She'll Always Be There


My second one-shot~ really really short~ and it's *drumrolls* TAENGSIC! xD

Enjoy~ :D


♥ She'll Always Be Here ♥

A petite girl is sitting on the stool bar. Eyes set on the glass in her grasp. She swirled the drink before bringing it up to , the end of the glass touched her pink-glossed lips and the red liquid flows into and

 down . It created a burning sensation down , but she loved it anyways. Beer. Her favourite drink. 

Then a voice was heard.

"You shouldn't drink too much. Alcohol is very bad for your health. It accumulates and you will die young."

Funny she thought. Those words were similar to her sister's. Seohyun is her sister's name. It's not like she hated the younger girl. No. She would never feel that way towards her sister. It's just annoying to hear it everyday when she eats or drinks something unhealthy. And the girl who spoke just now made her snap.

" off." 

She frowned and took a seat next to me. She just stares at the petite girl.

"I'm sorry."

The shorter girl was taken aback by the other girl's response. Normally after she said " off" to people, she will recieve a slap or her drink will be spilled all over her clothes. But this girl didn't do any of that. She sighed and put her glass down.

She turned to see the girl. She scanned the girl's features, from her eyebrows, to her eyes, nose and finally on her plump lips. 

"Would you stop staring at me like that? You are creeping me out." 

The petite girl turned her head away from the other girl, her face flushed for being caught red-handed. "I'm sorry."

The girl shrugged off the apology and brought her hand out for a handshake.

"I'm Jessica. What's your name?" 

Jessica. The girl's name is as beautiful as her. Her heart pounds faster, her hands sweaty. She stares at the hand that was stretched out from the other girl for a moment and shook it.

"T-Taeyeon. K-Kim Taeyeon. Yeah. T-That's my name." She mentally facepalmed herself for stuttering because apparently the other girl was giggling after she introduced herself. Her laugh was the most beautiful sound she has ever heard, music to her ears. Heat rose to her face when she realised she was zoning off again. 

"Cute. It's nice to meet you Taengoo." She let go of Taeyeon's hand.

Taengoo? Where did that come from? 

"What's a Taengoo?" Taeyeon asked.

Jessica giggled before answering.

"It's you silly. Your name is too long for me to remember. I want to remember you."

'She wants to remember me.' Taeyeon felt butterflies in her stomach. She has never felt like this before. And she loved the feeling.

Jessica noticed that Taeyeon didnt respond. She frowned. 'Didnt she like the nickname i gave her?' She thought.

"Do you not like me calling you that?" Jessica asked breaking the long silence.

Taeyeon shook her head almost immediately.

"NO! NO! Call me Taengoo!" Taeyeon suddenly exclaimed but covered her face in embarassement after she did. 

Jessica grinned.

"That's great. Hey, i got to go now Taengoo." She her heels to walk away from Taeyeon but the shorter girl was quick in her movements and grabbed the other girl's hand.

Jessica stumbled a bit and glared at Taeyeon. "Why did you do th---"

"Will i see you again?" Taeyeon stared right into the other girl's brown orbs. 

Taeyeon's eyes were pleading, as if she was begging Jessica to see her again. Jessica broke free from Taeyeon's grasp. She smiled before leaning closer so that her face was beside Taeyeon's and whispered in her ear.

"I'll always be here." She kissed Taeyeon's cheek before turning on her heels again. She walked through the dance floor towards the door. She exited the bar but waved at Taeyeon before she did so.

Taeyeon brought her hand up to the spot where Jessica kissed her. She smiled to herself.

She'll always be here.


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Nice one shot story.. :) simple
This is a really cute one shot~ ^^
taengsica #3
so sad this is one short,very nice,love taessica . . .
EMT0304 me too~ i miss them together~

tim_nuyb thank you~ :)
EMT0304 #5
Wah, this is the sweet Jessica. This Jessica like the early time they debut.
short but nice. new start of two girls :))
thanks !