
Mutt In Love

Bella, Minney and Hana were the last three to walked into class. Bella took the seat closest to L.Joe with Hana next to her and Minney to the right of Hana. 

"Ok class today we will start with a lesson in English." Mr.ryu said starting off the class. "I would like you all to spend 10 minutes talking to the person next to you in pure English. I know you have not practiced all summer so please ask if you need any help with words. Ok Ready set go." He said ending in English.

Jenny instinctively turned and faced Missy who was also facing her. Both girls were above average in English so they just jumped into conversation.
"So you think someone in Teen Top is cute?" Jenny said loud enough for L.Joe to hear.
"Hey! why would you say that." Missy whispered back, she did not want L.Joe to know about her crush.
"I am only speaking the truth." Jenny said knowing L.Joe was listening.
Missy knew what she was doing and decided to turn the tables in her favor. 
"Didn't you say Niel was cute this morning?" Missy said making sure L.Joe heard. L.Joe's heart dropped when he heard this. 
"What? I never. Uh" Jenny turned away from Missy. Missy knew full well that Jenny would never date a class B student but only Missy knew that.
"you must continue talking" Mr.Ryu said as he passed by.
"You think your funny? How could you joke about someone in class B?" Jenny defended herself. 
"Because i know who you really like." Missy lied.
"how? I haven't even told you that I like..." Jenny was cut of by Mr.Ryu 

"Ok class good job. I'm proud to learn how well your English is." Mr.Ryu said continuing the English lesson. Missy had wanted to pass a note to Jenny but she knew she would never read it during the lesson that she was busy taking notes on. 

Missy may not have passed Jenny a note but L.Joe did or at least he tried. "Jenny read this" He whispered as her passed it to her. Jenny didn't pay attention to it it just sat on her desk. L.Joe nervously looked at it as he waited for jenny to open it and respond to it. L.Joe continued to wait. all the lesson he barely took any notes or even paid attention to what the teacher was saying. 

"Ok you will have a ten minute break please do not get to loud. thank you your next teacher will be in a minute." Mr.Ryu said walking out the door. When Jenny looked up from her notes she saw a note on her desk. 'Who gave this to me?' Jenny wondered but she did not want to ask Missy. 

Jenny opened the note. Who do you like? -L.Joe at first Jenny smile. then she thought about how L.Joe was listening to their conversation. 

"L.Joe can I talk to you?" Jenny asked as she walked away from the crowd of girls around him and he followed leaving the girls behind to pout.
"What do you know?" Jenny was the first to talk.
"Not too much. Just that you like a Teen Top member. So who? Niel? Changjo? CAP? Ricky? Me? or wait is it Chunji?" L.Joe said pretending not to know who it really was.
"None! I don't like any of you like that. What is Teen Top?" Jenny said getting a little aggravated. 
"Us. We are Teen Top. Remember you walked with us this morning?" L.Joe said proud he could teach her something.
"Oh? Teen Top? hhmmm." Jenny said walking back to Missy as she started to get ready for her next class, Math. Math was one of her favorites because it actually challenged her to think about what was happening to the problem in front of her.  She was able to know the absolute outcome in a matter of seconds or minutes but eventually it appeared in front of her. She liked being able to know that there was only one possible answer unlike in life when things happen when they are not supposed to. 

Today was her first real math lesson. One of the saddest lessons to her. Her father and her always talked about math together especially the first lesson. 
"Welcome class. For the first week we will be doing review so it shouldn't be too hard now should it." Mrs.Kang said. Jenny looked down at her new open notebook, brand new, fresh, clean, a new start she thought. 

The lesson flew by for Jenny but dragged on for Missy. She wanted to go home and sleep. Math was the only class Missy did not put all her focus in because she hated it. opposite Jenny, Missy hated knowing there was only one possible outcome to life. Missy loved having options to where she wanted to go or what she wanted to do. 

When all the lessons finished Jenny and Missy walked out of the class together having made-up. They never could stay mad at each other no matter what. Jenny walked out and saw a faced she liked to see.

"Jenny" Niel said. 
"Niel, where are you going now?" Jenny asked hopping to keep her promise about staying with him and the rest of Teen Top.
"A new cafe I want to try. Maybe you have heard of it? It's called 'Colombiana Cafe'. I've heard its great!" Niel said as a smile spread across Jenny's face. 'He had listened to me' She thought. 

"Ok I would love to. Can Missy come too?" Jenny asked but Missy quickly nudged her. 
"I have gymnastics today remember? I'm sorry I won't be able to go today." Missy said starting to walk to her locker and leave. Missy had wanted to spend some extra time with L.Joe because they didn't talk during their classes too much.

"Let's go." Niel said walking Jenny to her locker than leaving for his own. Jenny quickly grabbed her supplies and tonights homework. She went to Niel's locker with a small smile on her face. No boy had ever been so nice to her. Normally they just called her an ugly tan mutt that should go back to Mexico know that she was really Puerto Rican. (Author's note: I am NOT saying Koreans are racist that is just how I wrote it please don't say that they are or are not. this is just the character's in the story

"Ready?" Jenny asked Niel after she fought her way through the crowd of girls around his locker.
"Yea let's go we Just have to wait for the rest of Teen Top." Niel said. Their it was again Teen Top. What is Teen Top really? Thought Jenny

After all six boys and Jenny met up they walked to the cafe with Jenny leading with Niel at one side of her and L.Joe on the other side. 

"Ta-da!" Jenny said as the entered the cute cafe. "Aunty, i have brought some more customers!" Jenny said to the cafe owner, one of her good friends. 

"Here sit over here." the waitress said pointing them to one of the largest available booths. 
"I will have what I normally have. And they will order in a second bring mine first please?" Jenny said not expecting to stay much longer. 

"Ok" the waitress and Jenny often spoke Spanish together along with Jenny's mother who was close friends with her. 
"Ana? Can I have a a small cake?" Jenny asked using her first name. 

Jenny and the boys talked about their parents and school life. When It was Jenny turn to speak about her father she personally wanted to cry out but she held it in and pretended it was something in the past that she had moved past in her life although she hadn't. 

Soon enough Jenny's phone went off. She looked at the caller ID and did not want to answer fearing what the caller would say. But she had to otherwise she would be dead. 

"Hello?" Jenny said in Korean. 
The voice that responded was loud enough for everyone around the table to hear but still Jenny held it up to her ear. 
"Where are you? Come home now!" It had ended. The yelling, the screaming, the crying it had all ended with a click.  

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