
Dark Side

I've been in a broken relationship twice before in the past, where I've become much obsess and jealous in my partner and his flirty type relationship. Alone in the room with the rain pouring down my window, I to the radio station and start listening to the familiar beat of the song that I've fallen in love the first time I heard it. 

Everybody's got a dark side,

do you love me,

can you love mine?

Nobody's a picture perfect,

But we're worth it,

You know that we're worth it.

Will you love me?

Even with my dark side?

- Kelly Clarkson


I've been a close friendship with my best buddy for nearly 5-6 years and bits by bits of our daily routine - school, tuition, internet gaming, and etc, that we shared our moment together and it has become our habit to share almost everything with each other. Well, not to the standard where we share our underwears, nope, not till that stage. Bits by bits of our moment together, I have develop a feelings towards him, but oh well, of course I haven't tell him anything of my feelings. After our graduation day in our early student life, Form 5 to be precise, he decided to take up a course majoring in Music and have been staying overseas for quite some time. We hardly meet, only during the time where he have his break and decided to fly back home and visit all of us. Well, of course we do meet sometimes, not frequently, sometimes. He has a big connection every here and there and he's been busy visiting his friends 1 by 1. The day where we met, I was troubled by my own thought.

I've been into a good and stable relationship with my girlfriend until the day where she decided to move on. We hardly meet each other thanks to my workload and study life here in America. As I was playing the piano, pressing the key lightly but accurately one by one to the tune of - Rust. My heavy heart sunk in deeper and deeper the more I play and hum to the tune of the piano sound. It was raining on that day as my mood becoming much gloomy.

Leave me,

dont love me,

instead, find someone who will love you,

after you leave,

it might be hard and tiring for me,


and live on forgeting me.



I've been into a close friendship with my best buddy for let's see, approximately 5-6 years old. We have been a really close friend during our school year - having been to the same class, tuition and even in internet gaming, he's my best partner to team up and fight the enemy. But things just gotta change. That's part and parcel of our life, being a human. I've decided to take up Music course since I'm really into piano even when I'm small and am glad that my parents support me all the way till I've finally graduated and decided to stay here in America to work in their local Music Industry. Well, of course my friendship with him still haven't change. We still keep contact with each other and sometimes, we share our secrets as well as complaints, rant towards our life here in this world. Life finally been good to me once awhile when I have the opportunity to take a break from work and fly back to my hometown and pay a visit to my friends and family. Well, of course the first person I contact with is Park Sanghyun, my close best friend that seems to know everything about me. We decided to meet up one day and have our bonding after God-knows how long it is.

"Sanghyun ah, so where do you plan to eat for dinner? Since is raining outside right now" Seungho said while deciding for me that I should decide for our dinner tonight.

"Aish! Why do I have to decide anything?" I complained. I'm not that kind of person who are picky in food. I can almost eat anything that is eatable of course so if you ask me to choose for what food to eat, I scratched my head thinking of it.

"You are the one who are late for our meeting remember? This is your punishment for coming late! Hahaha" Seungho chuckled. He always love to bully me, even during our school year back then but I don't mind it at all. Maybe because I've been good to everyone and they find me easy to tackle.

"Say, how bout that place? I sudden crave for some BBQ Meat" I pointed to the direction in front of me. Bar Be Que Plaza. A place where you can have plenty of delicious meat all around the world.

"Hmm, sounds like a good idea. Let's go then!" Seungho said and took his first step towards the place as I followed him behind.

"How many person?" The waiter asked and I pointed out my 2 finger to him, indicating that we came in just the two of us. He nodded and lead the way to the table just behind him. After we settle down, he passes us two menu and leave us deciding for our food.

Seungho opened the menu and took a few glance and close it, leaving it on the table as he notice that I took a glance at him in confusion.

"Your call." He said and fishes out his handphone to check his message.

"Aishhh. My call again! Can't you choose some food as well?" I complained but he doesn't seems to pay any attention to me. I opened up the menu and since there's only the two of us eating, I decided to call for a set meal enough for just two of us. I called the waiter only to notice that Seungho now took up his menu book and take a final glance.

"How may I help you, sir?" The waiter took up his notepad and a pen, ready to take our order.

"I would like to have a set meal for two please" I smiled at him while pointing at the food that I've chosen. He nodded as he scribbled down something on his notepad.

"Oh and bacon roll as well, please" Seungho quickly take his order before the waiter left us.

We have our normal conversation as usual, talking about our life, work and as well as our lame jokes that we used to share during school days. Until when he asked me this....

"Sanghyun a, don't you want to have a partner?" Seungho asked me while munching on his food as he flip his favourite meat on the grill table. I was stunned, not knowing what to answer him. I continue to chomp on some food while thinking of the answer.

"No, I don't need to. Life is perfect being a single" We both chuckled since we both are now single as well.

"But then, don't you just wish you could have someone to talk to when you grow older? Someone to share your problems and stuff" Seungho suddenly become so serious on it and it scares me. I pointed at him straight away without thinking. He was surprised to my quick answer.

"Well, I mean I got you as my best friend right? And besides, I got my friends all around the world whom I can share to. In Facebook and in Twitter right? So no worries." I laughed but he doesn't. I can't possibly tell him I love him can I? 

"Well, you also single anyway. So that makes us both the same!" I joked. Obviously to cover up of my own feelings. Luckily he chuckled a little at my words and that relieved me.

"Well, probably different people different perspective" He said and continue munching his food. I pick up some more meat and place it on my bowl while listening to the song that was playing - because I miss you - Yonghwa

it was a complete silence for a while as we both busy chomping on the food but is not an awkward moment. He finally broke up the silence as he pointed at the oncoming customers. A tattooed parents with a kid as they both sat down just a few feet away from us. 

"Say, when do you think the daughter will get his tattoo?" He pointed out at the daughter sitted between her parents. I just told him I don't know. I really don't know how to be funny, more over on how to make lame jokes. All the while, he's the one who keep on coming out with lame jokes and that cracks me up. He's a funny guy, really. Maybe that's the reason why I've fallen for him.

We finished our dinner quite fast as we both are hungry to begin with. He fished out his phone for an incoming call from his mother. He told his mom to come and fetch us both back home since it is still raining as we both walk towards the place that his mom agreed to pick us up.

On the way, thoughts just keep on coming in. Should I tell him about my past? my dark side? We've been best friend for 6 years now, I can't help but feel guilty for not telling him about my past, my dark side.

"Seungho, do you remember that I've told you about my friend confessing that he likes me?" I asked, trying to test his reaction as we both walk out of the complex, heading to next station.

"You did? I don't remember at all" He look at me, puzzled.

"Well, nevermind. What if you are in my shoes and he said he want your picture so that he can store it in his phone?" I continued.

"Crazy, of course I wouldn't give him my picture." He said, getting ready to get wet from the falling rain as we are now at the entrance of the complex, ready to cross over to the other side. I keep quiet for the whole journey, thinking to myself.

Author's Note - I've mixed and match this story with Kelly Clarkson song, MBLAQ - Rust as well as some love story manga that my sister bought back home and came out with this story. I have to apologize towards the reader who subscribed to my old fanfic that I have not updated at all. I'll try my best to update once I got the idea on how to continue it. Please bear with me and hope you enjoy reading this.

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Chapter 3: omo omo omo omo so sweet .... and cute
can't believe that i just found this fic >.<
Chapter 3: Aww~ how cute~ >3< kekek don't mind my previous comments.. *blush*

Whoat ? Another Angsty MBLAQ fic ?!
Omg~ I think I'll faint if I read one more angsty MBLAQ fic *shakes head*
Poor BLAQies.. *pout* BUT! If you guys promise there won't be any character death,
Then I'm good ^o^ Fighting !!
Chapter 3: Okay.. I just noticed that I commented (& read) too late ㅜㅅㅜ
Chapter 2: I'll say TELL of course ! I agree with Unnie-chan~ It's definitely a Tell !!
Goash~ wonder what Sanghyun would say & how Seung would react >//<
Update update update uuuuupdaaaaaaate~ ♥
Chapter 3: I've been expecting this ~ OPPA ... nice story ^^ but then try to make me wondering :) I love this side of you
Chapter 2: tell i think 6 years is long enough to keep a secret :)
WOW I just realized I hadn't subscribe >//<
아~ 오빠 난 진짜 몰아써, 미안한다~ >3<
Chapter 1: It was great Oppa-ah~ *thumps up* ^^;;
& don't say otherwise ! *glares*
Luvyou :D ♥
Chapter 1: Seems interesting ;D I thought you were lazy (but it finally seems that I persuaded you to wrte ;DDD) Yeah, I'm proud of myself, right now :D