
겨울아이 - I met you on a snowy day.

No One's POV


"Heejinaa wake up we have only 30 minutes left before lesson starts!" Min jumped on Heejin's bed and she woke up with a shock. "Ok you can go I will come after" She replied half asleep and Min left the room. After she left she finally came back to her mind but it was already too late. "Why did I tell her to go I dont know the way to class aishh Im so stupid." She stood up and changed into her uniform. "I wonder if Yeejin's roommate is nice..and I hope I can find my class!" She hurried and after washing up her face she ran out of her room. 

"Unni you are finally here I was waiting so long." She turned and saw Yeejin waiting beside her room. "Oh Yeejin what are you doing here?" The principal told me to give you this because Im not 18 yet." Yeejin hand her sister a small paper and she took it. "Anyways see you in lunch break?" Yeejin said and left her sister. 


"Seems like you don't know where your class is?" Heejin turned to see Gunwoo standing beside her. Today she saw that he was really pale in his face, his black hair made him look even more pale then he is "Follow me I will bring you." He told her and she just nod. not having another choice.

"So this is your class and this class over here is mines if you need something ask me ok?" Gunwoo smiled and she nod scared of his big eyes that were staring at her. "Teacher Lee this is the new student." He walked over to the teacher. "Good job Gunwoo you can go now." The teacher replied.

"Come inside" He told her and she walked slowly into the class. The three girls sitting on the right side were looking at her with judging eyes. "So students this is a new student please treat her nice. Introduce yourself." He told her and she did as he said. 

"My name is Heejin and Im 18 years old. I moved over from Jeju Island I hope we get along." She smiled and the teacher showed her where she can sit. "You can sit beside Aron, because we don't have any other empty seats." Heejin nod and walked over to him. She smiled but he ignored her and just looked out of the window. "Idiot" Heejin said under her breathe hoping he would hear it. Min was waving to  her from the other side of the class and she smiled as response.


Yeejin's POV


I finally arrived infront of my class with my roommate. Her name is Eunji, she is a really nice girl until now and tried to help me as much as she can. "Teacher I brought the new student with me." She walked over to the old man. I bet he is teaching History he just looks like a History teacher.

I followed Eunji inside and the Teacher smiled at me. "Such a pretty girl." He said and I didnt know what to say. "Our new student will introduce herself please give attention." He said and I turned to look at the class. Honestly most of them looked mean. One boy was staring at me without any emotions on his face. He had light blonde hair and he was really pretty to be honest.

"My name is Yeejin..Please take care of me" I bowed. "Yeejin you are pretty!" A boy yelled and the teacher threw his crayon to his head. He has dark blonde hair and was really handsome but seriously does everyone in this class have blonde hair? "Have manners Daehyun!" The teacher yelled at him and then looked around where I could sit. He thought for awhile but I didn't understand why because there was only one seat free in the whole class.

"Go and sit beside Jonghyun." He said finally said and I walked over to sit beside that guy named Jonghyun. He didn't look like he was happy about me sitting beside him but who cares.

That blonde guy was sitting infront of me and beside him another blonde guy with short hair. The guy beside me had black hair and was just playing with his pencil and looking out of the window. 


The lesson was really boring and like I said he was an History teacher. At least I am good in history so I could look around in the class and analyse people. That blonde boy with short hair was always laughing and making the teacher angry the guy beside him was trying to concentrate and always turned and said something to the guy 'Jonghyun' beside me but I realized he calls him JR. Probably a nickname. 

When the lesson ended it was lunchtime finally and I just stood up and walked out of the room. I heard people talking stuff about my back but didnt concern to listen to them. 


Ren's POV


I watched her walking out of the room in a hurry and could just stare at her back that dissapeared in a few seconds. Why is she never smiling I thought while looking dazed into the class.

"Yah Ren why are you looking thru me as if Im air!" Baekho hit my arm and I noticed that he was standing infront of me. "Ahh I was thinking" I replied to him. "You are always thinking" Minhyun smiled and walked over to them.

"Congratulations you finally got a desk neighbour" Baekho teased JR and laughed. "As if I wanted  one." JR rolled his eyes. "Lets go get lunch Im hungry." JR stood up and we followed him out.


Heejin's POV


I was looking around in the cafeteria but I couldn't find Yeejin around. "Searching for your sister?" Min asked me and I nod. "I will go find her" I said and stood up. I walked over to the cafeteria door and accidently bumped into a boy. "Im sorry I didn't see you." I bowed a few times and Min came running over to me. "Minhyuna sorry she is new and doesn't know anything yet." She smiled at him and I looked at his face.

"Its fine" He said and smiled at me. "Whats your name?" He said looking at me. "Her name is Heejin" Min replied for me and I just looked at her. She didnt have to answer for me but its ok I thought..

"Well ok I will get going see you around." Minhyun said and left to take his lunch. I was really dazed for a moment he was so handsome and so nice. I hope the rest of this school is like that too. 

I turned around to go back to my seat because I thought Yeejin would find me when she comes inside. Suddenly someone bumped into me with all her food and messed up my whole uniform. "Oh sorry I didn't see you" She smirked and it was obvious that she did that on purpose. "Soyeon please" Min said and that girl gave her a mean look.

"What is it? Are you protecting this ?" That girl called Soyeon said and I widened my eyes. "Yah who are you calling a !" Yeejin came inside and pushed Soyeon away. "Who the hell do you think you are to call my sister like that!" She yelled at her and I tried to hold her back.

"Do you know who I am??? I am JR's girlfriend and nobody in this school can say anything to me!" Soyeon got angry and walked over to Yeejin. Everybody in the Cafeteria stood up and stared at us fighting. "You are a nobody but you dare to say those things to me??" She said again and Yeejin slapped her. "Who is the nobody here?? Am I the one who hides behind her boyfriend's name to get attention? You are the one! You are pathetic!" Yeejin said and Min finally got between them. 

"Stop this! The teacher is coming you both will get into a big mess." She said to stop them and Yeejin walked out of the cafeteria. "I will talk with you again later!!" Soyeon yelled after Yeejin and gave me a dead glare before walking away.


No One's POV


Nu'est was watching the whole thing from behind and Baekho couldn't help and said something. "JR your girlfriend " He said and laughed. "I don't like her either" Minhyun said and JR looked at them. "But wow this new girl has some confident! She was going to kill Soyeon!" Baekho and Aron laughed.

Suddenly Ren stood up and they all turned their attention to him. "I will go out and get some fresh air see you guys in PE." He smiled and left. "This boy is a mystery always coming and going when he wants" Aron said while watching Ren leaving. 


Meanwhile Yeejin was ouside at the sports field kicking the football from anger. "This stupid girl how can she insult my sister." She was saying while kicking the ball. "No no you are doing it wrong you have to kick like this." Ren came over to her and kicked the other ball.

"But do you know what helps when you are really angry? To scream it all out." He told Yeejin who was stil looking at him with a strange expression. Ren was just looking into her face because she didnt give any reply. "I know another way.." Yeejin finally said and Ren smiled. "Which way? Mind telling me?"

"Sure... To be alone." Yeejin said while away down and turned to the other side to walk away. "Wait! I don't think that way is good!" Ren said walking after her around the sports field. "Yah its not your business so just go away ok?" She turned and Ren looked at her shocked. "What? Are you telling me to go? ME?" He said.

"Yes YOU can you see someone else here?." She rolled her eyes and he laughed stil following her around. 


Meanwhile other girls had their eyes on them. "Yah as if sitting beside JR oppa isnt enough now she is trying to get Ren oppa?? Such a !" One girl said and Soyeon heard it. "WHAT? She is sitting with JR???" Soyeon hold on that girls arm and she nod.

"This cant be he wouldn't sit with someone like that!" She yelled again but the girls replied. "Well we are in the same class and he didnt even say anything when the teacher told her to hit together." When Sooyeon heard that she got even angrier.

"You are messing with the wrong people girl." She said to herself and walked away with her friends. 

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Chapter 5: omggg jonghwaaan!!!! neeed update NOW!!!!
Putrihosiana #2
Chapter 5: Erghh!! Jonghwan smirking.. asgkljndhsk$-/*h*#!!!
Melted!! Update soon!!
cloudyseoul #3
Chapter 5: aaaaaaah the ending of chapter 05!!! updateeeeeeeee ~~
cloudyseoul #4
Chapter 3: aah you updated! i love chapter 03 so much. yeejin has such a cool personality :D
Chapter 2: its so interesting!! pls update soon*_*
cloudyseoul #6
YES!!! i love this so much. i love the feeling it gives. pls update soon ! cant wait for more.
waiting for the first chapter :3