A birthday celebration

An Author's Story


                ChunAe was led by Kangin towards a certain spot at the very end of the shop. Kangin left her and placed his orders on the counter and came back to ChunAe.

                “They still serve my favourite!” Kangin said, grinning.

                “I can’t believe this shop’s still here” ChunAe said looking around the familiar corners of the shop. “I mean it’s been...”

                “5 years... neh” Kangin said smiling. ChunAe looked at his smile... it always reached his eyes. “I think that... no matter how the time grows... but people still come and eat here. They’ve become fond of this place and will always come back here”


                YoungWoon and ChunAe was taking more time on the counter since youngWoon was still thinking what to eat base on his budget. ChunAe seemed to notice this... she heard that being a trainee, you have to support yourself.

                “YoungWoon-ah... go and look for a seat, I’ll order” ChunAe said.

                “Mwoh?” YoungWoon asked.

                “I’ll pay this time since I asked you to go with me, but there’s no more next time!” ChunAe narrowed her eyes and he smiled and went to the table at the farthest corner of the shop.

                As soon as ChunAe was finished, she went towards to where YoungWoon was sitting.

                “You know you shouldn’t have done that” YoungWoon said.

                “Aish, it’s just now” ChunAe said.

                “Hmmm...” YoungWoon seemed not satisfied with it. “The next time I’ll bring you here, I’ll be the one who’ll pay” ChunAe smiled.

                “It’s a deal!” ChunAe nodded.

                After a few minutes, they were enjoying their dinner and wait for the rain to cease, but it seemed like fate is playing with them. The rain just fall even more and it felt colder.

                “It’s cold” ChunAe remarked, looking around for something to warm her up.

                YoungWoon was uncomfortable to see her shivering in cold. Then an idea came to him, he went towards the counter to order something. YoungWoon came back with 4 bottles of soju, ChunAe widens her eyes.

                “What’s that for?” ChunAe asked as YoungWoon opened the first bottle.

                “For drinking” YoungWoon said. “Here... use this” YoungWoon gave her his long-sleeved school uniform and drinks the soju slowly. “I’m drinking to keep myself warm”

                ChunAe looked at the soju in front of her and suddenly curiousity came to her. She had never tasted alcohol in her entire life. She looked at YoungWoon who seemed to enjoy drinking. ChunAe looked at YoungWoon with reproachful eyes.

                “Eh?” YoungWoon looked at her.

                “How does it taste?” ChunAe asked, YoungWoon seemed to be taken aback by her sudden question.

                “Errr... you might not want to taste this, it’s bitter” YoungWoon said, ChunAe just frowned.

                “Can I have a try?” ChunAe asked.



                “No, you’re still underaged” YoungWoon said as he took a gulp.

                “Ani~~~ I just turned 19!” ChunAe frowned.

                “ChinJa? When?” YoungWoon asked.

                “Today” ChunAe said and showed him her I.D. YoungWoon’s expression relaxed and poured a cupful of soju for her.

                “Saengil Chukka Hamnida!” YoungWoon smiled.

                “Gomawo!” ChunAe raised the cup and drink it.


                YoungWoon ended up carrying a drunk ChunAe in piggyback, he left his bike with the owner, asking to take care of it at the mean time. YoungWoon is taking her to his dorms since ChunAe’s home was about 3 miles away.

                “Aiggooo! How did I end up like this!?” YoungWoon huffed as he still carries the lady on his back. “I should have stopped her on her 4th bottle!”

                “Yahhhh~~~ youshhh ssshhhhuuuttaaappp!” ChunAe pats his head a little hard.

                “Aiiish!!!” YoungWoon muttered, pissed at the situation. “You’re lucky you are a girl”

                YoungWoon continues to carry her and walked towards the main door of their dorm. She wasn’t that heavy though, but it gives him a hard time to move. He hasn’t gained that much muscle. Carefully with difficulty, YoungWoon reached his hand towards the up button and pressed it. He huffed and waited for the carrier to arrive.

                YoungWoon huffed and puffed as soon as he gets out of the elevator and went towards their dorm’s door. It was dark inside, the lights were out. YoungWoon assumed that they all must be asleep when—the lights suddenly .

                “Well, well... what do we have here?” A voice spoke that made YoungWoon break in cold sweat.

                He looked back and saw JungSoo in his pyjamas and holding a wooden spoon on his waist. JungSoo tilts his head sideways to see the person YoungWoon was carrying. He then looked back at YoungWoon with one eye brow raised.

                “It’s not what you think” YoungWoon said suddenly.

                “Put the girl down” JungSoo said in a dangerous tone. YoungWoon placed ChunAe down, letting her lean on the wall.

                “Hyung, I can explain...” Before YoungWoon continues, JungSoo erupted.

                “YAH!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAHHH!!!” JungSoo was whacking the wooden spoon at YoungWoon.

                “AIIYAAA AIIIYAAA!!! HYUNG!!! STOOOPPP!!!” YoungWoon tries to evade every moves that JungSoo was making.

                They were creating such a noise that ChunAe grumbled and stood up, looking at them with bloodshot eyes. JungSoo and YoungWoon momentarily stop and observed her as she was looking at each of them.


                ChunAe glared at JungSoo who just gulped. ChunAe reached her hand for the wooden spoon and JungSoo absent-mindedly gave it. Without further ado, ChunAe snapped it into two and threw it on the floor, she then sits down and sleep. YoungWoon and JungSoo just looked at each other.


A/N: So how's the story so far? HEHEHE BTW, I want to promote my one shot "A GOOD BYE" It is dedicated to Leeteuk's leaving for the army. Hope you like it! :)

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michiho #1
Chapter 5: Awww, I wish you would finish this, but by the looks of it , I don't think you will. ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 5: i really like this FF! hahaah woonnie during is training days *_* awww please update soon!!! *___* ps i'm going to read the oneshot ;)
Chapter 4: new reader! please update soon :)
Chapter 3: UPDATE UPDATE!!! Can't wait for the next chappie! Bka mare read ko nanaman yung WGRM!
Chapter 2: yieeeee!!!! kilig naman ako! uwaaah! galeng tlga ni ate AiMei pagdating sa kilig factor!
xhikari #6
Chapter 2: OMG! A KanginxReader fanfic? Is this real life?
FINALLY! THANK YOU! /subscribes/ & it's cute so far, I hope you'll update soon~
Fighting!!! ^^
seems really interesting can't wait to read it :D