Meeting the Artist

They Walk Among Us - Temporary Hiatus

                It was no surprise that Donghae was hesitant to believe his brother’s claim of him having something he had to see.  Especially since when he called it an MC and refused to elaborate on what that meant for ‘security’ purposes, he couldn’t help but laugh.  Fortunately for everyone involved, he genuinely liked his younger brother’s company and was actually in the middle of a dry spell, so the distraction they could provide was most welcome.

                Since Yesung and Luna insisted upon coming along too, they had to wait an extra week to give them time to find people to cover their shifts at work but after that, they were in the clear and super excited to go.  The cost of air fare was a bit of a stretch for both of them but Henry assured them, “Trust me.  When he sees Victoria, I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to cover the cost of your flights.”

                “Why is that?” Victoria asked, perching rather primly on the edge of her seat.

                “Because you’re amazing,” Yesung laughed, shuffling awkwardly in place when Luna and Henry just looked at him.

                “Wouldn’t it depend on if she actually agreed to show him her true form?” Luna asked, gesturing at Victoria suggestively.

                As usual, Victoria fidgeted in her seat like she always did when the subject was broached.  “Must I?” she asked quietly, looking at all three of them.

                “No,” Henry assured her quickly.  “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, but as much as my brother will want to believe us…”

                “It’s hard to believe something you can’t see,” Luna shrugged helplessly, watching as her companions nodded in agreement.

                “If we hadn’t seen you already, it would be kind of hard to believe for us too,” Yesung stated pointedly.

                Victoria mulled their words over and tilted her head to the side.  “I suppose that is a good thing.  Can I decide after I meet him?” she asked, nervously wringing her hands in worry.

                “Definitely!” “Of course!”  “Sure!” came the unanimous excited response.  Collectively, they giggled at their reactions, looking at each other and Victoria who joined in their mirth.

                With that settled, all that was left was to make the trip.  Of all places for Donghae to choose, he opted for Pacifica, California, located just south of San Francisco nestled in the forests of the San Francisco State Game and Refuge forest and the Pacific Ocean.  He always claimed he had the best of both worlds when he lived in the woods but also managed to have an Oceanside view in turn.  Technically, it was a ‘summer’ home, but he stayed there the majority of the year unless business required him elsewhere for functions or publicity events.

                The trio had a grand time getting Victoria prepared who was understandably nervous about heading out into public again.  For the past two weeks, she’d remained in hiding in Henry’s house, rather paranoid about returning to the outside world for good reason.  While they had neither heard nor seen any sign of the helicopter Luna had spotted the day they’d found Victoria, that didn’t exactly mean they were in the clear.

                In an attempt to cover Victoria’s natural beauty with cosmetics, she put make-up on her and helped to suggest a look that might be more public friendly for her to try and hide some of her natural beauty which was harder to suppress than they had thought.  Nothing too dressy but definitely not frumpy either, and she let the sylph borrow a pair of her sunglasses and a decorative cardigan in the meantime.  Victoria could manufacture her own disguise so long as it remained in constant contact with her person but the extras needed to be real.

                Victoria explained that removing the clothes against her will was much like pulling skin off a fresh wound and she’d only found that out when the fabric had gotten caught in the woods the first time she’d landed here.  That had been more than enough for her and she’d taken extra care in the meantime in regards to keeping her disguise intact.  None of them were inclined to change it themselves anyway when she could simply alter the appearance with a thought.

                Overall, the trio thought it was practically impossible to hide Victoria’s true nature but they had to concede that she’d managed well enough so far.  That at least meant she was doing something right.  They tested her appearances around town, walking from shop to shop as a group of four and just observed how people reacted to them on the whole the Friday before they were scheduled to head out.

                “Maybe it’s because she’s with us?” Yesung offered, looking around blankly.

                “We are rather ordinary,” Henry agreed with a chuckle, glancing up and down the street where cars passed by lazily and a handful of pedestrians wandered along the sidewalk like themselves.

                Luna was inclined to agree as they passed another group of people in the sidewalk but Victoria, appearing slightly concerned, shook her head, “I disagree.”

                “Huh?  About what?” Luna asked quickly, looking up at the slightly taller woman.

                “Being ordinary,” she responded, slowing down and looking at them all earnestly.  “You see magic when there is none and believe in things that should not exist.  I would hardly consider that ordinary,” she smiled, her expression open and warm.

                “No, most would consider us crazy in that regard,” Yesung chuckled, though he flushed under her praised and grinned at the unexpected words from the sylph like the other two did.

                “Maybe that’s part of why no one really sees through your disguise,” Henry mused after a moment.  When they all looked at him in inquiry, he went on, “People only see what they want to see really.  If they expect to see a human, that’s likely what they’ll see and never wonder on it further.”

                “So how about the others?” Yesung whispered quietly, pointing at Victoria.  “You know.  The ones who were after her?”  He glanced around nervously to either side, obviously paranoid.

                “Maybe…” Luna trailed off, looking around too.  “Maybe we should talk about this at home?” she suggested instead.

                “Right,” Yesung and Henry agreed while Victoria appeared grateful to say the least.

                After their successful foray into the public, the group returned to Henry’s where he made them lunch and they discussed the possibilities of what may have prompted Victoria’s being attacked.  “What if someone can see them?  You know?  Like a seer?” Yesung asked.

                While the idea seemed laughable in its obviousness, it wasn’t something that any of them had actually considered.  “That would be problematic,” Henry sighed, resting his elbows on the kitchen table.

                “Maybe they were just watching her for a while?” Luna offered instead.

                “But why?” Yesung asked, though even as he said it his gaze continued to go back to Victoria rather shyly.

                Henry chuckled and smacked his shoulder lightly.  “You’ve already said you’re good with plants,” he gestured at Victoria who nodded in agreement.  “Perhaps it’s not what you look like that gives you away.  At least not at first,” he shrugged while they all mulled it over.

                “You mean that her being really good at something might be what’s giving her away?” Luna asked, pointing at Victoria’s hands.

                The sylph looked mildly embarrassed by the thought and glanced at her hands with interest.  “I had not thought about that,” she sighed hesitantly.

                “But we have people who are good at all sorts of things all over the world,” Yesung grumbled, shaking his head and running his fingers through his hair.

                “Victoria.  How good are you with plants?” Henry asked, getting up to grab one of the house plants from the living room and bringing it back in.  He’d been forgetting to water it of late and it looked rather sad and wilted.

                “Like I said, I’m not as good as a gnome, but I’ve a fair hand with them,” she explained, eyeing the neglected plant critically.

                “Could you show us, please?” he persisted, pushing the plant closer to her.

                Uncertainly, she grabbed the base of the plant and pulled it close, plucking at the drooping leaves with her fingers delicately.  While she played with it, sticking her fingertips into the topsoil and breathing on the leaves softly, it became revitalized before their eyes.  The wilting leaves perked upright and it turned from the fading green color to a vibrant healthy tone.  “There,” she smiled content with her handiwork.  “A gnome would have made it blossom, but that’s the best I can do,” she nodded, her expression fading slightly when she saw they were all staring at her.

                “Is that what happens with all the plants you touch?” Luna whispered eyes wide in her face.

                “Most of them,” Victoria agreed, dropping her hands to her lap and lowering her eyes.

                “I think Henry has a pretty good idea about how they noticed you,” Yesung breathed, pointing at his companion dazedly.

                “But I’ve been careful!” she insisted, placing her hands on the table in denial.

                “Maybe, but I’d wager you’ve also been doing this for a while,” Henry stated softly, keeping his gaze even with hers when she met his eyes.

                With a heavy sigh, Victoria dropped her eyes again.  “Since shortly after I arrived.  Yours is such a sickly world,” she explained, pushing the plant away carefully.

                The humans looked thoughtful at her explanation.  “So I guess it’s just that they’re only now getting noticed?” Yesung asked, looking to Henry and Luna.

                “That or maybe they’re not as careful anymore.  I mean, you have been doing it for this long without anything happening,” Luna murmured carefully, not wanting to upset Victoria.  “It’s possible you’ve just finally been noticed.”

                “Maybe not by anyone particularly important but enough,” Henry sighed, retrieving the plant and putting it back in the living room.

                Victoria did not look happy with their conclusion.  “But your world cries for help and only a few hear it.  I do what I can because it is painful not to.”

                The humans winced at her explanation and then cringed.  It wasn’t as if they could argue that.  Between the increase in pollution, deforestation, drilling and other such atrocities, it wasn’t hard to see why the sylph would feel inclined to offer assistance.  “Now we could be completely wrong though,” Luna explained, gesturing with both her hands in an effort to make the sylph feel better.

                “We still don’t know how they saw you the first time,” Yesung agreed quickly.  “It could definitely be from something else!”

                “Either way, we’ll have time to think about it more later at any rate,” Henry cautioned.  “Our flight is tomorrow so maybe we can talk to Donghae about it when we get there.  He might have some suggestions too.”

                “Right!” Luna agreed, clapping excitedly.  It wasn’t often they got to visit Donghae with Henry because her and Yesung’s work schedules were a bit harder to work around but they always enjoyed it when they could.  “Do you think he’ll have any paintings he doesn’t want?” she asked, pointing at the den where several of his ‘cast offs’ currently dwelled.

                Henry shrugged with a chuckle.  “No telling, Luna.  He’s usually got something he wouldn’t mind parting with that didn’t make the cut.  You know that,” he smiled.

                “Maybe a dragon?” Yesung suggested.

                “Right,” Henry snorted.  “You know Donghae sticks mostly to forests and the sea.  He’s more likely to have Luna’s unicorn than your dragon any day of the week.”

                Yesung frowned at the explanation but it was clear he was still excited regardless.  Luna was no exception and not just because the possibility of a painting.  “Alright!” she chirped, drawing their attention.  “So what are we going to do until the flight then?” Luna asked, standing up and heading for the den automatically.

                “Oh!” Yesung hopped up and raced her there.  “I know!” he shouted triumphantly.

                At a more sedate pace, Henry followed along, waving Victoria to join them.  If Yesung had an idea, it was bound to be interesting, one way or another.

                The next morning, they all piled into Luna’s pink Volkswagen beetle, to Henry and Yesung’s acute embarrassment, though Victoria continued to maintain that it was quite cute.  Henry tended to drive a sports bike when he went anywhere and Yesung’s car was only a two-seater so that left Luna’s, whether they liked it or not.

                Check in at the airport around seven in the morning was easy enough since they were traveling light and the wait time was fairly short before boarding.  They were all understandably paranoid about being in public yet again but other than the expected looks that Victoria, and Luna to an extent, got from a handful of overly confident males, the group was left mostly alone.  Granted, Henry and Yesung earned a few looks from various women but none were brave enough to make it quite so obvious.

                They managed to get seats all together and it was actually Victoria’s first time on an airplane.  She was both nervous and excited at being on a flying machine and Yesung gladly gave up the window seat for her.  With a furrowed brow, she watched the plane take off and then fly in the sky, filling her with envy at the ease that it was able to travel through without a second glance.

                “I wish I could fly like this without notice,” she whispered, hand pressed lightly against the window while she stared out the see through portal longingly.

                Luna placed her hands comfortingly on the sylph’s shoulders and leaned closer.  “We’ll figure something out.  I promise,” she grinned, earning a quick glance from the other woman who smiled at her confidence.

                Behind them, Henry and Yesung watched with smiles on their faces, the former sitting in the window seat while the latter sat in the aisle and tried not to stare.  The flight itself was about five hours with a one hour time zone difference.  Most of it was spent in keeping Victoria distracted so that she wouldn’t feel bad about continually looking out the window and feeling poorly about the one thing she simply wasn’t able to do freely…fly.

                When they got to the airport just after noon, Henry wasn’t surprised to find a uniformed driver holding a sign waiting for them.  He put his face in his hand and shook his head, sighing deeply.  “Hey.  Isn’t that guy waiting for us?” Yesung pointed out, motioning at the driver.

                “Yep,” Henry forced a smile and ushered everyone towards him, shouldering the single duffle bag he carried, like Luna and Yesung.  “Hey Micky.  I guess Hae was busy again?” he asked, pausing in front of the taller male who had his shoulder length brown hair pulled back into a customary ponytail under the driving hat.

                “You know your brother,” Micky chuckled, tucking the sign under his arm and bowing politely.  “But he at least wanted you to ride in style instead of a taxi like the last time,” he laughed, shaking his head fondly at the memory.

                “I didn’t want to bother him,” Henry grumbled, waving his companions forward.  “Anyway.  You’ve met Luna and Yesung.  Allow me to introduce you to Victoria.”

                Hesitantly, the sylph stepped forward and bowed slightly, “Hello.”

                Micky looked over at his employer’s brother with some surprise and extended his open hand to her, palm up.  She looked at it for a moment and glanced at Henry who nodded in approval before she placed her hand tentatively into his.  Micky smiled warmly and bowed over it, making a show of kissing the back of her hand without ever touching her skin, “You can call me Micky, Miss Victoria.  It is a pleasure to meet you,” he assured her, releasing her hand and hiding his amusement at her embarrassed flush.

                “Show off,” Yesung muttered under his breath, earning a laugh from Luna who placed a hand on his shoulder.

                “Someday, Yesung.  Someday,” she winked, to which he crossed his arms over his chest and maintained his frown.

                “Enough dawdling,” Henry shooed, pushing at Micky gently.  “It’s been a long flight and we’d like nothing more than to kick our feet up and rest at my brother’s expense,” he winked, drawing amused expressions from his companions.  Even Micky chuckled and promptly led the way out of the airport to a black stretch limo waiting in the loading area.

                “Ooohhh,” Victoria murmured, staring at it with interest.

                “That’s right.  You’ve never been in a limo either have you?” Luna asked, propelling her along with a hand to her elbow.

                “I haven’t,” she agreed, flushing again when Micky held the door open for her and Luna.

                Henry and Yesung piled in after setting their bags down in the middle of the floor.  Yesung grinned, “You’ll love it Victoria.  These things are so cool.  They have almost everything in them,” he assured her, reaching under the seat for a mini fridge that had a few refreshments hiding within.  “See?” he offered her a bottle of water.

                While she accepted it, Micky hopped in the front and watched them from the rear view mirror with the divider down.  He the radio while he drove and listened in to their conversation when they talked about Donghae and where he lived.  San Francisco was busy as always but the further they got out of town, the more the traffic died down and the city fell away to reveal forestry around them and the sea to the right, both of which had Victoria’s attention.

                “The winds at the water’s edge are always the best,” she told them longingly, watching the waves crash against the shore until they disappeared behind another veil of trees.

                “Donghae lives near the water so maybe we can go walking on the beach when we get there,” Yesung offered immediately.

                “One thing at a time,” Henry laughed, pointing ahead where he could see the outermost edge of Donghae’s mansion reaching towards the road.

                The extended driveway was blocked off by an ornate, iron wrought gate that opened before them when Yoochun keyed in the code at the security station.  Decorative shrubs and hedges in the shapes of all manner of creatures, both mundane and magical, reached up on either side of them, silent sentries to their passage.  At the end of the drive was the mansion, looming two stories tall and spread out widely, elegant but simple.

                “Your brother lives here?” Victoria asked, staring at the building with awe.  Of course she had seen such things from afar, but never like this.

                “Yep,” Luna answered instead.  “He even has a pool outside!  It’s huge!” she squealed, clapping excitedly.

                “Later, Luna,” Henry urged, turning his attention to the driveway where Micky pulled up and stopped.  He didn’t wait for the driver to come open the door before he grabbed his bag and jumped out himself, waving the others after him.  “Come on.  Let me show you around!” he cried, hurrying up to the double front doors and pulling the right one open while Micky objected behind him.

                “Wait up, Henry!” he cried, closing the limo door and then hurrying to catch up.

                The group ahead did no such thing and promptly filed into the mansion where Victoria at least stopped to stare appreciatively.  A two-sided grand staircase led to the second floor while above them the ceiling arched into a glass dome that let light filter from the roof to dance on the marble tiled surface under their feet.  Her shoes clicked lightly on the surface while she spun around and stared at the rest of the room where halls extended down either side with double doors under the staircases.

                At the top of the staircase, she noticed a new figure emerge; a young man wearing normal enough clothes and shoulder length wavy light brown hair that framed either side of his face softly.  He had a warm smile with eyes that conveyed a genuine joy at seeing his guests.  “Micky.  Why didn’t you tell me they’d arrived?” he called down, leaning against the railing lightly while he smiled down at them.

                “I figured you’d prefer to be surprised,” Micky responded, watching the group’s faces light up at seeing Donghae.

                “Hae!” Henry grinned, dropping his bag and bolting up the staircase quickly.  He stopped just short, still smiling from ear to ear, and then hugged his brother firmly.

                “It’s good to see you too, Henry,” Donghae laughed, wrapping his arms around his young sibling and holding tight.  He pulled back and looked over Henry’s face with interest, “You haven’t changed at all since the last time I saw you.”

                Henry shrugged and smiled, “Neither have you, Hae.  But you knew that already,” he snorted, letting his gaze travel back down to the others.  “Come on.  There’s someone you have to meet,” he urged, grabbing his brother’s arm and pulling him after quickly.

                “What’s the rush?” Donghae chuckled, following along.

                “Hi Donghae!” Luna waved, beaming at his appearance.  Yesung offered a slightly more reserved expression and waved at him while Victoria watched with interest, almost staring at the artist.

                “Hey Luna.  Yesung,” he greeted, watching the newest member among them with equal interest.  “This must be your mysterious MC, Victoria,” he stepped closer to greet her.

                “You look just like the picture,” she blurted quietly, flushing at the words.

                His expression turned perplexed and then he laughed in delight.  “I suppose I should change that picture or my image at some point.”  He reached forward and took Victoria’s hand in his, patting it lightly.  “I am pleased to meet you.”

                Victoria smiled shyly at him and hid it behind her free hand.  “Me too.  Your work is very beautiful,” she remarked.

                “It is but a pale imitation of that which I see in my dreams,” he winked, leaning closer and glancing over at his companions.  “So how did my brother and his friends meet one so lovely as yourself, Miss Victoria?”

                Her flush deepened and she looked over at the other three for help.  “Oh!  Um…about that,” Henry laughed nervously.

                “Why don’t we get settled in first and then we can tell you all about it?” Luna offered, stepping close and looking excitedly between Victoria and Donghae.

                “Yeah.  Good idea!” Yesung backed her up, clapping Donghae on the shoulder.  “And here I thought you were supposed to be a good host,” he chided, pulling him back from Victoria just enough that he relinquished her hand.

                “Ayah!  Of course,” Donghae threw his hands up and gestured for his guests to follow him.  “Come on then.  Let me show you to your rooms and then some food perhaps?” he offered.  “Micky.  Would you let Max know we have guests?  I’m sure he could whip something up,” he laughed, watching as the limo driver bowed and headed off to the kitchen.

                It didn’t take long for the group to be settled into separate rooms before they promptly found themselves in the massive dining hall, decorated predominantly by works of Donghae’s art.  “How do you imagine all of these?” Victoria asked, eyeing the nearest one that featured a set of fairies hiding in the boughs of a lush tree, peeking out from the leaves mischievously.

                Donghae shrugged and looked over at Henry.  “I’d say that I’ve watched too many fantasy movies or read too many such books but the images mostly appear when I start painting them.  I’ve tried other art styles, but none feel right like fantasy,” he sighed.  His gaze settled on Victoria again, who he kept noticing looking at him covertly.  “Now.  How about your story?” he asked invitingly, propping his chin on his folded fingers and waiting for her response.

                “Well…” she blinked, unprepared for the question again.

                “May I?” Henry asked Victoria, looking at her questioningly from beside his brother.  She glanced at Luna and Yesung on either side of her and then back at Donghae who seemed perplexed by the question and the reaction.  Her eyes traveled to the windows warily and when she didn’t see anything, she nodded slightly.  Henry placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder and looked at him seriously.  “She’s a magical creature who fell out of the sky and landed in the woods behind my house.”

                For a moment, Donghae just blinked at him, his expression completely neutral before the words finally sank in and he burst out laughing.  “Now that is definitely one of your better tales,” he clapped, looking around the table.  His laughter petered out when no one else shared in his mirth.

                “She really is,” Yesung assured him, patting Victoria’s back comfortingly.

                “She’s a sylph,” Luna chirped.  “Seriously.”

                “Huh?” he murmured, eyeing Victoria who nodded ever so slightly in agreement.  “Surely you’re joking.  Such things don’t exist outside of dreams and wishful thinking,” he sighed, letting his gaze travel over to the paintings on the wall.  As much as he wished it otherwise, that was the way it just was.

                Victoria’s brow crinkled at his expression of longing and she reached forward across the table slightly.  “I can show you,” she offered, wanting to ease the sadness in his gaze.  It was clear he wanted to believe and for a wonder that surprised herself, she wanted to make it true.

                “Are you sure?” Luna asked, placing her hand lightly on the outstretched arms.

                “You don’t have to,” Yesung urged.

                “I know.  I want to though,” she murmured softly, meeting Henry’s gaze with a tentative smile.

                “Very well,” Henry smiled and looked at his brother.  “We’re going to need a room with no windows.”

                Completely at a loss, Donghae just looked between the four as if they were crazy and finally threw his hands up in defeat.  Perhaps the fantasy world had finally taken over their imaginations but he supposed it wouldn’t hurt to see.  “Alright,” he sighed.  “Come on then.  I’d recommend the basement,” he stood up and started to lead the way.

                In the underground level, the basement was kept brightly lit but was otherwise blocked off from the outside world.  It was well ventilated but had no windows to speak of, which was exactly what they were looking for.  The five settled in comfortably while Henry made sure the door was closed firmly behind them.  They all looked around to confirm the lack of outside portals and then the humans nodded at Victoria.

                “Happy now?” Donghae asked, clearly baffled.

                Victoria simply smiled at him and stepped away from the trio that had closed around her supportively.  With a deep breath, she started to glow softly, leaning forward slightly as pearlescent wings unfurled from behind her, fanning out and flowing lazily in the breeze that picked up around her person.  At the same time, her hair color turned jade and lengthened to the backs of her thighs while her clothes simply disappeared, replaced by milky white skin covered with intricate gold markings.

                Donghae stared in complete wonderment as he watched one of the denizens of his dreams materialize before him.  She was even more beautiful than he could have imagined and when she picked her head up to look at him with bright golden eyes, he felt his heart skip a beat and his breath lodge in his throat.  “Of all the wonders…” he whispered, swallowing hard when she closed the distance between them, wings flapping elegantly in her wake.

                Hesitantly, she reached down and grabbed one of his hands in hers, holding it before her.  “Do you believe them now?”

                Tears filled his eyes and trailed down his cheeks at her appearance.  “Yes,” he laughed lightly in a shaky voice.  Carefully, he picked his hand up to her face and dared to brush his fingers against her cheek, feeling the warm flesh.  Without concern, she let him and his hand trailed back to sift through the strands of her hair, finer than silken threads.  “How…?” he asked her, meeting her golden eyes and noticing for the first time that she floated just above the ground, even with his height.

                “She could tell you better than we could,” Henry answered quietly.  Like his brother, he and both Yesung and Luna were entranced by Victoria’s natural form.  Of course they had seen her while injured but like this, she was even more breathtaking.

                “Please,” Donghae asked softly, still looking at the sylph.

                Victoria nodded with another smile and settled back down to the ground.  “Very well.”  She took a breath and glowed once more, pulling the wings back into her body and shifting from her natural form to the human guise she wore.

                Donghae took a gasping breath when released from the spell she had inadvertently cast over him.  Only now aware that there were tears on his face, he pulled his hand out of Victoria’s and laughed, hastily wiping at his cheeks.  “Please,” he gestured to the nearest seat, hurrying to retrieve it for her so that he could buy time to compose himself and recover from his surprise.

                Behind her, Henry, Luna and Yesung looked at each and grinned in triumph.  There was no way that Donghae wouldn’t help them now.  Not after that reaction.


(a/n: I had meant for some other stuff to happen this update but it ended up being longer than intended as is, but I will try to have it out in short order.  Hopefully when the month is over, I'll have a bit more time to settle in and get some writing done (for all three of my current projects  >.>).  Thank you for waiting patiently and I hope you've enjoyed the most recent update.  I very much appreciate your attention and your comments especially!  I'm looking forward to when I can start introducing some of our other MC's!  Huzzah!  ^_^)

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Curse my need for maps and layouts...


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Chapter 27: I hope this too will be updated..
Chapter 26: I have a feeling your first groups are BIGBANG and TVXQ. XD they are ridiculously fun to read too. :)
ah, you know me. I'm only hoping for more Luna, but since that sounds so biased i suggest you should just ignore me. A bit hehe
I really want to read more action! Let's say, something about the Atamos or MCProtAgs (or however) finally battling it out or maybe something like a mole in the good guys' side - someone from the Atamos. That could be -ing hehe

Oh and Luna with someone from EXO perhaps? Coughtaocough ^^ /runs away
Chapter 26: siwon and key...bromance would be nicer. since key is a bit antisocial and I just can't see them together xD joon/kyuhyun would be definitely cool with me! kiseop can have kevin or something :p yesung and...krystal? xD lol that would be funny. and sungmin...maybe you'll need another female character for?
Chapter 25: Btw Hankyung being the leader of atamos? He's a really hot bad guy then *_*
Chapter 25: Yes joon is healed! :D lol at luna fainting xD I kinda have a hard time getting used to sulli/zhoumi couple but whatever in this story they're cute :p
Chapter 25: wow hold your horses Luna. Or in this case, hold your unicorns. Lmao she fainted! Hahahaah
Thank goodness Joon is okay /cries
Chapter 24: LoL that wasn't what I expected at all! :D Onew as the dragon! And yeah that pic is kinda cool <3 oh and I forgot to mention it before, but I love your new poster! :D
Chapter 24: I KNEW IT!!!!