny objected. She thought she was talking about dying.

“Eommeonim is right, when abeonim get better tomorrow, she will not be in this stage anymore and at that time she won’t allow people to nag her around. Right, eommeonim?” Seo Hyun quickly said.

“That’s what I mean. After all only Seo Hyun know what’s I’m thinking about.” Yong Hwa’s mother turned smiley to Seo Hyun and held her hands. Sunny and Yong Hwa exchanged eye contact and Yong Hwa smiley nodded, as the sign that she was not dreaming. What she saw now was as what she saw.

“Eomma, that’s nothing we can do now, let me sent you home first.” Yong Hwa suggested.

“No, I want to stay here tonight. Even if I went back to house, I also can’t sleep in peacefully.” Yong Hwa’s mother said determinedly.

“Eommeonim, I’ll stay back with you.” Seo Hyun said.

“No, you should go back and have enough rest. I can be here alone.” Yong Hwa’s mother rejected.

“But I told you that it’s my job to stay with you until you want to call it a day, so I won’t go back if you don’t want to go back.” Seo Hyun said.

“… Okay, I lost to you. I’ll go back.” Yong Hwa’s mother gave up at last. She did not know why she could not win over Seo Hyun when she could easily win over other people.

“Eommeonim, oppa and I will stay in the house tonight together with you, so that we can come to hospital together. Right, oppa?” Seo Hyun informed and turned to Yong Hwa.

“Yes, she is right. You won’t be alone in the house tonight.” Yong Hwa smiley said.

“Alright then, we should head back too now.” Jong Hyun said and signalled his friends to follow him. He did not want to interrupt their family moment.

“Thank you for coming.” Yong Hwa’s mother sent them off before she went to check on her husband one last time before they went back to their house.


“Eommeonim, you should head up and have a rest. We will go to hospital early morning tomorrow.” Seo Hyun suggested as they settle down in the house.

“I’m fine. I want to talk with Yong Hwa about the problem first.” Yong Hwa’s mother shook her head weakly and said.

“Then, I shall leave to inform my appa about not going back tonight.” Seo Hyun stood up and walked away leaving Yong Hwa and his mother in the living room.

“Eomma, what do you want to talk about?” Yong Hwa asked as Seo Hyun disappeared into a room.

“Yong Hwa-ah, do you want to come back to take over the company? After what happen to your appa today, I suddenly feel the urge to spend the time with him more and I can’t take care of both sides at once, so I’m going to step down from the seat. This company is your appa and my fruit of effort, so we hope that you can take it and continue the company and if possible, pass it down to your kids in future.” Yong Hwa’s mother asked.

“Eomma, I never want and able to take care of this big company, you know my interest is not in business. I understand why you continue to force me to come back but I really don’t want to do it.” Yong Hwa rejected weakly.

“Yong Hwa-ah, I know I force you and your late sister and brother too much when they were still alive and I turned all attention to you after that accident happen. But this time is different because I’m not going to force you anymore. If you really don’t want to take over and to prevent the company from closing down or pass it to other people’s hand, I already asked Seo Hyun to take over my post after I come down. I already discuss with her this morning on our way to hospital and both of us decided to let you make the final decision.” Yong Hwa’s mother said.

“Eomma, how can you do this? In the end you still use force to make either one of us go on your road! I thought you already changed but look like I’m wrong!” Yong Hwa raised his voice as he thought his mother used Seo Hyun to force him went back to company.

“Oppa, you are wrong! You must understand why eommeonim asks you to take the company. She stood up when abeonim got hospitalise years ago due to cancer and she continue to work hard even after the accident. She is not doing that to prove that she is the best but she had to do it for you and the family. She only hopes that when she passes it down to you, the company is already on-track and stable. I know that either one of us have to sacrifice our love in doing detective but that’s nothing compared to what eommeonim did.” Seo Hyun came out from the room and explained to Yong Hwa.

“Hyun, you just went to the company for five days only, what make you change your mind so easily? She is not doing to prove that she is the best? That’s the biggest joke I ever heard.” Yong Hwa still did not want to accept Seo Hyun and his mother explanation.

“Yong Hwa, I admit that there is some points that I do all that to show people that I’m the best but my intention to bring the company to the best when I finally pass it to you is never changed. I hope you will have an easily future. And as I said just now, this time I won’t force anyone, even both of you finally choose to not take over this company, I still got other choice. I was hoping to ask you two first because I, no… your appa and I want this company to pass on in Jung’s family, after all this company was conducted by your appa’s blood and sweat.” Yong Hwa’s mother said weakly.

“Oppa, don’t you think you are too selfish, only thinking about yourself? Have you once put yourself in eommeonim’s shoes and abeonim’s shoes? If you are in their situation, what will you do?” Seo Hyun felt bad for Yong Hwa’s mother and she decided that she needed to make Yong Hwa understood her.

“Me? I will never force my children in doing anything they didn’t want to do.” Yong Hwa said.

“Then what will you do with the company? Give it to someone or close it down?” Seo Hyun asked again.

“I’ll… I’ll… close it down… no, I’ll appoint someone in the company to take care of the company.” Yong Hwa stammered a bit.

“Then how long do you think that someone will continue to do it under you when he do all the hard work while you and your family got all the income from his hard work? And if he kicks you out from the company, how do you support your family if your children are all still small?” Seo Hyun continued to ask.

“I… I… I’ll close it down totally.” Yong Hwa changed his choice as he agreed with Seo Hyun about it was not the best choice.

“Okay then how are you going to support your family after the company closed? And also the hundreds and thousands workers’ family got affected from the closing down company? You must remember the company might be the only support for some workers due to their special cases, if they lose the income from this company, they will lose all income they have. Do you hope to see them begging in the roadside?” Seo Hyun continued to reason out to Yong Hwa.

“I’ll… I’ll appoint someone that will never turn us down.” Yong Hwa switched back to his previous choice with an update.

“Who is the person you can trust the most that will never turn you down beside your family? I’m not saying that we can’t trust outsider but the risk is there, higher than choosing your own family member. Now, do you see why eommeonim always want to force you to take over the company? And why eommeonim didn’t want to pass it to other people’s hand before it comes to the dead end?” Seo Hyun asked.

“But I still don’t want to end my life in that seat.” Yong Hwa still did not want to accept the request.

“Then go on, Yong Hwa. Seo Hyun, don’t force Yong Hwa anymore, I can see that he really don’t want to do it. I’ll announce someone in this Monday meeting, problem solve.” Yong Hwa’s mother stopped the two before they got into worst argument.

“Eommeonim, I’ll do it. I won’t let abeonim and you down. Oppa, even you didn’t admit it but I can tell that you are just afraid to take the responsibility. Being a private detective doesn’t require that much of responsibility and you can play around when you are free.” Seo Hyun said to Yong Hwa’s mother and then turned back to Yong Hwa.

“ALRIGHT! I got it! I’ll do it, fine? I think we should open a wine to celebrate that you two finally got me in it. What a prefect combo.” Yong Hwa sarcastically said.

“Don’t do it if you are not whole-hearted because running a company is not like how you played in computer games, your decision will affect all the workers in that company.” Seo Hyun stopped Yong Hwa and said seriously.

“Yong Hwa, I really got other choice, so don’t make decision only based on spur of the moment. Asked yourself, do you really ready to take over the company and twenty plus thousands people’s, around the world, life or death is in your hand?” Yong Hwa’s mother said.

“……” Yong Hwa kept in silent.

“Enough, I already know your answer. I won’t force you anymore after this. We should all get rest now; tomorrow we still need to get up early.” Yong Hwa’s mother weakly said and went up the stairs silently.

“Oppa, I want you to know that I’m not looking down on you, I only hope that you can give it a second thought. Eommeonim is not as strong as she showed out but she had to keep that image up to protect this family. Now, it should be your turn to stand up for her and abeonim. Don’t worry about working alone in the company because I already make up my mind to help you in the company whatever I can. Think about it, oppa. Good night.” Seo Hyun turned to Yong Hwa after she sent Yong Hwa’s mother up with her eyes. She kissed him good night and went into her guest room, leaving Yong Hwa alone in the living room.



A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! First days 2013, wish all my readers will have a good year ahead.  :)

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Chapter 46: I miss byul and reread this story again :)
junghyunna #2
Chapter 46: kyaaaaaaa such a great strory
poor uri yong kekkekeee i bet he really missed hyun that badly xD

author nim JJANG....DAEBAK!!!!!!

gomawo author nim ^^
Chapter 45: AHAHA! Love the marrige ceremony AHAHA Jungshin is just so funny very clever authornim
BoiceKings #4
Chapter 46: Happy virus Jungshin's confession xD
munie87 #5
Chapter 46: Already end?? can i hv a epilogue later~ hehehhe... poor Yonghwa~ he miss the time with his Hyun... A lot!!
Chapter 46: The end? I am going to miss this story! A lot!
Yonghwa how can you be so rude with your guest? Hehehe :)
Happy ending for everyone! Thank you for this awesome story :)
WuLhanPark #7
Chapter 46: oww.. the end ???
huaaa they have eun byul.. happy family !!!
but... kkkk poor Yong
thanks authornim for this story *bow
Chapter 46: is it the end...??? I'm going to miss this story TT.TT
kkkkk Yong is getting impatient to make Byul's sibling ...
ohh what a great story i've read..
hope you could write new yongseo's story after break time...
gogumas fighting^^
Chapter 45: Finally, YongSeo got married! Happy ending for everyone!
Their family problem is solve, Jungshin and Sooyoung got together and the proposal is so sweet!
Byul on the way? Can't wait for that!

Update soon! :)