The wedding

In Love With A Psycho

Au's pov

You look perfect in the wedding dress, true, you're very beautiful. The dress makes you look even more gorgeous. Your dad's guiding you to the groom. Through the veil, you can see your mom's sobbing while hugging your brother tight and your dad, he's trying hard to hold back his tears, you know they love you and gonna miss you but hey, this is your wedding, can they smile for just a bit? You just can't wait to see your soon-to-be husband's face. You've never seen him before, everything about him is a mystery. It makes you feel more excited than ever. You wanna see him so bad!


"I do"_ His voice sounds so warm, makes your heart beats faster and faster.

It's now your turn....

"I do"_ You said without any doubt.

".... i now pronounce you husband and wife!"_ The pastor said in joy. This moment is finally came. You clenched the bouquet tight, he's opening the veil slowly, you can't wait to see him clearly.

You then opened your eyes, he's right there, in front of you. He looks perfect in the tuxedo, just like the high class people. He's so handsome, you must be the happiest girl in the world to have a husband like him. He's facing you, his now lawfully wife, but his face showed no emotion. He looked at you without a blink, so did you. A smirk slowly appeared on his face, satisfied?

- Why is he staring at me like that? He doesn't like me?_ You confusingly thought.

Everything suddently became silent. His mom started to sweat, she remembered saw him drank his medicines this morning, how can it be? Is the disease getting stronger now? Is he about to lose control again?...Many questions appeared in the Lees's members's heads. They were afraid he would do something crazy.

On the otherside, your family is now felt scared too. Your parents held eachother hands tight and hoped for the best. Your brother, Myungsoo just stood there and stared at Howon, he seemed wanted to burn him with his gaze. 

1 minute....2 minutes...3min...

Howon suddently held your waist, pulled you into a hug and kissed you passionately. Everyone let out a big sigh of relief at the same time. It's easier to breathe now. Howon's mom bursted into tears. Her son suddent action maked her feel hopeful, she prayed God please let you change him, make him a better person, help him beat down disease. She hoped you two for the best.

Your eyes were still widen, but slowly closed. You let yourself enjoy this moment. He's so sweet, your first kiss is him now and you're totally ready to give him your everything.

He then pulled out the kiss annd look straight into your eyes, you can hear applause from everywhere. Your face soon turned red, you looked so cute when you blushed. He smirked again then lifted you up and carried you outside in bridal style. You swear this is the best moment of your life.

Your parents waved you in tears. They hoped everything would turn out right somehow and you'd have a happy life.

Everything seemed so fine at that moment... You and him the all got ready for your honeymoon in Jeju Island. You guys haven't talked to eachother since the first kiss.

"Maybe he's still feel awkward."_ You thought.

Right, first kiss at the first time you guys met, must be VERY awkward.

"Hope we'll have a great time together!"_ You said inside your head.


That's my chapter 1!!^^ A bit short, i know!!TT^TT So sorry,hope u like it and please click subscribe and leave a comment below.

And there is one more SUPER IMPORTANT thing i want to tell you guys. INFINITE's gonna come here, VIETNAM for a Kpop concert. Tickets are now selling but i can't buy it. My parents didn't allow me to go...TT^TT And they're not coming alone but with B.A.P, HoMin and many idols else!!!!TT^TT OMG my B.A.P and INFINITE!!! I want to see them so bad this 29/11!!!Please let me go please mom and dad!!!*le cry*

 <---------- Bonus,lol~

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LizkoOl17 #1
updateeee =O =D
Chapter 3: Finally you are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Omggg, he's really scary, but I don't think he's monster ;d He just has problems ;p And don't trust people ;) Girlll, fighting~ You will survive this :D
Thanks for everything ;p Update soon again, arasso? Fighting <3
bbobbonam91 #3
Chapter 3: omg finally you updated. Ive been waiting for this like ages alr hehe. I hope you update this story oftenly after this. Hwaiting!
candyface #4
Chapter 2: so far im liking it alot, this story seems like one that could go in many directions :) .... cant wait! update soon<3
Chapter 2: I love it! ^^ update please :D
minhee93 #6
Chapter 2: Love this story, please update :)
bbobbonam91 #7
Awwwwhhh no update yet? I love this story.
Chapter 2: Whoa~ Drunken ? :o I think that L is need here right now~ :p What will happen? We will see ;d Update as soon as it's possible :D