Chapter 4-Regrets pt 1

DarKen Angels

Blue is English


We saw Seohyun unconscious, Jonghyun and Chansung were speechless seeing her like this. All the DarK members had an evil smile on their face. Ace and beAst were about to hit them when I yelled, “Stop it. Right now we should get Seohyun to somewhere safe alright?” They nodded.

We rushed her to the hospital and waited for her. If I paid more attention to Siwon making sure he wouldn’t have done that maybe Seohyun would be okay. “Seohyun!” I cried as Wooyoung tried to make me feel better.

“Mianae guys it’s all Jonghyun and my fault, if we watched out for Seohyun more, this wouldn’t have happened,” Chansung said.

We all disagreed with him, “Anything could have happened, but I’m glad that she’s still alive, she’s in a coma though,” Taeyeon said. We all nodded. The guys went home and we stayed her with her the entire night. Taeyeon stayed up researching about Fallen’s leader, DarK, Angelic Saviors, and our leaders.

“Taeyeon, what are trying to find?” I asked.

“The person who killed my mom, DarK’s parents, and Yoona’s parents,” She answered. “And it all happens to be Fallen’s leaders, I knew it!” Taeyeon yelled. I went to the chair next to Taeyeon and was thinking of Siwon.


“Tiffany! What are you doing?” He chuckled running up to me.

“What do you want? You’re a DarK, leave me alone.” I vented.

“Look, if it makes you feel any better, I’m done with DarK. My parents were killed because of your leader so I guess I was angry but I realized it’s not need so I quit,” He explained. Siwon hung out with me all day then he got a call, “Huh? Okay got it see you later,” He said hanging up.

“Who was that?” I asked.

“Oh, just some friends that want to meet you so come on let’s go,” He said. Siwon drove really fast and we were in a building then it went pitch black. When I woke up I saw Siwon talking to Yoona about done capturing the other Angels.

“What? Yoona’s an Angel though. What’s going on?” I thought. “Oh little sleeping beauty woke up let’s join you with the others,” Siwon said. “But I thought you- he cut me off, “Once a DarK member always a DarK member.”

End of Flashback

“Why did I fall for him?” I mumbled. I look over my shoulder and see our leader sleeping. On her screen I saw, “I miss the old Jungsu. I wish I NEVER met him…” in her online diary. I gasped and went to the other members. “Yah you guys!” I whispered.

“What?” Jessica said. “I was in the middle of my sleep you babo!” I pulled Sica over and pointed at Taeyeon’s screen. “Oh my gosh, seriously?”

“Huh?” Taeyeon said as she woke up. She was shocked as we were looking at her screen. “Yah why are you peeking at my screen?” she asked.

“Is Jungsu the leader of DarK?” I asked.

Taeyeon nodded slowly, “Please let me explain,” she said. I nodded and she smiled. “Jungsu was a friend of mine back then I guess. He and the other DarK members besides Kibum were bullied as kids at the same school I went. So I went over to the people that were bullying them and confronted them,” Taeyeon said.

“Continue,” Sica said curiously.

Taeyeon nodded in reply, “And Leeteuk said thank you to me afterwards, it was before his parents were killed I guess because a few days after they stopped going to school so I had Mr. Park investigate, that was when I was currently living with him. He found out their parents had been killed.”

Sica and I gasped. “Seriously? Why didn’t you tell us this? Is this why you didn’t want them to be killed?” Sica asked.

“Yes and no, I don’t think killing is a good thing considering my mother was murdered when I was what 5 years old? I’ m just glad I was able to read at that time,” She explained. Taeyeon sighed, “I wish I never met him, he probably never remembers me, otherwise maybe he wouldn’t do this.” Sica and I hugged Taeyeon.


 Because of me Seohyun didn’t have anyone watching her, and I was one of the last ones hanging out with her this morning. Maybe if I didn’t let her leave she would have been fine.


“Unnies! I have to go meet Chansung and Jonghyun oppa,” Seohyun said.

“Arasso leave me to the cleaning,” I said sarcastically.

“Mianae do you want me to help you then?”  Seohyun asked.

I chuckled. “Aigoo that gullible child,” I thought. “Go ahead have fun with those two oppas!” I yelled as Chansung and Jonghyun were at the door.

“Hey Sunny we’ll take care of her, see you later,” Jonghyun said waving goodbye.

Sungmin came over to the house which surprised me. “Hey Sunny how’s it going?” he asked.

“Why are you here?” I asked as I was about to close the door.

“Because I can be if I want to,” he said with his ageyo. "Let me help you clean." I nodded.

I was pretty tired after cleaning the house and I guess he noticed that too. “Hey are you tired? Just lay your head on my shoulder then,” he suggested. I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder and fell into a deep sleep. “This guy changed, I hope he stays like this,” I thought.

I heard a huge racket noise and woke up, “Huh where am I?” I mumbled.

“Ah Sunny you’re awake you’re in our underground headquarters, it’s nice and dark right?” he asked. “That bastard!” I thought. He had a scary-like smile on his face. My love for him faded away. “This is the punishment I get for loving an evil person.” I thought.  

End of Flashback


My maknae, please wake up. I wished I was always watching Seohyun instead of meeting that Eunhyuk that I knew is a DarK.


“Unnie have a safe trip!” Seohyun said.

I nodded and waved goodbye to her. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay? Your other unnies are still asleep and what if that Kyuhyun strikes at you?” I asked.

She chuckled a little, “I’ll be fine unnie goodbye,” she said.

I got to the dance studio and started dancing, then, I saw a familiar figure just staring at me. It was Eunhyuk. “Yah! Instead of staring what do you want?” I asked.

“Nothing, you’re dancing is really good though,” he said.

I was surprised someone like him can say nice things? “T-thank you?” I stuttered.

“Don’t be afraid I decided to give up that image,” he explained. “Should I trust him? One he could just be lying, second, he could be telling the truth and I could be turning down a very good offer of hanging out with him,” I thought. I nodded.

“Hey let’s hang out with Sooyoung,” I suggested. He nodded. I saw Sooyoung with Hankyung. “Hey shilskin!” I yelled.

“Hankyung is making us food let’s eat,” Sooyoung said. I nodded.

“Hey Eunhyuk, do you have an appetite? Are you hungry?” I asked.

“No Hankyung and I already ate; this is a treat for you guys.” I nodded and Sooyoung and I continued to eat. We got very tired then drifted off to sleep.

We woke up finding ourselves into a dark room we untied ourselves and were about to leave until Hankyung and Eunhyuk stopped us.

End of Flashback

I looked at Sooyoung and she looked at me. “Eunhyuk you’ll pay someday, I’ll never forgive you,” I thought.


While I was comforting Taeyeon, I thought of Donghae.


“Yah you fish face!” I yelled.

“Oh sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you,” he said looking down.

“You okay?” I asked. He nodded. “Oh okay, do you want to hang with me?” I asked. “Ugh what am I doing pitying for this guy!” I thought.

“Sure,” he shrugged. “Hey let me show some really cool place,” he said closing my eyes with a blindfold. He opened them and it was an amusement park. I saw Yesung and Yuri there. I waved to them and they waved back. “Isn’t Yesung one of those DarKs? Why she hanging out with him?” I thought. “Then again, why am I?”

I pulled Yuri aside, “Yah, do you think they’re up to something?” I whispered. She nodded. We were alert at all times until they gave us a drink and slowly with passed out. I woke up and realized we were somewhere else.

End of Flashback

“Those bastards,” I mumbled.



I was walking around the park and spotted Yesung. “Yuri!” he called.

I ran away as fast as I could but he caught up to me, “What? Yesung?” I asked.

“Close your eyes,” he chuckled. I close them and I felt something on my neck, it was a necklace. “Come on follow me,” he said. I nodded and followed. He took me to an amusement park. I saw Jessica and Donghae and Jessica waved and I waved back. Jessica went up to me, “Mian Yesung I’m taking her,” she said. As she pulled me aside, “Yah, do you think they’re up to something?” she whispered. I nodded we were alert until they gave us a drink and slowly passed out.

End of Flashback

“I hate you Yesung I hope I never see you again!” I yelled throwing the necklace he gave me into the trash.



“Hey shilskin!” I heard someone call. I look back and see Hyoyeon.

“Hankyung is making me something to eat do you want to join?” I asked. She nodded. It looked like Hankyung and Eunhyuk didn’t seem hungry. We ate and then we fell asleep.

End of Flashback

“I’m never eating anything you make again, I’d rather starve then eat around you,” I thought while tears came out of my eyes.


Kibum drove me back to his apartment and I lay down on his bed with tears in my eyes. “Mianae unnies, mian,” I said while sobbing on his bed. Kibum rubbed my back by trying to calm me down. “Oppa, do you think they’ll ever forgive me in the future?” I asked.

“Only you can decide that,” he said laying down right next to me.


I was an undercover spy as a trainee for Angelic Saviors. I found out BIGBANG were going recruit a new group to kill the newest group of Angelic Saviors back then which was Aueens.  The new group’s name was DarK, short for DarKings. They saw me and started running after me. “HQ 501 now!” I yelled. They caught me and tied me up to a chair.

“Now you stubborn little girl you’re going to work for us undercover or else,” the leader said.

“Heck no why would I?” I asked.

“Fine, be that way, now leave.” That was weird… I went home and into my room to do my homework with the music high.

“Yoona!” I heard someone call. I went downstairs and see my family covered with blood. I picked up a note. “Join us or face the same fate as your family.” A shiver came through me.  I went to their company and joined them.

Kibum, an older trainee from Angelic Saviors followed me to Fallen and worked undercover as a DarK. BIGBANG called me in, “Yoona go work for your old boss, I want you to spy on them as close as possible and be close friends with them.” I nodded and left.

Jin Young called me in his office, “Yoona, what did BIGBANG do to you? Tell me.”

“They killed my family,” I cried. “Mianae Mr. Park, but I couldn’t do anything about it,” I said as I bowed. I left the room and saw Kibum standing right out there. “Oh hi oppa,” I said softly going away.

“The leader of BIGBANG said you’re living with me come on,” he said. We went to my room packed all my stuff then went to his apartment. “So tell me, you’re joining so you won’t die?” he asked I slowly nodded.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“To watch out the most beautiful girl I loved,” he said. My heart sank, Kibum oppa always helped me out whenever there was trouble, which made me fall in love with him more.

“O-oh,” I tried to utter out. He chuckled, “What’s so funny?” I said looking up at him.

“The one I like is you,” he said kissing my cheek. “When this is over we’re both getting out of this mess forever, promise?” he asked I nodded.

End of Flashback

He realized in the end, hurting his own dongsaengs as me hurting my unnies and our maknae we left the company. “Kibum-ah if I had never joined them would I be alive or dead?” I asked.

“Yah Yoona, are you trying to make me feel sad?” he asked I chuckled. “Go to sleep.” He said. “If we ever see Angels again, the first I say is sorry,” He said.


I woke up and noticed I was in the hospital. I walked and looked around and saw all the other Angels sleeping. “Mianae unnies,” I thought. I remember exactly what happened when I got into that accident.


Kyuhyun picked me up when I was at the park. Jonghyun and Chansung oppa were also there and they followed me to make sure Kyuhyun wouldn’t harm me. They were walking right behind us so I couldn’t notice if they were there or not.

“Seohyun, I have something to tell you,” Kyuhyun said.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I think I like you, do you maybe want to hang out with me today?” he asked.

I glanced back and both Jonghyun and Chansung oppa were nowhere to be seen so I accepted his invitation. I nodded.

We went to the park and many other places then stopped at a coffee shop. “Kyuhyun, why are you a DarK?” I asked. “Why did you hurt all the Angelic Saviors in the past?” I asked again.

“Seohyun,” he said chuckling, “You find out soon. Mianae,” Kyuhyun smirked pushing me onto the road.

I looked back and see a car driving at least 25-30 mph. I tried to run back, but it was too late. Bam! I out. I could hear my name being called. “Seohyun!” over and over again.

End of flashback

“Mianae unnies, jeongmal mianae! I wished this never happened mianae,” I thought. I cried silently trying not to wake anyone up.  I called Chansung oppa, “Yobeosayo?”

“Oppa,” I whispered.

“Seohyun? Is that you?” he asked.

“Neh, how are you and the others?” I asked.

He chuckled, “Shouldn’t we be asking you that? What are your unnies doing?”

“Sleeping, I don’t want to wake them up, they probably had a rough time,” I said softly.

“Seohyun, the Ace and beAst members, including me, will come visit you soon. I’ll see you later Seohyun feel better!” Wooyoung oppa said as he hung up.

I walked out of the hospital for a little bit to get some fresh air. “Ugh why did I fall for Kyuhyun? Seohyun you babo! You should have known he was going to do this,” I thought. Tears fell from my eyes as I was thinking about it. “Seohyun!” I heard people yelling. I turned back and saw my unnies looking at me.

“Unnies!” I yelled. I came over and hugged them. “Mianae!”

“Seobaby! Thank goodness you’re okay!” Yuri unnie said.

“Hey let’s go open your presents we got you, I hope you like the color pink,” Tiffany unnie said. We all started laughing and went back to my hospital room beAst and Ace were also there. “Seohyun! Mianae for not protecting you,” Chansung and Jonghyun said.

“I'm okay oppa I’m fine,” I giggled. The doctor came in the room, “Um when can I be released?” I asked.

“We need to do some checks since the accident caused you to get some scars around your arms and legs and you also hit your head so we need to do a check-up. You can leave but we want you to come back every few months when your head hurts or something,” he explained. I nodded and I went to go do my check-up.

Afterwards we went back to our HQ and I went to Mr. Park’s office. I overheard their conversion. “No Sooman I can’t tell Taeyeon my own daughter that her own dad didn't tell her about this,” he stuttered as he looked over here. “Bye Sooman I have to go,” he said quickly.

“Um Taeyeon unnie is your daughter?” I asked. He nodded. “But then how come you haven’t told her?” I asked.

“I don’t know how, before you girls leave to America or when she comes back I’ll tell her. For now can you please be quiet about this?” he pleaded. I nodded.

“Um does unnie’s eomma know that you were her father?” I said sitting down.

“Neh, she knows, we decided to keep it a secret so then she wouldn’t get harm knowing that I’m an Angelic Savior. Considering that my enemy already killed my lover, and I know they want to kill my child I can’t let him do that,” he said looking down.

“Mr. Park,” I said softly while coming over to hug him.

“Seohyun, I’m glad you’re okay, but I suggest you guys move to America right away,” he said. I nodded.

I went back to my unnies, “Unnies! Mr. Park said we should get packed and going soon.” They nodded. We all packed our belongings and Aueens, beAst, and Ace all came to help us. 

It's a long chapter (depending on your definition of long), there's actually more to it but I'll post it later.

-LLK369 (is it good so far?)

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So many spelling errors... Typing too quickly has its cost...


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tanjane262 #1
Chapter 68: The story seems to be hanging there, like it is not complete, please do write a sequel or epilogue!!!
oxANGELxo #2
Chapter 11: Hahaha!! I laugh at this chappie!! I REALLY LOVE YOU JESSICA!! :) <3
best bias!! :)
fany-tiffany #3
Chapter 18: Omg Im Crying Best Story Ever :)
Chapter 68: Yes. I would likr and epilogue (POOR KYUHYUN) and I wouldn't like you to get rid off this story. But if you feel like you need to change it, that would be ok :)
Chapter 68: I really like your story but it's alright with me if you do what you think would be better. :)
Chapter 68: Eh, I'm fine with whatever you feel is right.
Just go with what works for you and I'LL JUST BE HAPPY!
Chapter 68: Please dont just stop at this~~please refix it edit it or whatever you can but please dont discard of it
Mishilvino #8
Myungsooholichaha #9
Chapter 65: Kyahhh... Seokyu is cute... anyway... I'm looking forward to your new Chapter :)
Guixuxian0206 #10
Chapter 65: Yay seokyu s really a nice pairing.. They were really sweet ever..hopefully in real life they will end up together forever..