The Diva

Love so sweet.

Jinki stormed out of the apartment, dragging key by his hand behind him. He hadn’t even bothered to stop and inquire if his friend was coping with the speed he almost ran with, neither did he care if he was bumping into other people. He did, bump into other people, sending them stumble back with the force he was walking with. Most were throwing some profanities or other at him but Jinki seemed to be oblivious of hem.

As he finally got out of the apartment, Key finally acted. He dragged the elder’s hand backwards and halted them into a stop right next to the elevator door. He forced his friend to turn around and face him. Once they were finally looking eye to eye, he arched his eyebrows, something he always did when he was surprised or amused.

‘Care to explain what all that was about? Huh?’  The diva had his hands on his waist, waiting for the other’s answer.

Jinki wasn’t sure either. He did not know what he was supposed to say or do. So, he merely did what he always did when he had no answer, gluing his eyes to the floor and marvelled at how clean it was. The marble floor was shiny, just the way Jinki kept his.

‘Yah! You even listening to me? Why the hell did you drag me away like a three headed dog was chasing you? And what were you doing with that jock?’ He was getting impatient and Jinki could tell. He knew that an impatient and irritated Key was never a good idea but he was still pondering about what to say.

‘Oh God don’t tell me that idiot was bullying you or something?’ That snapped the older of the two’s head up, his eyes wide and disbelieving. However, Key took the other’s reaction as a confirmation of his theory and he muttered an angry,

‘Oh he better be ready for what’s coming his way. No one and I mean it…No one other than me is allowed to bully you.’ He rolled up his sleeves and was about to turn around to storm inside the apartment once again. He was stopped by slight fingers wrapping around his wrist.

‘It’s not that, trust me! Tae..Taemin didn’t bully me….’ Jinki was still looking at the floor and that annoyed the hell out of the diva.

He knew that his friend was a bit people phobic and was too shy for his own good. Hell that was the main reason why Key felt an urge to take the later under his wings, he felt so protective of the older.

‘So? Why did you look scared when I found you two? And what the hell were you doing in the veranda of all places?’ He persisted because he knew that if he didn’t, Jinki would never tell him what happened by himself.

Jinki looked a bit unsure before he spoke up again, now distracting himself with playing with the hem of his shirt. Key wanted to yank his hands away from the material and hold them so that they would stop shaking but he knew better. He had been with Jinki for too long to know what to do and not to do around this awkward friend of his.

‘Well we weren’t doing anything really, just talking and stuff and when you burst in, well…I thought you would get the wrong idea because you had this glint in your eyes…well so I panicked and didn’t want you to say something embarrassing.’ He still refused to look up. ‘Sorry.’ He muttered under his breath.

Key felt a bit guilty because no matter how much he wanted to deny that, Jinki was right. He probably would have wolf-whistled or something if Jinki hadn’t dragged him out. Jinki knew him too well. But that still didn’t explain the weird tension in the air surrounding them when he walked in on them. Looking at the, eyes down casted, fiddling with his hem Jinki he decided to let it go.

‘Well, you my friend know me too well. But, Taemin? Who knew, huh? I leave you for only a bit and you are swept off of your feet by none other than the star basketball player?’ he winked at the other who finally looked up at him. Well that was his try at lightening the situation but it seemed that it managed to do just the opposite. Once again Jinki’s body had stiffened and he was in the verge of panicking.

‘N..No..It’’s no..not like th..that…’

And once again, Key was guilt-ridden.  He walked up to his friend and patted his shoulder, presenting him with a soothing smile, or at least what he thought looked soothing.

‘I’m only kidding Onew…chill out!’

He reached past the older and pressed the elevator button and chuckled at the almost inaudible, relieved sigh from the other.

‘So, how did you like the party? Did you talk to anyone else or just Taemin?’ The diva inquired, one of his hands now resting on Jinki’s shoulder.  Before he would’ve been pushed away by the other but know the older seems to have gotten used to Key, a great progress from Key’s point of view. He was happy with his progress but he wanted the other to open up to others as well. He knew too well how amazing a guy Onew was, once he opened up, albeit he was a bit too shy and a bit too introverted but that was probably one of his charms anyway.

‘I..well it was okay…’

The small unsure voice surprised the other as well. Usually when he dragged the older to any sort of gatherings, be it parties, small games, fashion shows or movies, he would right away murmur a negative comment. He would usually right away say that it was boring or that he would’ve much preferred staying at his house. Another improvement.

I wonder if it has anything to do with that guy. Key thought to himself.

He carefully scrutinized his friend’s face as if the reason for these sudden changes would be written on the latter’s head with dark permanent marker or something. Other than the almost not there twinkle in his eyes, nothing seemed to be different about Onew. Key would definitely find out whatever Onew was hiding but not right away, he knew that if he pressed the other too much, Onew would just shut himself in again. He had to wait for the right moment. Like when Onew’s eating chicken or something. He chuckled to himself. Chicken was like a truth serum with the older, he mused. Why he was so enamoured with that particular food, he would never know.

‘What are you thinking Key?’ Jinki’s voice pulled the diva away from his own train of thoughts. He presented the other with a smile and shook his head,

‘Nothing, just remembering this guy from the party..Never mind…Oooh look here’s the elevator. Let’s go..’ It was now Onew’s turn to be dragged by the other.

‘What guy key? Don’t tell me you fell for yet another guy? When would you realize that it’s not healthy to fall for hundreds of guys and stalk them about until you finally get over them? This time count me out of your plans on spying, I’ve had enough. Last time I almost got by those thugs that you were following around.’

Key smirked as he reminisced of the good time they had that day. Well it was good for him at least. He had a blast seeing his one and only friend trying to beat up leather-clad biker thugs, the noises and absurd fake-karate poses the older had played out was no less than any good Hollywood comedy. Who the hell would believe that a nerd like him would able to even hurt a half-dead fly lying on the floor, let alone a gang of six? Well the guys definitely didn’t and saw through him in seconds. They had laughed at Onew and cornered him, one his face; he seemed to have taken quite a liking to the soft man (both physically and characteristically!). That’s when Key had to step in, mimicking a police siren and saved the day. Yeah it was entertaining.

‘Yah, are you even listening to me?’ Even when Onew gets impatient, his voice stays as low as ever, if anything it gets even lower and it always got Key’s attention. His lowered voice was more effective that anyone’s raised voice; it had a more silent yet powerful power behind it. The younger merely nodded in acknowledgement.

‘Yeah, I am listening to you and that’s exactly why I won’t tell you about him. It’s nothing serious really, he’s just another jock I had fun with tonight, nothing more. And don’t worry, don’t you remember that I promised that next time I drag you along with for spying, I’ll make absolute sure that there won’t be any thugs involved.’ He patted the elder’s shoulder as if to reassure him, to which the older flinched.

‘Wait, that wasn’t what you promised! That isn’t what you promised at all! You said you would never involve me in ANY of your stupid stalking tendencies anymore, don’t lie Kim Kibum! I will not put my life at stake for another stupid jock.’

Key chuckled at the pouting face of his adorable little friend. He felt like pinching the other’s plum rosy cheeks thought against it because he knew he would not like the consequences. He did promise that though but he’s not gonna admit to that either, admitting means giving up and the almighty Key never gives up. Anyway he needed Onew with him because what would be the point of stalking someone without being able to gush over them with your best friend?

He impulsively threw his arms around his friend and pulled him into a tight hug.

‘Do it for me then.’ He giggled against Onew’s thick jacket’s padded shoulder. ‘Do it for your Bummie.’

He could literally feel Onew rolling his eyes, but could also tell that his friend had given up from the way his body had loosened and he was now hugging him back, a tad bit awkwardly for Key’s liking but hugging back nonetheless. Yes he had made an excellent job on this sweet guy.

‘Whatever, but still NO THUGS, okay?’ The older mumbled.

‘Yup, no thugs. I’m not into bad boys as much anymore. ‘

‘Bad boys? He was a gang leader who used to beat up 2-3 kid per day, for breakfast! He’s not a ‘bad boy’; he was pure evil and chavvy!’

Well yeah he kinda was. Key accepted. His taste in men has always been on the extremities, he either fell for hard core rocker guys, eccentric artistic types or pretty bad, bad boy types. Well if they had hot bodies (or hot faces) Key would be all over them.

‘Well he was hot though.’ He mumbled and just then the elevator reached the ground floor.

‘Whatever, just drop me home so I can burrow under my blankets until I reach oblivion.’ Onew grumbled as he walked out behind Key.

‘Cool but I’m picking you up for shopping tomorrow morning, so be ready by 9:30 sharp.’

‘What, no! I never agreed to go shopping with you. You are like a psychopath when it comes to shopping, it’s scary. There’s no way I’m going shopping with you.’ Onew’s eyes widened and he was shaking his head vigorously.

‘Yes you are, and that’s final. Now let’s get your cute home before it freezes along with my y one.’

Linking their arms, Key dragged a fear-stricken Onew to his car.


So hello everyone, after a week I think....

image  image

Well with this fic, i'll only be able to update once a week...but the chapter a really really long to make up for it :)


and as for the people who subscribed .....



I hope I don't end up disappointing you :(

so umm yeah bye??? and Love you for reading this (and hopefully commenting and stuff :D)




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Chapter 2: i like the way you wrote taemin in this fic, and nedry jink is always cute and hot :) ontae so so so freaking cute. onkey's friendship in this is cute and amusing too.
Chapter 2: I love this so much, I didn't want the chapter to end, OnKey as best friends is just so cute, I love how protective Key is of him, it's so sweet; I can't wait for more, really really looking forward to it, update super soon pleeeeease hun. <3 ;-P
Chapter 1: OMO, OnTae are so cute; Jinki doesn't even realise that Taemin likes him, but Key senses something, keke; can't wait for more; OnTae forever. <3
Chapter 2: always find that bff!onkey are cute & sweet...
onew will always be forever partner in crime...
how onew can never say no to key...
how key being protective of onew...
they're taking good care of each other...
aww.. how lovely!!!

thanks for the update..
Chapter 1: update soon please :)
keziayansen #6
Chapter 1: well, I think I could just wait for the next...
So Taemin will lead this relationship, right???
Please let it be, cuz it's so rare to read when Taemin is the dominant one, kekekeke.....
Update soon ^_____________^
Fighting <3