
A Little Piece of Heaven


Two elated men stood side-by-side at the altar of the large cathedral. Large smiles adorned their face as the priest prepared their vows. They looked into each other’s eyes, silently conveying a passionate “I love you.”

The priest gestured for them to face each other. They held the other’s hands and all they saw was each other, ignoring all of the other people in the room.

A deep voice bellowed throughout the speakers of the large church. The priest turned to the taller of the two, a proud 24 year-old. He wore the largest of smiles as he looked deep into his lover’s eyes. The priest spoke,

“Do you, Cho Kyuhyun take Kim Ryeowook to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; and promise to be faithful to, ‘til death do you part?”

“I do ... forever,” Kyuhyun said, holding back tears and smiling even wider as his “wife’s” eyes filled with joyful tears.

The priest then turned to the smallest of the pair, another elated 24 year-old. His eyes glistened in tears as he waited the priest to ask him the question he’s been longing to hear all day.

“And do you, Kim Ryeowook take Cho Kyuhyun to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; and promise to be faithful to, ‘til death do you part?”

“I do .... IdoIdoIdoIdo!!”

“Good,” the priest said smiling, turning to the crowd, he pronounced, “Ladies and gentlemen, I now pronounce you husband and err ... husband ..?”

Loud cheers and claps were heard from the crowd. The two turned, seeing both of their parents on the verge of tears, just like they were. They smiled at the large group of people, so happy to have such an approving group of friends and family.

Now, Kyuhyun was the one longing to hear the priest say the words he’s wanted to hear since he first saw Ryeowook walk down the aisle. The priest looked at the two of them and smiled again.

“Now,” the priest said, looking at Kyuhyun, “You may kiss the bride.”

Kyuhyun smirked that famous smirk of his and he wrapped his arms around his new wife’s waist.

“I love you.”

And he pressed his lips onto Ryeowook’s. They kissed, oh so softly. Ryeowook melted into the sweet kiss and positioned his arms around Kyuhyun’s neck, deepening the kiss.

They pulled away and smiled for the nth time this day.

“Love you too.”

They turned to face the crowd, and, hand-in-hand, walked down the aisle. Flowers flew in every direction around them, the newly-wed couple giggling at the barrage of white and red rose petals that were flying at them. They rushed into the white limousine as the onlookers waved good-bye.


“What? There’s no post-wedding reception!?” Henry said, pouting.

“Hmph to , Henry,” Siwon said, “We’re never getting you drunk again, squirrel boy.”

“True that,” Zhou Mi said.

“But Mimi!”



“Yo, Min, you got all of the stuff in the trunk?”

“Of course, Baby K. Don’t want to up my little bro’s post-wedding plans, now do I?”

“No, Cho Sungmin, you do not,” Ryeowook said sternly. The other two in the car knew that there would be a very bad situation if Ryeowook did not get to go on his much-anticipated honeymoon.

“Jeez, okay! Calm down, Wook!”

“Yay, okay!” and like that, Ki – Cho Ryeowook was back to his old, aegyo-drowning, cute self.


Kyuhyun just chuckled to himself and leaned to whisper in to his lover’s ear.

“Happy anniversary, baby.”

“What the what .... We literally /just/ got married, Kyuhyunnie,” Ryeowook said cutely, a confused look on his face.

“Yeah, it’s been 15 minutes. HAPPY 15-MINUTE ANNIVERSARY!” Kyuhyun kissed him on the cheek.

“Yah, you’ve gotta be ing kidding me. You creep!”

Kyuhyun received a playful slap on the arm.

“Yah!! You’re making everyone stare at us like we’re lunatics!”

By this time, the pair was already at the airport, waiting to board the plane.

“Shut up, Kyu,” Wookie pouted, receiving a cute pinch on the cheek from his husband, “We have a whole two weeks in New York City. Let’s just be quiet for like five seconds.”

“Whatever tickles your fancy, sweet cheeks.”

The pair stood silent. After barely four seconds, the two burst into laughter. They were clutching the armrests of the chair and their stomachs, unable to compose themselves.

This made even more eyes look at them, wondering who the hell were these two guys, both dressed in marriage tuxedos, doing laughing their asses off in the middle of the airport.

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Updating tonight (:


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cmngcm #1
Chapter 7: Nice story authornim but you had us readers hanging on few of your good stories....pls continue to finish the stories...thanks
Chapter 6: This story is so cute!! I love
how Kyuhyun doesn't hesitate to spoil Ryeowook! XD
Can't wait for the update!
I just want you all to know that I've changed my username !! Kya kya kyaaa ~~

woa1ni ➙ that_spring (그 봄)
13elieveSuJunior #4
Chapter 7: i really love this! They're such a sweet couple >.<
I can't wait for the baby kkk~
Thank you for the story
Chapter 3: Please update soon :D ! I love it <3
Chapter 6: wookie is preggy..
siblings bickering is really amusing, hehe
Yes :) i think wookie is preggy cheers for you babykyu :)