Episode 15

My other half....

They hugged not even thinking of letting each other go, Yoseob tightened the hug fearing Doojoon would go away from him again. Letting go of the hug, Doojoon sit at the edge of the staircase signaling yoseob to sit beside him, they hold hands together.

“On the day of your surgery, I got a called from my boss, they found the mastermind and asked me to go complete the case at japan. I know you should be placed first but to me…i..i just love my job so much seob.”

“But..it’s a dangerous job doo, you could die from this kind of job, why would you risk your life to this extend?” placing his hand on Doojoon cheek, Doojoon patted the hand.

“My dad is my hero, my mentor, when he died he got one wish for me, his wish were for me to become like him an ISA, saving the earth no matter how your life is at risk, seob I’m sorry I break my promise, I’m really sorry, my life is a mess when you are not beside me that is how I realized you meant so much to me. I love you so much.” Yoseob tightened the gripped,
“And that explained your face?” yoseob chuckled, Doojoon flicked his forehead lightly,
“Thanks for calling me creepy baby” yoseob gasped.
“You heard about it?! God but you are really creepy!” Doojoon laughed, when was the last time he laughed like this and to see his love laughing with him too, he hugged the small build boy.
“Marry me yang yoseob.” Yoseob let go of the hug, he look into Doojoon eyes, they were sincere very sincere. Yoseob smiled in relieved. He did not expect the sudden propose at all but he waited for this man for 3 years, 3 years and 1 month to be exact. He is ready to marry Doojoon anytime but can he trust this man for the rest of his life since he said that work is his everything.

“Hey baby bro you are back! What took you so long?” yoseob heads to the kitchen, he placed his box down and joined junhyung on the sofa.
“I bumped into Doojoon today..” with that words, junhyung switch off the tv and paid attention to him like a brother would.
“We hugged, we kissed, he explained things and he proposed to me..” yoseob sighed. Junhyung knew what that sighed means,
“So you’re not ready?” patting on yoseob tigh,
“It’s not that I’m not ready jun, it’s just that can I trust this guy whom is risking his life everyday because of his work and..and what if things happen and I’m left alone for the rest of my life, my life was dark before and I don’t want it to be dark anymore” playing with the tip of his shirt.
“Yoseob you gotta follow what your heart says, don’t be like me. I make a mistake that I can never turn back, my first love, my first child been taken away and I will never be able to get them back..” yoseob looked at how junhyung hand turn into a fist.
“What do you mean by that?”
“He is happily married seob, daehwan knew I’m his real dad. I’m such a bad person, I can’t simply take daehwan away from seung when he is seung everything!” yoseob hugged the 30 years old man.

Dongwoon knocked on the door waiting for a reply, few seconds later the door creak opened and he was greeted by his mom whom he believe seem to be holding his daughter.
“Dongwoon? You are discharged! How come you never tell me?” dongwoon eyes were on riah all the time,
“Mom I’m fine beside I know where I stay!” as he closed the door behind him, dongwoon walk towards the living room, he saw his wedding pictures with kikwang, going near them he saw that they were smiling happily and were indeed happy. He walked a few more steps to his left and there were pictures lining up. He look closely and there were pictures of him giving a peck to kikwang and kikwang giving a peck back to him and also there were pictures of them looking at each other with love.

“Mom~ Where this kikwang guy..” mrs son look at his child with sad eyes, Dongwoon still can’t get used to calling kikwang name. Before he knocked the door to his house, he practiced saying the name in a greeting way, scared that kikwang would be opening the door, he was relieved that it was his mom.

“He’s on the swing at the garden..” putting riah down in her moving chair.

Dongwoon head out to the garden and his mom was indeed right. There he is the guy that was called his love of his life, his lover that give him a child that he always wanted, head hung low as he rocks the swing softly.

Dongwoon approached him and stood a few miles away, kikwang felt that he was not alone and look to his left, to his surpised he stood of quickly and fix his clothes.

“She got my eyes and your lips..” kikwang breath in as he understand what dongwoon meant. Dongwoon continued,

“The nurse told me everything. Kikwang you see, I tried so hard to remember you at least a little bit but I really can’t plus with the fact that we are married, I don’t feel comfortable at all, I feel foreign. I’m really sorry kikwang but I don’t think I could fall in love with you. I will try but I can’t promise you, I’m straight and that’s what I remembered.” Kikwang wiped aways his tears, he was already crying when dongwoon said that he can’t remember him, how could god be so cruel to him, taking away his mom and know his only one hope. He was happy with this man before and it seems that dongwoon will never come back to him. The man that will never leave any gap between them and would hugged him everytime he saw kikwang and would give eskimo kisses.

“ 1 week. Let’s give each other 1 week and after 1 week and you still can’t remember me or can’t fell in love with me. I will divorced you.” Kikwang finally said some words despite how hard it is.

Dongwoon was shocked by those words, looking into kikwang eyes he saw fear, sadness, lack of sleep and worried. Kikwang walk closer towards him, touching one of his cheeks,

“I..I miss you so much woonie..” he whispered as the tears fell, kikwang closed his eyes and kissed dongwoon lips. Dongwoon stood there frozen, he let kikwang kiss him because he felt guilty for everything. Kikwang let go and look at him with love, dongwoon hair with his shivered hands, dongwoon realized that this man really love him. Kikwang smile faintly at dongwoon before getting back in the house.





A/N: Another update bacause i'm not these busy these three days but after tomorrow bamm back to semi-haitus. Let reply some comments!  @b2utyfool (Hello you. Thank you for suscribing to me but just to let you know, this is how i write my story, thank for saying that i got great ideas ^^ I do think about , a twist to a story all in my head and i cut it short simply because i don't want my story to be draggy. A draggy fanfic is really a long boring fanfic to me! plus i don't have that much time to really really write my story. But thank you for your remarks, this encourage me to think more ^^) @elkiena  (Aww! You will know what happen soon dear! Heee keep supporting!) @meohamTSxYG (Greatful of your comment too dear! YES! Jun and seung really need to sit down and talk! I will update when i can! Fighting! @itzmeasts (I've updated again! Aww thank you for you patience!) @goosecaryoseob (Stay tuned to the fic to know more dear! Heee^^) @FantasticDooDoo ( I MISS YOU SO MUCH!! Awww! Thank you! I hope i'm back for good!)

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fitezzi #1
Chapter 16: Omggg unnie when you will update this story???
I miss you... please comeback.. dooseob dooseob dooseob
Chapter 16: please update author ssi.....
please..... i want kiwoon and the other ti be happy :'(
your story really makes me cry
Yuki_IS #3
Chapter 16: Go for it junnie oppa!!!
meohamTSxYG #4
Chapter 16: Aaaaaaaaaaaaa xD
Finally xD
Yayyyyyyyy~~~~ xD
Yessss, go get him, JunHyung !!! Go get your love and your sonnnnn !!! Go !!! I'm so excited now !!! I love you author-ssi !!! xP hahaha~
Chapter 16: Waa...so seungie is goig to give another chance for jun??????heee
meohamTSxYG #6
Chapter 15: It's sad that this fic will on hiatus again :(
I love this ! <3~
Fighting my dear !
goosecaryoseob #7
Chapter 15: WHat? Back to semi haitus? Hmm... DOuble update pleasE before you go?
b2utyfool #8
Chapter 13: You have interesting ideas but you don't develop them enough. Your story could be better if you didn't rush it that much. A wedding after one month? Dongwoon and Kigwang agreeing to it after one day? Yoseob getting eyes surgery out of nothing? Doojoon disappearing for years? You just put your ideas one after one, and it doesn't make sense. It could have worked if you did more description, if you took your time :/. A story needs more drama, and drama needs time. If a problem is solved in the next chapter, it's boring. Good luck for your next stories ^^.
Chapter 14: Ahhh the creepy man.. what happen? Why doojoon disappeared for 3 years?
Daehwan scolded junhyung,, keke the cute boy,,,
Oh please dongwoon~ah,, u must to love kikwang too even u got lost ur memory.. arrgghh
meohamTSxYG #10
Chapter 14: I'm so glad seeing new update xD Really really glad!
What happen to DooJoon? :( But it's awesome that YoSeob can regconize DooJoon :") True love's power xD
And JunSeung...they need to sit down and talk and get married :)) Hahaha~ lol
I hope Woonie will remember about his Kwangie soon :( or just falling in love again with your husband xD lol
Anyways, update more author-ssi, I love this .