Episode 8

My other half....


“but his hands were soft and strong..I got a feeling that he is handsome!” yoseob frown his eyebrows.
“A hand does not define a face..You don’t trust me?” juhyung and his fake act.
“Hm. I trust you of course but..”
“You like him?” and yoseob rest his back on the seat, mouth open and closed wanting to say something but does he like the guy that was called Doojoon? Well, he doesn’t mind if Doojoon gonna be ugly but he just hope that the guy was presentable. When was the last time he had feeling like this? Ages…

“I don’t know..”
“Looks like it..aww my baby brother having a love at first touch?”
“Shut up Junhyung!”  and junhyung laughed at the cute action of his brother.

Hyunseung walk passed him while carrying daehwan.
“Appa! Isn’t that uncle!?” the small boy pointed at the 26 years old man. Junhyung turned and waved at the little boy. Hyunseung look at him but seems like the man take it as if he doesn’t exist.

Yoseob now finally knew that earlier on he wasn’t daydreaming at all. He could sense that junhyung does not want to do anything with that guy. Junhyung saw hyunseung sad expression as he left the shop. He felt guilty,

“Junnie..” yoseob break the awkward silence,
“You wanna tell me why are you ignoring him?” the 24 years old man then took a sip of his plain water,
“I just think that this is the best way. He got a family..I don’t want to be a family breaker..”
“But..he is your first love and you are his first love..I just wish that you guys can be together again..”
“It’s been 5 years yoseobie. Just forget it.”


Yoseob felt the journey back home was a silent one. One was thinking about his love at first touch and another was just thinking about his first love.


Hyunseung swiftly move to the side, ear was plugged by the earpiece and loud music coming out, It was surprising that he is still not deaf by the loud music. Bobbing his head up and down, beanie covering his head to prevent the hair from touching his sweats, he grooved and danced along. He always loved dancing. It was only his hobby that he enjoyed. After hours of practicing his danced steps, he took out his earpiece and lay down flat on the floor making a snow-angel pose. Few minutes after laying flat on the ground, he sit up and grabbed his bags, closing the lights of the high school studio, he locked the doors. Busy looking at his phone,

“Ahh..my ..” Caught off guards he banged into someone.
“I’m so sorry..I didn’t see you..” said hyunseung waking up from the fall to help the guy that he just banged into.
“It’s okay..I didn’t see you too..” junhyung grabbed his papers when a hand was offered. He look at the man, his mouth was wide open. The man that was infront of him, was the beautiful man he had ever seen in his entire live. The big doe eyes, people would mistake him for a woman. Hyunseung too look at the man he offered to help. Plump lips, auburn brown hair with bangs that covered his forehead, damn this man got swagged

“Beautiful..” both of them say together almost at the same time. And both of their eyes were wide opened,
“Did we just say that out loud?” juhyung grabbed hyunseug hand and he stood up from the fall. Hyunseung scratch his head,
“I think?” he said shyly.
“Junhyung.” This time it was junhyung hand that was offered,
“Hyunseung..” and hyunseung grabbed his hand for a handshake, nobody knew that both of them will hold each other hands often.


*Meet me at Glory Restaurant, 7pm sharp. Where this clothes that I had picked for you^^* Kikwang chuckled at the post it note that was stick on casual clothing beside his bathroom.  It was a simple outfit, white plain shirt with a tribal design cardigan and black jeans. Dongwoon sure got sense.

Wearing the clothes that dongwoon had picked, he waited outside the restaurant, shivering in cold. Well, dongwoon didn’t say anything about waiting inside or anything. He makes his way there by public transport because he doesn’t have a car license or a car. Well that does make sense. So he waited and waited soon it was 7:55pm. Kikwang was lucky that dongwoon had picked out quite a thick cardigan if not he would be freezing to death, his patience was slowly draining down, so he tried calling dongwoon but he get replied by a woman operator voice instead. Did dongwoon forgot his having dinner date with me? Or does he get this last minute work to do? Kikwang head was filled with a lot of wild thoughts; he waited again, 8:45pm. Kikwang was mad, putting both of his hands in the cardigan pockets, he walked away leaving the restaurant.

Dongwoon parked his car in the house garage, he turned off the engine and took his bag from the back seat. Closing the garage door, he turned to walk to the main door of his house when his eyes felt on somebody. Almost reaching the house, kikwang had his head down on the floor on his journey back home, hearing the garage door being closed, he look up to the man that was looking at him. Dongwoon scanned kikwang fully with his eyes and few seconds later he had a shocked expression, kikwang walked passed him.

“Kikwang..I…” dongwoon ran after kikwang and into his house, Kikwang quickly took out his shoes and placed it on the rack, hoping that he would reach his room soon but no he was stopped by a hand,

“Kikwang..” dongwoon turned him around so that they will be facing each other and kikwang look into his eyes, guilty as it is. His eyes then drifted to dongwoon neck, lovebite.
“Kikwang..I’m sorry.”
“Did you forget or…” kikwang tried to maintain his expression.
“Something came out..I’m really sorry. Please don’t be mad.” Dongwoon pleads,
“I understand dongwoon..I understand..” this time kikwang tone was turning to an angry one,
“I know you are mad..I’m sorry for letting you wait for me..Please! I will make it up to you.” He then shook the man hand begging him not to be mad,
“With what? With this?!” kikwang released his arms from dongwoon gripped and points to dongwoon neck. Kikwang ran to his room and locked the doors, dongwoon then look into the mirror to look at what kikwang was showing, he then shut his eyes from fraustration.


“That will be $5.95 sir..” the man has his eyes peeled away from yoseob and gave him $6. Yoseob returned him his change,
“Wow..you sure got talent yoseob?” the man read yoseob name that was located in his badge,
“Yeah..I get that a lot from my customer..Please wait for you drink on the left side please. Thank you!” yoseob smiled, his smile would melt all of the customer! If only he knew how he smiled would look like. Yoseob could sense someone is infront of him and is staring and staring,
“Hi! What could I get for you?!” said the cute guy,
“Erm..Hi yoseob!” and yoseob blush slighty, he knew that voice,
“Hi Doojoon.”


A/N: Sorry for the short update. So busy! Boo! Enjoy you guys! ^^

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fitezzi #1
Chapter 16: Omggg unnie when you will update this story???
I miss you... please comeback.. dooseob dooseob dooseob
Chapter 16: please update author ssi.....
please..... i want kiwoon and the other ti be happy :'(
your story really makes me cry
Yuki_IS #3
Chapter 16: Go for it junnie oppa!!!
meohamTSxYG #4
Chapter 16: Aaaaaaaaaaaaa xD
Finally xD
Yayyyyyyyy~~~~ xD
Yessss, go get him, JunHyung !!! Go get your love and your sonnnnn !!! Go !!! I'm so excited now !!! I love you author-ssi !!! xP hahaha~
Chapter 16: Waa...so seungie is goig to give another chance for jun??????heee
meohamTSxYG #6
Chapter 15: It's sad that this fic will on hiatus again :(
I love this ! <3~
Fighting my dear !
goosecaryoseob #7
Chapter 15: WHat? Back to semi haitus? Hmm... DOuble update pleasE before you go?
b2utyfool #8
Chapter 13: You have interesting ideas but you don't develop them enough. Your story could be better if you didn't rush it that much. A wedding after one month? Dongwoon and Kigwang agreeing to it after one day? Yoseob getting eyes surgery out of nothing? Doojoon disappearing for years? You just put your ideas one after one, and it doesn't make sense. It could have worked if you did more description, if you took your time :/. A story needs more drama, and drama needs time. If a problem is solved in the next chapter, it's boring. Good luck for your next stories ^^.
Chapter 14: Ahhh the creepy man.. what happen? Why doojoon disappeared for 3 years?
Daehwan scolded junhyung,, keke the cute boy,,,
Oh please dongwoon~ah,, u must to love kikwang too even u got lost ur memory.. arrgghh
meohamTSxYG #10
Chapter 14: I'm so glad seeing new update xD Really really glad!
What happen to DooJoon? :( But it's awesome that YoSeob can regconize DooJoon :") True love's power xD
And JunSeung...they need to sit down and talk and get married :)) Hahaha~ lol
I hope Woonie will remember about his Kwangie soon :( or just falling in love again with your husband xD lol
Anyways, update more author-ssi, I love this .