
Tell Me If This Is Love


The morning after I woke up in my bed alone and it took me a few minutes to realize that there should be someone with me there. I sat upright quickly, shooting an almost frantic look around the apartment without finding the person I was looking for. It made me worry a bit less that Luhan's clothes were still scattered all over the floor by the foot of the bed. I was pretty sure he wouldn't leave my place .

Letting out a sigh of relief I flopped onto my back again. I was sprawled out on the bed, long limbs sticking in all directions, while thoughts about what had happened the previous night ran rampant through my head. The recollection of it was enough to make the appendage between my legs begin to stir. It had been amazing. It was without a doubt the best I had ever had. The fact that it was with Luhan only seemed to make it better. He was the first person I had felt this strongly about and that scared me a little, especially since I didn't know if he felt the same way about me.

The door to the bathroom opened and Luhan appeared clad only in a pair of boxers and with a towel on his head, rubbing it almost violently against his damp hair. He paused on the spot when he saw me looking at him, but only stood still for a few seconds. Then he approached the bed where I was lying. He stopped when his shins collided with the mattress. "I used your shower, I hope that's okay. I was feeling a little gross."

"It's fine," I mumbled. I let my eyes rake over his body, furrowing my brow at the sight of the bruises that marred the skin on his hips. Without even considering my actions I reached out to ghost my fingers over the marks. He broke into goosebumps under my touch. "Does it hurt?" He shook his head, but swatted at my hand anyway.

"Tickles," he was quick to explain when he noticed my wounded expression. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." Letting the towel hang around his neck he stood pensively by the side of the bed for a few moments. Then he let out a sigh and with determination clear on his face he crawled onto the mattress to straddle my waist. "Good morning," he said right before he leaned down to kiss me. My hands found their way to his hips of their own accord. I gave them a gentle squeeze, greedily swallowing the sighs that fell from Luhan's lips.

"Good morning," I muttered once he pulled away.

"How's your head?" My only response to this was a strained grimace and he chuckled, eyes crinkling as he did so. "I'm sorry, okay? You just looked like the type of person who holds their liquor well." This I didn't respond to and after kissing me once more he went to the kitchen where he began searching through the cupboards, eventually pulling out two mugs. "Do you have any coffee? I need to leave for school in about an hour."

I groaned and pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes when I realized that I had classes as well. That was one of the last things I wanted to do at the moment. I just wanted to stay in bed all day, preferably with Luhan. "Top shelf," I mumbled in response to his previous question. I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed, quickly finding out that I was still completely and at the same time deciding that I didn't care. Luhan had already seen it all anyway.

He seemed to be having a bit of trouble getting a hold of the container I kept my coffee powder in - I tended to forget that not everyone was as tall as me - so I decided to help him out. Standing right behind him I placed one hand on his bare waist and I extended my arm to grab the container that was just out of his reach. He was smiling as I handed it to him. "Thank you," he said, turning around halfway to look me over and his smile only widened. I felt flustered under his gaze in a way that was very unlike me. I had to avert my eyes.

"I'm... I'm going to go clean up," I muttered.

"Too bad I already showered, huh?" It took me a moment to understand what he meant by that and when I finally did realize, my eyes widened. I fled the scene before my libido managed to catch up with my mind and Luhan's suggestive remark.

When I returned to the living room after a quick (cold) shower, Luhan was curled up in a corner of the couch, holding his mug in both hands as he sipped its contents, and he glanced at me. I smugly noticed the look of disappointment that flashed in his eyes when he saw that I was wearing underwear now. "Your coffee is on the counter," he told me, gesturing towards the kitchen. I went to grab the cup and sat down on the couch as well, about a foot or so away from the other male because I wasn't sure how this even worked. It had been quite some time since I woke up while the person I had slept with was still in the apartment.

There was a few minutes of silence where he just drank his coffee and I tried to think of something to say to break the tension. "Do you want me to drive you to class?" I eventually asked. I figured it would be nice of me to do that.

"Isn't your car still parked by the club?"

"We can go get it first." He pursed his lips and it seemed like he was contemplating my offer. After a few moments of consideration he nodded. I smiled as I took the first sip of the coffee he had made for us, but that expression faded the very moment the drink hit my taste buds. I grimaced. "This is terrible!" I exclaimed, holding the cup an arm's length away from me as if I had been bitten.

"It is, isn't it?" Luhan pouted, staring down into the black liquid of death that was swirling around in his mug. "I'm sorry, I'm not really used to making coffee."

"Don't worry about it." I took the cup out of his hand and carried both his and mine to the kitchen, pouring its contents down the sink without a second thought. I just needed to get rid of it. "We can go out for breakfast instead. I know a nice, little place near campus."

There was a quirk in the corner of his lips. He cocked a brow. "Are you asking me out, Wufan?"

I swallowed something that seemed to settle in my stomach in the form of nervousness instead, but my gaze didn't waver. "Only if you're going to say yes."

This time the quirk turned into a full smile. "I'll go get dressed."

Luhan's clothes, it turned out, were much to flashy for casual wear. The jeans he had worn were acceptable, albeit a bit on the tight side, but his shirt in all its sequined, glittering glory wasn't really, which was why I let him borrow one of my sweatshirts. It was far too big for his, compared to mine, small body, but the way it sacked around his frame and the way the sleeves were so long that they covered part of his hands was kind of cute. "Are you ready to go?" I asked, emerging from the bathroom where I had been fixing my hair. He nodded.

The walk to the club took longer than it had the night before because Luhan seemed to be having a bit of trouble. Every time his face scrunched up in pain I felt guilty. He constantly assured me that he was fine, though. "It doesn't hurt that much," he told me with a smile. "It's just been a while since... since the last time I did this."

"Are you sure you're okay?" He nodded. Despite his attempts to make me feel better I wrapped an arm around his waist to support him. He didn't object. He just leaned against my side, a hand in my shirt to hold on to me. It suddenly became a lot easier to accept the situation.

My car was exactly where I had parked it. We both entered the vehicle and I had barely inserted the key into the ignition before Luhan had the radio and was trying to find something to listen to. "Any preferences?" he wanted to know.

"Choose whatever you want, I'm not picky." He settled for a radio station that was playing a song by some Korean boy group that I couldn't really remember the name of, but Luhan seemed very enthusiastic about them, judging from the way his face lit up and they way he began eagerly singing along, so I didn't mind. Eventually I even found myself tapping the beat against the steering wheel with my fingers.

Before long we had reached the cafe and I parked my car in the small parking lot that was close to it. "I'm not much of a coffee drinker, to be honest," Luhan confessed as we made our way towards the entrance. "I usually just drink bubble tea with Yixing's boyfriend."

I held the door open for him and let him enter before me. "You can order something else, then." Luhan eyed the menu that was written in multi-colored chalk on blackboards behind the counter, jutting his bottom lip out in a thoughtful pout that made me want to kiss him because he looked so damn cute. I settled for poking his cheek and shot him a grin when he glared playfully at me.

"Hyung!" The smile on my face faded at the sound of that voice, one I, unfortunately, was all too familiar with. Slowly I turned my head to face the front where I was met with the sight of the terrifyingly large grin that was plastered to the face of the person standing behind the counter.

"I... I didn't know you worked here," was I all I could say as I stared at his uniform and his nametag that told me his name was Chanyeol as if I didn't already know.

"What are you talking about? I told you a few weeks ago that I had gotten hired in this place!" I made a mental note to pay more attention to Chanyeol when he talked rather than zoning him out. "What the hell happened to you last night? You disappeared out of nowhere."

I had just opened my mouth to make an excuse when a small hand curled around the inside of my elbow and I looked down at Luhan, offering him a weak smile. "Can I have hot chocolate?" He beamed at me when I nodded. "Can I have pie too?"

"Sure," I said automatically. I found it difficult to say no to him when he was looking at me the way he was. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that Chanyeol was watching the two of us intently even though we were conversing in Mandarin. I cleared my throat. "Can you go find a table for us to sit at? I'll be right with you." I watched Luhan walk off before I turned to glare at my friend. "Don't you dare say anything."

He didn't even flinch at my harsh tone. "Who's that?" he wanted to know. There was a smug smile stretched wide on his face.

I ignored his question. "I'll have one hot chocolate and one black coffee..."

"Did I just see him limping? Did you guys sleep together?"

"...and I would also like one piece of apple pie, please."

"I didn't know you swung that way, hyung." I clenched my jaw, growling at Chanyeol through my teeth, and he raised his hands defensively. "Alright, alright, calm your . Sheesh. Can't even ask a damn question without getting your head ripped off." He muttered the last part under his breath while he made his way back to make the beverages I had just ordered. Running a hand through my hair, I let out a sigh. It wasn't that I didn't want the people around me to know about Luhan. It was all just a little new to me still, the whole 'being attracted to someone of the same ' thing, and I didn't even know if Luhan wanted people to know about him either.

When Chanyeol returned a few minutes later he was glaring at me and I felt a little bad about myself. "I'm sorry I snapped at you," I mumbled as I watched him ring up the order. He only let out a huff and didn't even spare me another glance. I sighed again. "Chanyeol..."

"It's okay, you know," he said. "That you like a guy. I'm not going to judge you based on that and I'm pretty sure Baek won't either. We'll mistreat you just the same." I scoffed at the last added sentence, but I didn't respond any other way. I paid for the things I had just ordered and took the tray Chanyeol had placed them on. "You can tell us when you're ready," he said when I had already started walking away from the counter and him.

"I will," I said after a short pause.

Luhan was waiting for me at one of the small tables by the large window that provided a perfect view of the bustling street outside. He lit up when I placed the pie and the hot chocolate in front of him and began devouring both things right away. I sat down on the unoccupied chair one the other side of the table, leaning my chin on my palm as I watched him eat. There were small crumbs clinging to his lips and the corner of his mouth, but for some reason that was endearing. I was totally becoming a sap because of this guy.

Luhan seemed to notice me staring. He reached up to touch his face and flushed slightly when he felt the remnants of food there, quickly brushing it away. I just smiled. He was so cute. "Uhm, do you know that guy?" he whispered and inclined his head in the direction of the counter. He sounded a bit anxious.

When I turned to look I just barely managed to see Chanyeol disappearing behind the wall he was spying on us from. I grimaced. "He likes to pretend he's my friend. Just ignore him." Luhan nodded, albeit somewhat hesitantly, and took a sip of his drink. A thin layer of whipped cream remained on his top lip. He swiped his tongue over the spot to collect it, however, and fortunately he did that before I managed to follow the sudden urge I had to reenact a popular Korean drama I had been halfway forced, halfway persuaded into watching by one of my friends. That would have been embarrassing.

"So you've really never been with a guy before?"

Luhan's blunt question brought me right back down to earth. I suddenly felt slightly flustered. "No," I said when a few moments of silence had passed.

"What makes me different, then?"

"I don't know." It was the truth. I really didn't. "I just... I really like you a lot, Luhan." My heart did a flutter when he blushed and shyly averted his gaze. The smile on his face made me feel hopeful.

We finished our small breakfast fairly quickly and then left the cafe so I could drive Luhan to school like I had promised I would. As we walked towards the exit I kept my hand at the small of his back without paying any attention to the smug look Chanyeol shot in our direction. I was sure he wouldn't let me hear the end of it the next time we were alone. I didn't care.

Luhan still seemed like he was having trouble walking properly, so we took it slow. He must have noticed the worried expression on my face. He gave me a strained smile that seemed like it was supposed to be comforting. "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" I asked. He didn't seem like he was.

"I'm just really sore," he groaned under his breath. "It's my own fault, though, I was impatient. Next time we have I'm going to remember to bring lube." It took exactly three seconds before he realized the proposition in his comment. He had just revealed that he was expecting there to be a 'next time'. His eyes widened and he snapped his head around to look at me, opening and closing his mouth and initiating half-stuttered sentences as if he was having a hard time finding the proper words to explain himself.

We were standing there in the parking lot, Luhan wearing my oversized, dark green hoodie over his skintight jeans with hair that was messy because he hadn't thought about fixing it before we left my apartment and a flustered expression on his face. The sight was absolutely adorable and it made me want to kiss him. So I did. With a smile tugging at my lips I leaned in to press my mouth against his, successfully shutting him up at the same time. "Can't wait," I said, taking advantage of his surprise by grabbing a hold of his hand. I didn't let go of him until we reached my car.




A/N: last chapter for this story, woop. it's the chapter I like the best out of the four, probably because it's the only chapter I've written from scratch AFTER I decided to revive this story (the other three chapters were written more than a year and a half ago). I feel like I've improved quite a bit since then. but maybe that's just wishful thinking?
anyway. yeah. this chapter doesn't really have much content, it's just them being a little lovey-dovey and datey and whatnot, but I felt like the story needed something more than them sleeping together and I didn't want it to end where chapter three ended SO... here's this. and I'd say it's a pretty happy ending, don't you think? wufan wants more, luhan wants more, chanyeol is okay with wufan liking boys (well, boy) and baekhyun probably is as well so it's all good. it's an open ending as well, which leaves room for more possible krishan in the future. \o/ oh, and did you get who yixing's boyfriend, who I mentioned in chapter two, is? (
"I usually just drink bubble tea with Yixing's boyfriend.") eheheheheheheheheheheheheh, get it?
thank you all for reading and subscribing. ^^v I hope you all enjoyed this story while it lasted and I hope you'll want to read my other stories too~ ♥ (especially this and these /shameless self-promotion)
as usual I'll leave you with pictures. BYE!

kris helping luhan when he fell T^T (totally not looking at lay's pimp walk or anything /biased)
baby lu in a wife beater, just kill me now.
they're so cute *sobs*


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Novahd #1
Still one of most fav stories of all times
iminlovewithluhan #2
Chapter 3: Awwwww such a cute Krishan story ^^
Chapter 4: Cute and y Krishan. i love it so much!!!
Onepenny #4
Chapter 4: I really enjoyed it. Fluffy and y. Always a good combination!
neouisesangeuro #5
passing by, re-read this fic again after 2 years and I brightly remember that this fanfic turn me out as KrisHan shipper till now. Still my (very) favorite KrisHan fic till now ♡ I still hope there's a sweet sequel from this fic thou ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 4: Y u no continue this story , OMG so perfect ! I wish there was a sequel !
Chapter 2: awwww sweet , so sweet
jambydsy #8
Chapter 4: Cried cuz of cuteness T.T too adorable and lovely
I want more
Chapter 4: I LOVED THIS SO MUCH! It was so cute and the scene was awesome! Thank you for writing KrisHan, I wish they had more amazing fics like this :)