City Date

A Little Piece of Heaven

We drove happily down 5th Avenue, my fingers entwined with Kyuhyun’s as we sat in the back seat of our limo. Today was the last full day we had in New York before we headed back to Seoul tomorrow night. He stopped at the front of a large, fancy store and he looked at me.

“You want to go in, Wookie?”

“Sure, Kyu,” I said smiling up at him. He smiled back and we parked in front of the large store, approaching the bodyguard at the entrance to the store and nodding at him as we came closer to him.

The tall bodyguard bowed at us, “Welcome back, Mr. Cho.”


Because Kyuhyun’s family’s company was pretty powerful around the world, I was not taken by surprise when we were able to cut the lines leading to the many expensive, classy brand-name stores on 5th Avenue. We walked into the Louis Vuitton store and walked around the store, casually eyeing racks and shelves full of crazy-expensive clothes. Because of his social status, Kyuhyun was not fazed by the price tags as he repeatedly grabbed jeans and jackets from the racks, not even bothering to look at the price tags. He was also buying dress shoes today. I saw him eyeing the shelves of shoes before choosing one and telling a worker to fetch his size. I glared at him for being so rich and carefree. My family was average, a commoner family. My family didn’t have the simple luxuries Kyuhyun and his family had. I smiled, though; glad that having so much money has not changed his heart-warming personality. Since I cared about prices, I decided to take a glance at the price tags of the new pair of khakis, dress shoes, and overcoat that he was buying for himself.




I stammered back and grabbed the closest shelf I could see, clutching my chest and breathing heavy, choking on my saliva. Kyuhyun noticed and quickly came to my side, patting my back to help me breathe.

“What’s wrong, yeobo?”

“SO... EXPENSIVE!!” I yelled, pointing at the shopping bag he was carrying.

He glanced at the price tags and shrugged, “Nah, not really.”

“ ‘NOT REALLY’ !? Are you CRAZY!? The pants ALONE are $600!! Altogether, that’s like $1500, Kyuhyun!”

“So? The shirt I’m wearing now is worth more than these pants I’m about to buy...” he said, glancing down at the gray dress shirt he had on. He tugged at the fabric, shrugging yet again.

I sighed defeated, “Why do we have to spend so much money, Kyuhyun-ah?”

“Baby, trust me. This isn’t a lot for me. So calm down, arasso?” he hugged me, “Do you want to buy anything?”

I looked up at him, eyes widening, “H-huh? A-Ani, Kyuhyun. I’ll just buy a few things on sale at Uniqlo...”

“Aniyo, yeobo. We’ll buy you things at Armani. It’s only a block or two away from here. There’s someone I want to introduce you to when we get there. Just let me make my purchase first.”

“A-Are you sure?”

“Positive. Come,” he said, taking my hand and lacing our fingers together, “Let’s go to the register now.”

I let him drag me to the counter where the cashier rang up his purchase.

“Welcome back, Mr. Cho. It has been a while since you’ve been in America, hasn’t it?” the cashier said in Korean. I looked at her name tag and read it: ‘Joo-Myun Kim.’ Under her name, ‘DISTRICT MANAGER’ was etched in bold letters.

“Neh, it has been a while. The last time I was in the city, I was here for the business merger. I’m not staying here long this time. Just on our honeymoon,” he said, smiling and wrapping his arm around my waist, lightly squeezing my hip.

“Ah, I see. Very romantic location, I must say. Thank you for stopping by, Mr. Cho. I will be sure to send the boss your new family’s blessings,” she said as she swiped Kyuhyun’s credit card and handed us the bags, “Here you go. Have a nice day.”

“Yes, thank you very much.” The manager bowed. He gave a curt bow in return and grabbed my hand, walking us out of the store into the limo we came from.

“Jesus Kyuhyun, I don’t get how you’re so popular. It’s been like this since grade school and we’re not even in the same country!” I exclaimed as we settled down in the car.

“Awe, are you jealous, baby?”

I flushed a deep red. “...Maybe...”

He chuckled and came up behind me to give me a back hug.

“Awe, my little Wookie’s jealous!” he yelled, pinching my cheek.

“Yah! You just spent $1500 in one store, pabo! Don’t expect me to be happy!” I said, pouting and crossing my arms. Kyuhyun looked at me, tilting his head off to the side to get a better look at me.

He flashed me a menacing smirk before pouncing onto me.

His fingers found my ticklish spots and began to wriggle against my skin.

He chuckled as he continued to playfully torture me, “Huh? You’re not happy, huh?” he grinned, “Are you sure about that, huh?”

I gasped as his fingers beginning to slide under my shirt to gain more access to my ticklish spots, “AIEE~! St-Stopp~! I-I c-can’t br-breathe!”

“Oh really? Is that true?”

“Y-Yes! St-Stop!”

He sighed, bringing his hands back to his pockets. “Arasso, arasso.”

“Yah, don’t ever do that again!”

He only chuckled in response and the limo stopped again.

“Oh, we’re here already?”

I shrugged, “I guess so.”

“Alright. Let’s go.” He took my hand and brought us out of the car. He nodded at the security guard and this one did the same as the last one.

“Welcome back, Mr. Cho.” He bowed and opened the door for us.


“Uwa, there’s so many nice clothes here!” I released his hand and went up to a shelf full of clothes. I felt strong arms encompass me from behind and felt Kyuhyun bury his nose in the crook of my neck.

“Buy whatever you want, baby.”

“A-Are you sure? It’s really expensive here...” I said, looking at the ground and pouting.

“Yes, I’m positive. Anything that makes you happy, babe,” he said, lifting my chin so I could look at him clearly.

“O-Okay,” I said hesitantly. He smiled and called one of workers over to help me pick out an outfit.

“I can’t find the person I was going to introduce you to, but I’m sure he’s here somewhere. For now, I’ll just sit in the lobby and wait for you to pick an outfit here with...” he squinted to read the worker’s name tag, “Is it Kwangmin..?”

“Yes, Mr. Cho. I’ll be sure to take good care of your wife.” He bowed to Kyu and pulled me away, dragging me to the several racks of clothes all around the store.


“Hm, I think you’d be cute with a plaid shirt, maybe even a few cardigans because it is cold out...” Kwangmin-ssi said, staring at me from head to toe. He perked up and snapped, “AH! I got it!”


“Please wait here, Mr. Cho,” he said, pushing me into a large changing room, “I will fetch you your outfit.”

“Oh, oka-” I didn’t even bother to finish my sentence because he was already gone. From the fitting room door, I could see him rushing back and forth from rack to rack. I laughed a bit to myself when he tripped on his shoelace and closed the door when I heard loud footsteps approaching my room, more like high-heels.

Someone knocked on the door, and I heard a female voice say, “Ryeowook-ssi?”

“Um, yes, that’s me...” I said awkwardly opening the door to see who it was. I hid my body behind the door, only allowing my eyes to peek out. I faced a very pretty woman, probably in her late twenties. She was Asian, probably Korean because she said my name very well, even adding “ssi” to the end. She looked very familiar, as if I had either seen her or maybe her sibling in the past.

“Ah, good you’re here. I was wondering when that brat would let me meet my new brother-in-law,” she said rolling her eyes.

“I’m sorry, but who are you..?”

“Oh! Yes, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Kyuhyun’s older sister, Ahra. Annyeong!”

“Ah, jinjja? He did mention meeting someone who works here earlier... It is very nice to meet you,” I said, opening the door wider and bowing to her. Now that I think about it, she does really look a lot like Kyuhyun. I can see the resemblance very well.

“Omo! You’re so cute! No wonder my nerdy dongsaeng fell for you...” she said laughing.

“Well, we’ve known each other since grade school.” I blushed and smiled to myself.

“Ah I see. Well, welcome to America! It’s quite different here, isn’t it?”

“Yes, I have noticed many differences...”

“Hopefully Kwanggie brings your outfit back quick. I haven’t seen your husband yet...” she said, peeking out of the room into the main store.

“He’s here somewhere... Hey, Ahra-noona?”

“Yes?” she asked, turning to face me.

“How come I have never seen or met you before?”

“Well that is because from my teens, when Kyuhyun was about 10, I asked abeoji if I could study abroad. And he accepted, so here I am. I go back to Korea often, but things have gotten busy here and as the manager of the largest Emporio Armani store in the east coast, I always have a lot of work to do.”

“Ah, I see.”

“Finally, Kwanggie!! How long can this possibly take!?” she said in a mockingly sarcastic voice.

“S-Sorry, noona. I couldn’t figure out what size he was so I had to find Mr. Cho to ask him.”

“Ah, I see. Alrighty then.”

She took the outfit from Kwangmin and handed it to me.

“Here, Wookie-ah. Change into this. I’ll be right outside. Just yell when you’re ready, arasso?”



OTL. Kind of crash & burn there but I just HAD to update. 

Hopefully there aren't any awkward mistakes...



This fanfiction, 'Obvious Secrecy', and 'Fate Isn't on Our Side' will be updated every two weeks, from either Fri-Sun.


(At least I will attempt to update every two weeks... but school ..)

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Updating tonight (:


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cmngcm #1
Chapter 7: Nice story authornim but you had us readers hanging on few of your good stories....pls continue to finish the stories...thanks
Chapter 6: This story is so cute!! I love
how Kyuhyun doesn't hesitate to spoil Ryeowook! XD
Can't wait for the update!
I just want you all to know that I've changed my username !! Kya kya kyaaa ~~

woa1ni ➙ that_spring (그 봄)
13elieveSuJunior #4
Chapter 7: i really love this! They're such a sweet couple >.<
I can't wait for the baby kkk~
Thank you for the story
Chapter 3: Please update soon :D ! I love it <3
Chapter 6: wookie is preggy..
siblings bickering is really amusing, hehe
Yes :) i think wookie is preggy cheers for you babykyu :)