Mutt In Love


Jenny has always lived in Korea. Even though she has spanish blood her dad was Korean so her parents moved there. Jenny was thirteen when her father dragically died in a car accident, her mother did not want to leave Korea bacause Jenny had grown up there. Jenny does not fit the Korean beauty standards and for that she is bullied at school she only has one true friend, Kyung Mi. When a group of six boys transfers to her school she finds her self always looking for them but never crowding them like all the other girls, including Kyung Mi. But with Jenny's mom thinking about going back to her home country will Jenny have enough time to talk to one of the boys? 



Relationship status: single
Age: 16 (Korean age) acts as if she were 19 though
Personality: Very responsible, Studious not nerdy, Funny with friends, awkward around new people, defensive easily, Hates to be interrupted, just wants to find true love, proud to be Spanish and Korean, Stands up for biracialism, kind, can get mean when mad, has no problem fighting (physically and verbally)
Likes: Laughing, roller coasters even though she is afraid, cheesy love stories, true friends, Taeyang!
Dislikes: Fakeness, people who of their self, being made fun of, when the people she loves get hurt, her awkwardness, being pushed around.



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Name: Kyung Mi (Missy)
Relationship status: Just broke up
Age: 16 (Korean age) acts 16
Personality: very aegyo, smart but not top of the class, always laughing/smiling, strong, independent, 
Likes: hanging out with Jenny, cute stuffed animals, cheesy love stories, jewelry, fixing her hair, Siwon!
​Dislikes: Fake people, Seeing her friend get hurt, being pushed around, people thinking she is weak and can't defend herself.


I will add more characters and their bios later on! Hope you keep reading! Please leave comments!

I know that everything I write will not match up with the real life characters. Hope you can see past it.

Thanks to ann1914 For the awesome poster art! Beautiful work! 


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