Honeymoon or nightmare?

In Love With A Psycho

Soo Jin's pov

At first, i didn't really mind but things started to get weirder and weirder. Howon haven't talked to me for just once, it was like he wanted to ignore me and that hurted me a little bit. Does he really don't like me? Was that kiss fake? I don't know, i don't want to know.

The fact that he didn't talk to me wasn't the only thing i found weird. When we were at the airport and about to leave, he didn't even say goodbye to his mom. Omma and appa, especially Myungsoo oppa kept telling me to call them right when we landed. That seems not normal, doesn't it?

Now we're on the plane. He's sitting right next to me, sleeping peacefully. Maybe he's just...tired after long days preparing for the wedding. But i'm his wife now. Can he at least say sth to me? I wanna hear his warm voice again.

Got nothing else to do, i started falling asleep on Howon's shoulder...


Someone's tapping my shoulder, i opened my eyes, it was the air-hostess.

- Huh...yes?_ I rubbed my eyes.

- We've just landed on Jeju island,miss. Please take your things down, you were overslept._ She giggled.

- OMG,really???!! Sorry i forgot!!I'll get my stuff right away!!_ Gosh, how can i overslept in here?? So embarrassing! And where's Howon??? He didn't wake me up??! What king of man is he?!?!?

- No problem, this thing usually happens in here_ The air-hostess chuckled,made me blushed even more.


God damn, where the heck is he??!! I'm sitting on a couch in the airport. I haven't seen Howon anywhere. He totally made me angry. First, he left me overslept on the plane, now he left me again in the airport. Every kindness, sweetness that he showed at the wedding are now all disappear from my eyes. My phone has ran out of battery so i can't call him or anyone. Feeling hopeless, i caught a taxi the told the driver to take me to the hotel we have booked, the Jeju Grand hotel.


- Hi, what can i help you miss?_ The receptionist welcomed me with a bright smile.

- Um...i'm looking for room 2803.

- Oh, you're mrs.Lee, right??_ Yes, i'm mrs.Lee now.

- Yes, that's me.

- Mr.Lee's already here and went went to the room, you just have to go straight to your room and rest_ He smiled again.

- Ok, thank you so much...Daeryong_ Looked at his name tag,i found out that his name was Daeryong.

- And let us bring the luggage to your room please.

- Oh..ok,thanks_ I let the attendant took the luggage and followed him the elevator.

- Hey!!You look exactly like the receptionist i've just met!!_ I looked at the attendant's face and got shock.

- Oh yeah!We're twins. My name's Soryong!_ He chuckled.

- Ohhhh_ That's all i can say.


- We're here madam!Here's your suitcase, if you have any problem just call us. Have a nice vacation!_ He said and smiled.

- Thank you, bye!!_ I said to him and turned to knock the door. Howon, that jerk kept the card to open this door.

After like, 10 minutes of waiting outside, he finally opened the door. He made me gone mad. Seriously, what's wrong with this guy???!

His face showed no emotion when he saw me, nothing was spoke from him. I just can't hold back no more. Right when i came inside, i turned around and yelled into his face.

- What's the problem with you? If you don't like me, you could just speak it out in the first place, you didn't have to say yes then ignore and leave me in everyplace without a reason like that!

He didn't say anything.

- You're definately crazy!_I looked at him angrily. Suddently, he smirked.

- I thought you were different, i guess i was wrong. Can't believe i got fooled by your outlook, You're right, i must be crazy marrying someone like you!!!!!!!_ He screamed in my face, made my startled. What the hell is going on??He's the one who acts cold toward me and now he's blaming me for doing nothing?? He walked straight out of the room before i could open my mouth to protest.

I've never thought things would go this way. Does he really hate me...that much?? And what's with the "different" thing he's just said? Something happened before?? I don't know, the only thing i know is he left me again... What should i do now?..

After like 30 minutes sitting on the bed tried to understand all the problems, i stood up and unpacked my things, i decided to take a bath. Gosh the bathroom was so huge and mordern but looked elengant at the same time. Right, i almost forget, we're staying at the VIP room of the 5 stars hotel. I let myself relax in the big tub of warm water. Hope things will get better...

Finished bathing, i changed my clothes then went down to eat dinner. I left my phone in the room to charge. It's ok with me to eat alone, why do i have to find him when he doesn't want to find me?! This marriage will not turn out well, i guess. Although i felt hurted a little but just screw it anyway!!!I do this for my family and for mr. Sanghyun, not for his son.

The dinner seemed like forever cause i ate alone. I sadly went back to my room, the TV to find sth to watch. Suddently, the door bursted open, Howon slowly came in, drunken.


Updated!!!!:D Hope you like this chapter,don't forget to leave a comment below and............VOTE INFINITE IN MAMA!!!!!




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LizkoOl17 #1
updateeee =O =D
Chapter 3: Finally you are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Omggg, he's really scary, but I don't think he's monster ;d He just has problems ;p And don't trust people ;) Girlll, fighting~ You will survive this :D
Thanks for everything ;p Update soon again, arasso? Fighting <3
bbobbonam91 #3
Chapter 3: omg finally you updated. Ive been waiting for this like ages alr hehe. I hope you update this story oftenly after this. Hwaiting!
candyface #4
Chapter 2: so far im liking it alot, this story seems like one that could go in many directions :) .... cant wait! update soon<3
Chapter 2: I love it! ^^ update please :D
minhee93 #6
Chapter 2: Love this story, please update :)
bbobbonam91 #7
Awwwwhhh no update yet? I love this story.
Chapter 2: Whoa~ Drunken ? :o I think that L is need here right now~ :p What will happen? We will see ;d Update as soon as it's possible :D