I'm Your Protector


Another one shot..of course it's taengsic! Enjoy :3



Knife in hand, blood dripping out of her forehead, she faces the duo. Siwon and Donghae, her worst enemy, the ones who had always picked a fight with her but she usually backs out, afraid of what people would think of her. 
"What are you going to do huh? Skin us alive?" Siwon mocked.
"Or will you cut us into pieces with that small toy you have?" Donghae added followed with a laugh.
She didn't say anything, instead she glared at both of them. Grip tightens around the knife and she lunged forward, aiming for Donghae.
She pointed the knife to his chest but he dogded it quickly and elbowed her ribs. She stumbled backwards and let go of the knife, clutching on her side. The grunted. She can't back out now. 'Not now.'
She straightened herself and groaned when she did. The pain on her side weakened her. She heard a scoff.
"You can't even fight us Kim. Just give up." Siwon spoke up.
Siwon shook his head lightly while smirking.
"Fine then. We get to beat you up and get the girl." He continued.
Her ears perked up when he said 'the girl'. Anger quickly took over her. Her dark brown orbs turning into crimson red. She sprinted towrds Siwon and punched him square in the face. She could tell that the blow she gave was hard, the way Siwon fell backwards and now is unconcious. 
Donghae was shocked. Never that he imagined this small girl could knock out his bestfriend, the boxing champion in his school. He stared at his friend before looking up to the girl. He shot her a nervous look. 
Her lips bruised and bloody, she smirked at him and picked up the knife she let go just now.
Shivers ran up Donghae's body when she walked her way towards him. With every step the girl took, he stepped backwards. Suddenly the shorter girl slammed him to the nearby wall. She had the knife pointed to his neck.
"Now tell me. Am i the one who can't take on the both of you?" The girl stared straight into his brown orbs.
Donghae saw the colour of her eyes and gasped.
"What are you?" He asked lowly, he was scared to death. This creature in front of him was definitely not human. Her skin was paler than humans and her eyes were blood red, it was terrifying when he thought what the girl would do to him.
"It's better if you don't know." She whispered and dug the knife further on his neck. Blood seeped out of the small cut created. She was going to end him right then and there, and there is not escaping now. He's trapped. Suddenly a hand was wrapped around her wrist, halting her actions. She whipped her head towards to owner of the hand. The girl Taeyeon was protecting was there, and she was alright. "Don't..." The other girl softly said. "Don't do it...you are not a monster...and don't make yourslef into one." 
Taeyeon soften after the girl spoke. The grip on the knife loosened, but she didn't let go. The sharp end of the tool was still held under Donghae's neck. "I'm doing this for you. I can't let people hurt you. I can't. I won't. I'll make sure--"
"You always protect me, but you never killed and killing is not an option. Now let him go."
Taeyeon sighed. She was never going to win against the girl. She was right, killing was not the option, definitely not an option. The shorter girl turned her attention to Donghae again. "Don't you dare mess with her again. Understand?" She growled. Donghae nodded his head ferverently. "I swear I won't do it anymore!" 
"If you ever tell anyone about this, i'll make it so that this same knife will cut your neck."
"Y-Yes...My lips are sealed..Just please..Let me go." Donghae cried out.
Taeyeon punched him in the jaw hard before she released the grip on him. This resulted in him being unconcious and fell to the ground with a thud. "Taengoo!" The other girl whined.
"What? I did a good thing!" Taeyeon retorted.
"When i said let him go, i said let him go without hurting him." The other girl glared.
Taeyeon rolled her eyes. "I have been wanting to do that to him for a long time now. ing assh*le who bullies people for fun." She kicked the unconcious boy's abdomen. "Yah! That's enough! We are going home now." The girl took Taeyeon's hand into hers and dragged the shorter girl out of the alley. 
"Sica~" Taeyeon stopped walking, which resulted Jessica was walking fast to stumble backwards. 
"Aiyah! Why--" Jessica was silenced by a pair of lips on hers.
"I love you Sica~"
Jessica soften and hugged the shorter girl. "I love you too." 
Taeyeon responded to the hug by wrapping her arms around Jessica's frame. 
"Taengoo?" Jessica called out. 
"Thank you for protecting me."
"No problem....and Sica?"
"Can we go now? My body is all sore." Taeyeon pouted which received a peck from Jessica.
"Lets go." Both of them walked home side by side, hand in hand.
A/N :

I had trouble with the ending...kinda lazy...and i think this fic is lame..dont get mad at me for using donghae and siwon..i used them for fun...and i dont hate them! >.<



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nice nice nice, taengsic uwuu
if there'd be a sequel i'm so happy, can't get enough sweet taengsic kkk
thank you for sharing this
I hope there's a sequel of this cause can't get enough of this ^^
Nice one shot.. :)
please update soon
soonyu #5
AYEEEE i liked :D :D :D
up soon ^.^