Chapter 3

Springtime Romance

"Hey. What took you so long?" Kyuhyun watched as Ryeowook skipped down the pathway from his front door. Kyuhyun faintly smiled. Seeing that his old boyfriend was still his same self made him happy. Ryeowook stopped skipping as soon as he reached Kyuhyun. 

"Sorry to make you wait so long. I had a hard time choosing which clothes I wanted to wear. Where are we going?" Ryeowook looked at Kyuhyun, expecting him to tell him where they were going, but Kyuhyun just smiled, shook his head, and pressed a finger to his lips. Holding out his hand, he grabbed Ryeowook's hand and together they walked off. As they past the park, Ryeowook gasped. Kyuhyun heard this and turned to see what Ryeowook was looking. There was one rose blooming in the middle of the park. Ryeowook bent down and caressed the petals on the rose. Kyuhyun bent down so that he was the same height as Ryeowook.

Putting his lips next to Ryeowook's ear, smirking when Ryeowook shivered, asked, "Mind telling me what's so special about one rose blooming in the middle of the park?" Ryeowook slowly looked up at Kyuhyun, their lips a few inches away from each other.

"Don't you get it? It means that spring is coming. The time of love and romance. It's the time when people find their true love. By the way, Kyu. I've never told you this but I love yo....." Ryeowook didn't get to finish his sentence before Kyuhyun closed the distance between them. Kyuhyun didn't have time to thing his own actions before his desirement took over. Ryeowook closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. Wrapping their arms around each other, they pulled each other closer, wanting to close the remaining space between them, but didn't feel like they were close enough. Kyuhyun broke the kiss and hugged Ryeowook tightly. 

"I love you too Wookie. I've always loved you. Do you want to know a secret, Wookie?" Ryeowook pulled away and nodded slowly. Kyuhyun took out his wallet and pulled out a picture. Ryeowook looked at the picture and gasped. It was a picture of them kissing together in the very same park. They took that picture a few weeks before they left. Kyuhyun smiled faintly.

"Do you remember this day? Do you remembered where this was?" Ryeowook nodded, eyes searching Kyuhyun's face, seeing if this was a dream or not. Kyuhyun shook his head, telling Ryeowook that it was not a dream. 


"Kyu! Hurry up!" Wookie was already at the park waiting for Kyu. Kyu finally showed up, panting from all the running he had to do. 

"I-i'm here. What's wrong?" Wookie looked at Kyu, confused for a moment until he understood what the older meant. Taking out a camera, he smiled.

"Let's take pictures! You stand here and I'll stand.........right next to you! You take the picture Kyu." Kyu took the camera and positioned it in front of their faces. Using his other hand, he positioned Wookie's face towards his and leaned down. Pressing his lips against Wookie's, Kyu pressed the button, snapping a picture of the most special memory in both their heads. A memory that neither one of them could forget. 

*End of Flashback*

"You remember me right? That day when you came to say hi to me after I moved back and asking me whether I had been here or not took me by surprise. I thought you had forgotten who I was. But while you were at school one day, before we met again, my mom took me over to your house to say hi to your mom, your mom showed me your sketchbook that was filled with drawings of us at different places kissing. Then I realized that you hadn't forgotten me. Your mom kinda figured out the secret too so we asked her to keep quiet about this whole thing and to let me just tell you. Oh before I forget, I want to ask you something. Stand up so I can do this properly." Ryeowook stood up while Kyuhyun took out a small box from his pocket.

Kneeling down on one knee and opening the box, he declared, "Kim Ryeowook. I have loved you ever since the day we met. I promise to protect you from all harm that there is. Will you please do me the honor of marrying me?" Ryeowook looked at Kyuhyun. Tears clouded his vision and all he could do was nod. Kyuhyun's face lit up and he quickly stood up to kiss Ryeowook. Ryeowook pulled back a little and Kyuhyun put the ring on his finger. Ryeowook admired the ring, watching it glitter everytime the sun hit it and kissed Kyuhyun once again. Breaking the kiss once more, he put his pressed his forehead on Kyuhyun's and whispered, "Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too."




A/N: Sorry for taking so long everyone!!! I have been so busy balancing sports, school and music at the same time. Sorry if it's short. I keep having writer's block. But anyways, back to the story. They're getting married!!! 

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SO busy with school. It's coming along very slow. I'll try to finish it


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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 3: O.o they married at the age of 14 15@.@@
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 2: Very cute kkkkkk
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 1: I think its interesting
Chapter 4: This is So cute!!!!
I love that Ryeowook's Spring is tied with Kyuhyun- so romantic :D
Chapter 4: looks like you try to finish this as quick as yoou can
this is GOOD so don't upset anymore, hwaiting!!
Chapter 3: yaaah, this better not end up angsty !

Chapter 2: omg why so kyute !! i cant even >.<
update soon !!
kyulovewook #8
Chapter 2: oh wow so the old and new Kyu(that sounds funny but anyways) is the same person! aww i wonder how Wookie will act upon finding out its his old Kyu from childhood!!!
update soon :D
Chapter 1: are they really just a child i this story