Last day

My little miracle Bao Yu Wu


Chen and Xiumin didn’t stay longer than five hours due to the fact Xiumin gets tired two hours after eating. Chen carried Xiumin home for his daily nap. Bao was getting tired too so she fell asleep after Chen left. I was getting tired so the nurse laid me on my back and took Bao back to the nursery.

“You can leave her here.” I told her.

“Are you sure?” She asked me. “She wakes at the middle of the night.”

“She’s my daughter I’ll handle her.” I said. The nurse brought a little baby bed placed Bao in the little crib. I fell asleep a little while later. To my surprise she stayed asleep all night. I woke up to the sound of her crying. I picked her up kissed her nose and she stopped crying. I smiled looking at her she smiled back. “Awwwww!” Her first smile in days her smile is so precious.

“Good morning baby.” Tao said as he came in the room. “I love you so much.” He kissed my lips with a lot of meaning. “Can I hold her?”

“Of course!” I smiled I looked at Bao handing her to Tao. “Here’s daddy.”

“Hey Bao.” Tao smiled holding our new born daughter. “It’s me your appa. How are you?” He kissed her head.

“Where’s Kae?” I asked.

“She’s getting you a special something.” He said.

“Oh.” I smiled giggled. “I can’t wait to see what it is.”

“The nursery is all set up.” Tao said. “It’s painted rose blue.”

“Rose blue?” I asked. Tao showed me a picture of a blue rose. “Oh my. I love it!”

“Hey guys!” Baekhyun said has he came in. “I got you some food.”

“Thank you Baekhyun. Hospital food is so plain. I’d know because I’ve been here for four days.” I said. “I’m coming home at 2:30pm today!”

“It’s about time.” Kae said as she entered. For some reason the people in my head cheered like they’d do in reality shows when a favorite character comes in the room. “It’s been boring without you.”

“Hey! I have been trying to please you!” Tao said handing the baby back to me.

“You cry during .” She said.

“You do.” I confirmed looking at him then at the baby.

“Well that was lovely to hear.” Baekhyun said.

“I do not!” Tao yelled blushing. I couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“We love you Tao.” Kae said.

“I love you guys too.” Tao smiled. “You’re all weirdoes.”

“Look who’s talking.” Baekhyun said.

“So Kae, Tao said you got me something special.” I said

“Oh right.” Kae said walking over to me with a bag. “Want me to hold the baby while you open the gift?”

“Yes.” I handed Kae the baby. She held the baby with her life. I opened the present revealing a baby shirt saying “Kris Wu’s 1st baby girl: Bao Yu Li born July 10th, 2014”

“So?” Kae asked. “What do you think?”

“I love it.” I was touched by it. “It has a silver EXO Kris logo on it.” I smiled. “Thanks Kae. It’s amazing.”

“I’m glad you like it oppa.” She said. I love it when she calls me oppa but she calls me Kevin even though she knows I don’t like it so I call her Choi in revenge.

“You’re the best.” I smiled at her.


A:N: I'm probably gonna end this story around Chapter 15 with a surprise ending. Don't worry Kris lives i wouldn't make him die after all this happiness. So unless I get more ideas for the story it only has five chapters left. I hope to get more ideas and expand the story or start a new story with Kris telling Bao and Kenji how they were born. I don't know yet. I'll update very soon~

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Chapter 46: I love your Joker pic. HAHAHA
I appreciate the appropriateness of the pic to what you were saying:)
Chapter 46: If you could have a chance will you be writing another story similar to this?
Chapter 45: Short ending. Haha wow a cat. Cool! Awesome. Well done
Chapter 44: Mmmm really how DID Kae get Tao pregnant is Kae is a girl...isn't she?
Chapter 44: wow for $ XD her power is chanyeol....oh yeah wait they are twins...i forgot....nvm....nice job Kenji! Haha Kris :D Fighting for next chapter update!
Chapter 43: the end....ouch that gotta hurt though :D fighting for next chapter!
Chapter 43: aww.. this story have less taoris noww.. it more taokae now.. ToT
yunie_kyumin #8
Chapter 42: i will kill you
Chapter 42: Cry rivers i guess... haha.. but please don't bring the story back to kris still being in coma..