Chapter 3

Manage Me


-A week ago at YG Entertainment office-


Bom’s POV




“Yes, come in.” I saw Eun Ah, one of my staffs at the door.

“I’m sorry Bom, but we need you. It’s…kind of urgent.”

“Wait a moment, Eun Ah. I’m on the phone.” Then I got back to my phone, “I’m really sorry but can we talk later? Something came up at work. Oh, alright. Bye.” I hung up the phone, “So, what’s wrong?”

“It’s Chaerin. She locked herself at the ladies room in 3rd floor. She refused to be on TV show that has been scheduled for her and Minzy. We supposed to be at the broadcasting station in 3 hours. ”

“Do you know why she did it?”

“We don’t know. And she won’t tell.”

“Where’s Minzy?

“She had another schedule at the moment. We already agreed to meet directly at the broadcast station later. “

“And Joo Hyun? She’s supposed to be in charge for Chaerin, right? Don’t you have your people to handle this?”

“She’s at the ladies room right now, begging Chaerin to come out but she won’t budge. Today, we’re also kind of shortage of support people for this duo, so it’s difficult for us to coordinate. With Chaerin acting up like this, we don’t know what to do. She looked up to you, Bom. Maybe if you are the one who talk to her, she will open up.”

I sighed, “Alright, I’ll assign extra support to help you. And I’ll see Chaerin too.”

“Thank you so much Bom.” She let out a relieved smile and left my office.


As I arrived at the said place, I saw a lot of people surrounding the ladies room’s door.

“Ehem…” I tried to get their attention as I walked closer. They all turned their heads and when they saw me they stepped aside making a way for me. I was about to go inside but then I turned around to them.

“Get back to whatever you’re doing before, people! This is not a show. Move now! Chop chop!” I said with stern voice, shooing people away. After clearing the area, I went inside. There I saw Joo Hyun, helplessly knocking at one of the toilet stall’s door.

“Chaerin-ah, come out please...don’t be like this…”

“I’ll do whatever I want. I’m not going. How many times do I have to tell you? Leave me alone!” said the voice behind the door.   

When Joo Hyun saw me, I signalled to her to leave. After she left, I tried knocking again.

“I. Am. Not. Going!!”

“I hear you Chae, no need to shout.”

“Oh, Bommie-unnie...”

“Why are you hiding there? Don’t you have schedule to attend to?” no answer.

I went inside to the stall next to her and sit at the closet toilet, “Hey Chae, care to tell me what’s going on? The Chaerin I know won’t pull such an unprofessional stunt like this. And I also happen to know that a clean freak like you won’t stay at this room for long.”

I heard a small laugh, a good sign. “It’s not like I like it here, Unnie. I thought they won’t find me if I hide in here.”

 “So please do tell me, what the hell is going on so we could get out from here.”

She kept silent and I didn’t want to push her.

After some time she finally said something, “Jun Hyung broke up with me.” After she said that, she cried. She went on and on telling me how they met, the start of their relationship, and when it got to break up part, she cried harder and louder.

“Uh oh…Do you have enough tissues there? I can give you mine.” I really didn’t know what else to say. I was never good at love talk; it was more Dara’s specialty.

 “Hikss...I got...hiks...enough...hikss...tissues...Unnie.” She managed to answer while crying.

“Okay” I decided to just wait until she calmed down.

Suddenly she asked, “Hikss...Do you think...hikss...I’m lovable, Unnie?” I noticed that she started to calm down a bit.

“Well, of course silly. Who wouldn’t love the y, charismatic, full aegyo and good hearted Chaerin? He’s a complete idiot if he couldn’t see that. It’s his loss.” I said it vehemently.

“Do you believe in true love, Unnie? Will I ever found someone who see me and love me that way?”

“Hmm...True love? Wow, that's heavy... I don’t know for sure about that, Chae. But I do know for sure that if you keep hiding and acting like this you won’t even have the chance to meet your potential lovers out there.” I shrugged nonchalantly.


“I’m joking, of course you will. You’re only 21 now, you still have times to find "the one". You should be worrying about me. I’m already 27 and still single. Huull~ my love life is soo dull.”

“But you have Eric-oppa, don’t you?”

“Eric-oppa and I are just friends.”

“Eey...Really?? Just friends? Are you sure?”

“Yes, we are just friends. since you’re back being nosy I take it that you’re feeling better. How long are you planning to be in there? It feels weird talking through wall. Let’s get out from here. Do you want to eat? Or should we go shopping? ”

“You’re not making me to go to that TV show?”

“I’m not. I know you are a professional and committed person, Chae. So, if you don’t want to go, you must have your own reason. I’ll respect that. Even if I made you go, you would feel forced. It will be shown on camera that you’re not happy. When you’re not happy, you’re not going to give your best on doing your job. That is not good for your career and it will reflect on company too. Don’t worry; I’ll do something about it. Of course it’s going to be a hassle. I’ll just make several apologetic calls. Dara and her team at PR Division will make up excuses to be told to the broadcast station. Then I’ll have to meet Yang-sajangnim to give some explanation. But you come first. We’re family here in YG right? And I take care of my family.”

I heard a clicking sound of an opened door beside my stall. I got up and when I came out I found Chaerin were standing in front of my stall’s door.  

“I...I’ll go, Unnie.”

“Really? No pressure here.” I said convincingly.

“Yeah, right.” She chuckled and then she continued, “I don’t want to put you to any trouble, Unnie. And I’m really sorry for what I did today; it’s an unprofessional and childish thing to do.”

“Aaw, it’s alright. It’s not me who you should be apologizing to. You should apologize to Eun Ah, Joo Hyun and other crews. They’re really worried about you. Come here Chaerin-ah.” I hugged her tightly. “So, are you feeling better?”

“I guess I’m okay, Bommie-unnie.” She smiled.

“Good then. Now first thing first, we need to get out from here and get your make-up fixed.” I shoved her out.

When we were out, I saw Seungri running towards us. “Bommie-noona, you’re here!” He stopped then tried to catch his breath. He looked at Chaerin, “Oh, Chaerin-ah you’re here too. Eh, what’s wrong with your face? You look ugly with those swollen eyes.”

“Ya! You look ugly yourself with those dark circles under your eyes!” and they continued to bicker, calling names “he’s that” and “she’s this”.

“Hey...hey...cut it out guys. Seungri, were you looking for me?” I separated them, Chaerin at my right side while Seungri at my left.

“Ah yes...yes, Yang-sajangnim wants to see you. He told me to look for you. He’s waiting at your office right now.”

“Did he say anything else?” I hope sajangnim didn’t mention about my letter to Seungri. This kid is known as a blabbermouth. If he knew about my letter, in seconds it will spread like a wildfire in this company.

“No.” I felt relieved hearing it.

“Okay, I’m going to see him. Seungri-ah be a nice boy and accompany Chaerin to see Joo Hyun, will you? Tell her that I assign you to help Eun Ah coordinate CL-Minzy’s support team. ”

“Unnie, don’t leave me with this annoying panda.” Chaerin stuck out her tongue at Seungri who then also did the same. 

“Chaerin, Seungri!” I gave both of them a clear -end of discussion- look, so that they had no choice but to do what I say.

When I turned my back on them, both of them back on bickering mode. A smile crept up on my face; I couldn’t help to think, “Hmm...Couple in the making?” my matchmaker instinct flares up.


When I came into my office, I saw my boss standing near my desk. He was looking at the pictures I put on my desk. “Sajangnim?”

“Oh, Bom-ah.” He smiled at me. “You don’t mind if I look around at your office, do you?”

“It’s okay, sajangnim.” I sat at the sofa in the centre of my office that designated for having guests.   

He then also sat at the sofa across mine, “Eun Ah said that you were with Chaerin, is there any problem that I should know?”

“Oh, we’re just having a girl talk, that’s all.” I gave him a convincing wide smile to hide my nervousness. Yang-sajangnim was really strict about his artists dating. So, it’s better if I didn’t tell him what’s really happening.

To make him distracted, I talked to him about his favourite topics; music industry nowadays, our artists and company’s future prospect. We talked and talked until he said to me, “Actually Bom-ah, I’m a bit surprised when I received your resignation letter days ago. You should see yourself talking about music just now. I can see your love towards music and how you are so passionate about the industry too. ”  

“Can’t help it, it’s in my blood. Blamed it to my parents. Especially Appa.” I laughed.

“Haha, true... Your crazy dad already took you to his and others concerts when you’re only 5 years old. I remember clearly, your mother scolded him for doing that.” He and I laughed remembering it.

“It’s too bad that I’m going to lose a competent person like you. But I respect your decision, it’s not like you are going to leave me for other entertainment company.”

“My grandparents need me.”

“I know. But can I ask you one last favour, Bom?”


“I want you to get Kwon Ji Yong-ssi to sign with us.”

“Kwon Ji Yong-ssi? Why him?” Honestly, I got surprised with his request. I knew that Kwon Ji Yong-ssi is a talented musician, but I also heard that he’s a difficult person to deal with. Let alone to manage him.

“Why not? He’s one of a kind in this industry. He doesn’t have a manager right now; it’s our opportunity to have a great talent like that in our company. You don’t think you can do it, Bom?”

“I can get him.”



A/N: gaaahh..finally I updated...I'm really sorry for the lateness...Bommie-unnie got a new hair do..just the way I imagine her  character in this story. what a coincidence!! hehe...

To be honest I kept rewriting the next chapter where Bom and Jiyong are finally meet each other, feeling unsatisfied about it. Do you think first meeting is overrated? should they meet in casual manner business like? or it has to feel magical? aargghh..maybe I'll updated the next chapter a bit longer..sorry in advance...meanwhile enjoy this chapter, I would like to hear your comments about it.

thank you for keep supporting this story, I hope I'm not disappointing you guys..

Cheers ^____^

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Chapter 14: Stay please...
Leofata #2
hope you'll have the time to update this and finish the story. Hopefully soon :)
Leofata #3
Chapter 14: Update this please
gbomtopfans #4
this is ur first fanfic.. u should finish this. >_<
gbomtopfans #5
Chapter 13: i read this story again.. and i dont know i miss them so much.. this story give me such a good feeling. again... hmmm. i miss this.. update soon authornim.. hwaiting!
Chapter 14: Let her stay... or..he should follow her.... update plss..
vippandaarmy #7
Chapter 14: omo bom stay <3333 jaebal! i love gbom... i prefer it over daragon (but i am gtae trash...<333)
Dy0531 #8
Chapter 14: Stay! Bom please stay!!!
gbomtopfans #9
omo.. dont tease us again... why u ask that?? of course she should stay.... hahhaha.. update soon authornim.. hwaiting.. ^o^
shella13 #10
Chapter 14: Omaygod!! Ofc bom should just stay!!!
Please update soon ><