Chapter 1.

Minkey's Baby Story.

"Minho!" Key cried. Minho ran into the bathroom and saw Key looking at a white stick like thing in his hand. "What?" Minho croaked. Key had tears streaming down his face and a smile grew on his face too, he showed the pregnant test to Minho. "I'm pregnant again!" Minho smiled and hugged the blonde boy, Key hugged back and kept repeating that he was pregnant.

"Omo Key, this is great!" Minho picked him up and spun him around, Key got sick an pulled away from him and ran back over to the toliet to empty his insides. Minho knelt down next to him and rubbed his back soothingly, Key flushed and wiped his face before leaning back against Minho. "I already hate being pregnant. How did Taemin handle it?" Minho smiled and brushed some hair out of Key's eyes. "Because he has Onew, and you have me. I love you and I'll be here for you." Key scoffed but smiled. "I'm in love with a frog-eyed pabo." Minho laughed and rolled his eyes. "But I'm your frog-eyed pabo." Key smiled when he placed a hand on his flat stomach. "Soon, we'll have a little Minho jr. running around." Minho placed a hand on top of Key's  "Or a little diva, like you."

Two months had passed and Key was already gaining weight and his mood swings were worse then anyone else. Key also hated being touched, he was feeling bloated, fat, and ugly since he got pregnant. Minho on the other hand, tried to tell Key that he was beautiful and not ugly but of course, Key ignored him.

"Minho," Key began, his boyfriends hair.
"Ne?" Minho leaned into his touch.
"I love you." He softly smiled. Minho leaned and kissed Key but only to be pushed off a second later. "Key." Minho sighed. "How am I supposed to love you if i can't touch you?" Key ignored his question and just pushed Minho's  head off his lap and laid down in bed, his back facing towards Minho.
Minho frowned and spooned Key.
Key tried to wiggle out of his grasp but Minho held tightly.
"Key, I love you." He whispered. "I don't care if you're fat or not, that doesn't matter to me."
"Yes it does, don't deny it." Key spat.
Minho just chuckled and kissed down his neck softy.
"Yah, why are you laughing?" Key pouted.
"I'm laughing at your stubbornness." Key reached over and smacked Minho before smiling to himself. Minho frowned and pretended to cry in his neck, Key just rolled his eyes before falling asleep.
The next morning, Key was up early and was on the phone with Taemin.
"So, how do you like being pregnant?" Taemin asked as he fed Hana while balancing the phone on his shoulder and ear. Leo was playing with Hy, and Onew was attempting to make breakfast. Key stirred the food that was in the pot before placing a hand on his tiny baby bump. "It has it's ups and downs." Taemin chuckled. "It does." There was a crash and followed by Onew cursing in English, Taemin sighed.
"I got to go, Onew hyung might burn the house down if I'm not helping." Key laughed and said goodbye before hanging up. He stirred the food again and heard the wooden stairs creaking. "Your appa's awake." He said as he caressed his small, yet seeable bump, Minho walked with nasty bed hair and Key laughed at him.
"Rough night?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
Minho smiled sarcastically at him before sitting down in one of the stools. "I did. You waking me up almost every hour, asking me to make you something with peanut butter and anchovies."
Key just smiled to himself when he fixed Minho a plate of food before placing it in front of him. "I'm sorry, but you try having to crave everything in the house." Key sat down next to him, Minho ate his food and even shared some with Key before he had enough. "We have an appointment in an hour. So, hurry and get dressed."

Key laid down on the bed and held Minho's hand while the nurse squirted the gel on his belly then placing the sensor on it, spreading the gel around before she started looking for the baby.

"Good news," The nurse smiled. Key looked at the screen and saw his baby alive. "This one managed to live." Key beamed with happiness and tears formed in his eyes, Minho smiled and kissed his cheek. "The baby is pretty healthy. Keep up the good work." She turned off the screen and wiped off the gel on Key's stomach. 
After the hospital visit, Key and Minho went home and decided to make a baby book for their new baby they were excited to have.
Key of course decided on the book to be pink and decorated cutely and Minho protested. Key just ignored him as usual and kept making the book. 

A/N: Just the first chapter of when Minkey found out that they were pregnant for the second time! :D

I hope you enjoy this story~


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KpopJujuBee #1
Chapter 2: Omg how cute u should make key have Lauren from hello baby mblaq she to cute haha & a little diva like key to how cute would that be key & baby Lauren haha :D
Chapter 1: great job, I love MinKey together; so cute, and Minho not letting Key's stubbornness bother him and hugging him tighter is so cute; can't wait for more.
Chapter 1: Nowadays there are few stories about minkey where key is pregnant... :)
Your story is cute and minho is a gentleman as usual... ^^
Chapter 1: Cute cute cute ..
I love when Key being stubborn . And there's Minho who just smile and hug him tightly ..
Aaww (>̯-̮<)