Don't Fall in Love with Me!!!




 In these day of nameless faces 

 There is no one truth but only pieces 

 My life is all I have to give 

 (Andrea Bocelli - Vivere) 




Taeyeon Point of View


       I knew something went wrong when I reached home.

       I could catch the weird atmosphere even before stepping into my house.

       At the edge of the entrance, I found my servant who he’d considered as family, Yoong, was nervously standing up. Her eyes gleamed with anxiety. This wasn’t good at all, I knew.

       “Taeng,” she greeted me, a little bit stutter.

       “Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked her confusingly.

       She shot me a cautious look before opening up .

       “You didn’t read my message yet?” she began to be stable again.

       I shook my head. “I set a silent mode,” I answered and then out of the blue, Tiffany just popped up in my head again. I unconsciously widened my smile when reliving the moment. The moment I told her everything; told her my feeling, told her that I was really in love with her and of course the moment when she said yes when I asked her to be my girlfriend and when she said that she loved me too. At that time, I felt I’d already had entire of the world.

       But I quickly snapped that thought away when I found wasn’t even nearly figuring it out.

       “Your father’s here,” she whispered.

       I managed to stay poised; but I couldn’t lie to myself. It caught me off guard. What the hell? Why did he suddenly come? I wasn’t afraid or panic; I just felt uneasy. From the beginning, I already knew the consequence and I also knew I would be just fine to lose everything of my own rather than losing Tiffany. I was sure about that. So I was more than ready for this; however I just didn’t expect it would be as soon as this.

       As if it wasn’t enough to surprise me, Yoong add another sentence.

       “He knew everything about you and your girl, Taeng,” she said in sorry tone.

       As I entered my house, I found my father was sitting in a chair, his back was facing me at first; but then he swiveled his chair and faced me. He put his leg on his other leg. His hand held his cigarette and I could see he blew up some cloud from his mouth. His face as impassive as usual; but I’d been his son for eighteen years and it wasn’t hard for me to read his mind.

       “Dad,” I greeted him casually.

       If he could put impassive face; I was also could act poised. Don’t forget, I inherited your bloody bleed, Dad.

       He widened his smile and beckoned me to take a sit. I pulled a chair and sit in front of him. We’re sitting face to face. He seemed not in a rush and began to pour some wine.

       He didn’t ask my preference and poured for me too; then proffered a glass for me.

       I received it and he began to take some sips; then he drained the remaining wine in one gulp. I followed him drinking.

       “Where’ve you been, Son?” he asked me in casual tone as well. I hate to answer any rhetoric question actually. I hate he was spinning out the time and didn’t just to the point.

       “Dating,” I replied briefly since I knew there’s anything I was able to conceal from my “great” father. I knew the best of him – more than anybody.

       “Is she beautiful?” My dad asked playfully and began to smoke his cigarette again.

       I shrugged my shoulder nonchalantly.

       “More than you’re expecting,” I answered.

       “Good,” he nodded his head.

       “You weren’t coming just to give her compliment, right?” I blurt out without marshalling or manipulating any words. I just got impatience.

       He widened his smirk. Maybe it could make people freaked out and felt to be threatened but he was supposed to know it wasn’t working on me at all.

       Just by the next second he got up and kicked away the chair. He swept the glass on the table away and I saw them crushed the floor. Breaking.

       I saw his dark gaze. I saw killing desire was dawning on his eyes. I wasn’t afraid at all. As I said, I knew the best of him. I used to see that. The first time was when I was eight years old, I remembered. When he gave me instruction to shoot a man who didn’t pay his loan to dad.


       I witnessed everything. I saw his abettors were torturing him. Bruise and bleed everywhere. I might think the man was begging to die at that time since I knew the pain was unbearable.

       My father seemed enjoy the scenery. He smoked his cigarette, just like now. Then he got up and approached a mini compo.

       “It was too boring, huh?” he tilted his head to me and smiled. His fingers were running across on some CD collections.

       “Have any favorite song, Son?” he asked me.

       “Ummmm,” I mumbled with many feeling were tangling together.

       “Vivere,” I said at last. He nodded his head complacently.

       “Andrea Bocelli? Great choice. I also like that one,” he assented and put it on.

       “Dare to live,” I heard him muttered.


Try looking at tomorrow not yesterday…

And all the things you left behind…

All those tender words you did not say

The gentle touch you couldn’t find

      As the song began to play he started to give me the gun. He patted my back and put his mouth near to my ear. He whispered.

       “Finish him. Quick and clean,” he said. “Ah not clean. He was too messy,” he rephrased and patted my back again. I received the gun and nodded my head.

       I looked at the man’s eyes; no hesitate. His eyes as though were speaking to me: don’t do it. I still have family. But I really didn’t have any choice. Blame yourself, old man. You made a mess with my father.

       I pulled the trigger calmly and the next second, I knew, I just made it.


       I was back to reality. I noticed my father was glaring at me.

       “You’re gonna kill me, Dad? Kill me then!” I shouted.

       He laughed, mocking me.

       “Killing you? Hey, son, what kind of father who killing his beloved son?” he said dramatically.

       “Open your clothes and kneel!” he ordered firmly.

       And I knew what it was meaning. I held my breath as I knew what was going to happen to me. I didn’t argue again and even didn’t have any intention to disobey him. I knew it would make the situation be better. It would soothe his anger and I just did it in hope he would keep his hand off of my girlfriend. I wouldn’t let him touch her, even for her single nails.

       I just felt have to make him satisfied.

       Quickly I ed my clothes. My upper body was bare now.

       Then I was kneeling in front of him. I hung my head low. I stole a glimpse at my father. I saw a whip in his grip.

       I was waiting for the next… pain. I knew I would and had to endure it. It was nothing. Nothing at all. I knew my love was terribly strong and would conquer any pain in this world.

       Then it just happened.

       The sudden pang was creeping over my through body. I didn’t really see it coming until I felt the sharp sting against my back. To tell the truth, it was unable to bear. I squinted with my eyes shut and bit my bottom lips. I struggled not to drop for even a single tear. And I knew I just hadn’t recovered enough from the pain when another sting just emerging again. I bit my lip harder. I clenched my teeth and my blow. I crouched in pain but not touching the floor. I was struggling to keep the same position.

       My father didn’t even give me a chance to take a breath. He struck fast and hard. I received another and another hit again. I felt my skin was burning, hot, and red. I lost my breath. I crumpled in pain. But I didn’t even complain any single word. I only gasped. My vision went black.

       I collapsed to the floor. My back was on fire; spreading over all my body. My chest was tight as well. The pain was a razor, slicing my nerves; but again I wouldn’t cry. In the dark I realized she giving me the strength to bear all these pains. She was popping up in my head. And kept emerging. Her smile. Her laugh.


“I liked you and I loved you, Taeng…”

“I don’t care, Taeng… Just let me love you…”


       It was echoing on my mind and I knew it was real. It really made me passing through all of these ing things.

       The floor where I was kneeling was little bit wet. It was my sweat, not my tears anyway. I didn’t cry at all. I hadn’t counted amount of strikes as well. All I knew was when all of my body was almost got the limit to endure the pain; my father had gone away. Without any single word. He was just leaving.

       I hugged myself; still crouching enduring the pain. But I felt relieved. At least he wouldn’t come for some time again. If it was needed, I would do this every time he wanted, as long as he didn’t touch Tiffany.




       “WHERE’s Taeng?” Tiffany asked confusingly when she found there’s no sign of Taeyeon at the class. And she was getting worried when she didn’t get any reply from the text she sent from last night until this morning. Last night she was thinking, Taeyeon maybe was too tired and just fell asleep so he didn’t have any chance to reply her. But now she noticed something was happening to him.

       “He’s absent today,” Yuri said impassively.

       “He’s sick?” Jessica asked.

       “I guess so,” Yuri replied, as though he had no idea as well.

       “You guess so?” Tiffany raised her tone. “How could you aren’t sure about it?” she spontaneously asked, indignantly. “You’re living with him, rite?”

       Both Yuri and Jessica were taken aback. It was their first time saw Tiffany acted like that. Before this time, they even didn’t ever catch Tiffany yelled or shout even for once. Ever.

       “Hey, be cool, Fani,” Jessica held Tiffany’s hand.

       “I’m sorry,” Tiffany briskly said. “I was too panic.”

       “Yuri was spending time with me last night,” Jessica admitted gingerly. Her face blushed a little. “He was going home late.”

       “Yes, it’s right,” Yuri chimed in. “When I was home, Taeng already slept,” he said.

       “And when this morning I woke him up, he said he felt uneasy. He decided to not coming,” Yuri added.

       “How’s he?” Tiffany couldn’t hide her worry. “Was he pale or else?”

       “I’m sorry, Fani~aaa,” Yuri said desperately. “I didn’t even have a chance to see him. He locked his door and I only could hear his sound. Maybe he was only tired. There’s nothing to… worry about. I mean…”

       Tiffany widened her eyes.

       “Nothing to worry about? He wasn’t attending to school and how could you say there’s nothing to worry about?” she half shouted to Yuri.

       “Hey, what’s wrong with you?” Jessica quickly got up and half yelled to her best friend. She unintentionally raised her tone. Somehow she didn’t like Tiffany shout at Yuri or treated Yuri in a way that he’s supposed to take responsibility for what was happening to Taeyeon.

       “Calm down, girls,” Yuri hastily said. He felt uncomfortable to; witnessing a tense atmosphere between the two best friends.

       “I’m so sorry, Yul,” finally Tiffany managed to say. Her face was really fulfilled with anxiety. Jessica shook her head and pulled Tiffany into her hug. She rubbed Tiffany’s back to ease her.

       “I was so damn stress.”

       “I see, Babe,” Jessica nodded her head and kept rubbing.

       “Were you… official?” Yuri asked at last, killing his curiosity.

       Tiffany nodded. “Last night. Finally,” now she was able to display a smile as she remembered how great last night was. She felt her heart was fluttering again when she relived the scene. The whole scene.

       “WOW!” Jessica formed into O.

       “Sorry, I haven’t told you yet,” Tiffany apologized sincerely to Jessica. Then shifting her gaze to Yuri.

       “You back late last night, Sica,” Tiffany pleaded. Jessica smiled understandingly.

       “Gwaenchana,” she said. “I’m happy for you,” she continued and hugged her best friend tightly.

       “No wonder you became ten times more sensitive toward him,” Yuri teased then giggling. Tiffany creased her eyebrows; put fake angry expression then smacking Yuri light.

       “Yuri~aaaa… What are you talking about?” she asked in her embarrassment.

       Yuri just kept giggling. Jessica widened her smile. But somehow she felt a little weird witnessing it. Could be said, she didn’t like… it? Didn’t like what she was witnessing now. Between Tiffany and Yuri.




       Taeyeon woke up very late and he hastily grabbed his mobile phone as he remembered he hadn’t texted Tiffany at all.

       Dammit. How could I forget to text her. Actually, it was because of the medicine. The painkiller he took. It made her overwhelmed by drowsiness all the day.

       He smiled; as though forget all of the pain he got, when he read the message. From last night until this morning.

       Taeng, touched home yet? I’m very glad. You made my day. Good night and love you, Taeng.



       Taeng… I guessed you’re very tired last night. Wake up, my boy! Don’t be late. See you at school!



       Taeng, are you ok? Don’t make me worry, please. I hate today. I hate you’re not coming. Just let me know soon what was happening. Okay?



       Taeyeon widened his smile. Oh, Christ almighty! My girlfriend was so cute and I couldn’t believe she was mine! She was everything to me.


       Baby, sorry for late reply. Yes, I just fell asleep last night and I… he paused typing for a moment, marshaling some words. I just woke up. Hehehe. What a lazy boy your boyfriend, huh. I hope you don’t mind with it :p

Taeyeon was hesitating again. Was it necessary to put some emoticon?

Ah dammit! I only use it for my one and only girlfriend. So I thought it was okay! (Taeyeon POV)

       How is class, Baby? Believe me, I also hate today. I hate not to see you. Text me back when you’re free. Love you so much.

       Taeyeon pressed SEND then.



       Jessica and Yuri caught Tiffany smiled like a creep during their way to Taeyeon’s house.

They caught it from rear mirror, actually. Yuri and Tiffany were exchanging glance.

       “I thought your friend was addicted,” Yuri whispered.

       “And poisoned,” Jessica couldn’t agree more.

       “Yaaaa… What you two are talking about?” Tiffany who could hear that pretended to be upset and knocked Jessica’s head with her knuckles then she giggled.

       “Awh… what’s that?” Jessica groaned.

       “Stop teasing me, Sica~baby,” Tiffany replied.

       “I bet you’ve read text from Taeng,” Jessica said.

       “You two have no idea how cute he is,” Tiffany pleaded.

       “Oh yeah?” Yuri asked with surprising tone. “You’re right. I have no idea.”



       Taeyeon jerked when he found the message after he took a shower.

       We’re on the way to your house, Baby. Wait for us.



       Oh … They must not coming. They couldn’t see my wound (Taeyeon POV).


       Taeyeon abruptly typed some words for Tiffany but it was late as suddenly there’s some noisy sound outside his room. He recognized it as their voice actually.

       “Taeng… May we come in?” he heard his girlfriend called. He sighed.

       “Wait, wait, let me open the door,” Taeyeon briskly replied and walked to the door; unlocking it. Then the door was opened. He saw the girl she loved a lot was standing in front of him.

       “Hey, guys!” Taeyeon greeted.

       Tiffany just jumped into him and Taeyeon didn’t have any choice unless catch her and hug her tight before both of them stumbled. Tiffany hugged back his back tightly; exact on his unhealed wound. Taeyeon jerked in pain and clenched his teeth. Yuri caught it but he kept silent. Taeyeon gave a cue to him for not asking more.

       Tiffany didn’t notice it as Taeyeon just acted normal; didn’t even pull away his back; whereas it was very very hurt. If it wasn’t because there were some people there; he’s supposed to scream a loud. But it’s Tiffany who hugged her. He didn’t want to add unnecessary anxiety to her; or even disappoint her by releasing himself from her hug and raising another suspicious.

       After hugging each other for few seconds, both of them released it. Yuri chuckled and Jessica rolled her eyes.

       “Sorry guys,” Tiffany giggled.

       “You’re two so hot,” Yuri smiled.

       “No PDA, please,” Jessica said. She’s probably just mean to tease but in Yuri’s ears it seemed like an annoyance voice. But he had no idea about it. Jessica was acting a little bit weird since this morning. At least he thought about it.

       “We aren’t PDA,” Taeyeon pleaded. “It’s my house, actually,” he added.

       “Oh, sorry, I forget it,” Jessica answered quickly.

       Taeyeon and Tiffany exchanged glance hearing that odd answer.

       “Sorry, Sica. I was just kidding,” Taeyon finally said.

       “Oh, no, I’m okay,” Jessica quickly plastered up a smile. Yuri knew it was only a fake smile.

       “You look pale,” Jessica commented.

       “What’s happening to you, Taeng?” Tiffany asked.

       “Nothing. Lack of sleep, I guess,” Taeyeon answered.

       “Are you sure?” Tiffany asked again in concern tone. Taeyeon nodded his head.

       “Uhm, I’m thirsty,” Jessica said. “I’ll go to take some drink,” she smiled and headed outside the room. Yuri noticed everything and as he didn’t want to be mosquito in the middle of hot couple; he decided to run away as well; yet catching up Jessica.



       What the hell happening with her? Why she acted so weird today? Did she get… jealous? DAMN! Jealous for what? She had a crush with Taeng? Ah come on, Yuli. Don’t be ridiculous!!! Argh, I really couldn’t understand woman’s heart. It obviously easier to absorp relativity theory rather than understand what a girl wants.



       Yuri rubbed his un-itchy hair in frustration.



       And Taeng… I knew he must be hiding something from us. Whatever it was, he was suffering from pain. I knew it. I really hope it isn’t what I’m thinking about. Please, God. (Yuri POV)



to be continued...





Well, guys, I felt couldn't stop when I typed this chapter.

I saw a big trouble coming if Jessica really had a crush with Taeng.

And what if Tiffany found the truth that Taeng got suffer because of her?

And how's Yuri's feeling toward Jessica?

Subscribing and commenting would be much appreciated.

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_nur_aisyah_ #1
Chapter 26: author nim update please!!
85 streak #2
Chapter 26: Author please update
85 streak #3
Chapter 26: Author please update
cookiecow #4
Chapter 26: Please update. Let tae remember taeny can't ever like this
NicoleKim07143 #5
Chapter 26: update please....
utamio13 #6
Chapter 26: Just found this.
This is a good story...
Do you really abandon this story? It's so sad, a lot of readers—including me—are waiting for the update T^T
If you happen to update this again, let me know, will you? :)
NicoleKim07143 #7
Chapter 26: update soon author-ssi
Chapter 26: update please author sshi...
Jovi25 #10
Chapter 26: Update please