
Mutt In Love

Missy's heart fell, right after Jenny explained to her the subway ride. She didn't know if what she felt was jealousy, but she didn't like it.  "Oh, we have to go now" Missy said wanting leave quickly and get to school. 

Jenny looked at her watch, they still had a minute but she also wanted to get to school quickly. They walked at a slightly faster pace than usual but neither noticed each other. They walked in from the chilling autumn air and went towards their lockers. They talked as usual about last nights homework, and their favorite subject kpop. Although most of the other students thought they had no lives and only knew about school, the girls were always on top of kpop. 

"When is he going to release it?!?!?!?!" Jenny complained about her biggest bias Taeyang. 
"How am I supposed to know?" Missy retorted jokingly.
"Well. I don't know he said it would come out last month. Missy I'm dyeing. I want my baby" Jenny whined and pouted just as all of Teen Top came behind them.

Shocked Niel spoke out "You have a baby?!?!" he practically yelled. Everyone in the hall looked over, then seeing they were talking about Jenny turned back uninterested. 

"Of course not! How could you think about me like that?" Jenny hit his arm. She was not an aegyo type of girl and was definitely not afraid to fight. Niel looked down. 

"Well then don't talk about having babies" Niel said after looking back up.
"Taeyang! Taeyang is my baby." Jenny said in a raised tone so that a few heads looked over, but once again they did not care about her and turned back.  

"Taeyang? Like from Big Bang? You know him?" L.Joe spoke up assuming.

Jenny felt her cheeks burn but due to her tan skin no one could notice "No, he is just my all time bias" She answered shyly unlike when she responded to Niel. Missy noticed Jenny's change in attitude and realized Jenny had feeling's for him. 

'Why fight for him? She'll win in the end' Missy thought. Suddenly a missy felt a tap on her shoulder she looked back and saw Changjo smiling awkwardly. She smiled back. Chunji came up behind Changjo a poked his back. Changjo fell forward into Missy's arms. 

"Uh, sorry" Changjo said as he regained his balance. 

"Oh, no problem" Missy responded before turning back to her locker and grabbing her books. 

"um, Would you mind if I walk you to your class?" Changjo asked. 

"Your choice" Missy answered bluntly, she started to walk away leaving Jenny behind but Jenny didn't seem to notice while she was talking to L.Joe and Niel. 

Changjo caught up to her and Chunji chased him. "I want to come too" He said behind Missy. Missy didn't stop, she wasn't in the mood to stop. Jenny always got the better end of the stick. Having big eyes? Learning two languages? Having a great mother? She had it all! Missy thought as she walked to class.

"Is anything wrong?" Changjo asked sensing an upset vibe coming from Missy. Missy looked over at him, he looked at her sympathetically. She looked at him and tears glazed over her eyes, she had always been sensitive but never this bad. Changjo grabbed her wrist and started to walk towards the stairs. 

"Changjo if we go up any more we will be on the roof" Missy said trying to free her wrist, but his grip was too tight. 

"The roof is where you need to be right now" he said reassuringly. He opened the metal door to the roof and a sudden breeze hit them. They stood there for a second embracing the sun and the breeze, looking over the area on the roof. The stood there in the doorway, together with Changjo still holding on to her wrist. "Isn't it perfect?" 

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