The Perfect Recipe




The Perfect Recipe

Directions: Answer the questions below.


Question 1: What happens if you mix an obese daughter of an Italian restaurant owner and six trouble makers together?

A) Nothing but trouble

B) Fun

C) A life changing experience

D) All of the above


Question 2: Now, in a few sentences, explain what you think the girl should do if she falls in love with one of them?



I trudged my way up the hill to my family's restaurant. In this critical summer heat, my thick-filled-with-fat thighs stuck together like glue. Then I wondered how being skinny felt like, not that I wanted to be skinny like a stick though. I was just wondering how it was like to be able to run freely without sweating within the first step. How it felt like to wear shorts and tank tops without being a laughing stock. Or how easy it would be to have all of the eyes on me whenever I enter a room.

"Stop being like that Mina, you don't need a good body! You have a good heart, and that’s enough," Yoohee, my best friend reassured me one day.

"Well don't I have anything that's considered beautiful?" I asked her. "Answer me honestly."

"You have a pretty face. Your eyes could captivate any man if you want to. Now can we focus on studying?" She told me and buried her head into her book.

Easy for her to say. Yoohee had everything that I want. A good figure that never gets fat, the brains that could never get anything below an A, and the real pretty face. If you were talking about the popular crowd, Yoohee would be included in that group. Everybody knew her and she knew everybody, unlike me who knew everybody but remained unknown in everyone's eyes (even though I take up the most space).

Sighing in relief, I finally trekked my way up that damn hill. The bell rings as I opened the door and the air conditioner blasted on my red face. "I'm home!" I called out as I went over to the counter and poured myself a glass of cold water. The refreshing drink wet my throat once again and as I chewed on the ice cubes, my grandfather came downstairs. My house is placed on top of the restaurant, making it more convenient for my family.

Our restaurant is right on the edge of town, meaning there's practically no one living around us. There's a pro and con to every situation. Living here means no cars to disturb my resting time, no annoying neighbors to complain, and there's also the fresh air.

But the bad side of living here though is that I have to take the bus in order for me to get to school. And that means more walking. But besides that, I love where I currently live.

"How's school Mina?" Grandfather gave me his usual smile that he gives everyone. He's a very happy person—and very strong too, despite his old age.

"Boring," I told him truthfully.

"Are you hungry darling?" He sat down on the stool next to mine and dabbed a tissue on my face.

"Hungry? You mean starving! They sell us these disgusting things they call food in school and—" But before I could finish my sentence, the bell rings once again.

"Hi, we came because we saw this," I turned around to face the person who had interrupted my conversation with my grandfather.

"Oh, is that the work wanted flyer?" Granddad got off and chair and put on his glasses to read the paper in the tall guy's hands.

Throughout the whole thing, all of them looked at me with curious eyes, like they're judging me. I ignored it since those were the stares I get regularly.

I stood up once I had enough of the staring and went upstairs, not sparing them a glance. I was also careful to not let them see my fat behind as I do so.

Chapter in by this weekend. I'm sorry once again.


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Chapter 3: Kekeke~
I like this fic already <;
Please update <3
Chapter 3: Wow, Coach Park is a jerk, lol.
And aw, L.Joe is so nice!!! :')
I don't get why he decided to talk to Mina on the last day of school though..
Chapter 2: I love this fic already!
I wonder who gave the bag to Mina? :O
But aw, Mrs. Jang's so nice, lol