CHAPTER 5: Welcoming the New Student

내가 왜? Why Me?

*School Bell Ring*

The teacher entered the class and gave a small cough to get attention.

“Ahem… Guys! I want you to meet your new classmate. Her name is Kang Ga Yeon. She transfers from Australia so you’d better treat her well, ok?” The teacher announced.

“Anyeonghaseyo, everyone! My name is Kang Ga Yeon. I hope we can get closer soon ^^” You smiled and there were cheers from the guys side but glare from the girls side.

“Ga Yeon-ah Your seat is over there” Said the teacher pointing to the back seat in the second row. You went to your seat with Yurin in the front and Jimin at the back of your seat. They both greeted happily at your presence and you felt kinda relief to have them sitting near you. You didn’t know that you were sitting in between two handsome guys no other than L (on the left) and L.joe (on the right) because you didn’t (care to) recognize them on that day.

You sensed there were eyes looking at you and when you turned to your right side,

L.joe let out his killer smile and greeted you “Annyeong! Welcome to our class!”

“Yeah” You gave a small bow and looked back at the board.

“Have we met before?” Asked L.joe. He’s kinda recognized you.

“Er… I don’t think so” You quietly replied and kept your attention back to the teacher.

It’s now lunch break time and you were about to go out with Yurin and Jimin when the two told you to go first because they had to collect the homework to the teacher. The canteen was huge with chairs and tables on the side with big glass windows. There were a lot of students sitting and having their lunch. Others were chatting while some students are reading books doing their homework.

When you were standing in line waiting for your lunch to be served, you heard loud cheering as TEENTOP was entering the canteen. They were walking to your direction and everyone made way for them to go through.

“Omo! L.joe oppa!”

“He’s so hot!”

“There are so charming”

Girls in the whole canteen were roaming and shouting at the awesomeness of the boys.

You assumed they must be that famous boy club or something that Yurin and Jimin told you this morning.

You ignored them and waited for your plate standing still at your position without

looking back. You then heard someone was coughing for your attention.

You looked back at a cute looking boy with sharp blue hair looking at you motioning you to make way. You turned around and looked at him with the what-are-you-looking-at face and turned back to get your lunch plate and left.

“Hey! Is it that girl who knocked L.joe hyung’s head yesterday?” Ricky recognized your face and asked Niel.

“I think so! Is she a student here, too? Daebak!” Niel replied.

“She’s pretty in our school uniform! Just my type!” Changjo said as he rubbed his chin with a playful smirk.

“Stop it, you freaks! Hurry and go get your plate! I’m hungry!” CAP shouted at the maknaes and smacked their heads. Chunji just laughed and shook his head at the boys “Hey! Where’s L.joe anyway?” Chunji asked the boys and looked for L.joe.

“He left while you were fooling around” CAP said pointing at L.joe who was walking after you.

“Hyung! Wait for meeeeee~~” Ricky waved and ran toward him just like a 3 year-old boy running to his mommy but stopped rite away with L.joe’s scary glare telling him to go away *Don’t you dare follow me*

Ricky sadly turned back to get his plate. (Poor Ricky _ㅠ)

You were looking for an available seat when L.joe popped out of nowhere made you flinched a little.

“Annyeong! Are you looking for a seat? Do you want to sit with us here?”

“Nno thanks. I’ll just sit over there by myself. I don’t want to invade in your members’ space.” You said as you walked to another table nearby leaving L.joe stood in a daze because no girl has ever rejected his offer before. This girl is different.

You placed your lunch on a table and started your lunch. You’re not yet familiar to Korean food and tried hard to swallow it.

“Someone must be new here. If I’m not wrong, she’s the one who knocked your head yesterday, isn’t she? Look, L! She’s taking our seat, too! Hehe… I think she’s cool, man!” Woohyun was talking to L as they were holding their lunch to their table.

It’s her again? L thought to himself as he was looking at you having lunch alone.

“Annyeong! Are you a new student here?” Woohyun asked you placing his lunch on your table.

You just nodded your head as a yes because you were chewing your food.

“Hi, I’m Woohyun and this is L.” Woohyun said and pointed at L.

What’s wrong with that hyung? L gave him an irritated glare and sat down.

“Oh! Nice to meet you. I’m Ga Yeon.” You replied Woohyun while searching for a new seat but to no avail.

Woohyun started his talking session as you and L just tried to finish your lunch as soon as possible. What a nice lunch I’m having. You left out a big sigh and continued your boring lunch.

At the same time, L.joe kept looking at you and the INFINITE having lunch together.

I wonder what they are talking about. They seem to get along well. Not again~


Whew! I could finally finished this long chapter.

Hope you like it, guys!
Stay tuned for the next chapter..... soon!



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Chapter 7: Woaaah <3. Update soon, pleeease ^^
Fluffydar #2
Chapter 7: Hehe Love the story so far please continue~
Chapter 6: Wow! I love your story!
Keep up the good work!
Can't wait to see the competition!
Fluffydar #4
Wow saw your story it looks interesting I've only looked at the foreword excited but I think you should have made L/Myungsoo the God of Maths (LOL) because in you're my Oppa he teaches Maths to Jiae and I like him to tutor me Maths~ (just scratch the last part)
100297 #5
Chapter 4: I love it!! Continue. I wat for more!
Damaris #6
Chapter 2: UPDATE SOON :)
Chapter 1: Great story line :)