Mind Lost

Beautiful Melody

You skipped into the school happily, arms around Lina's neck.

"Why are you so happy today?" She eyed you curiously.

"Oh nothing~," you singsong, sighing out a breeze of satisfaction.

Today you were going to find out your prince charming, yes, the one that was in the music room. And yes, cheesy, but what can you say? You were a hopeless romantic, according to Lina anyways. You loved the happy endings in fairy tale books, and now you are going to find your own happy ending.

"Ahh! It's EXO oppas!"

"Ahh! Kai oppa just touch me!"

"More like you just flung yourself to him. Sehun oppa actually looked at me right in the eye!"

"I am never going to wash my uniform ever again!"

"Move, move I want to see them. I want to touch them!"

Uh...okay... You moved out of the way so EXO's fangirls could get pass and touch them...

Yeah, that's not sanitary, you thought to yourself.

EXO were these twelve amazing guys that has girls spazzing over them and boys envying them. And there's you...who could only bury your face into these romantic novels and couldn't care less about anything else around you. But luckily you have Lina. She knew all of the lastest gossips and news. You want to know who's going out with who? Ask Lina. You want to know who throws the greatest parties? Once again, ask Lina. So, the basic idea is that you get informed by her.

You and Lina shouldered through the crowd, trying to get to class, when you caught the eye of Kyungsoo. D.O. was in most of your classes and you knew him quite well from talks here and there. He had these gorgeous brown big eyes that you could drown in, and you had to admit, you did maybe like him, but just a little bit. That was a lie.

Once seeing you in the crowd, he quickly looked the other way, avoiding all contacts with you. You ignored that and just kept on going, but weirdly your heart starting to beat faster.

In first period, you observed everyone around you.

Would that be him? No, too skinny. How about him? Nah, too big. Him? Nope, he has orange hair. That one? Yeah, no thanks.

Sighing, you ripped out a fresh new piece of paper from your notebook, then fished out a blue pen. You trotted down some notes of the guy from yesterday.

Black hair, slicked back hair

Height: Medium


Those were nothing. A lot of guys fit the description. At this rate you'll never find out he he is. Frustrated, you crumple the paper up and threw it in the trash. You blew at your bangs—a habit of yours—which hung right below your eyebrows.

D.O walked in class right at that moment and picked at your trash and disposed it in the recycling bin.

There he was, with slicked black hair, lean body, and probably the same height as 'prince charming'. You also heard that he had a wonderful voice, but that couldn't be him. It just couldn't be, too good to be true, you guessed.

The day treaded on slowly. When the dismissal rang you dashed out of class.

"Juhee! Juhee! Are you free today? Let's go to the bookstore," Lina said, catching up to you at your locker.

Stuffing your books in your backpack you mentally curse at your teachers for assigning so many assignments. "Can't, sorry Lina. I gotta do something really important today. Fill you in later," giving her a quick peck on the cheeks you went to the music hallway and waited inside the janitor's office.

You waited for a long time for the hallways to clear and the performance to start. It felt like forever. On the table, you found a picture of Ms.Moon, the lunch lady. Must be the janitor's. Everybody knew that he liked her. His style of girl was quite interesting though: skinny as a stick, permed hair, uneven teeth. If they stood next to each other they would make a 10.

You stopped giggling at the thought of the janitor squishing Ms.Moon when you heard the sound of the piano. The notes rang softly in your ears as you sat there, making no sound, waiting for his voice. Finally, it did.

"So baby don't cry~. Tonight~," he sang.

It was like you were hypnotized. You just sat there motionessly, mouth ajar, eyes droopy. You snapped out of the trance when you heard Mr.Lee's —the custodian— voice replaced your prince charming's voice.

"What are you doing here?" He asked heavily, then taking a deep breath he continued,"Are you trying to steal my Mooney Kabooney's pictures?" He accused you when he saw his crush's portrait in your hands.

As if! And Mooney Kabooney, the hell?

"No, no Mr.Lee. I was just...seeing if you need any help! Yes, help," you lied.

"No. I don't need any. Now can you get out of my room?" He belowed at you.

Tch, not even a please, you scrunched up your nose.

"Mr. Lee, is everything okay?" A voice asked Mr.Lee.

You quickly dove under the table after recognizing your prince charming's voice. You craned your neck up to get a view of your prince charming with much diffuculty. Oh my gosh, the least person who you wanted it to be was towering you, talking to the custodian.

"Yeah, just some girl barged into my office," he turned around to point at you, but you were no where in sight. "Huh? She was just right here..."

Kyungsoo excused himself and went back to the piano. When the janitor went out to find his you-know-who, you slipped away from the room, rushed down the empty hallways, and out of the school. Sighing in relief, you walked home.


All day yesterday, you tried avoiding all eye contacts with D.O.

"Hey Juhee—" you quickly scarfed down your food then exit the cafeteria when he had called your name.


"Juhee? Can I—"

"No, I don't have an extra pencil," you replied to him.

"But I needed an eraser," he pouted at the smudge spot on his paper.


Since the incident, everyday when the bell rang, your feet would just guided you to the music room no matter how much your brain told it to stop.

One day you were tip toeing towards the room (of course) but you heard nothing. You peered inside, no one. You stepped in and looked around. You squinted your eyes at the piano and went over to it. Sitting down on the bench you made yourself comfortable. You could say you weren't a bad pianist yourself. Looking over the music sheets before you, you started to play the piece. Your prince charming must have compose it himself because it was only half written. Still, you played the first half then finishing up the rest. You heard someone clap behind you when you were finished. Turning around you saw D.O.

"I didn't know you could play piano. You were really good, by the way," he complimented you.

"Thanks...um...I gotta go," you stood up and went out the door, fanning your blushed cheeks. How embrassing! He could've done a hundred times better but he still complimented you. Now he must think you were stalking him —which you were—, and then he must think you're weird, and then he probably don't like you!

"Juhee?" He called you.

"Hm?" You turned around to face him.

"I wanted to say, that, um, wait, actually...," he sighed, "Never mind."

You nodded and continued your way out.


Once again you were dashing to the music room. It has been a month already, and everyday you ditched Lina to this place, where you could get caught easily.

"Spit it out Juhee," Lina told you one day,"Spill it all out."


She gave you a death glare,"You know what I'm talking about! Why don't you go anywhere with me anymore?"

"Mrs.Kim said I needed a tutor in English, so she told me to stay after so then she can help me with it," you casually lied.

"Are you kidding me? Your best subject is English! Tell me the truth now!" She clung onto you and whined.

Sighing, you told her everything.

"Are you saying that you like Kyungsoo?" She asked, alarmed.

"Shh, be quiet! Well, I wouldn't say like. More like admire."





"More like worship."

Back to the point, you were heading to the music room. You heard faint whispers inside the room. It was Kyungsoo and someone else's.

"Just confess to her!" The other guy cried out.

"But hyung! You said it so easily," D.O. replied.

The door was close so you crept up to the window of the door and peered in. Kyungsoo looked frustated talking to Suho. They were talking about confessing to a girl. Oh, so he already like someone. Your heart dropped but you still listen to their conversation.

"Okay, just go up to her and tell her boldly about your feelings."


"Juhee, I like you, will you be my girlfriend. Like that?"

When you heard your name, your hands accidently slipped down the door handle, opening the door. D.O. and Suho turned their heads to see you kneeing awkwardly at the entrance. Kyungsoo looked horrified seeing you there and his eyes were literaly poping out of it's sockets. Suho smirked and left the room.

"Hi," you greeted him quietly, still in the kneeling position.

"H-hi," he stammered. "You heard what we were talking about, didn't you?"

You nodded.


"Yes, if you were about to ask me to be your girlfriend," you answered him.

He grinned widely at your reponse. He came over and took your hands and guided you over to the piano. He sat down beside you and played the notes on the keyboard.

"I lost my mind~," he sang with his sweet voice and that made you fall in love with him all over again.

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Chapter 1: Awwwww... This story is sooo cute :)
Chapter 1: Awe...such a cute DO, like this story (✽˘⌣˘✽)
infinitelycesca #3
Chapter 1: awww this is so sweettt!! haha i like the ending :3
Chapter 1: What an awkward way to get confessed to. hahahahaha gosh! I actually blushed feeling emvarrassed whn she knelt at the door! Hahahahaha Kyungsoo~~
nycbean #5
Chapter 1: Awwww. I really liked it, but I felt like at the end, you could've added more…
Chapter 1: Sweet~ x3
and lol at Mooney Kabooney. XD