More drama

My little miracle Bao Yu Wu


“Thank you Kris hyung.” Baekhyun said. “But I’m not having babies for at least another ten years. It’s the best idea for my career.”

“Even if you didn’t mean it the baby’s still worth it.” I said looking a Bao again. I smiled looking at her. She knows how to make me smile.

“Aren’t you going to feed her?” Baekhyun asked.

“I am doing that right now.” I told him making him look at my chest.

“How long do you plan on feeding her?” He asked.

“Until she starts growing teeth.” I replied.

“They start growing teeth in a year I think.” Baekhyun said.

“I’ll feed her maybe till then.” I said.

“Guess who’s here to meet his new sister.” Tao said holding Kenji.

“Oh my!” I smiled. “I bet he was excited to meet her.”

“Here she is Kenji. This is Bao yu li.” He greeted.

“Awww our babies both have Yu in their name.” I giggled.

“They do!” He smiled holding Kenji on his lap. Leaning towards Kenji “I didn’t see that coming. Did you?” Kenji just looked at Bao. Bao avoided eye contact. Weird brother and sister first greeting but, they’ll get used to it. They’d better they’re going to be living together. “How did I not realize that gege?”

“I don’t know.” I laughed looking at him. “My chest hurts Tao. It’s mostly my and area.”

“You’re probably just sore from feeding our little angel girl. I felt it to with my little angel boy.”

“I honestly didn’t feel comfortable having with you while I was pregnant.” I didn’t want to use swear words around the babies.

“But you did anyway because it was good for the pregnancy. I honestly didn’t want to do it either when I was pregnant but once I heard it’ll make labor and child birth easier I made Kae do it with me all the time.” Tao said. “Any cheats I can get I’ll take.”

“How’d she like it?” I asked.

“Honestly Kris she was not for it. She fell asleep most of the time.” Tao laughed.

“Poor Kae.”

“Meh. I wonder what would happen if we were both pregnant we went to each other for the .”

“I do too.” I told him.

“We can try.” He suggested. “Even though I hated be pregnant.”

“We can’t Tao. Don’t you remember what the doctor said?” I stated. “I can’t get pregnant again unless you want me to be in a coma again.”

“Oh god no. That we will never repeat again.” Tao smiled. “That means I don’t have to grow another bas-”

“TAO!” I yelled. “The children!”

“Bundle of joy in my belly again. I just hated it and the pain of child birth. I mean why did Chen make me give birth at home?” Tao yelled. “I would have been able to get to hospital in time but no he made me do it in the bathroom. I mean why did he just have to be that mean?”

“Dude I can name three reasons.” I told him.

“Are you taking his side?” Tao had an angry look on his face.

“No will you just let me explain!” I said.

“Fine go!”

“Reason one, He told you to not have because he didn't want you being pregnant in college like he was and he didn’t want you to make the same choice and end up pregnant. Two, you were not able to get to the hospital because we had no car and three, your contractions were too close together so even if we did have a car you’d probably would have given birth in the car.” I argued in Chen’s defense. “And I know you hate giving birth in public. Be happy you didn’t end up in a coma and nearly died like I did!”

“I at least would have told you if I was at risk.” Tao growled. I placed Bao in her crib feeling this was going to be bad.

“Really? Because if you never told me and I found out for myself I at least wouldn’t have yelled at you making your heart rate like you did to me! From what I know Kae closed the door in your face and you cried like a baby!”

“Why can’t you just say ?” Tao yelled.

“Because I am a responsible mother and I will not say those words around the kids.” I yelled. Can you believe this ? He can’t take the truth and gets all mad when people tell him the truth. Dear god the father of my child is such a baby!

“Who cares? The babies have the memory of an earthworm! They don’t even know what’s going on right now.” He said. “You know what Kris; I wish you were still in a coma.”

“No you don’t because if I was you’d be crying like the little you are!” I yelled back. I can’t believe Tao would say that to me. “OW!” I felt a strong grip on my shoulder and it wasn’t Tao. He’s not strong enough. I soon found out it was Kae.

Her eyes were red. I can tell this won’t go well.

“Are you ing kidding?” She yelled. “Right in front of the babies! Are you guys out of your mind?”

“We didn’t mean to!” Tao cried trying to break free of her grip which wasn’t going to happen. “It just happened!”

“Oh yeah like your angry issues just happen!” Kae yelled. “I don’t even though how we survived you being pregnant.”

“With all respect but I think you being pregnant would be much scarier.” Tao said

“It would.” Kae said. “Now who started this?”

“Kris!” Tao yelled.

“No I didn’t!” I yelled. “I told Tao that Chen was right to make him give birth at home then he got mad and the fight started.”

“Tao you need to work on your anger issues.” Kae dropped us. “Because if you don’t, you’ll tear this family apart!” She walked away in disappointment. “One more thing. You two are best friends. Act like it!”

“Yes Kae.” Tao cried. “She’s right.” He whimpered. “My anger will someday cause me the most precious things in my life. You, Kenji, Bao and even Kae. I can’t lose her.”

“I know Tao. We’ll all be a happy family by tonight.” I hugged him I can’t stay mad at this cute maknae.

“How’d it go?” I heard Chen’s voice. Me and Tao went to listen in.

“Same as usual.” Kae replied.

“Did Tao cry?” Chen said.

“What do you think?” Kae stated.

“Of course he did.” Chen laughed. “He’s lucky he didn’t say anything mean about me or I would have made him cry myself.”

“He wouldn’t.” Kae said. “He knows you did what was best for him. He just hated giving birth at home.”

“I’ll be back.” Tao whispered to me as he walked into the room.

“Oh hi Tao.” Kae said. “Don’t worry we didn’t say anything mean about you.”

“I deserve it.” He replied silently. “I just can’t control my anger at times.”

“We know oppa.” Kae hugged Tao. “I can see you Kris.”

“Well .” I giggled getting up.

“You two make up yet?” Kae asked.

“Yes.” I smiled. “We don’t plan on fighting for a long time.”

“Good.” Kae said smiling.

“I’m sorry Chen. I know you tried your hardest and you were and big help.” Tao sobbed hugging Chen.

“That’s just what I do.” Chen smiled.

“Oh you guys finally stopped fighting.” Xiumin said in a sleeping voice. “Thank god you were pissing me off.”

“I’m sorry hyung.” I said.

“Just don’t do it again while I’m sleeping.” Xiumin sighed rubbing his belly.

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Chapter 46: I love your Joker pic. HAHAHA
I appreciate the appropriateness of the pic to what you were saying:)
Chapter 46: If you could have a chance will you be writing another story similar to this?
Chapter 45: Short ending. Haha wow a cat. Cool! Awesome. Well done
Chapter 44: Mmmm really how DID Kae get Tao pregnant is Kae is a girl...isn't she?
Chapter 44: wow for $ XD her power is chanyeol....oh yeah wait they are twins...i forgot....nvm....nice job Kenji! Haha Kris :D Fighting for next chapter update!
Chapter 43: the end....ouch that gotta hurt though :D fighting for next chapter!
Chapter 43: aww.. this story have less taoris noww.. it more taokae now.. ToT
yunie_kyumin #8
Chapter 42: i will kill you
Chapter 42: Cry rivers i guess... haha.. but please don't bring the story back to kris still being in coma..