Chapter 2

Springtime Romance


"Kyu! Where are you?!" Eight-year-old Ryeowook ran through the park, trying to look for his friend, nine-year-old Kyuhyun. Hearing his poor friend calling for him, Kyu jumps out from behind the tree, frightening Wookie.

"AHHHHH! KYU! I TOLD YOU NEVER TO DO THAT TO ME!!!!!!!! SO MEEEEEAAAAN!!!" Wookie pouted and stalked away from Kyu. Kyu silently chuckled before catching up to his friend. Catching him by the arm, Kyu turned Wookie around so that they were facing each other. 

"Wookie. I'm sorry. Will you forgive me? I didn't mean to scare you. You know that if I hurt you, I will do anything to ease your pain right? You are my life. Will you forgive me?" Wookie stared at Kyu for a moment before hugging him. 

"I will always forgive you Kyu. You are also my life. I can never lose you. You are my sunshine and my spring during the winter. I love you. Promise me that you won't leave me." With that said, Kyu leaned down and sealed that promise with a kiss. 


****7 years later****

"Where have you gone Kyu?! You promised me you wouldn't leave! Where have you gone?! WHY DID YOU LEAVE? IDIOT! YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE! WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT PROMISE?!?!" Wookie screames into the phone and slams the phone shut. Looking at the snow falling outside, he sobbed quietly. 

"Why did you have to leave me? Were our little vows 7 years ago just trash to you? You took away the spring. Now, it will never be spring in my world. It will always be winter in my heart. I shall never love another until you come back and claim your love Kyu. I will always love you." With that said, Wookie grabs a sketchpad and starts sketching. After 2 hours of sketching, he finshed his first drawing. It was a picture of a forest with a camp fire in the middle and a couple kissing. Proud of his drawing, Wookie placed the drawing upright and stared at him as he drifted off to sleep.

****The other side of the world (still same time)****

Kyu stared at his phone after Wookie had disconected the call. Sighing softly, he went downstairs to the kitchen. Reaching the bottom floor, he grabbed a chocolate bar from the pantry, softly reminding him about the time when they were younger and Wookie had asked him to buy some chocolate. With a bitter smile stretching the corners of his mouth, he popped the chocolate into his mouth and swallowed it quickly, not taking any time to savor the sweetness. Walking back upstairs, he laid down on his bed and slowly drifted off to sleep, smiling about the good times he had with Wookie before he left.

****Present Time****

"Oh there you are hyung. I was waiting for you." Ryeowook watched as Kyuhyun strolled into the park. Watching Kyuhyun walk towards him made Ryeowook wonder if that really was his old boyfriend. He looks so familiar. A hand waved in front of him and snapped him out of his thoughts. 

"Hey. Sorry for making you wait. And you can also take out the formalities. Just call me Kyu or something. Don't be so polite. We met and it's not like we're business partners. We're friends. We can use nicknames. What do you want to me to call you, Ryeowook-shii?" Ryeowook stared at Kyuhyun like he was the creepiest person on earth because his old boyfriend wanted to be called Kyu as well. 

"Well since your not answering, I will call you....hmmmm......Wookie! Yeah, that's it! Wookie! You like it!" Ryeowook nods, confused. "Alright then. Wookie. What do you want to do? It's cold just standing like this." Ryeowook snapped out of his trance. He wanted to do something. He wanted to see if that Kyuhyun was his old boyfriend. 

"Hmmm... You're it!!!" With that, Ryeowook ran away with a furstrated Kyuhyun running behind him. "You can't catch me! You're too slow! Haha! Idiot!" As soon as Kyuhyun heard that Ryeowook called him an idiot, he ran faster. Ryeowook looked back and saw Kyuhyun running at him at full speed. Ryeowook ran faster and tripped over a tree root that he didn't see. Waiting for the impact of the ground, Ryeowook squeezed his eyes shut. But the impact didn't come. Opening his eyes, Ryeowook saw that Kyuhyun had caught him and stood him up. Ryeowook blushed. His old boyfriend used to do that too. Kyuhyun saw Ryeowook blushing and found that cute. Bending down, Kyuhyun pressed a small kiss to Ryeowook's cheek and then ran away. 

"Now you're it! You can't catch me! Nanananana!" Kyuhyun looked back and saw that Ryeowook was trying to catch up to him. No matter how fast Ryeowook ran, he could never catch up to Kyuhyun.

"Wait for me Kyu! You're mean!" Kyuhyun slowed down. Ryeowook caught up to Kyuhyun and fell on the ground, panting. Kyuhyun looked down and smirked at the panting Ryeowook. Ryeowook stood up and gave Kyuhyun a kiss on the cheek. The sun was setting and it was starting to get dark. Kyuhyun looked at Ryeowook.

"It's getting late. We should be getting home." Ryeowook nodded but looked at Kyuhyun with puppy dog eyes. Kyuhyun sighed. "What now?"

"I want a piggyback ride!"

"And you are not getting one."

"But Kyu! ^_^" More puppy dog eyes.

"No! I don't want to carry you!"

"But Kyu! Please! Pwease! >_<" Add in the pouting.

"*sigh* Fine! And that's the last time I'm doing it!"

"Yay!" With that Ryeowook jumped up on Kyuhyun's back. Kyuhyun made sure that Ryeowook was secured on his back before he started walking. Ryeowook yawned and put his head in the crook of Kyuhyun's neck. With each step that Kyuhyun took, Ryeowook drifted off to sleep.

****Next Day****

Ryeowook woke up and winced at the bright sun shining through his window. Sitting up and stretching, he replayed yesterday's happenings in the park. Ryeowook blushed when he remembered that he kissed Kyuhyun on the cheek and that he did the same thing. Getting out of bed, he looked out the window and saw that Kyuhyum was already outside of his house, waiting for him. Ryeowook smiled.

"Looks like today will be another sweet day. Hehe. >_<" 



A/N: Miahnae everyone!! I've been so busy with school! So much homework! >:( I hate middle school! >_< But anyways, I am starting to fall in love with my story.  But it's also very hard to think of some things. I've been getting so much writer's block just writing this chapter. But back to the topic. ENJOY! :)

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SO busy with school. It's coming along very slow. I'll try to finish it


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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 3: O.o they married at the age of 14 15@.@@
Keyv88 #2
Chapter 2: Very cute kkkkkk
Keyv88 #3
Chapter 1: I think its interesting
Chapter 4: This is So cute!!!!
I love that Ryeowook's Spring is tied with Kyuhyun- so romantic :D
Chapter 4: looks like you try to finish this as quick as yoou can
this is GOOD so don't upset anymore, hwaiting!!
Chapter 3: yaaah, this better not end up angsty !

Chapter 2: omg why so kyute !! i cant even >.<
update soon !!
kyulovewook #8
Chapter 2: oh wow so the old and new Kyu(that sounds funny but anyways) is the same person! aww i wonder how Wookie will act upon finding out its his old Kyu from childhood!!!
update soon :D
Chapter 1: are they really just a child i this story