
An Author's Story


                “Y-yah! Where exactly are you taking me?!” ChunAe yelled between gasps while Kangin was trying to avoid people.

                “Somewhere you would enjoy!” Kangin looked back and gave his mischievous grin again.
                “Will you stop grinning like that?!” ChunAe forcefully let go of his hand to grab a hold of herself. Kangin frowned at her and leans towards her.

                “Wae?” Kangin said still giving his mischievous smile.

                “It gives me the creeps” ChunAe huffed, not looking at his face.

                “You’re still paranoid” Kangin said and grabbed her hand again to get a move on.

                “Y-yah... your fans will see you” ChunAe said softly.

                “Don’t worry... I got this” Kangin said assuringly... that triggers another part of her memory...




                For about 2 months that ChunAe’s group was laid back. They are relaxing since there was already someone on the move to make their project. ChunAe on the other hand was worried, she can’t stop but to doubt.

                “We got it!” HyukJae said in a celebratory voice. “Lets pass it!”

                “Wait! We still haven’t seen it, we need to at least check the contents” ChunAe pleaded. YoungWoom gave a smile.

                “We don’t have to, I sense a high grade from this one” YoungWoon said and with that he went towards the faculty room to pass the project.



                The teacher slams the Feasibility Project Papers in front of ChunAe. The members stayed behind her, good thing is that the rest of the class went home already. Park Sungsaengnim was really angry with the results of the project.


                “ALL THE FIGURES ARE WRONG! I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU!!! BEING THE 4TH RANKING STUDENT” Park Sungsaeng-nim spats, ChunAe kept her head low as possible while the other members were feeling very guilty about it... especially YoungWoon. “WHAT KIND OF LEADER ARE YOU?! YOU’RE DRAGGING DOWN YOUR MEMBERS’ GRADES!!!”

                “I...” ChunAe starts to speak.

                “DO NOT REASON OUT ANYMORE!!! YOU ARE GOING TO FAIL IN THIS SEMESTER!” Park Sungsaeng-nim said, YoungWoon got alarmed.

                “Sir, it’s not her fault—“


                “Don’t blame her—“ YoungWoon was getting angrier.

                “I SAID SILENCE!” Park Sungsaeng-nim spats.

                “This is absurd!!!” YoungWoon yelled back. He was about to say more when ChunAe spoke.

                “YoungWoon, please, this is all my fault I should have been more careful. I am very sorry guys I have brought you with me” ChunAe said that made the rest of the members stiffened. She took the fault even though she was innocent. ChunAe looked up on the teacher in front of her, fuming with anger. “Sir, WE WILL redo this project  and get every figures right”

                “I doubt that, ChunAe-ssi.” The teacher smirked. “You only have less than 2 weeks before the defence; I doubt that you can make it”

                With that, she turned her heels and left the room...


                It was already dark in the evening, YoungWoon was going towards his dorm. He was in deep thinking... his guilt is building up. Even though he is known for being a tall bully, he just can’t hurt a girl’s feelings, he has a girlfriend. He knows how his girl would react: cry and cry whenever insulted, so he expects the same action from ChunAe.

                “Aissh!!” YoungWoon scratched his head.

                Then he looked up, expecting to see the vendin machine is a few feet, but to his surprise, he sees a girl in front of the vending machine. Not just any girl... but she was ChunAe , still in her school uniform. ‘She still hasn’t gone home’ YoungWoon thought.

                “ChunAe!” YoungWoon called. ChunAe turned around to see YoungWoon in his gray hoodie and sweatpants.

                “YoungWoon...” ChunAe said softly. YoungWoon was taken aback as he saw her bloodshot eyes, it was as though his heart stopped from beating and felt a tinge of pain for her. YoungWoon walks her to the nearest bench as soon as she and he bought their drinks.

                “W-what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be home?” YoungWoon asked sheepishly, trying to look anywhere.

                “I want to wander off...” ChunAe said softly.


                ‘Is she usually like this? Right now... she seemed too fragile and frail’ YoungWoon thought. It was then he hears a sniffle, he looked sideways and saw chunAe, shedding tears.

                “S-sorry... I couldn’t help it” ChunAe said and YoungWoon felt all the awkwardness in the world. YoungWoon doesn’t know what to do! It’s really hard to go by someone whom you don’t know especially when she cries!

                YoungWoon placed a hesitating hand on her head and pats it awkwardly. He then hears a chuckle and he sighed relief.

                “Park Sungsaeng-nim was terrible...” YoungWoon blurted out.

                “No, no... he was right” ChunAe said softly. “I should have checked the papers before we pass it” ChunAe said.

                “Sorry... it’s my fault” YoungWoon said with all the sincerity he ever musters. The bully who never apologizes is now apologizing to her.

                “No... don’t take the blame...” ChunAe said and wipes her tears. “We just have to move on and start doing it...”

                “So... what do we do now?” YoungWoon asked.

                “RE do the papers...” ChunAe said

                “Then, let’s do it together with the members...” YoungWoon smiled assuringly at her. “We got this” ChunAe was staring at him for a moment then looked at her wristwatch.

                “I must go home now. It’s already late” She said.

                “Neh...” YoungWoon said. “Bye then” Youngwoon was about to walk away when e felt a tug on his sleeve. YoungWoon turns around and sees a pleading ChunAe.

                “U-uhm... can you walk me home?” 

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michiho #1
Chapter 5: Awww, I wish you would finish this, but by the looks of it , I don't think you will. ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 5: i really like this FF! hahaah woonnie during is training days *_* awww please update soon!!! *___* ps i'm going to read the oneshot ;)
Chapter 4: new reader! please update soon :)
Chapter 3: UPDATE UPDATE!!! Can't wait for the next chappie! Bka mare read ko nanaman yung WGRM!
Chapter 2: yieeeee!!!! kilig naman ako! uwaaah! galeng tlga ni ate AiMei pagdating sa kilig factor!
xhikari #6
Chapter 2: OMG! A KanginxReader fanfic? Is this real life?
FINALLY! THANK YOU! /subscribes/ & it's cute so far, I hope you'll update soon~
Fighting!!! ^^
seems really interesting can't wait to read it :D