
A Little Piece of Heaven

I looked myself up and down on the large mirror in the changing room. To be honest, I did look pretty good, and the clothes fit perfectly. That’s probably because Kyuhyun had told Kwangmin what size I was.

“N-Noona? I’m done changing...” I yelled softly into the corridor.

“Ah, neh, come out! I’ll be there in a second! Just sit on the sofa in the corridor!” she yelled from outside the hall.

She sounded like she was clamoring with someone but I didn’t want to into her business. I walked out of the fitting room and sat on the sofa she told me to sit on. I could hear footsteps coming towards the opening that led back into the store. I soon noticed that it was several footsteps, one sounding rather heavy – probably Kyuhyun – and a slightly loud clack of heels – Ahra-noona. I also realized that their footsteps were coming closer to the entrance and I could already see their shadows approaching.

“Aish, noona, you’re hurting me! Let go of my ear!!” I heard a yell. It sounded like Kyuhyun.

“YAH! You never told me you friggin’ got married, you little twerp! How can such a supposedly ‘smart’ dongsaeng like you not let Ryeowook meet me!? Aish, you’re really something, Cho Kyuhyun,” I heard noona yell back.

Not long after, the two of them strode through the entrance and I giggled at the sight before me. Ahra-noona was pulling Kyuhyun along by his ear and Kyuhyun was crying out for help.

Usually, Kyuhyun is all strong, calm, and collected, but when he was being punished by his noona, it was quite the opposite. It was such a rare event. I knew I had to get a few pictures. I retrieved my iPhone and stealthily took a few pictures of Kyuhyun. This is a memory I need to keep forever, I reminded myself.

“Aish, noona, this is getting really painful! Jinjja ...” Kyuhyun whined.

“Aish... arasso.” Noona released him roughly, causing him to stumble a bit before regaining his balance. He stood up and rubbed his red ear, cursing silent profanities at her behind her back. He brushed himself off before taking a good look at me. He stopped in his spot and blushed profusely, calming himself down before approaching me.

“You look...” he sighed, “Great.”

Now it was my turn to blush. “T-Thanks. It was all thanks to Kwangmin-ssi and noona... You should thank them.”

“Well they certainly did a great job.” He looked at Kwangmin, who was cowering behind noona, probably scared to death at recent events. “Remind me to tip you well. Especially for having to deal with this pain-in-the-.” He pointed at noona.

Ahra-noona lifted her hand quickly, ready to strike. But Kyuhyun was prepared, and flinched before she could lay a finger on him.

“YAH, WATCH YOUR MOUTH, DUMB-!!!” noona yelled. Kwangmin cowered behind her and squeaked. Noona calmed herself down before speaking again.

“Okay. Now that I have no further use of reprimanding my immature little shrimp of a brother, I must say you look very good, Ryeowook-ah.”

“T-Thank you, noona. But Kyuhyun isn’t really a shrimp anymore if you know what I mean,” I ducked my head, blushing because of my recent statement.

“Oh, I see you two are on that type of intimate level already.”

“Noona, we just got married! Of course we’ve already done ‘it!’” Kyuhyun butted in.

“AISH! I wasn’t talking to you, now was I?”

I giggled, amused the sight of my husband and his sister bickering. It was quite the entertaining thing to watch, to be honest. I continued giggling until I felt my stomach clench. I gagged inwardly and I knew I was going to vomit soon. I covered my mouth with my hand and clutched my stomach. Kyuhyun noticed and immediately flanked my side, asking me if I was alright. He was obviously worried.

“Wookie, are you okay!?” He started moving his hands all over me, trying to see where I was hurt. I pointed to my mouth then to my stomach, trying to tell him I was going to throw up.

“You need to throw up?” I nodded. Kyuhyun looked at his sister, “Noona, where is the bathroom!?”

“Behind you, a few doors to your left. I’ll have Kwangmin bring you two some water.” She nudged Kwangmin and he nodded, immediately leaving to go find water. Kyuhyun thanked his sister and rushed the both of us to the bathroom. He opened a stall and dragged the both of us in, having me kneel in front of the toilet bowl. I gagged and threw up into the toilet. Kyuhyun rubbed my back worriedly and I was thankful he was so caring and alert. I finished vomiting and Kyuhyun helped me up. When we walked out of the stall, Kwangmin was leaning on the sink with a bottle of water, holding it out to me. After giving him a raspy “thank you,” I gulped down as much of the cool liquid as I could, relishing at how it soothed the bitter taste in my mouth.

“Are you sure you’re okay..?” Kyuhyun asked me, wrapping his arm around me. “That was so out of the blue! Are you sick or something? I swear you we’re fine this morning...”

“I know, Kyu... I don’t know what’s happening.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll just cut the trip a little short and go home tonight. We’ll pack up and leave now. I’ll have Butler Lee reserve our seats too. We’ll go to the doctor as soon as I can schedule an appointment, okay?”

“Kyu, are you sure? I don’t want to have to cut our honeymoon short...” I said, bowing my head down in shame for making us leave earlier than expected.

“Baby, I don’t care about this honeymoon as much as I do about your wellbeing. If we have to go home early so that you can get better, then I’ll make sure it happens.”

“T-Then o-okay, we can go home early.”

“Okay then. Let’s go?” he stuck his hand out so I could take it. I nodded and took his hand, and he led us out of the hallway into the main store.

“Wookie-ah!” it was noona, “Are you okay?”

I nodded and Kyuhyun explained our new plans.

“Ah, I see. Well I hope you two enjoyed your stay here in New York City. Have a safe flight back, okay?” she walked us out of the store and we took the car back to the apartment. When we got into our room, we packed our stuff and new clothes in our bags before we took a shower. After we cleaned up the room and made sure we had all of our stuff, we locked the door and headed to the airport.


It was already 21:30 and I was so tired from the trip, thankful we were going home. We boarded the plane – first class, of course – and took our seats. After about half an hour, the plane took off and we were cruising in the air. Kyuhyun lifted the arm rest in between us so that it wasn’t in our way and wrapped his arms around me.

“Are you doing okay?”

“Yeah, I think I’m feeling better. No promises, though.”

He chuckled, “Okay then. If you feel like throwing up, don’t hesitate to tell me, okay?”

I nodded and snuggled into his side, preparing to go to sleep. Kyuhyun leaned his head on me and kissed my hair.


When I woke up, we had already landed and were back in Incheon Airport. I was not feeling so good, but definitely better now than during the flight. I woke up several times during the flight, rushing to the bathroom to vomit. Kyuhyun was worried sick, trying his best to comfort me throughout the flight. He would assure me that we were landing soon and that we would find out what was happening with me soon. I was thankful that I had such a caring and loving husband. Surely, I wouldn’t be able to find anyone as caring as him.

Kyuhyun was standing already when I came to, taking some of our bags out of the overhead compartment.

“Ah,” he jumped back a little when he saw I was looking up at him, “You’re awake?”

I smiled and nodded back, “Obviously, pabo. When did we land?”

“Fifteen, maybe half an hour ago. I’m not sure.”

“Mwo?! And you didn’t wake me up?”

“I didn’t want to, because for the first time in the flight, you were peaceful and you didn’t look like anything was wrong with you. I just let you have your sleep,” he said, shrugging.

“Oh. Thanks.”

“Anytime, baby. I have everything already. You want to go now?”

“Yeah, sure,” I said, slowly getting up, groaning at my stiff legs.

“You’ve got everything?”

“I think so.”


He reached out his hand and I took it, following him down the aisle and out of the plane into the airport. We walked through the airport; heading to the conveyor belts that brought out our large luggage. After retrieving our luggage, we exited the airport and waited for Kyuhyun’s chauffer and butler, Johnson. It was a brisk wintry day in Seoul, rain drenched anyone that was exposed and splattered in all directions. He waved us down and we quickly ran to the limo, attempting to keep ourselves as dry as possible. We reached him quickly and handed our luggage to him; he bowed and rushed to bring our luggage into the trunk. We got into the car and Johnson got into the driver seat soon after, driving us out of the airport onto the highway.

I jumped when Kyuhyun’s phone rang suddenly. Kyuhyun took his phone out, glancing at the caller ID. Seeing that it was our doctor’s assistant, he quickly hit ‘Answer.’


“Yoboseyo?” Kyuhyun answered quickly, “Ah, yes, Assistant Jang.”

“Annyeonghaseyo, Kyuhyun-ssi. I have the date for your spouse’s scheduled appointment.”

“I see. When can we see him?”

“Cho Ryeowook is scheduled for Wednesday, March 20, 2013, three-and-a-half weeks from now.”

“What?! That’s the closest time slot you have?”

“Yes. We are very sorry for the inconvenience, Kyuhyun-ssi. You very well know that Leeteuk is a very busy and on-demand doctor.”

Kyuhyun sighed into the phone, “Are you sure that’s the next time we can see him?”


He sighed again, “Alright. I guess that’ll just have to work out. Thank you, Jang-ssi.”

“You’re welcome.”

He hung up and sighed for the third time.


“Sorry, baby. The closest date they have is a few weeks from now,” he said, sighing and rubbing his temples in frustration, “Ugh. I wish they had an earlier date. I’m worried about you, Wookie-ah.”

“That’s fine, Kyu,” I replied, gently rubbing his back, “If it will only be vomiting and slight fatigue, I will be able to manage for a few weeks.”

He looked at me. I could see how worried he was. “Are you sure..?”

“Yes, I’ll be fine. It’s not like I’m working anyways,” I shrugged.

“Alright. As long as you’re okay with it, I’ll be fine.”

“Good,” I said, smiling up at him. I yawned and leaned into Kyuhyun and lay my head on his shoulder, my back flush with his abdomen, “I’m tired.”

“Then go to sleep. We still have a long way until we get to the house.” Kyuhyun shifted a bit, just so he was able to get his arms around my waist.

“I will,” I replied, my voice already laden with fatigue. I closed my eyes and slowly fell into the sweet surrender of sleep in my love’s arms.



Life couldn’t possibly get better. My life was perfect... so far (knock on wood). I had a gorgeous spouse, Ki- no, CHO Ryeowook. My company was stable, and life with Ryeowook just feels ……




As if we were made for each other.


The way his body fits with mine, how his fingers tuck in perfectly with mine. I can’t help but thank God for being able to deserve someone as amazing as him. I chuckle inwardly. I thought about this every single day, and yet, I still can’t seem to believe that he’s really mine now. I’ve loved him for so long and to think that I could have lost him to someone else in the past, it just angers me. The thought that I might not have him now, in my arms (right where they should be), made me cringe. It makes me want to keep him more, to protect him until my last breath.

And that’s what always got me. Ryeowook was my whole life. He was literally the center of this big universe called Cho Kyuhyun. My whole life revolved around the most amazing person that is Cho Ryeowook. And to be honest, I loved every minute I have spent with him.

‘Til death do us part.


Thank you.


Thank you, Cho Ryeowook. For being in my life. 

Although there are pictures of Kyuhyun's noona, Ahra, I just decided I'd use Kim Hyun-Joo from 꽃보다 남자/Boys Over Flowers. She was Goo Joon Pyo's (Lee Minho ♥.) older sister in the drama. Before I had found out what Kyu's noona really looked like (which was quite recently, actually), I had always visualized her as looking somewhat like Kim Hyun-Joo. They (Kyuhyun & Kim Hyun-Joo) have very similar facial features. Too bad they (Cho Ahra & Kim Hyun-Joo) hardly look anything alike... haha. 


Location: Dining table, stuffing my face as we speak :3

Mood: Stressed, now that school is starting again -___-

Music: "Still the One" - One Direction (off their newest album, Take Me Home). I actually tolerate & listen to One Direction lol.

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Updating tonight (:


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cmngcm #1
Chapter 7: Nice story authornim but you had us readers hanging on few of your good stories....pls continue to finish the stories...thanks
Chapter 6: This story is so cute!! I love
how Kyuhyun doesn't hesitate to spoil Ryeowook! XD
Can't wait for the update!
I just want you all to know that I've changed my username !! Kya kya kyaaa ~~

woa1ni ➙ that_spring (그 봄)
13elieveSuJunior #4
Chapter 7: i really love this! They're such a sweet couple >.<
I can't wait for the baby kkk~
Thank you for the story
Chapter 3: Please update soon :D ! I love it <3
Chapter 6: wookie is preggy..
siblings bickering is really amusing, hehe
Yes :) i think wookie is preggy cheers for you babykyu :)