Let's Chat! #2

Let's Chat!

() - Face Chat

October 19

AngelHyunnie has entered

"The Ice Kingdom"

​AngelHyunnie: Hi!

IcePrincess555: HI HYUNNIE!

TheFishKing: Hi ther.

AngelHyunnie: Brb 4 a sec. Kyu oppa is trying to steal my phone.

TheFishKing: Ha ha! Lol!

IcePrincess555: They like each other.

(Suddenly a screen pops up and it shows Seohyun chasing Kyuhyun. "Oh no! I accidentally pressed the face chat!" Seohyun exclaimed. Kyuhyun laughed and said, "Hi, Jessica! Hi, Donghae!" Not that Seohyun and Kyuhyun could tell, but Donghae and Jessica were laughing really hard.)

IcePrincess555: Ha ha u guys!

TheFishKing: LOOK AT THEM. They're SO adorkable!

(Kyuhyun was typing something on the computer and Seohyun was trying to make him stop but he was too strong)

AngelHyunnie: I kno she's aDORable but IM aDORKable! Just look at her cute wittle cheeks!

IcePrincess555: U 2 r making me laff!

(Finally, Kyuhyun got out of the way and Seohuun saw what he typed. Her cheeks turned red and she yelled, "OPPA!" Kyuhyun only smiled and said, "You should tell them that your password for your laptop is 'Kyuhyun oppa'. It's adorable." Seohyun pushed Kyuhyun onto the bed. He was still laughing.)

TheFishKing: Ur password for ur laptop is "KYUHYUN OPPA"?! CUTE!

IcePrincess555: I kno rite?!

(Seohyun's cheeks were as red as a tomato. "Aww! Look! Her cheeks are red!" Kyuhyun shouted and pointed. Seohyun jumped on Kyuhyun and they heard a grunt. "Ah, Seohyun-ah! You're heavy!" they heard Kyuhyun yell. Seohyun giggled. But this all happened out of the camera's view.)

TheFishKing: Wut r they doing over ther? Making out? And how is seo heavy?

IcePrincess555: Yeah...?

(Soon, Seohyun and Kyuhyun were up. Seohyun turned off the face chat.)

AngelHyunnie: Srry for that... long... disturbance.

AngelHyunnie: HEY! We were NOT making out!!!!!

TheFishKing: Dats wut U say.

IcePrincess555: But we dont kno dat.

GameKyu has entered

"The Ice Kingdom"

GameKyu: HEY~! Im using Seo's laptop! :3

TheFishKing: Ha! "Kyuhyun oppa" is the password.

IcePrincess555: I came up wit a couple name for them. SeoKyu.

AngelHyunnie: Hey!

GameKyu: Dats SEOKYUte! Heheheh! A pun!

AngelHyunnie: Oppa! -__-

GameKyu: Y do u like copying Hae's face? And srry... but its kinda catchy...

TheFishKing: Figures, u'd agree! And... HEY! Dats not MY original face.

IcePrincess555: Yeah cuz its originally a fish face. :3

GameKyu: LOL! Ur gf just burned u.

AngelHyunnie: U guys, u dont hav to hurt Hae oppa.

TheFishKing has signed off

GameKyu: Aw, we crossed the line. XP

AngelHyunnie: See? SEE?

GameKyu: Alright I'll listen to u, o great and powerful angel.

IcePrincess555: I'll go stop by his house and see if he's not crying. :(

GameKyu: He cries?

IcePrincess555 has signed off

The host for this chatroom has left

AngelHyunnie is the new host


AngelHyunnie: I thought i was an angel.

GameKyu: Well u transformed, ur highness.

AngelHyunnie: We're in the same room, u kno? Y chat?

GameKyu: Good point.

GameKyu has signed off

AngelHyunnie has signed off

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Chapter 4: hahaha this is more than what i want but is cool..laughing so hard when i read this..
Chapter 4: hahahaha... more people to come in the chat!!!
please update soon..
Stand4SeoKyu #3
Chapter 3: Ewwwww, so cute..
They like each other but won't admit it,,
Chapter 3: awww... poor sunnyyy... >.<
Chapter 2: hahahhaa... they're both adorkable!!!
tinhnghichbe #6
Chapter 2: cuteeeeeee
Chapter 2: kyaaa seokyu is so freaking cute! i love this story <3 pls update soon!!
soneELF001 #8
Chapter 2: They are SEOKYUte together! Update Soon!
wiresDORKshiper #9
Chapter 1: haha i like how kyuhyun make seohyun smile.. haha it's cool
Chapter 1: Hahahaha le gasp??? Kyu you always makes everyone laughing