Chapter 3: Unbelievable Mission

내가 왜? Why Me?

*Knock Knock*

Mr.Kang: Come in!

You opened the door with an annoying expression on your face

GaYeon:  Appa, Anny--- 

Your dad stormed out of his chair and ran to give you the biggest hug you ever had.

Mr.Kang: My baby! What took you so long! I miss you s----

GaYeon:  Wait!  *you showed a stop sign before he could hug you*  I need to know why you want me here all of sudden. 

Mr.Kang: Oh! It’s umm…. I need you to….. Help… me and your…mom… to

GaYeon:  Ok, I’m going back. Bye! 

You couldn’t stand his stammering anymore!

“Wait, Gayeon-ah! Calm down, baby! Now have a seat and relax. I’ll tell you everything” Your dad stopped you and continued “I just want you to be the president of the girl’s dorm in our school as--“

  “Mwoh!?”   You cut  your dad before he could finish his sentence  “Girl’s dorm? I thought the school is just for BOYs?” 

 *Ah~ No wonder there were those girls squealing and walking around the school earlier~ How come I just noticed that? -_-! * 

Mr.Kang: Just calm down and listen, dear!

Rolling your eyes out of frustration, you sat down on the sofa and tried to listen to your dad’s story of how the school allowed girls to study hoping that would cease away the tension between the boys by building another girls dorm in between the two. However, it started to get worst as the number of female students enrolling into the school kept increasing and everything went out of control that’s why he needs you to take care of this mess and bring peace back to the school.

 “Shireo, Appa! How could I take control of them?”  You protested “And I don’t wanna study here, either! I miss my friends in Australia! Why need me, anyway?” 

Mr.Kang tried to convince you “Baby! There is only you that I trust the most! With my girl’s excellent intelligence and charismatic leadership record, you’ll be able to turn around the table by straightening the female students up back to their senses and raising up our school’s reputation! And more importantly, I need you here with us. We don’t want to be apart from you anymore! So please, baby! I need your help! Please….? *puppy eyes*

*Sigh~* “Arraseo~” You couldn’t help but gave in “but under one condition!”

“Anything you want, my baby!” Your dad replied with a big grin on his face.

“I will live in the dorm by myself and you can’t let anyone in this school knows that I’m your DAUGHTER. I don’t want people to judge me by my family status”

Your dad was shocked to hear that “Moh!? But we---“

“No buts, appa! It’s for your own good, rite? And I need independence.”

“Well, I guess I couldn’t take my words back, rite?” Your dad sighed “Then I’ll find a room for you and tell the driver to drop your luggage back here. Are you sure you’re ok? Living here without us?” Your dad assured.

“Come on, Appa! I’ve been living without your guys for like 13 long years abroad! I’m not that young to be taken care of. I’ll go visit you and mom every weekends.”

“Yaksok (Promise)?” Your dad lifted up his pinky finger “Neh~ Yaksooooooook~” You couldn’t believe your dad would still act like this to you.


“This is gonna be the longest year ever!” You said while looking at the room’s ceiling as you laid down on your small bed in the dorm and drifted away to dream land after a long day.

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Chapter 7: Woaaah <3. Update soon, pleeease ^^
Fluffydar #2
Chapter 7: Hehe Love the story so far please continue~
Chapter 6: Wow! I love your story!
Keep up the good work!
Can't wait to see the competition!
Fluffydar #4
Wow saw your story it looks interesting I've only looked at the foreword excited but I think you should have made L/Myungsoo the God of Maths (LOL) because in you're my Oppa he teaches Maths to Jiae and I like him to tutor me Maths~ (just scratch the last part)
100297 #5
Chapter 4: I love it!! Continue. I wat for more!
Damaris #6
Chapter 2: UPDATE SOON :)
Chapter 1: Great story line :)