Let's Chat! #4

Let's Chat!

TheFishKing has entered

"GameKyu's Gameroom"

TheFishKing: Hi kyu.

GameKyu: *turns chair around* I've been expecting u.

TheFishKing: Whoa... okay... i just wanted to...

GameKyu: Yes? Wut is it? Spit it out.

TheFishKing: I wanted to say im srry for not cheering u up the other day. But u should say srry too since u were mean to sica.

GameKyu: I accept ur apology. Btw i already said srry to sica. She forgave me.

TheFishKing: Awesome. Ive got a question for u.

GameKyu: Wut?

TheFishKing: If sungmin and seohyun were both drowning, who wld u save?

GameKyu: WTH y cant i save both?

TheFishKing: Okay i'll put it in another way. U three r on a roof and on one side, seohyun is hanging, and the other, sungmin is hanging. U only hav time to save one of them. Who wld u save?

GameKyu: Obviously seohyun.

Sungmin_is_cool has entered

"GameKyu's Gameroom"

Sungmin_is_cool: Hi guys.

Sungmin_is_cool: Oh tht is just mean kyu.

GameKyu: Well wut do u expect me to say? Seohyun's my best friend! And her unnies wld kill me if i didnt save her. My hyungs wldnt kill me for not saving u.

TheFishKing: OH SNAP!

Sungmin_is_cool: Y wld we even be on a roof?

TheFishKing: IDK. Hypothetically. Does it matter if it doesnt make sense? Its hypothetical.

GameKyu: Yeah so calm down.

Sungmin_is_cool: Ur cruel. Too cruel to deserve seohyun.

TheFishKing: Crap kyu...

GameKyu: Shaddup, sungmin. I kno seohyun deserves a man who wld save her instead of a gay bunny.

TheFishKing: This is getting pretty serious.

Sungmin_is_cool: I AM NOT GAY! Im trying to ask sunny out!

GameKyu: And u failed multiple times. Maybe sunny likes someone else.

TheFishKing: U've got this way that lowers other's self-esteem kyu.

GameKyu: It's a gift u kno.

Sungmin_is_cool: Its more like a curse to others.

GameKyu: SH!T I CAN SEE SEO THRU THE WINDOW AND SHES GETTING ON HER LAPTOP! U 2 get out of this chatroom if u want to live. We're going to ur chatroom donghae!

TheFishKing: Okay.

TheFishKing has left the chatroom

Sungmin_is_cool has left the chatroom

GameKyu has left the chatroom


GameKyu has entered

"The Fishy Kingdom"


GameKyu: No but its definitly idiotic.

Sungmin_is_cool: His aditude amuses me when he doesnt use it against me...

TheFishKing: Ur a jerk kyuhyun.

AngelHyunnie has entered

"The Fishy Kingdom"

AngelHyunnie: Hey oppas ^^

GameKyu: Herro seo ^^

Sungmin_is_cool: Look at the luv tht they share.

TheFishKing: *Sniff* its beautiful lol

GameKyu: Oh shaddup u guys. Nd donghae, sica is walking on the sidewalk outside my house RITE NOW wit tht jonghyun dude. GO ND GET UR GURL MAN.

TheFishKing: Ur not joking r u?

AngelHyunnie: Crap oppa. Its tru...

Sungmin_is_cool: Oh crap. Go donghae. U HAV to believe seohyun.

GameKyu: Wut - u cant believe ME?

TheFishKing: will not answer tht question and will go find sica.

TheFishKing signed off

The host for this chatroom left

Sungmin_is_cool is the new host.


GameKyu: And once the real king leaves the bunny tries to act cool but sadly he fails.

AngelHyunnie: I wuz about to bow but kyu oppa is rite srry. Heheheh...


Sungmin_is_cool: Donghae wuz rite. U R a jerk.

AngelHyunnie: Ther isnt a need to be hating.

Sunnyshine has entered

"The Fishy Kingdom"

Sunnyshine: U guys r mean >:(

Sungmin_is_cool: Y?! Wuts wrong my sunshine?!

Sunnyshine: o__0 Wuts up wit u?

GameKyu: Awkward... Sungmin rlly likes u sunny. More than a friend.

AngelHyunnie: Thts supposed to be a secret oppa.

Sunnyshine: Is tht tru sungmin?

Sungmin_is_cool signed off

The host for this chatroom has left

GameKyu is the new host


Sunnyshine: Wait its tru?!

AngelHyunnie: Yes unnie its tru.

GameKyu: Surprisingly and hysterically tru.

AngelHyunnie: Hysterical in a crazy way or hilarious way?

GameKyu: In a hilarious way.

Sunnyshine signed off

GameKyu: Oh wow...

AngelHyunnie: Lets play something oppa. Come to my house!

GameKyu: Oh sure. Cya.

GameKyu signed off

AngelHyunnie signed off

The next day...

GameKyu has entered

"Walking on Sunshine"

GameKyu: hyung, i hope ur planning on changing the title.

Sungmin_is_cool: oh shuddup kyu. and how DARE u tell sunny bout my feelings!

GameKyu: i had to. U HAV TO CONFESS SOMETIME!!! if not now, not EVAH.

Sungmin_is_cool: I AM WORKING ON IT! >:(

TEEHEEchul has entered

"Walking on Sunshine"

GameKyu: awesome. u changed ur name. its cool.

TEEHEEchul: yeah thnx.

Sungmin_is_cool: ive seen u and sica get closer, chul. STAY AWAY from her. hae wont be happy.

TEEHEEchul: cmon! we're just friends! plus she keeps telling me how awesome and cute and romantic(she mentioned lots of romance) hae is!

GameKyu: wait a min... hae? romantic? cute? AWESOME?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! sica is a way better joker than hyukkie! X'D

Sungmin_is_cool: lol xD

TEEHEEchul: u 2 r horrible friends :P lol

Hyukkie101 has entered

"Walking on Sunshine"

Hyukkie101: da party dont start till i walk in~!

GameKyu: holy frijoles! hyung u finally got an account!

Hyukkie101: yup and im friend requesting evryone.

Sungmin_is_cool: dat includes me rite?

Hyukkie101: obviously.

TEEHEEchul: and me?

Hyukkie101: hmm...?

TEEHEEchul: D:

Hyukkie101: OF COURSE I WILL.


GameKyu: and seohyun?

Hyukkie101: well obviously -__- y?

GameKyu: just want to kno...

Sungmin_is_cool: he wants to kno so he can make sure u dont flirt wit seo cuz he likes seo more than a friend

GameKyu: u r no longer my favorite hyung... >:(

TEEHEEchul: OMG! is tht tru?!?!

Hyukkie101: only gurls say "omg" and... WTH!!! so the rumor is tru...

TEEHEEchul: wut r u saying to me?!

GameKyu: hes basically calling u a gurl and... rumor? wut rumor?

Sungmin_is_cool: i didnt kno ther wuz a rumor...

Hyukkie101: the rumor is "kyuhyun likes seo in a more-than-a-friend way"

TEEHEEchul: I AM NOT A GURL!!! and it seems like the rumor is tru...

GameKyu: all those stupid ppl who start rumors!!! AHHHHH!!!!

TheFishKing has entered

"Walking on Sunshine"

GameKyu: well look who came to join the party

TheFishKing: well hyuk friend requested me and sent me like... 15 FRIGGIN MESSAGES!!!

Hyukkie101: heheh... oops?

Sungmin_is_cool: wut did the messages say?

TEEHEEchul: prolly stuff thts weird.

TheFishKing: stuff like "FINALLY MADE AN ACCOUNT! message me!" and "IM me" and "how's jessica?"

GameKyu: okie i understood the "message me" stuff but... y "how's jessica?"

TEEHEEchul: cuz hyukkie's a curious little monkey.

GameKyu: u mean like curious george?

TEEHEEchul: lol yeah!

Sungmin_is_cool: lol u guys xD

Hyukkie101: HEY!

TheFishKing: no no hyukkie. it's tru. anywayz sica is fine.

TEEHEEchul: yeah and she looks fine too.

GameKyu: ................... wut?

Sungmin_is_cool: we didnt need to kno how she looks... we see her everyday...

Hyukkie101: do u by any chance like sica?

TheFishKing: no u guys r takin it wrong. she does look fine. it's a fact so even a good friend like heechul can see tht.

TEEHEEchul: yeah wut he said!

GameKyu: well... okay...

Hyukkie101: alright... i guess...

Sungmin_is_cool: well... still! i'd like it better if u stayed away, chul.

TheFishKing: ah, u guys. theyre just friends and i kno it. and... did i forget to mention tht sica wuz reading the whole convo?

GameKyu: WUT?! CRAP!

Sungmin_is_cool: i wuz just joking sica! u and chul can still hang out!

Hyukkie101: hav u gotten my friend request sica?

TEEHEEchul: uh hey sica.

TheFishKing: hey boyz. this is sica. yes i got ur friend request, hyukkie. and sungmin ur only lucky tht sunny has a crush on u. wut "crap" kyuhyun? the crap tht i kno bout ur feelings for seo now? and hi heechul.


Sungmin_is_cool: sunny has a crush on me?!?! YESSSSSSSS!

Hyukkie101:  yay! now i hav my bestfriend's girlfriend as a friend in my friend list!

TEEHEEchul: so much "friend" in tht sentence...



alright havent done this in a long time! im glad i finally got it finished!

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Chapter 4: hahaha this is more than what i want but is cool..laughing so hard when i read this..
Chapter 4: hahahaha... more people to come in the chat!!!
please update soon..
Stand4SeoKyu #3
Chapter 3: Ewwwww, so cute..
They like each other but won't admit it,,
Chapter 3: awww... poor sunnyyy... >.<
Chapter 2: hahahhaa... they're both adorkable!!!
tinhnghichbe #6
Chapter 2: cuteeeeeee
Chapter 2: kyaaa seokyu is so freaking cute! i love this story <3 pls update soon!!
soneELF001 #8
Chapter 2: They are SEOKYUte together! Update Soon!
wiresDORKshiper #9
Chapter 1: haha i like how kyuhyun make seohyun smile.. haha it's cool
Chapter 1: Hahahaha le gasp??? Kyu you always makes everyone laughing