What!!!??? I cannot believe this!

Who exactly is the father of my child?


Seohyun's POV

I took a short nap and woke up I looked at the time its about 5pm. I took out a laptop from my bag and start to surf the net for any job opportunities. I mailed out my resume and hoping to get a reply soon.

"Omma, Leo awake." He came to me and sat on my lap.
"Leo~~ slept well huh?" I caressed his hair

I went to the kitchen and went to get coffee to drink. Suddenly my phone start to ring.
"Hello, this is calling from the media management centre here. We received an email on your resume and we looked through it. Your application for artist manager was a success! We're wishing you would start your job as quick as you can."

"I will start tomorrow?"
"Ok please report at the Media Centre office at 9 am tomorrow at SM Entertainment building."
The phone hung up.....
WHAT???!!!! SM???? I didn't even apply for anything regarding SM. How come I ended up being over there?

"Its time for you to look for your son's dad."
"Your son is growing, one he might notice he doesn't have a father."
(End of flashback)

Maybe I should try working in there. After all, I return to Seoul just to start a new life and find Leo's dad..... I hope I will find him one day....
End of POV

(@EXO-K's dorm)

Me and the members went back to our dorm. Everyone were at the living room playing games. I am not really in the mood to join in either, so I will just stay in my bed. I start to remember Suho hyung and that girl. Suddenly Suho hyung enters my room and came over and sat beside me.

"Why aren't you joining in the game?"

"I am just not in the mood to....hyung can I ask you something?"


"Yes... What is it?'

"That girl that we met earlier on. Who is she?"


"Like I said, she is my classmate and nothing else. Why are all of you so curious about her?"

"Its not that hyung."


Me and the members except for Suho hyung gathering in my room.

D.O: Do think you guys know any about that girl that Suho hyung met earlier on?

Kai: Ani....

Chanyeol: Nope!

Baekhyun: Me neither... but I find her a little familiar just a little.

Sehun: Hyung..... I think I know. Isn't she the girl that was in the club with us 3 years ago.

The rest: WHAT!!!????

Kai: How can you not tell us this from start!

Sehun: I was partially drunk that night, but all of you were. When I told all of you to stop, you drag me to take a seat with all of you with the 2 ladies but I was lucky enough to hide under the table before you gave me anything to drink.


Chanyeol: Then when we brought a girl out. Why you didn't stop us?

Sehun: I did but you all start to kick me off and says "Maknae don't interrupt!"

D.O: Then so at the hotel???? O____O Who booked the hotel room actually?

Sehun: You guys are the one who booked in the afternoon for some relax time and you guys can even forget?


Baekhyun: Did you see what happen?

Sehun: Errr that I don't know...... Off the topic already.....

D.O: You better tell us! What happen???

Sehun: I saw a few of you.... taking of her clothes. I tried to stop you but you guys were too drunk and violent and sort hit me in the head and I went unconscious.....

(End of flashback)


"Our maknae believes that she was the girl that was in the same club and us 3 years ago."

"Even if that night we did something to her, but is she pregnant? No right? So I think you better stop this topic."

"But hyung!"


"No buts. I don't want to here anything about the 3 years ago. What is in the past, its in the past." Suho hyung went out of my room and the other members start coming in.

"So what about it? Did he say anything?" Kai asked

"He doesn't believe at all. So,,,, we just keep quiet for now."

"Ok....." Sehun said

End of POV

Seohyun's POV

Since I already got a job so never mind.... I will just have to do it for the sake of me and my son. I closed my laptop and went to kitchen and take out to some ingredients out of the fridge to cook dinner for me and Leo. Hmmmm....I wonder what should I cook? I will cook chicken porridge then.


I went to defrost the chicken and wash the rice. Hmm maybe I should at some ginger, it will be more tasty. I cooked the porridge and its ready to serve


"Leo ah~~ come at eat the porridge. Be careful its hot alright?"

"Ne omma." Leo comes in and take a sit and start eating with me.

"Omma. Its delicious. I love it!" He said as he looked and me and continued eating.



"Seohyun ah~~come, omma cooked you porridge be careful its hot."

"Ne. Omma." I ate the porridge but it was herb.

"Yuck! Omma. The porridge is yucky I don't want it." I put down my spoon and start to ran off.

(End of flashback)


"Omma. I am done eating. Omma?? Omma why no look at me?" Leo said as he shook my arm.

"Oh! Leo, sorry omma thinking about the time when I am 3 years old. Omma is so different from Leo."

"What different?" Leo said as he looked at me.


"Hmmm.... Something you like, I don't like. Something you don't like, I like. Thats the difference but omma loves you no matter what." I kissed Leo's cheek and start to clear the dishes and wash it.


After washing the dishes, I watch the TV with Leo until 10 pm. Leo fell asleep and I carry him to his bedroom and tuck him into bed. I went to the living room to turn of the TV and went back to my room to sleep. I can’t wait to start work tomorrow.

End of POV

JunMyun’s POV

I was lying in my bed and not asleep. I was hoping if Seohyun was asleep so maybe I will sent her a text message.

“Seohyun, its JunMyun here. Are you asleep yet?” to Seohyun

The reply came “Not really, what about you?” from Seohyun

“I can’t really sleep. I can’t wait for my tomorrow’s showcase.” To Seohyun

“What showcase?” from Seohyun

“Errr...just a singing showcase.” To Seohyun

“Anyway, I gotta work tomorrow. Good luck with the showcase^^” from Seohyun.

“Ne. Good night :)” to Seohyun

I couldn't tell her I was a celebrity. Its a secret that I must keep for now.

I put away my phone and can’t wait to perform in EXO showcase tomorrow. Its gonna be fun.

End of POV

To be continue.....

Author's quote"

Sorry guys  I think I might be having delays. My flu condition has worsen. My next chapter hint will be Seohyun will be working for SM as an Artist manager. While she works, She will try to find Leo's dad at her best. I will be updating soon :)

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Chapter 61: yeah,, i thought the end it just like that anyway hwaiting 4 new fanfic ^_^
Chapter 61: omo! omo! a cliffie! yah! wae u made such a cliffie at the end?! aigoo! but love the wedding and their kids names kyaaaaaaa so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i demand a sequel for this! d.o and shin ae! seriously! Fighting!
Chapter 60: and just like that he forgive soo...well done...andy is here??? XDDD yah! suho at least more interested pabo-ya! Aigoo! Fighting for next chapter! Can't wait for the wedding!
Chapter 59: Am surprised Soo was choking her...is he crazy?! Poor Seohyun...but all ends well in the end. Finally Seohyun and Joonmyeon gonna get married. Fighting for next chapter!
Chapter 58: They really love each other still don't they....guess the one who really is good enough for Seohyun is Suho....Aigoo....Fighting for next chapter!
FatinFaiqah #6
Update soon :)
Chapter 57: SuDo fight....aigoo those two...pabo-ya! So immature! Fighting for next chapter!
Chapter 57: I like Seohyun with Suho better than with Kyungsoo. Well, Suho suits Seo better
Chapter 56: Omg I want her with Suho not D.O! Omg I just started shipping them together and now. Ugh. Suho's just really nice you know? Even if D.O is the father I don't want him with her. I feel that she's better off with Suho. I think D.O did something to trick Suho so he'd think she was a . Omg this is not comedy but I love it. Except the part when leos a demon or something.
Chapter 56: Can u send me a message to tell me when u finish updating thanks