Don't Fall in Love with Me!!!





            Taeyeon and Yuri just touched down the bar and ordered some drink when suddenly Taeyeon caught a figure that he would never hoped to meet again in any occasion.


DANG! She was like haunting me…


            “Hey, bro, what’s the crack?” Yuri was elbowing him as he found Taeyeon didn’t finish his order.

            “Ummm, give me margarita, as usual!” Taeyeon finished his order to the bartender and then just turning around, to hide his face from the woman.

            Finally, Yuri got what was happening. He laughed out of loud and earned a hard smack from Taeyeon.

            “Are you crazy?” he asked. “I struggled to hide myself and you just made yourself became center of attention,” he scowled.

            “My bad! My bad!” Yuri said when looked Taeyeon was glaring at him.

            “Yah, dude, you shouldn’t run away from her,” Yuri shook his head. “Don’t let her ruin your life. You deserve to enjoy your life,” Yuri said.

            “Yeah, hell, you tell me how!”

            “Tell her that you already had a relationship with another girl!” Yuri suggested.

            “Great idea, Yul. You know I didn’t have any and absolutely she won’t buy my lie,” Taeyeon shook his head.

            “Just pray she won’t catch you in the middle of this crowd then!” Yuri was laughing again and patting Taeyeon’s shoulder to give him encouragement.




            “Fani~aaa?” Jessica was calling out her friend.


            “Is that the witch?” Jessica asked her friend in doubt.

            Tiffany was following Jessica’s sight and smiling when she got what was Jessica meaning.

            “What a small word,” she sighed. “Amongst hundreds clubs, why I have to meet her here?” she shook in disbelief.

            “Yahhh, Sica. This is public place, huh?” Tiffany smiled.

            “She makes everybody sick, you know?” Jessica snorted.

            “Don’t you remember, last time in cheerleader contest, she tried to cheat by seducing our judges, but fortunately there was a pupil witnessed it and her rotten plan ended up fail,” Jessica shuddered.

            “Of course I remember,” Tiffany said. “Afterward, she always gives us cold shoulder,” Tiffany said.

            “Yieks,” Jessica said. “So do I. Tell me, who’s at our school who like her behavior? All the things she could do were only revealing her bad assets,” Jessica continued.

            Tiffany smiled patiently and curled her arms around her best friend waist. She gave a peck on Jessica’s cheek to relief her annoyance and then towed her to join the crowd.


            “Is it him?” Tiffany eyed a boy at the corner of the bar.

            Jessica’s eyes were popping out witnessing the boy ~ and the taller boy that was also good looking.

            “I don’t expect he touched a place like this,” Jessica mumbled.

            “Nah… As I said, he wasn’t as terrible as people thought. He maybe just introvert. But he wasn’t nerd,” Tiffany pleaded happily.

            Jessica nodded her head.

            “And the boy next to him… Do you ever see him? Is he at the same school with us?” Jessica asked in doubt.

            Tiffany was frowning for a moment then shook her head.

            “I don’t think so. Perhaps he’s friend of Tae. Why?”

            “Ummm… Nothing. Just wanna know.”

            Tiffany pinched Jessica’s waist.

            “Awww… What’s that?”

            “You think I would buy your lie, huh?” Tiffany smirked. “It’s a big issue when a cold princess asked something related with the boy.”

            “Don’t exaggerate it,” Jessica waved her hand, tried to hide the fact.

            “I just assured he was from our school or not.”

            “Yeah, you may say that, but your eyes still couldn’t lie,” Tiffany replied while rolling her eyes. “Just admit to me, he got your attention, rite? Come on, it’s ok, since I found he’s good looking and hummm… good enough for you too,” Tiffany stated.

            Then Tiffany just stepping forward, toward their direction; her hand was still towing Jessica.

            “Woi…woi… what are you doing?”

            “Greet Tae, of course. He’s our classmates. What else?” Tiffany was tilting her head, asked back her friend.

            “Ah yeah, and give you opportunity to know his friend as well,” Tiffany teased and smirked, make Jessica hushed .

            As she turning around her head again, Taeyeon just caught her. They exchanged eye-contact.

            Tiffany was released her eyesmile toward Taeyeon and Taeyeon was too late to pretend didn’t see it, so he just smiled back awkwardly.

            “Tae,” Tiffany greeted him.

            “Uhm, hi,” Taeyeon greeted back.

            Yuri smiled toward both of girls.

            “Your friends?” he nudged Taeyeon and of course, Yuri knew how to treat beautiful girls.

            “Tiffany, Jessica, this is my friend, Yuri,” Taeyeon finally introduced Yuri to both of girls. They exchanged smiled, but Tiffany only glanced at Yuri; while Jessica seemed stared Yuri for a moment until Taeyeon released a fake cough.

            “Hi, I’m Yuri, Taeyeon’s cousin. Nice to meet you,” he introduced himself gently.

            “I’m Tiffany,” Tiffany said.

            “I’m Jessica,” Jessica said.

            “Taeyeon’s friend?” Yuri guessed.

            “Actually we’re classmates,” Tiffany said, made Yuri released “were-you-kidding-me” glaring as he remembered Taeyeon stated that his class was .

            But suddenly, Taeyeon caught a bad indication from behind Tiffany. He pulled himself closer toward Tiffany and gazed her for a moment.

            “Do my favor please,” he whispered.


            Before Tiffany finished her sentences, abruptly Tiffany just could a warm gentle smooch at her lips. It wasn’t rude at all. It gave her a beautiful sensation that sent shivering all of her body. She was about to enjoy the kiss when she heard a girl was exclaiming.

            “Taeyeon? What are you doing???”

            It was Gyuri’s voice.

            Jessica abruptly turning around and smiling satisfyingly when heard Yuri’s shock voice; while Yuri and Tiffany were still dumbfounded at their place.

            “Didn’t you see? We’re kissing,” Taeyeon said nonchalantly.

            “B-but h-how can…”

            “Of course I can. She’s my girlfriend. Why I can’t?” Taeyeon asked.

            Gyuri was clenching her hand and biting her bottom lips, struggling to hold her anger and tears.

            “You’re b****!” Gyuri was about to slap Tiffany when Taeyeon in time grasped her hand tightly.

            “Don’t you dare to touch my girlfriend!” Taeyeon threatened while staring at Gyuri.

            “Ugh, friends, don’t make a scene, please,” Yuri was trying to cool down. He was the only person who wasn’t affected by the circumstance.

            After releasing some threatened glare to Tiffany, Gyuri just left.

            Then Taeyeon just giving cue to Yuri to leave as well, without even looking back at Tiffany again.

            “Yul, let’s go!” he demanded in a firm tone.

            “Thank you for your help!” Taeyeon said to Tiffany a moment before he left.

            Just it. No explanation. Leaving Tiffany who hadn’t recovered yet from the situation.

            Yuri was trailing behind, with puzzled look.

            But abruptly Taeyeon felt someone grabbed his hand. He turned around to see whose hand it and before he had any chance to realize what will happen, he felt sting at his face along with SMACK sound.

            “DAMN YOU!” Jessica scowled.







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_nur_aisyah_ #1
Chapter 26: author nim update please!!
85 streak #2
Chapter 26: Author please update
85 streak #3
Chapter 26: Author please update
cookiecow #4
Chapter 26: Please update. Let tae remember taeny can't ever like this
NicoleKim07143 #5
Chapter 26: update please....
utamio13 #6
Chapter 26: Just found this.
This is a good story...
Do you really abandon this story? It's so sad, a lot of readers—including me—are waiting for the update T^T
If you happen to update this again, let me know, will you? :)
NicoleKim07143 #7
Chapter 26: update soon author-ssi
Chapter 26: update please author sshi...
Jovi25 #10
Chapter 26: Update please