Chapter 7-2 Years Later Part 2

DarKen Angels


“Unnies! I’m going out now bye!” I yelled. They nodded as I left. I was staring at the ground kicking rocks, “Why won’t my unnies listen?” I mumbled.

After I said that, I kicked a rock, “Ouch!” someone yelled while rubbing their neck and turning around.

I bowed right away, “Oh mianae, I didn’t see you there,” I said. I looked up and thought I saw Kyuhyun. "Is it really him? Wait, the last time I remember he would usually wear black clothing now it looks like he's wearing more lighter colored clothing. It can't be him could it?" I thought. "Cho Kyuhyun is that you?" I asked. 

"Who is that? I've never heard of that person, I think you are very mistaken young lady," he said. "The voice, it has to be him!" I thought.

I hugged him, “Kyuhyun, it is you,” I said softly.

“Seohyun?” he asked. I nodded. He turned back around and walked away.

I ran up to him, “I forgive you for what you did back then. I heard from someone that you basically moved me away from the road after I got hit why?” I asked. "Actually I was awake but I'll tell him some other time," I thought

He looked away, “I doubt that was me.”

He started walking away again. I pouted, “Yes it was I was still half awake. Now answer why did you do that? Don’t you guys hate us?” I questioned. 

Kyuhyun stopped and shook his head, “It’s actually the opposite. The only reason was we were under BIGBANG control now we’re not, I’m sorry.” He said bowing his head as he was walking away.

I stopped him, “You can’t leave me again please!” I yelled. He hugged me and kissed me softly on the lips.

"I won't but I have to," Kyuhyun replied.

"Why? Why are you going to leave me? Everything you said that day was it a lie!" I shouted. He looked pissed and pulled my wrist. Kyuhyun threw me in the car and drove quickly, "What are you doing?" I questioned.

"I'm not who you think I am okay? I don't love you and never will! Now leave me alone!" Kyuhyun shouted. I looked closer into his heart, [AN: Her power is being able to see people's feelings and be able to kind of read minds I guess just in case you didn't know that] "That idiot does love me yet he's trying to push himself away, but why?" I thought.

"Stop this car and tell me the truth," I scowled. He stopped and went outside. I followed him and he glared at me. "I know how you actually feel Kyuhyun so don't lie otherwise I might as well leave this world for good."

"I did love you, but what happens if you get hurt? You got hurt by me once yet you want to stay? I don't get you at all! Why stay with an evil person like me that doesn't care for anyone?" He shouted.

I slowly grabbed his hand and put it against my cheek. The feeling of his hand was soft and warm it made me smile, I looked at him and sighed, "I don't care as long as I'm with you," I answered.

He kissed my lips softly, "Seo Joohyun, will you be my actual girlfriend?" he chuckled. I blushed as I nodded. "Alright let's go back."

We went in his car and drove to his house. I’m guessing they are working for us now. “You’re also the one who got all the stuff that were in my wounds out according to the doctor,” I chuckled.

“I think my girlfriend knows me too well,” he chuckled. We went in the house and I saw the guys. “Kyuhyun you’re back,” Leeteuk said. He looked over at me, “What is she doing here?” he asked.

“Leeteuk don’t act like you hate us because I can see your true feelings that you love my unnie, same with everyone else,” I said looking at the others. “My unnies are still mad at you guys for hurting me, they also really liked you oppas until they found out they were tricked.”

“Oh,” they said.

“They have something similar like seeing true feelings but they can only tell it from the eyes, I can tell from the eyes, heart, and mind,” I explained. They nodded.

“I hope you get back with my unnies soon,” I said.

“Thanks Seohyun,” Leeteuk replied patting my back. His phone rang, “You want to video chat with us right now?” he asked “Alright.”

Kyuhyun pulled out his laptop and went on video chat with Mr. Park, “Seohyun how’s the trip back?” Jin Young asked.

“G-good, um did you tell Taeyeon yet?” I asked nervously.

“Not yet but she read her mother's diary, so you’ve really forgiving the guys huh?” he asked. “You way of being able to tell true feelings is good, sometime next week I’m putting both DarK angels and Angels in one house, Seohyun and guys it’s your mission to get Seohyun’s unnies back together with you, considering the fact you guys are a super team,” he explained. I shook my head right away. “Why Seohyun?” he asked.

“I want my unnies to fall in love with them for who they are not because I matched them up.” He nodded and hung up on us and Kyuhyun took me to his bedroom, he got changed in the bathroom and I sat on his bed reading a book. I slowly fell asleep since I didn’t get enough sleep.

“Seohyun, what are you doing?”  Kyuhyun asked. I woke up and looked at him, “Oh you were sleeping? I’ll let you get back to sleep.”

He sat right next to me and I laid my head on his chest. “Saranghae Seohyun and mianae,” he whispered. We both fell asleep. His phone rang, which woke both of us up, he ignored the call and we went into the living room and read a book. 

"Kyuhyun Oppa, would you be happy if we moved into one house?" I asked. He nodded. "Why?" I questioned.

"Your questions they're really," he muttered as he starting laughing at me, "Because your mine so of course I would want to be near you."

"Annoying maknae stop acting all lovey dovey," Yesung snapped. "Oh Seohyun, you're still here? Wouldn't your unnies get mad?" he questioned. "Omo my unnies! Wait they already know I'm gone... They wouldn't worry too much would they?" I thought.


“Aish! Where did that maknae go?” I thought. Sica, Yuri and I went to go find her, we went back to our house and saw the others “Taeyeon have you seen Seohyun?” I asked. 

She shook her head, “Ani wae?” she asked. “She was with you guys last in the house,” Taeyeon said. "What's wrong with her? She looks like she's been crying?" I thought.

“But she said she was going out so we thought she went outside to talk to you guys or to get fresh air,” Sica said. We went out on a search party for her. "Crap what if Kyuhyun found her and, and... Omo we have to find her!" I thought.

I saw Siwon walking around the park, “You guys I’ll be right back,” I said. They nodded. I walked up to him. “Siwon,” I said.

He turned back, “Oh Tiffany, if you’re looking for your maknae she’s at our place with her boyfriend.”

I looked confused, “Boyfriend? Seohyun has a boyfriend?” I thought. “Can you take me there?” I asked. He nodded. We reached his house and I saw Seohyun on the couch with Kyuhyun they were both reading a book while in each other’s arms. “Seohyun.”

She looked up, “Unnie, mianae for not telling you,” she said bowing towards me. She looked at the guys and Kyuhyun, “I should go home now, bye guys” she said waving to them.

I stopped her, “Seohyun just stay I’ll just leave,” I said. As I almost left Siwon grabbed my arm pulling me in his room locking the door.

“Fany-ah I need to talk to you,” he said. "He looks serious... Siwon still looks the same very cute and handsome. Yah Tiffany Hwang what are you thinking!" *mind facepalm* I thought.

I made him let go of my arm, “Then talk.”

“Mian for the past I know I’m making this harder but I really miss you. I want another chance,” he said.

Someone unlocked the door and I saw Kyuhyun standing there with Seohyun, “He’s not lying those are his true feelings,” she said. I remember now, Seohyun has the power to see people’s feelings. [AN: The powers are mysterious and just appear when they want to and well everyone already knew Seohyun's for a while know but thought it was just a prediction. But now they know it's actually true... Anyway back to the story...]

I sighed, “I don’t know yet Siwon, maybe.” He nodded. I looked over at Kyuhyun, “Kyuhyun, you better take good care of Seohyun,” I said. Kyuhyun nodded.

I decided to leave afterwards, “Unnie, call the other unnies to come over now please,” Seohyun begged. I nodded. I called Sica and waited for her to answer.

Sica: Yah what?

Tiffany: Sica tell the others to come to DarK’s house

Sica: Wae? Are you crazy?

Tiffany: Our maknae is here hurry up!

I hung up the phone, “They’ll be here soon,” I said. The doorbell rang and Siwon opened it, it was Kibum and Yoona. “Yoona,” I whispered softly.

She looked surprised, “Why are you here?”

“Do you normally come here?” I asked. Yoona slowly nodded.

Sungmin came out, “Kibum, Yoona your back,” he said. As he hugged them, “Oh hi Tiffany,” he said.

I pulled Yoona out of the room, “Yoona did you want to do this or what?” I asked. “Answer.”

“I’ll answer it to you later when all the unnies get here,” Yoona said as we went back out to the living room.

The doorbell rang again, “Seohyun? Yoona?” Taeyeon yelled. “What is going on here?” she asked.

“Unnie, don’t get mad but, I’m dating Kyuhyun,” Seohyun said. Taeyeon sighed and nodded, “So you’re not mad?” she asked.

“No Seohyun, I’m just glad that you can tell people’s feelings, and you’ve realized your own,” Taeyeon said. “Well I should go,” she said most likely trying to get away from DarK like everyone else.

“Wait, unnie, we were about to video chat him ” Seohyun said. "Him? Who's him? Hmm maybe Mr. Park? But didn't Taeyeon already see him?" Taeyeon nodded. “Oppa go get you laptop,” Seohyun said pushing Kyuhyun towards his room.

Mr. Park got on the chat, “Oh Taeyeon, you’re at the boys’ house, I see. I have a question, did your mom every talk about your dad?” he asked.

“Aniyo, she said that they both loved each other but since he didn’t want her to get hurt because of his job they decided to keep that life secretive, that's mostly what I read in that diary” she answered.

“Have you ever seen your father or anything?” he asked.

“Why do you keep on asking about my father? Why is it so important to you? It’s no one’s business, he could have stayed with her to protect her the entire time and maybe this wouldn’t have even happen to mom!” Taeyeon yelled. She shocked everyone except for Jessica who looked pissed at her.

“Mr. Park is your appa Taeyeon! You should be grateful of him in the first place even if he wasn’t your appa he raised you like you were his child you wouldn’t have been alive today if you never even knew!” Sica yelled back. “Wait a second, Mr. Park is Taeyeon's father?” I thought.

“S-Sica unnie, you knew about this?” Seohyun asked looking shocked.

“Yes Seohyun but only because you were freaking out if you should tell Taeyeon or not,” Sica explained Seohyun nodded. Taeyeon stayed still not moving an inch. "Wait Seohyun knew too?" I thought.

“Mr. Park is it true you’re my a-appa?” She stuttered. He slowly nodded. She shut the laptop right away disconnecting the chat. She ran out of the house and left.

“We should go now,” I suggested. “Bye Yoona and Kibum,” I said.

“Wait since you guys got back let us take you,” Siwon suggested. I nodded. Jessica and I went with Siwon. Seohyun went with Kyuhyun, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon went with Hankyung, and Sunny and Yuri went with Yesung.

“Sica how did you guys arrive at the guys house?” I asked.

“Mr. Park had one of the people take us here and one to take us back but since Taeyeon took the car with her well this is what happened,” Jessica explained.

Siwon looked back at me, “So what’s your answer Fany-ah?” he asked.

I coughed, “You okay?” Sica asked while patting my back.

I nodded. “I don’t know Siwon, but yes for now,” I stuttered. We reached home but before I left, Siwon stopped me and pulled me in for a hug.

He kissed my forehead, “Thank you for the chance,” he said. I nodded and went back in the house to find Taeyeon.

We all tried to comfort her, “M-my a-appa is my boss yet he never told me,” she cried.

Seohyun sat next to her while rubbing her back, “Unnie, Mr. Park wanted to but didn’t know how to. He didn’t want you or your mom to get hurt either,” Seohyun said.

There was a knock on the door, it was Mr. Park. “May I talk to my daughter in private?” he asked. We nodded decided to go back to DarK’s house.

I knocked on the door and Siwon opened it, “Fany why are you back?” he asked.

“Because Taeyeon is talking to her appa,” I answered he nodded. He took me to his room, “Wow Mr. Park must like you or something,” I chuckled.

"You like it?" He questioned. I nodded. "I have a question, why did you say yes?" 

"What you want me to say no?" Siwon quickly shook his head, "I thought so. I felt that your feelings were sincere and I really wanted another chance with you, I actually believed you weren't bad because of your religious background. Are you a pacifist?" I asked.

"When it comes to being in a group like DarK I was a huge pacifist but BIGBANG didn't know about it because most of the times my hyungs covered for me," he sighed, "I don't know how I ended up in a group like that, but maybe that's what God wanted."

"Probably, but have you seen the maknaes acting you know super cute and lovey dovey with each other?" I asked Siwon started laughing. We could hear loud sounds coming from the living room and were worried. We saw the two maknaes standing in a corner frozen. "Yah Seororo what happened?" I asked.

"T-the unnies and o-oppas started fighting a-and I-I'm scared," She answered burying her face into Kyuhyun's chest. "Unnie, Oppa can you do something about them?" She asked. I nodded.

"Oppa, what are we going to do?" I whispered. 

"Go with your instincts," he answered.

"Do you have any cucumbers?" I smirked. He looked at me weirdly. Siwon went into the kitchen and grabbed 4 cucumbers. "Perfect," I thought.

I threw the cucumbers near where Jessica was. She screamed off the top of her lungs making everyone plug their ears as she continued screaming in English. "Oh my god cucumbers! Who did this! Ahh someone take them away! Tiffany!" she hollered.

"Jessica, stop it you're killing everyone's ears!" I yelled. It became oddly silent afterwards. The guys wouldn't even speak nor would the girls it was awkward around everyone. "I just hope Mr. Park doesn't make us live with them or else this might happen every day..." I thought.

Here's the second part of the chapter I hope you like it! I'll try to upload more but no promises... My knee hurts :( Wearing a knee brace fyi is not what I call fun :P Anyway I hope you liked it! Time to go eat some candy :)


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So many spelling errors... Typing too quickly has its cost...


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tanjane262 #1
Chapter 68: The story seems to be hanging there, like it is not complete, please do write a sequel or epilogue!!!
oxANGELxo #2
Chapter 11: Hahaha!! I laugh at this chappie!! I REALLY LOVE YOU JESSICA!! :) <3
best bias!! :)
fany-tiffany #3
Chapter 18: Omg Im Crying Best Story Ever :)
Chapter 68: Yes. I would likr and epilogue (POOR KYUHYUN) and I wouldn't like you to get rid off this story. But if you feel like you need to change it, that would be ok :)
Chapter 68: I really like your story but it's alright with me if you do what you think would be better. :)
Chapter 68: Eh, I'm fine with whatever you feel is right.
Just go with what works for you and I'LL JUST BE HAPPY!
Chapter 68: Please dont just stop at this~~please refix it edit it or whatever you can but please dont discard of it
Mishilvino #8
Myungsooholichaha #9
Chapter 65: Kyahhh... Seokyu is cute... anyway... I'm looking forward to your new Chapter :)
Guixuxian0206 #10
Chapter 65: Yay seokyu s really a nice pairing.. They were really sweet ever..hopefully in real life they will end up together forever..