Don't Fall in Love with Me!!!


I will and I have to bear the pain

as long as nobody hurt her.







       Tiffany stared deeply into her boyfriend’s eyes and parted her lips for a while after both Jessica and Yuri left the room. Taeyeon felt her girlfriend was scrutinizing him. He felt exposed for a moment but the next second he displayed a smile and cupped Tiffany’s cheek softly with her palms.

       “Hey, what’s wrong with my girl? Why are you staring at me like that?”

       “It’s only two of us here,” Tiffany said. “Wanna tell me what’s actually happened?” she asked in concern and curious tone.

       Taeyeon widened his smile to convince her.

       “My girl was so demanded, huh?” he giggled.

       “Yes. I’m demanding. I’m jealous. I’m possessive. Don’t like it?” Tiffany teased.

       Taeyeon couldn’t help but pinched her nose.

       “Have I told you that I love everything about you?” Taeyeon replied.

       Tiffany found it was cheesy but somehow she liked the answer and she knew her body supported her as well, as she felt her cheek blushed due to her boyfriend words.

       “Taeng, I thought something was happening to you. You don’t have any idea how worry I was,” Tiffany said seriously.

       Taeyeon released his palms from Tiffany’s cheek; then leaned against bed post and guided Tiffany to follow him. He hold Tiffany’s waist and pulled her backward; positioning her to lean her head on his chest. Taeyeon caressed her straddle of hairs gently while Tiffany was peering up to meet his face.

       “Nothing’s happened. I just lack of sleep and my seemed don’t want to move either,” Taeyeon replied.

       “Really? Is it the truth?” Tiffany softened her voice.

       Taeyeon giggled again witnessing how cute her girlfriend was when she’s worrying about him. He discovered himself loved the way Tiffany loved him, took care about him, concerned about him, and everything she did to him. Everything. Taeyeon nodded his head in cute manner; hence making Tiffany couldn’t help but giggle as well observing it.

       “I love to see you smile and laugh,” Taeyeon whispered. “I’m sorry if I made you worry. I’ll do everything to make my girl happy,” he said softly but firm.

       “Is that your speech?” Tiffany teased. “How many girls before me you’ve told about it?”

       Taeyeon stared at her deeply. His eyes twinkled with love.

       “I was never into a relationship before. Even never to expect or think about it. Until one day… a stunning and irresistible girl captured my heart. I knew I couldn’t help but fell into her. My girl is only one,” he said and smiled. “You,” he stated sweetly and ended it with a cute kiss on Tiffany’s forehead and Tiffany swore to herself she was very lucky could have Taeyeon in her life.

       Observing Tiffany snuggling into him and discovering how comfortable she was just made Taeyeon forget the pain he got last night; whereas actually it was still not recovered at all. It was still sting. And hurt. But with Tiffany into his hug, he found something new: a reason to struggle his life and love. He promised to himself he would do anything to make the latter happy.

       Taeyeon was still playing with the straddle of her hairs when suddenly she rolled over her body slightly and put one of her hand beneath his back, while the other hand was wrapping his abdomen. Both of them met; wrapping his waist. Tiffany’s ears were on his center of chest; as though she was listening to his heart beat.

       “Taeng,” she said. “Jessica and I want to go to beach,” she suddenly said out of the blue.

       “We love beach but it’s been a long time we didn’t touch it,” Tiffany continued. Tayeon was still ing his fingers into Tiffany’s hair.

       “Would you grant us our wish?” she asked in pleading way and pull herself closer to him.

       Beach? With my wound? Of course it is a big no! Come on Taeyeon, marshal up some words; some make-sense reason to refuse it. Refuse? Oh, Taeyeon, can’t you see how exciting she was? Can’t you read her mind? She wants to spend her time with you at the beach… Look at her. At her puppyeyes... Just tell no and you’re gonna see the gloom dawns in her eyes then!

       After taking some moment for arguing with his mind, Taeyeon couldn’t help but nodded his head.

       “Sure,” he said. “Anything will do, Fani~aaa. When will we go?”

       “This afternoon? I want to go there eagerly, Taeng….,” she showed her puppy eyes again. Impossible to resist.

       “Granted,” he replied, no hesitate.

       “Jinjja???” Tiffany looked surprise and she turned up his lips in amusement.

       Taeyeon nodded his head cool.

       “Saranghaeeee Taeng,” Tiffany squealed in excitement and landed a kiss on his cheek.

       “I’m your Genie and just tell me your wish,” Taeyeon replied cutely and gave her quick peck on her lips.




       “Sica,” Yuri called out carefully after he found Jessica was pouring some water at the kitchen. Jessica didn’t tilt her head to face him. Yuri knew she just pretended to be busy; but he still couldn’t figure the reason out.

       “What’s bothering you, Sica?” Yuri asked patiently and stood beside her; decreasing the gap.

       Jessica snorted.

       “Nothing. Just don’t care about me.”

       Yuri looked baffled hearing the answer. She is really odd. He shook his head in desperation.

       “Why I suppose to not care about you?” Yuri raised his eyebrows.

       “Because you didn’t.” she said briefly; her voice began to crack.

       “I didn’t?” Yuri raised his tone unintentionally and pointed himself.

       “I do care about you, Sica,” he replied. “That’s why I was asking you,” he managed to soft his tone again.

       “I care about you… a lot,” he stated again. Jessica managed herself to not seem shock or reveal any excitement. She stayed poised and cool while waiting for what Yuri was going to say curiously.

        “Oh yeah?” Jessica acted not believe that. Yuri widened his smile.

       “The girl who’s standing in front of me…,” Yuri began to say.      

       “She loves to sleep and never expects to get some reply from your morning greeting text because she must be getting hectic morning and very busy to take care of herself. Never texted her for the similar topic more than three times before you got the answer. She would get annoyed about it.” Yuri said.

       “Making a mess with her best friend, Tiffany, and you’ll find yourself get punch at least on your stomach. If you’re lucky, you’ll get handprint bonus on your face,” Yuri smiled witnessing Jessica who unconsciously formed into O in her shock. Yuri kept continuing.

       “Hmmm… do you want me to keep continuing?” Yuri teased.

       Jessica blushed. “Up to you,” she seemed speechless. Yuri giggled.

       “I also found this girl,” he said. “Never set special caller ringtone. But somehow I found she set special ringtone for me. I wanted to believe that she did it for special reason; but I didn’t want she considered me as a lame,” Yuri giggled again. Jessica blushed even more.

       DAMNNNN!!! He noticed everything and I was helpless! – Jessica POV –

       “Last but not least… She acts cool but actually she has warm-heart. At the first time, you might think her glare could kill you, but as you’re getting closer with her, you’ll discover later that she’s a lovely girl.”

       “Jessica, listen to me,” Yuri said softly. His hand voluntarily held Jessica’s and she didn’t pull away.

       “I have no idea why you’re acting weird like this. I have no idea as well why you thought I didn’t care of you. I couldn’t reason out your behavior. Call me stupid but hell maybe yes. Because I’m from Mars and you’re from Venus,” Yuri said seriously and it really touched Jessica’s heart.

       “I’m sorry, Yul,” Jessica finally said. “I guessed I experienced mood-swing,” she pleaded.

       “But I wonder why you care of me?” Jessica stared at him, couldn’t conceal her curiosity.

       Tell me… tell me… Because I like you, Sica… Tell me… Tell me…

       Jessica prayed inside her heart and imagining herself threw some magic spell into Yuri’s ears and she didn’t even care that it was very lame. Her heart was pumping faster while expecting what Yuri was going to tell.

       Yuri gulped before he fired away his answer.


       “Sica, Yuri!” Suddenly Tiffany popped along with Taeyeon and accidentally interrupted the moment. Both of Jessica and Yuri jerked and managed themselves to pretend nothing was happened.

       “We’re going to the beach this afternoon,” Tiffany yelled joyfully.

       “Oh yeah???” Jessica widened her eyes in pleasure.

       “My boy granted our wish,” Tiffany said while glancing at Taeyeon.

       “Hey, you even didn’t ask my opinion,” Yuri pretended to be upset.

       Taeyeon threw fake glare to him. “Just stay at home if you don’t want to join us!” he retort playfully.

       Yuri smacked his cousin’s shoulder.

       “I hate this side of you!” he mumbled, earning giggles from the girls.



       Taeyeon, Yuri, Tiffany, and Jessica were pleased that the beach had its own scenic view at the afternoon. The sky wasn’t perfect blue as the sun almost touched the horizon. It was gleaming with orange color, compounded with group of little clouds. What added their satisfaction was it was nearly to quiet since there’s nobody presence here. Apart from them.

       Once touching down the beach, both Taeyeon and Yuri were amazed at not only the beach scenery; but also the girl curvature bodies. They wouldn’t suppress their feelings each other. Men liked it. Rather than following the girls splashing the water at the shore, both Taeyeon and Yuri chose to sit along the beach and enjoy the whole scene. They exchanged amusement glanced when they found both Tiffany and Jessica were drifting into excitement as they enjoyed playing at the beach.

       “Hey, buddy,” suddenly Yuri called out. Taeyeon cocked at him. His hand was ing into the sands; playing with it. Sands seem glued up to his wrist.

       “I knew you’re enduring pain,” Yuri whispered. Wind blew up his light hair toward back.

       “Mmmm,” Taeyeon didn’t give any answer. He couldn’t tell anything since Yuri was right and he couldn’t deny it either. Not to Yuri.

       “My father came last night,” finally he spoke up. Yuri didn’t seem so surprise as he might expect it; but he revealed his concern and shook his head.

       “It’s too much,” Yuri said.

       “You knew my father well,” Taeyeon replied.

       “You won’t leave Tiffany, will you?” Yuri asked.

       Taeyeon laughed. “What kind of question on beautiful earth is that, Yul?”

       “No, I don’t mean to question it,” Yuri shook his head. “I just… just want to assure. Because… I have no idea what your father is going to do next time. I don’t think you have to experience many more pain…”

       “I will if I have to. Don’t worry,” Taeyeon interrupted firmly.

       “I won’t give up on it, Yul. Because I love her and won’t leave her,” Taeyeon said. “Unless she left me.” When Taeyeon added the last sentence, Yuri could felt a sorrow inside his tone. For the first time he heard Taeyeon was so honest and sincere during he knew him.

       “Taeng!!!” Tiffany waved her heand and beckoned him to join her.

       “Yul! Let’s play with us!” Jessica yelled to Yuri.

       “You can’t do that,” Yuri whispered to Taeyeon while waving back to them.

       “You’re getting injury,” Yuri said. “You even can’t pull off your clothes.”

       “I know that,” Taeyeon nodded his head. “Just join them Yul. I will tell them I better prepare our BBQ equipment,” he said.

       “Yeah,” Yuri muttered. “I’ll accompany you back to the car and bring the equipment here. Spinning out some time,” he chuckled.

       “Girls!” Yuri shouted. “We’ll take BBQ equipment at car and we’ll back within minutes. Are you okay with it?” Yuri placed both of his palms around his mouth to make his voice clear enough to hear.

       Tiffany showed her thumb and smiled then she just kept playing with Jessica again. They were beginning to explore the sea. The water was up to their waist now.

       “Don’t go too far, girls!” Taeyeon yelled before he turned around, heading to car.



       It didn’t take more than ten minutes when Taeyeon headed back to the beach; holding the equipment and his ears caught the screaming. Yuri was trailing behind him. Once catching the unmistakable shrieking, Taeyeon abruptly dumped the equipment and hustled over the source.

       The anxiety in his heart gnawed at his soul as he run with his might to touch the shore.

       “Taeng!!! Help! Tiffany…,” he found Jessica was pale and briskly he shifted his gaze to the object. He saw his girl choked and dragged by wave. He didn’t ask for any explanation from Jessica as his instinct just demanded him to save his lover as soon as possible.

       Yuri jerked like get scalding for a moment witnessing the scene.

       “Taeng, don’t!” he yelled but Taeyeon didn’t give a damn. He pulled off his clothes and quickly got approach to her.

       Once salt water touched his skin, Taeyeon squinted with his eyes up; holding the pain.

       The ache tugged his heart and quickly spread all over his body. He could felt all of his nerves were tense but his love toward Tiffany defeated what was called as a pain.

       He swam over the wave and held Tiffany’s hand. He struggled over the huge wave and wrapped one hand around Tiffany’s waist. He managed to rescue to the shore. He made it. He laid Tiffany on the sand. Her eyes shut.

       Taeyeon couldn’t hide his huge anxiety. His sound turned to be hoarse.

       “Fani~aaaa… Fani~aaa,” he called out in panic.

       Yuri and Jessica hastily got approach to them. They revealed worry as well.

       Taeyeon wiggled Tiffany but she still didn’t answer; however he could felt she was breathing.

        He briskly bent down and pushed down in the center of the chest 2 inches 30 times. He pumped hard and fast at the rate of at least 100/minute, faster than once per second. Then he tilted the head back and lifted the chin. He pinched nose and covered Tiffany’s mouth with his and blew until he saw the chest rise. He gave two breaths with each breath toke 1 second between.

       Finally Tiffany choked up and threw up some water from . Taeyeon heaved big sigh and quickly placed his hand beneath Tiffany’s head.

       “Thanks God… You’re sober,” he whispered and pecked Tiffany’s forehead softly and quickly.

       “Taeng,” Tiffany’s called his name weak. She coughed again and managed herself to reach Taeyeon.

       “You made me scary to the death, Baby,” he whispered and hugged Tiffany gently.

       “Mianhae, Taeng,” Tiffany said full of guilty.

       “No, don’t say that, Fani~aaa,” Taeyeon shook his head and pressed his body to her. He embraced Tiffany.

       “Gomawo, Tae…,” she said and closed her eyes.

       Tiffany wrapped her arms around Taeyeon’s back as well. She felt so secure inside her boyfriend hug. But suddenly she pulled away as her fingers discovered and felt some scratches and scars on his back. She was taken aback and stared at Taeyeon as if demanding any explanation.

       Taeyeon sighed.

       “W-what is that?” Tiffany stuttered in worry.

       Taeyeon hung his head low, couldn’t answer.

       “Turn around! Let me see your back, Taeng!” she demanded.




to be continued...

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_nur_aisyah_ #1
Chapter 26: author nim update please!!
85 streak #2
Chapter 26: Author please update
85 streak #3
Chapter 26: Author please update
cookiecow #4
Chapter 26: Please update. Let tae remember taeny can't ever like this
NicoleKim07143 #5
Chapter 26: update please....
utamio13 #6
Chapter 26: Just found this.
This is a good story...
Do you really abandon this story? It's so sad, a lot of readers—including me—are waiting for the update T^T
If you happen to update this again, let me know, will you? :)
NicoleKim07143 #7
Chapter 26: update soon author-ssi
Chapter 26: update please author sshi...
Jovi25 #10
Chapter 26: Update please