The End

She's Into , So Call Me Gay


Taemin’s POV

To be honest, I’ve never really put much thought into how I was going to die. And if we’re being completely honest, a small part of me secretly hoped I would go out in glory. With lots of pretty girls involved.

Not to say that Eun Ha wasn’t pretty. Plus she did seem to have the anger of twenty scorned women fueling her right now…

Taking a deep breath, I shot her the best innocent smile I could muster under the circumstances.

“So what did you wanna talk about?” Please, please don’t let it be about Jonghyun.

“I think you know exactly what this is about,” Eun Ha grinned evilly. It might have been my imagination, but I’m pretty sure I just saw flames erupt behind her.

“I know you tricked me. Onew spilled everything.” REALLY ONEW, REALLY?!

“So you’re going to help me get revenge,” she smiled, reaching a hand out towards me.

“Eun Ha I-I’m so−wait what?!”


Hyo Min’s POV

I stared at the suitcase before me. My chest had been hurting all day and unfortunately, I wasn’t naïve enough to think that I was sick or something.

The reality:

  1. I liked Minho.
  2. I wasn’t allowed to like him.

With a sigh, I crumpled the boarding ticket I had been holding in my hand. Plans had changed. Instead of having a couple of weeks, our flight was leaving in two days.

As if on cue, I heard a knock on my door.

“Come in,” I stood up and faced the doorway. My mother poked her head in with a gentle smile on her face.

“You almost done packing?” I closed my suitcase and gave her a bright smile.

“Yea, I think I’ll just buy everything when we arrive in New York.” After all, what does it matter if more things are left behind?

My mom stepped in and sat down on my bed. She patted the spot beside her so I moved to sit down.

“You’ll love it there, you know. It’s a great opportunity and you’ve always wanted to travel!” she reassured me. The discomfort must have been evident in my face.

I bit my lip, knowing she was right. I’d always dreamed of going to New York. I worked hard and was finally accepted to a business program there. I wanted to leave my life behind and start over.

But at the time, I had nothing to leave behind. But was staying here for a boy worth it? I barely know Minho…

At that moment, my phone began buzzing. My mom got up to leave just as I answered.

“Hyo Min?”



Onew’s POV

“So let me get this straight,” I took a deep breath and looked around. We were currently sitting inside a diner and I was very patiently waiting for my chicken tenders. I felt like I was in some top secret meeting with all the evil bosses in the world…

“Eun Ha was NOT that drunk at Taemin’s party so she heard what Taemin said about Jonghyun not being gay. Being the AMAZING and HELPFUL cousin I am, I explained the whole situation to her.” I glanced at Eun Ha, who rolled her eyes.

“Traitor,” Key stuck his tongue out at me, “But it was bound to come out sooner or later.”

“Yea, I don’t know how you guys thought you could keep that secret under wraps,” Hyo Min scoffed and took a sip out of her strawberry milkshake.

“Minho blurted out the secret when I slept over at his house,” she added when we all turned to stare at her.

“W-what?! I did that?” Minho’s eyes widened and his ears turned red. Taemin snickered and nudged him in the stomach.

Hyo Min and Minho??? MinMin…HyoHo…when did that happen?!


“And now you guys want to trick Jonghyun into confessing his love for Eun Ha? And you want to do it in the most embarrassing way possible as revenge?” I continued.

Eun Ha and Taemin nodded in sync.

“If you guys need my help with this, we better do it soon,” Hyo Min piped in, “because I’m moving to New York in two days.”

Out of nowhere, I felt bubbly water hit me right in the face. Minho, who had been drinking a Sprite, stared at Hyo Min.

Ah, star crossed lovers. If it’s not a love triangle, someone’s moving out of the country.

“We’ll talk about it later,” she hissed before turning to the rest of us, “So what’s the plan?”

Unconsciously, I turned to Taemin. Everyone had turned to stare at him too.

He leaned back in his seat and flashed us all a smirk.

“You’re so lucky you have me.”


Minho’s POV

“You’re going to New York?” I grabbed Hyo Min’s elbow before she could cross the street. Everyone else had already left.

“Yes, permanently,” she avoided my gaze, “Getting Jonghyun to go out with me, hanging out with everyone…I just wanted normal and happy memories before I left.”

“Leaving everyone, is that what you want?” I forced her to turn around. For some reason, I expected her to be crying. But after all, this was Hyo Min…

Her forehead was scrunched up as she yanked her arm out of my grip. Her eyes were dry as she looked me right in the eye.

“First of all, I’m not going to base my decision of everyone. I have my own life to live and New York is full of the opportunities I want. Second of all, it’s not forever…so if you’ll wait for me…”

I didn’t let her finish.

Instead, I pulled her in for a hug.

“I’m not going to wait for you.”


Key’s POV

I smacked the side of my head. Stupid Key. After calling Taemin a traitor, was I really doing this?!

But what they had planned for Jonghyun…it was a little crazy. Even by my standards! Let’s just say it involved a secret-lesbian- love between Eun Ha and Hyo Min, pink feathers, and a lot of chicken stolen from Onew’s workplace.

So, I texted him. After all, he was my first boyfriend. LOL.

And my best friend. And this had gone on long enough. It feels like five years have passed since this whole sham started!

Jonghyun loved Eun Ha and she so obviously loved him, despite wanting to mess with him a little. It was time for me to step down. Maybe in another lifetime, I will find my own princess…

Okay, stop being dramatic Key!

I texted him our own plan and we agreed to meet where it all started.

The classroom.


Eun Ha’s POV

“Ah, French class,” a voice came from my left, “It’s where we first met remember?”

My eyes fluttered up and I forced myself to not turn red. Jonghyun face was close. Really close.

“I-I do,” I stuttered before looking away.

“Do you remember when you said you only like gay guys?” he pressed. I could feel him getting closer.

Right…I did say that.

“Is that still true?”


Key’s POV

I stared at Jonghyun, who was slowly inching closer and closer to Eun Ha. To put it simply, our plan was to have him confess to her before their whole scheme went down.

I want him to be happy. I really do. But why does my chest hurt so bad?!

“My chest hurts, Minho,” I rested my head on his shoulder.

“You’ll find someone else,” he reassured me. Did everyone know but Eun Ha?! “And you’ll still have Taemin and Onew to comfort you when you’re sad.”

“So you’re really leaving?” I gave him a frown, “What happened to hating the snow and not wanting to follow your parents footsteps?”

His family had been trying to convince him to study abroad for years.

“It’s not forever,” Minho smiled, “and you guys can visit every break!”

“Yea, but you HATE the cold. You hate snowflakes and snowmen. When we were kids you used to skip school and stay in bed with your blanket when the temperature dropped. What made you change your mind?” I gave him a knowing smirk.

“I saw Frozen,” he winked.


Minho’s POV

Key rolled his eyes and went back to his heartbreak.

To be fair, I did hate the cold and I was always so opposed to studying abroad. But could I say something cheesy? Like: Seoul would be a much colder place without her warm smile?

I could picture Hyo Min’s face cringe in disgust at that line already.

She’d scoffed and turned away when I told her I wouldn’t wait for her.

“I don’t care anyways,” she yelled back at me, “I’ll find some New Yorker and forget all about you.”

I could never forget you.

“He’ll be mature and drive a nice car!”

Guys with motorcycles are much better.

“So goodbye forever!”

I wonder what kind of face she’ll make when I meet her in the snow…


Onew’s POV

“How do you say chicken in French?” I nudged Taemin and tried not to glance at Jonghyun. He was acting super suspicious today and I’m pretty sure I saw him pull a gift out of his locker earlier..

“Seriously?” Taemin shot me a surprised look, “We’ve been in this class the whole year and you still don’t remember????”

I hung my head in shame. I guess I won’t be able to woo girls with the language of love…

Hopefully in another life I’ll be born as a rich and confident playboy!


Taemin’s POV

Something definitely was not right. Key was watching Jonghyun from across the room and Jonghyun was holding a small box behind his back.

Minho always said I wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box, but I know betrayal when I smell it!!!

With speed I didn’t know I possessed (seriously, I should join the Olympics), I hurled myself at Key just as Minho sidestepped out of the way.

“You told him!” I hissed venomously, grabbing him by the shoulder, “You will pay for this.”

Key shot me a smile as he tried to pry my hand off. “It’s over Taemin. It’s time to end this.”

“For as long as I live, I will hunt you down. I will get my vengeance,” I said darkly before swishing away to my hideout AKA my desk.

“I will be waiting,” Key called out with a laugh.


Jonghyun’s POV

“Is that still true?” I watched Eun Ha’s ears redden. Now that I knew how affected she was by me, talking to her was so much easier.

In the end, Key really did help me out.

“I-It was,” Eun Ha mumbled, still avoiding my gaze. I could see her trying to make up an excuse.

“I believed it, you know,” I said casually as I gently grabbed her chin with my hand. Slowly, I turned her face towards me. “So I told a lie.”

“His lie in April!” Taemin shrieked from the background.

“I lied and said I loved Key,” I whispered, “So I could be with you.”

In a flash Eun Ha stood up.

“Yea, I can’t believe you did that,” she pointed her finger at my chest, “You know, I wanted to get revenge!”

“I know, I’m sorry,” I shook her by the shoulders, “ You don’t know how many times I hit myself over the head for telling that lie.”

“You let me live with you!” she gasped.

“OOOOOH! OH NO YOU DIDN’T” Ugh Taemin again.

“Because I wanted to get to know you better!” I said desperately.

She opened to continue but before she could, I leaned in and kissed her.

When I finally pulled away, her face was bright red.

“Do you love me?” I asked her seriously.

After what felt like an eternity, she nodded. With a huge smile, I grabbed her left hand and pulled the gift I wanted to give her out of the box.

It was a small, silver ring. Carefully, I spilled it on her pinky finger.

“What’s this?” she blushed.

“A promise,” and with that I kissed her again.

And a reservation. Because in a couple of years, I will put another ring, on another finger.

“No more lies,” I said seriously.

“Fine, I’ll let you off this time,” she pouted. Agh she was so cute.

“So…what did I hear about you in pink feathers?”


Hey guys…so yea it has been many years haha. Honestly this story has been in the back of my mind and I decided it was time to finish it so I definitely rushed. But I wanted to give my readers some closure even if the chapter itself wasn’t great. They got their happy ending and Minho is going with Hyo Min to New York! Also I ended with Jonghyun since this is his story ;)

Also I made some references to my COMPLETED story, “Once Upon a Fairytale.” And obviously I do not own Frozen or the anime “Your lie in April” or any other things in pop culture that I referenced.

As a side note, I always pictured Jonghyun’s confession to be in the classroom where Eun Ha first said she liked gay guys. If you’ve watched the anime “Your lie in April” (highly recommend) there are some similarities (not gonna spoil the anime) but it was unintentional since I’ve had the idea in my head for awhile.

So I hope this chapter gave anyone still reading this story some closure and again I apologize for the EXTREMELY rushed ending.

Some updates you might find interesting:

  1. I was 16 when I first wrote this and I am now 22. Time really does fly.
  2. I haven’t written in four years and I forgot how much I loved it. I’m not sure if I’ll continue my other stories, but I would love to write more stories as my hobby now that I’ve graduated from college (in Cali! Lol west coast)

Thank you again to all the readers and while I doubt many of you will read this last chapter, I hope you at least find some satisfaction in the happy ending.

Please don’t be too disappointed that it was rushed and wasn’t very good :’( to be honest my writing style has changed so much and I couldn’t even remember all the plans high school me had for this story.

So if you hate the ending, please put it out of your mind and create your own imaginary ending that you think would fit. OR even write another ending and send me a link! I would love to read how you guys wanted this to end.

Again, thanks and much love to you all! It was a long and great five years.


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Chapter 7: He could just say he’s biual problem solved... she will never know he wasn’t lying
Chapter 4: Omg this is so funny
Chapter 18: Loving this. <3 That explain why the few last chapters feel so different. I see improvement there. Like, the way you write the paragraphs, they are much more smoother to read.

This story is so fun to read. The title interested me in the first place. Your idea is unique.

I'm liking most of the characters, except for Hyo Min. Not hating, but I just disliking her a bit. Good thing she is better toward the end, and I'm rooting for her and Min Ho. Though, their relationship development is kind of rushed. I have no complain though. Taemin is really cute.

Overall, this is a good story. You did a good job. :)
Chapter 3: This is so funny and cute! :) Key is getting his revenge on Jonghyun for dragging him into his mess ;)
shinjuike #5
ughh this sounds interesting but jongkey isnt end game :/
Hello I made a poster for your fanfic. I lope you like it.
Chapter 4: SO. MUCH. JONGKEY FEEEEEEELS XD I know this isn't a JongKey fic but... kinda seeing those three in a love triangle rn XD
Chapter 20: thank you for finishing the story authornim. Even though the ending was a bit rushed, I thoroughly enjoyed it from the start to finish. Made me so happy and so sad :'). Looking forward to reading your other and future stories. Ganbatte Kudasai!!
walyat-el3hd #9
Chapter 20: I- I want to say this made me happy and sad at the same time..
we're in the same age and this story brought back really nice memories ㅠㅠ<3
I'm really glad you finished it, it's been a long time~~~~~ and the "high school me" really liked this fanfic so I will read it again ;-;<3
Gigi_L #10
Chapter 20: wow it has been so long. Aika thanks for finishing this! Wish you the best of luck in the future :)