I Set You Free

3 Yewon Drabbles

Title: I Set You Free
Pairing: Yewon
Genre: Angst, Hurt
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Yesung-Siwon belong to each other ^^
Warning: Unbetaed. Beware for Grammatical and Spelling mistakes.
Summary: I don't wanna be a jerk, that's why i set you free
Words count: 713


Siwon yawns, stretches his head to the side then walking toward the kitchen. Brew the coffee then pour it into his white cup. He's heading to the couch, reaching for the remote control, then switches on the TV, a morning news channel. A good thing to start the day.

He sips his morning coffee whilst hearing the anchor woman on TV speaks about a suicide case.

".... Kim Ryeowook, a friend of the victim found him lifeless at about 7am." Siwon immediately stops sipping when hearing the name of Ryeowook being called.

".... The suicide victim is Kim Jongwoon. 28 years old. The cause of the death is due to lack off the oxygen supplies to the lungs. Kim Jongwoon was hanging himself by the rope in his bedroom..."

Before the anchor woman finishes her words, subconsciously Siwon loose his grip to the cup he held before, it freely fell down and made a contact with a solid ceramic floor, then broke into pieces. Siwon mumbling 'No.. no.. no' repeatedly while shaking his head in disbelief.


"You wanna go now?" He asked watching his lover is already at the edge of the bed now. Siwon put on his shirt, buttoned it up.

He sighed when feeling a pair of arms circling his torso.

“It’s wrong. Since the beginning it’s wrong.” Siwon palmed his face, the massaged his temple.

“What’s matter?” Yesung whispered into Siwon’s ear, still back hugging his lover.

“I started thinking about this.” He released the hug. Stood up to watch the latter stared at him with a confused look.

Watching his lover kinda stress out, Yesung was suspicious. A brief seconds later he thought about it, damn. Then he's shaking his head, "No. Don't say anything."

Siwon sighed, "Let it be over. Let's break up!" flatly he said.

Yesung let out an awkward dramatically laughter, "You were the one who started this."

"So let me finish it." Siwon forced.

" off!! You're crazy heartless bastard!" the smaller screamed, threw the pillows in the bed to Siwon's direction and… anywhere. One of them exactly hit Siwon's face.

Siwon closed his eyes for a moment. "I can't take this anymore." He smiled. A bitter one. "I have a family. I have a life that i should live in."

"What about me, hmm? Am i not a part of your life? Am i priceless? Just a thing that you could throw away after you get bored? A toy for you to play? A meaningless one?" Yesung was already standing in front of the taller man, slightly leaned his face in an angrily way, only a few inches away from Siwon's face. He pointed and pushed the younger chest with a point finger.

Siwon reached Yesung's wrist. "I don't wanna be a jerk. My wife and son need me."

Yesung cried. "Don't wanna be a jerk? Bastard. You said you need me. You said you love me more than anything. You promised me heaven. Don't you remember that?!!" Now he yelled at the taller.

"I have a life, Yesung. I have a life. And you better live your own life also." He whispered before took a steps toward the door.

"Step out of the door then you'll never see me anymore!" Yesung threaten.

Siwon heard that, but he pretended to ignore it. He's taken the steps back to go outside. Deafening his ears when hearing Yesung cried, "I'd die, Choi Siwon. I'd die!!"

Siwon just walked out. Closed his eyes then opened them again only to feel a liquid freely rolling on his cheeks.


Siwon's kneeling on the muddy ground of a cemetery. He holds a bouquet of white Lily -Yesung's favorit one- in his left hand, his right hand touches the grave stone.

'Why you had to do this?' he whispered whilst feeling his cheeks getting wet cause of the tears. 'I don't wanna hurt you and her further, that's why i set you free.'

'I set you free, so you can find the better one. I set you free, so you can find your happiness. I set you free, so you can live your own life. So you can live your own life, Yesung! Live your own life."

Siwon cried harder for those words. Guilty and hurt and…. lost.

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412 streak #1
Chapter 3: damn... it hurts T_______T
412 streak #2
Chapter 2: you need to be strong dear Siwon! You need to take care of your lover! >__<
412 streak #3
Chapter 1: oh my gosh, it's so cuteeeee >____<
Goemas12 #4
Chapter 3: wow i love all them the last one was sad poor yesung :(
Chapter 3: I love it! please keep make a drabble~~
KcuLL22 #6
Chapter 3: Unnie! I rarely loves drabble but these are woww!
I love it especially the last :')
poor yesung hiks
yuyumunaw #7
Chapter 3: my favorite is the 3rd drabble muehehehe stupid siwon is stupid. he should explain to yesung why, not just dump him like that. enjoy the regret and guilt for the rest of ur life Siwon!! #smirk. omg i sounds so creepy -_-

1st and 2nd drabble so cute unnieee aw Beckham and Kkoming will make bunch of beautiful puppies together ><
and um siwon u can take me to ur mansion. i'll willingly give my blood to yeye o.o

kkk great job unnie! :D
faysky #8
Chapter 3: love P1 and P2!cute :3 hate P3 huhuhu *wipe tears*
ysismine #9
Chapter 3: 1st chap beyond cuuute ><
2nd chap well , now i know how much siwon love yesung xD kyaha
and the 3rd , omg >< soooooo stupid wonnie /slap/ good fic author ssi ^^
eh anyway when would you update the aphroditw choice >< i'm waiting ~~~