You can't leave me...

The Red Tulip


2 weeks later

I have been receiving lot of mails from Shawols lately. Every mail contains offending indignations from them. Of course, it hurts. But like what Taemin told me, I just ignore all of them. There's just one email I can't though, it's from their manager.


To: Ms. Shin Yun Hee

From: Mr. Kim Yoon Go

            Please, stop being a backbreaking burden to him, give the bounce. Thank you very much.


(A/N Give the bounce means to terminate a relationship abruptly/quickly and without warning.)

I hit reply.


To: Mr. Kim Yoon Go

From: Ms. Shin Yun Hee

            I'm sorry for the long wait. I will.



I press send. Backbreaking burden? Uninvited tears roll down my face. I can't stop myself from crying


It was a quarter to mid-night already and I stayed up nearly all night trying to decipher my thoughts and feelings before I came up with a conclusion and an agreement to myself. Even though it was going to break my heart, it was for the best.


To: Lee Taemin [SHINee]

From: Yun Hee :)

Taemin-ah, meet me at the Han River tomorrow, 7 pm. See you there. Xx


You've got to do this Yun Hee. It's now or never. I told myself.




The next day.


Taemin was there already when I arrived. He is sitting on the bench holding a bouquet of flowers. I was on the verge of crying. Clueless Taemin, he even bought flowers for me, not knowing that I'm going to break up with him… Taemin's eyes were wandering, and finally he spotted me.


"Oh, Yun Hee-ah." He stood up and gave me a tight hug, "Here, it's for you." He was smiling as he handed me the bouquet of flowers. I grabbed it and carefully placed it on the bench. He was rather shocked.

"Is there a problem?" he asked.


"T-Taemin I…I..." was all I managed to say for I was stuttering. Oh no. I can't do this! But I have to.



"I want to break up with you."

Taemin's eyes widened in disbelief. "WHAT?"

"Let's break up."

He held my hands tightly, "Why? No, I cannot agree with that." He said vigorously while he shaking his head in disagreement.

"You can't leave me."

 True, I can't. but I have to-


"Please, don't make this harder for me Taemin. I want to break up with you!" I yelled. I pulled my hands from his hold. I can see Taemin's face clearly, he's crying.


"Why are you breaking up with me? Did I cause you trouble? Did I do something bad to you? Is there something you don't like about me? I can change that! Just tell me, I will…" He demanded.


"Can't you see? We're worlds apart Taemin. You don't deserve someone like me. I'm a nobody. Find someone in your level who can stand beside you, always-" He cut me off.


"That's not true! You're the only girl for me Yun Hee! Having you is enough, please, don't do this!" Taemin is already in his knees, crying. And all I can do is watch him. Watch him as I say my final words.


"I love you Taemin, I really do. But I can't live being a burden to you. I will pray for your happiness. Have a good life. Goodbye."



Tears roll down my face as I walked away. I'm sorry Taemin, but I have to do this for the both of us.

So please, be strong enough to let go... Goodbye, My love.

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Guys. Please take time to read my new fic entitled: "When love gets complicated" A Chaptered fic about, You-DBSK(Lead: Jaejoong), Super Junior (Lead:Kyuhyu


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Chapter 3: Soooo cute!!!! That was awesome!! I was sad for Kai but so happy for Taemin :3 yeaaa go Taemin!! You tell that manager to shove it >:D
kimtae101 #2
Chapter 3: Aww! Love this :') when she broke up with Taemin, omg.... Everything written in that chapter, the descriptions..they just made my heart ache. Oh gosh , love this story you're a great writer ^_^
ChoNanami #3
Chapter 3: Chapter two made me feel so sad, and I cried so much! Yet chapter three was so exciting! I hoped for her to say no to Kai, (even though I love Kai) but I wanted her to be with Taemin and I'm so happy they are back together~ After all Taemin is my bias~ You did great!
Chapter 3: Wow. . . So wonderful
ChoNanami #5
Chapter 1: This is just like one of the most interesting forwords I have ever read, and then your first chapter is written so good! It was short, but hell it was great. I can't wait for more!