Chapter 2.

Minkey's Baby Story.

Three Months, June.

Minho and Key were at their second doctor's appointment and Key was so happy that he could barely keep still in his seat. Minho just smiled at him and held his hand. "You're extremely happy today." He pointed out. Key looked at Minho and scoffed. "What gave it away?" Minho chuckled and kissed the side of his head.

"Kibum?" The nurse called out, Key and Minho stood and walked down the small hallway to their doctor's office. Key sat on the examination bed and Minho sat in the chair next to him, the doctor walked in and sat down in a chair also.

"Good morning." The doctor greeted.

"Good morning." They both greeted back.

"So, today we're just going to do another ultrasound to see how the baby is." Key nodded and laid back down on the examination bed and lifted his shirt, the doctor the screen and squirted the gel on his stomach. Minho watched the sensor moving around then he looked up at the screen.

"There's the baby." The doctor said when she left the sensor where the baby was, Key smiled widely and looked back at Minho. "It's our baby!" Minho smiled and held his hand, kissing the back of it. "I know."

The doctor turned off the screen and wiped the gel off Key's stomach. "You have any questions?" Key nodded.

"I've been feeling butterflies in my stomach, is that normal?" The doctor nodded and smiled.

"Ne, It's called fluttering and it's supposed to feel like butterflies. It's part of your baby's first movements." Key nodded and placed a hand on his three month stomach, he smiled when he felt the baby flutter just then. "It feels funny." The doctor nodded again.

"It does, but soon, you'll start to feel kicking." Key looked up from his stomach at the doctor.

"Kicking?" The doctor nodded again.

"It usually starts around five or six months." Key nodded again and got off the bed. "We'll schedule another appointment for next month." They both nodded.

Key sat on the couch with the pregnancy book that Taemin let him borrow. He flipped through the pages as he stuffed his face with popcorn and pumpkin pie. Minho decided to clean the house for Key, since he wasn't up for it. The phone rang and Key answered it.


"Umma! Me and Onew are coming over! We want to see the baby picture!!" Taemin screamed from the other line, Key just smiled and put down the book.

"Yeah! Please come over. I'm lonely and Minho is too busy cleaning the house to spend time with me~" Key pouted. Taemin giggled and spoke up.

"Ne, We'll be over shortly!" Key nodded and hung up the phone. He placed it down on the coffee table and went back to reading the book.

Minho walked into the room and sat down next to him. "What'cha reading?" He questioned. Key looked up from the book and smiled. "I'm reading Taemin's pregnancy book to help us get ready for our little bundle of joy." Minho nodded and read the chapter that Key was on.

Soon, the doorbell rang and Minho got up to answer it. He opened the door and Taemin rushed in with Onew following behind carrying Hana. Leo and Hy also walked inside but stayed with Onew.

Taemin sat down next to Key and smiled. "Omo! You look cute with your little baby bump!" Taemin cooed and gently caressed Key's stomach. Key only smiled as he watched Taemin's hand run up and down his stomach.

"Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet?" Taemin asked.

Key shook his head. "Nope, I only went for a ultrasound and to see what this butterfly feeling was." Taemin nodded. "Oh, fluttering. Yeah, I felt that a lot too." Key pinched his cheeks. "So cute."

"Yah~" Taemin pouted and pulled away from Key.

"Uncle Minho," Leo began. Minho leaned down and smiled at him. "Ne?"

"Do you have any apple juice?" He said cutely. Minho nodded and ruffled his hair. "Of course. Follow me." He led Leo into the kitchen and grabbed him an apple juice carton.

After a couple of hours of discussing the baby and other things Taemin felt like Key needed to know about being pregnant, they finally left.

Key got up and stretched big and rubbed his tummy as he wondered up the stairs, Minho followed behind. They opened the door to their bedroom and Key quickly changed into his large over night shirt and slipped into bed.

Minho did the same and cuddled to Key as he hummed a song, Key drifted off to sleep in Minho's arms.

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KpopJujuBee #1
Chapter 2: Omg how cute u should make key have Lauren from hello baby mblaq she to cute haha & a little diva like key to how cute would that be key & baby Lauren haha :D
Chapter 1: great job, I love MinKey together; so cute, and Minho not letting Key's stubbornness bother him and hugging him tighter is so cute; can't wait for more.
Chapter 1: Nowadays there are few stories about minkey where key is pregnant... :)
Your story is cute and minho is a gentleman as usual... ^^
Chapter 1: Cute cute cute ..
I love when Key being stubborn . And there's Minho who just smile and hug him tightly ..
Aaww (>̯-̮<)