Dance With Me


Dance With Me


You sat on the the hospital's bed, your mom right beside you. Kris leaned on the wall watching your mother grip your slim and delicate hands.

"It'll be fine honey," she assured you.

What is fine? Right now, nothing in the world could be more devasting than the white bandages around your right leg. You peered down at it and you could see Kris' messy scribbles : Get well soon, Yoonjin! ♥

"Doctor, how is she?" Your mother asked the doctor when he came inside your room.

"We have some bad news and good news," he took a seat on the chair by your bed. "Yoojin here is perfectly fine, nothing will affect her in the future."

Your mother sighed in relief, "Then what's the bad news?"

"I heard that she was a ballerina, the problem is that her right leg won't be functioning properly for her to dance anymore."

All you heard were, 'won't anymore'.

With that blow you sobbed into your mother's chest while Kris stared at the scene, broken hearted.


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Chapter 1: Gyahahaha...stupid duizhang XD!! This is funny n fun story ♡(●^―^●)♥
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwww~ ♥
Kris screaming for his mommy was my favorite part, next to him confessing, that is. :)))

Daebak~ Jinjja daebak~ :3
Chapter 1: aaahhh sweet <3
Chapter 1: Lol! Kris screaming for his mommy! And that was just so cute!!
Chapter 1: Aww. I KNEW IT! Daebak. The end was so cute! :) Keep making fantastic stories. :D
Chapter 1: Awww I really liked the last part!!
it was sooo sweet
Chapter 1: D'awwww that was cute~ :]