

Hi there! I'm Syaira~! I'm a new writer and this is my first ever fanfic~ please be kind with me xD

so this is basically a TaengSic angst fic~ 

so enjoy! and comment how i did :3




"You left me!" A girl named Jessica yelled while tears streaming down her face. "You left me. Why?" A whisper. Jessica dropped down and sobbed. Clear liquids escaping out of her beautiful eyes. But she didn't care, she cried her heart out countless time for the month. And she is doing it again tonight. Why was she doing this? Why is she crying for the person who left her? She's a fool. A fool who still loves HER. Yes. She kept on saying that she's fine without HER, but the truth is she's not. She's a mess. And her room was also a mess as a result of her throwing things all over the room. She was frustrated. She was desperate. Desperate for HER. She no doubt still is madly in love with HER.



They were sitting on the beach, watching the sunset. It was beautiful to say the least, but nothing was more beautiful than the petite girl sitting beside her. Her milky white skin glowed as the ray of sunlight hit her. An angel. Then the girl turned her head. The baby face that she never grew bored of and would never want to forget. Her round eyes, cute button nose and her pink lips. They were perfect in Jessica's eyes. Oh how lucky she is to be with an angel. 

"What is it Taengoo?" Jessica finally asked.

Taeyeon stared at her for a long time before starting.

"Let's break up."

Jessica's eyes widen when she heard but she realised it quickly. Taeyeon likes to play this game with her. She called it 'Trolling'. She would say "Let's break up." and then laughed while saying "Trolled ya!!" Jessica did the same thing. She laughed it off.

"You can't troll me anymore Tae. I know your tricks." Jessica said after she has recollected herself from laughing.

"I'm not joking Jessica." Her expressions were serious when she said that. Not a hint of playfulness. This was unusual to Jessica. Then it hit her. 'She is serious.' Tears started welling up in her eyes. She didn't want to lose her, she didn't want to lose her Taengoo. 

Taeyeon's expressions were cold as ice. She didn't even made an attemp to comfort Jessica. She just wanted this to end fast.

"I'm telling you this again. I'm breaking up with you. Don't ever come near me or Tiffany. If you hurt her, you are dead meat."

Those words were like bullets piercing Jessica's heart. She was broken. Her heart was shattered into a million pieces. She was too late to beg for Taeyeon not to leave her when the shorter girl stood up and left the girl quickly. There Jessica saw the most heartbreaking scene ever. She saw Taeyeon running to Tiffany's embrace and they kissed passionately as a sign of celebration that Taeyeon was finally free from her. 'She was cheating on me all the while.' Jessica just sat there with tear-stained cheeks. She cried alone a little more when Sooyoung came and brought her back home. That was the first time she cried herself to sleep in Sooyoung's arms. 

*End of Flasback*


Her luggage in hand, passport and her flight ticket was given back to her from the receptionist. "Thank you." She said with a smile.

Now Jessica was sitting down in a cafe in the airport called Sailon De Cruise Café. Weird name she thought.

"Where the hell is that girl?" Jessica mumbled to herself.

Another tall, slim girl walked through the crowd in the cafe and took a seat opposite to her.

"Sorry i'm late Sica."

She rolled her eyes to the taller girl's apology.

"If you came a minute later i would have left."

The taller girl pouted.

"What do you want to eat? Order now before you go berserk and say i didn't allow you to eat." Jessica said bluntly.

The taller girl frowned.

"Yah! You think i'm that of a big eater?" She barked back.

"They don't call you Shikshin for nothing Soo." The shorter of the two answered casually.

Sooyoung glared at her before looking through the menu. She waved at the waitress and made her orders.

"How many hours left?" Sooyoung broke the long silence.

"Two hours." 

"I'm going to miss you Sica." Sooyoung sadly said.

Jessica sighed and held Sooyoung's hand.

"I'm going to miss you too Soo. Call me everyday ok?" 

Sooyoung nodded. "Of course i will. You are my best friend." 

Jessica smiled.

A few minutes later Sooyoung's food arrived. Being the shikshin she is, she practically devoured the foor in seconds. Jessica chuckled at her friend's action.

Once Sooyoung finished her food, they paid and left the cafe.


"!" The shorter girl cursed under her breath. There was a massive traffic jam on the way to the airport.

"Move you s!" She yelled while pressing the horn of the car and hit the steering wheel in defeat. 

"Sheeesh! Relax Taeng." Another girl beside Taeyeon pointed out.

Taeyeon in turn glared at her.

"She's going to board her flight soon Yoong. I'm never going to see her again."

Yoona gave her short friend a sad look before looking forward.

"You can run." Yoona said.


"You can run to the airport. It's not that far away." The doe eyed girl explained.

"Drive the car to the airport Yoong." Taeyeon said before unbuckling her seatbelt and slipping out of the driver's seat.

"You got it. Now go." The taller girl winked.

Taeyeon ran as fast as her short legs could, which was very slow. She cursed herself for having such short legs.

After 15 minutes of running, Taeyeon finally arrived at the Incheon Airport, panting and sweating furiously.

Then she started looking for that particular blonde that was going to board her plane to the US.

'Please be here.' Taeyeon kept repeating that in her mind while searching.


Two girls were standing in front of the gate of a flight. The taller girl was looking down and fiddling with the hem of her shirt. The other was checking her flight ticket. Once she's done, the taller girl looked down at her friend.

"I guess this is it huh?" Sooyoung spoke up.

"Yeah." Jessica choked. She didn't want to leave Sooyoung. She is her best friend. But what could she do? Her father ordered her to study in the US and there's no arguing when he has decided. 

She hugged the taller girl tight. Sooyoung was startled. Jessica was never fond of hugging. She smiled and hugged the shorter girl back.

"I'm going to miss you." Jessica held back her tears.

Sooyoung hugged the girl tighter. "I'm going to miss you t---"


Sooyoung was cut off by a familiar voice.

Taeyeon. Both of the friends thought. They broke the embrace and turned to look at the short girl.

"Sica. Please don't go. Please. I'm begging you. Come back to me. Please." Taeyeon begged with teary eyes and she held on Jessica's hand.

"After 8 months of breaking up, now you want me back? Where is that of yours? Go to her." Jessica snatched back her hand. Her face was red, anger was clearly shown.

"I realised that i love you Sic---"

"Stop calling me that! You have no rights to call me that! You are no longer a part of my life and i will never be a part of it! Leave now!" Jessica yelled. The other passangers spared the two of them a look.


Taeyeon was slapped hard on the face. 

She gasped and held the spot where she was slapped. She winced when she felt blood slipping out of the wound on her cheek. Jessica had slapped her with right hand. On that middle finger was a ring. The ring caused the cut. Taeyeon looked up to Jessica's face. She was crying and Sooyoung was holding her back from doing anything stupid anymore.

"I'm never going back to you Taeyeon. You hurt me. I have forgotten you. And now you are here, begging for me to come back. How could you stoop that low?"

Taeyeon looked away. Yes she has hurt Jessica. She saw Jessica's wrist. There were cuts that indicated she tried killing herself.

"I'm sorry Taeyeon. I don't love you anymore."

Those words hit Taeyeon like a train. 'She doesn't love me anymore.' She dropped down and cried right then and there.

By the time she looked up, Jessica was not there anymore. Now she has left Taeyeon. 

"You deserve this." Sooyoung suddenly spoke up.

Taeyeon didn't look at the taller girl. Sooyoung her heels and left Taeyeon alone.

Taeyeon sat there like how she remembered Jessica was when she left her for Tiffany.

'I'm so stupid.'




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kaeruamajjing #1
not Taeny either taengsic? owww~ then i ll make story taeng would be mine, gyahahahaa
draama ..i hope it's drama ..
hey ..are u malay ?