Chapter 8: Training Days

Child's Play




Peniel searched his surroundings as he stood, dead center of a dark room. He tried to move around, but his feet were rooted to the floor.


Again he heard a voice. It was faint, unrecognizable. He couldn’t make it out. He looked every-which way to find the voice but it was nowhere, yet everywhere.


Suddenly a spotlight shone on Peniel he looked around and noticed six figures surrounding him, standing equal distance away. As they each took a step forward, Peniel immediately recognized them as the members of BtoB, each with a bright smile on their face.


The boys of BtoB slowly turned away as they each walked  from him. “Wait! Where are you going!! Wait!”  

They faded into the darkness and Peniel once again felt lonely. He balled himself up, nearly crying, when he felt a warm hand touch his shoulder. He turned around to see six more figures beaming at him. This time the members of Beast, in their adult forms. The leader reached out to Peniel and pulled him to his feet as the darkness faded away. Peniel was on stage as a cheering crowd called out for BtoB. Doojoon handed Peniel a microphone and ushered for Peniel to look behind him. Standing directly behind Peniel were the other members of BtoB, each ready to perform. He smiled before turning back toward the crowd. The members of Beast had faded away. Peniel looked out on the audience to see 6 familiar children making faces at him from the front row. He couldn’t help but smile. The other members stood by his side as he opened his mouth to sing.


Suddenly the ground started shaking violently. Peniel jerked his head up in fear and confusion. He looked to see a towering wave rise up over the stadium. Everyone around him disappeared as the giant Tsunami washed over him.



Peniel jerked awake from Beast’s living room couch. His hair was dripping water as cold droplets were rolling down his face to his collar. At first he thought it was sweat before turning to his side and immediately noticing a smiling orange-haired boy with an empty glass in his hand, dripping with discarded water droplets.

“Yoseob!! What the hell was that!”

“That, was Kikwang-wake-up, Stage 2.” He giggled. “You slept through stage one. Next would’ve been the bullhorn.”

“You wake up Kikwang like this?!”

“Most of the time.” The said dancer walked into the room, already dressed.

“Couldn’t you have woken me like a normal person?”

“I tried,” Yoseob smiled. “I called Appa. I shook you. But you stayed asleep. So I went to Kikwang-wake-up stage 2.” Kikwang groaned as Peniel sat up from the couch. “Come on, Appa. We’re eating breakfast.”

“Breakfast?”Peniel sat up and walked to the kitchen. “But I didn’t cook anything.”

“You’re too slow,” the rapper cracked before shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

“You didn’t wanna wake up, Appa, so we just decided on milk and cereal for breakfast.” Dongwoon sat up, slurping the milk from his bowl before continuing. “It’s easy enough for us to make.”

“So we expect something a little better for lunch.” Junhyung said before finishing his bowl of cereal.

Peniel nodded and groaned. “Ugh. Something must be wrong with your couch. It gave me weird dreams last night.”

“What kinda weird dreams?” Yoseob inquired while giggling. “ Did it involve anything dirty?”

Doojoon lightly hit Yoseob on the head as he cleared his dish from the table.

“No! Nothing like that! Geez.”

“I don’t know, Peniel.” The rapper smirked. “You’re claiming to have a weird dream and you woke up wet.”

The other 4 boys couldn’t restrain their giggles as Peniel rolled his eyes. Jackass.“It was... something that can’t really be explained.” He sighed heavily, scanning over the boys. “Hey. Where’s Hyunseung?”

“Sleeping.” The leader responded. “I don’t know what you were doing last night but Hyunseung was exhausted and refused to wake up this morning. He just smiled at me before falling back to sleep and grumbling that he’ll wake up sometime later.”

“Appa, you didn’t!” Kikwang crossed his arms, a look of false shock upon his face. “How dare you take advantage of our innocent Seungie like that.”

Peniel struck Kikwang in the back of the head before walking over to the Counter. “Its not like that, sicko. He just took me to Cube so he could help me with my dancing.”

“He could’ve told us he was doing that beforehand.” Junhyung spoke up, crossing his arms.”

“You weren’t caught, were you?” Doojoon asked with concerned eyes, as he returned to his seat.

“No. I just lied saying he was my cousin. No one caught his face or hair. So we were able to practice without getting bothered.”

Doojoon nodded. “Then no harm done. Doojoon leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. “So, Appa, what’s on the agenda today?”

“Well, my members don’t get back from Busan until late tonight So I suppose I’m free all day.”  

Yoseob perked up at Peniel’s remark. “Oh I know.” He proceeded to grab Junhyung and  Doojoon’s wrists before running to the living room, dragging his hyungs along. Peniel peered over to spy on the boys as Yoseob quietly but excitedly explained his idea to his hyungs.

“Please, Junnie. It’ll be fun”

Junhyung rolled his eyes before releasing a sigh and gently nodding to the boy. “Only for you, not for him.”

Yoseob clapped before turning toward Doojoon, a bright expression evident on his face. “So is it ok, Hyung?”

“You won’t be out the full day, right?”

Yoseob nodded, “Just the morning.”

“Ok. We’ll meet you at the park down the street so we can all get lunch.”

“YEY!” Yoseob bounced on his heels before running back over to Peniel. “Come on, Appa. You’re hanging with Jun and I today!”

“I’m what?”

“Come on, Appa! Let’s go!”

“Not so fast, Seob.” Junhyung walked over, arms folded. “Not until he takes a shower.” Peniel sat confused for a moment before turning to the rapper. “Seriously, Peniel, you smell like Kikwang’s morning breath.”

“Cheap shot, Junhyung.” The aforementioned dancer responded. “Cheap shot.”

Junhyung smirked as Peniel walked off toward the bathroom, not even arguing with the cruel boy. He didn’t get a chance to shower after going out with Hyunseung the night before so he felt the hot water would relax him. However he couldn’t help but wonder. What do those two have planned for me?




The bus ride for Peniel was long yet familiar. He couldn’t help but look around at the other passengers as their attention was completely focused on the broody rapper and the hyperactive main vocal. Who could blame them? The boys certainly were a sight to see. Yoseob kept making goofy faces causing Junhyung to laugh out loud. Although they both wore hats, their hair still stuck out enough for them to gather attention.

“Excuse me?” A woman, spoke up to the two boys. “ Could you please quiet down?”

Junhyung simply flipped the woman off causing her to demonstrate a look of shock. She then proceeded to walk over to Peniel and slap him across the face, nearly knocking loose his thick sunglasses and hood.

“Ow! What did I do?!”

“How dare you teach such a young child such a terrible obscenity. Learn to control your children.” She stormed off in a huff and Junhyung and Yoseob quietly chuckled.

“You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?”

The two boys looked at each other before simultaneous responding’ “Yep.”




The three boys arrived at Cube as Yoseob led Peniel down the hall. Peniel was beyond confused by the boys destination. After passing the dance studios, the boys were able to dodge the gaze of many cube producers, trainers and trainees, as well as 4Minute’s Gayoon and Jiyoon.

“We’re here!” Yoseob rang out, bouncing on his heals.

Junhyung pulled a set of keys from his jacket pocket and reached up to unlock the large wooden door. As Junhyung pushed the door open, Yoseob immediately pushed Peniel inside. Junhyung closed the door behind them and walked over to the light switch.

The boys stood in the middle of a recording studio, it seemed as though it hadn’t been used in quite a while.

“ A recording studio?”

“Jun’s recording studio!”

“Well, not really.” Junhyung walked over to the bookcase near the black couch on the side. “ I just use it all the time, so no one else, other the Tiger-hyung, really uses it. People tend to say this is a “Beast Only” studio.

“Oh yeah. I think I heard about that.” Peniel looked around the studio, noticing Junhyung flipping through a notebook from the shelf and Yoseob reaching in a drawer to look at lyric sheets. “So, why’d you wanna come here?”

“That’s a dumb question.” Yoseob joked. “To record! What else!”


“Seobie here wanted to see what he sounds like in his child voice.”

“And I wanted you to record something as well. Come on, Appa. It’ll be fun.” Peniel rolled his eyes at the cheerful boy. “Hey I remember this!” Yoseob pulled out a lyric sheet and giggles. “I remember this promotion.” He sat up to sing a quick line causing Junhyung to smile. “♪Junbidwaesseo jogeum deo naege dagawa! ~ Neo weonhamyeon modeun geot da jul su isseo~Wo Oh Oh I'm a Best, You're My Number One, Let's Come On~♪”


Peniel rolled his eyes. “You even like singing songs from commercials?”

“Yep! I like all songs we record. Don’t you?”

Peniel took a moment to think as Junhyung stood on his rolling chair and made adjustments on the rather large soundboard. “Ok, Yoseob. You’re all set up. I record right after you, and we’ll see how it sounds.

Yoseob nodded before happily skipping into the studio. He stood on a chair to adjust the mic stand to his new height. He chuckled as he placed the large headphones over his small head and ran a few tests with Junhyung on the other side. “Ok, Jun. Ready when you are.” Junhyung made a few adjustments on the soundboard and played the music through the headphones for Yoseob.


“♪Nuhaegae kok hagoshipeun hanmadi ~Unjaena We always singing just for you~ Komawo nul woori geotul jikeojoon~ You~ You~ Thank you~ For You~♪”

Yoseob happily sang his part to his duet with Junhyung, his voice making Peniel smile. He couldn’t help but think of his own bandmates and how Ilhoon and Sungjae would try singing this song in the dorm. By the time the chorus came along again, Peniel couldn’t stop himself from mouthing the words along with Yoseob.

Junhyung took his turn in the booth and after about an hour, both boys were done recording their new version of ‘Thanks To’. They listened  to it, comparing it to the original. They laughed at the differences in their voices, unable to comprehend it was really them singing and rapping. Peniel leaned back on the couch, trying to understand how the two of them could get so giddy over a song they already recorded, but he dared not try and understand how those two work.

“Appa! You’re turn!~” Yoseob pulled Peniel to his feet before shoving him into the recording booth and shutting the door.

“Y-Yah! Yoseob! What the hell! I never agreed to record!”

Yoseob shook his head as Jun spoke into a microphone, connecting to the speakers in the booth. “Stop being a baby. It’s just one little recording session. We’ve never heard you solo so we’re just curious. “

“You can sing whatever you like, Appa.~” Yoseob smiled as he leaned into the microphone. “There’s even a guitar in there if you wanna play it.”

Anything I want? Peniel grabbed the guitar and sat up the microphone. He sat on a stool, positioning the guitar on his leg and placing the headphones over his ears, before speaking into the microphone. “ I don’t think you’ve heard this one before so bare with me.”

“Whenever you’re ready, Peniel.”

Peniel thought back to his days back in Chicago when he was first being inspired by music. He smiled and began playing an acoustic version of one of his favorite tunes.

“♪I remember when, We used to laugh, About nothing at all. It was better than going mad~ From trying to solve all the problems we're going through. Forget 'em all, Cause on those nights we would stand and never fall. Together we faced it all. Remember when we'd~♪”


“♪Stay up late and we'd talk all night, In a dark room lit by the TV light, Through all the hard times in my life. Those nights kept me alive. We'd listen to the radio play all night, Didn't want to go home to another fight.Through all the hard times in my life. Those nights kept me alive♪”


Yoseob and Junhyung quietly listened intently and Peniel sang out his rendition of the popular American song. This was the first time they heard his voice without hearing the other members of BtoB, it was raw and gentle. It showed more promise than they could’ve imagined. They could hear how much Peniel loved music through his song and knew just how much BtoB meant to him.

Even though he put them is such an odd situation, they decided then and there that they’d use their time as children to help Peniel become a better idol. They wanted him to have many more experiences that would last a lifetime, even if they never returned to the idol lifestyle themselves. But it didn’t mean they’d stop messing with him.





After a few hours, all the boys had met up for lunch. They insisted Peniel take them to a nearby cafe, exhausting over ninety percent of his funds. He sighed heavily, watching the boys goofing around and laughing at the dumb things they said or did on variety shows.

“Well it’s not like Jun’s ever been able to use Aegyo.” Yoseob laughed as the rapper glared at him.

Dongwoon continued to laugh with the other boys, “He’s not very feminine either. Like the last time we were on Weekly Idol.” He nudged Hyunseung on the side. “Ehh, Trouble maker.”

Hyunseung couldn’t hold back his laughter as Junhyung glared at the maknae before immediately breaking out into a mischievous smile. “Speak for yourself, Mister awkward-dances-with-Mir.”

Dongwoon blushed, remembering his last ‘All My KPop’ appearance. The entire table broke out into laughter, with the exception of Peniel. Dongwoon glanced at the bored caretaker while the other five calmed a bit to catch their breaths. “Appa. What about you? What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done on a variety show?”

“Oh” Peniel sighed before looking at the boys, their attention now completely focused on him. “I don’t like variety shows much. I usually just sit quietly and let the others speak.”

“That’s really lame,” Junhyung retorted, taking a sip of coke.

“My korean is not that good. I rather not completely humiliate myself.”

“But that’s half the fun, Appa.” Yoseob rang out, with Dongwoon smiling. “Even if you do embarrass yourself, fans will forgive you and they enjoy the other side to you they don’t normally get to see. Plus, it’s hilarious to look back on those embarrassing moments later.”

“If it’s all the same to you, I’ll pass.” Peniel took ahold of his sandwich and was about to take a bite when a small hand grabbed his wrist.

“Come on, Appa. I’ll help you.”

Before Peniel had a chance to say anything, the maknae dragged him away from the table and pulled him by his wrist toward a crowded street corner. Yoseob set down his food before proceeding to follow the two.

“Dongwoon. What are we doing?”

“It’s simple,” The cheerful maknae responded. I’mma help you get over you fear of Variety shows.”

Peniel sighed. It’s not like he was afraid of variety shows, themselves. He just didn’t like completely embarrassing himself. “And just how are we gonna do that?”

“We’re gonna humiliate ourselves.”

Yoseob started to chuckle while Peniel stood dumbfounded at the smiling child. Dongwoon then removed his blue backpack from his shoulders, ping it and reaching into the bag. He pulled out a long black suit as well as a completely white slender-man mask. “Here Appa, put these on.”

“Son Dongwoon? Why do you have these?”

The maknae just stood quietly for moments, looking in every direction for an answer but unable to come up with one that’d make sense. He finally came out and responded with, “Hurry up, Appa. Go change. It’s almost the busy hour”

Peniel glared at the boy before walking into a nearby shop, hoping to use their restroom to change. In the meantime, Dongwoon pulled out three pairs of dark sunglasses and two extra large caps.

“Just how big is that backpack?” Yoseob spoke while placing the bright red baseball cap over his orange fringe.

“Mm, honestly I’m not sure.” Dongwoon slipped on a pair of the sunglasses before handing another to Yoseob. They waited for several minutes as ‘Slender Man’ exited from the clothing store, already attracting plenty of attention from passersby.

“Ok, Dongwoon, what the hell are we doing?”

Dongwoon pulled a pair of ipod speakers from his bag as Yoseob handed Peniel the remaining pair of sunglasses. “What better way then get rid of your fear of humiliation than to do something really crazy in front of a ton of people on the street.”

“You planned this, didn’t you?”

“Maybe,” Yoseob hummed while Dongwoon plugged his ipod into the speakers. Peniel slipped on the sunglasses and the maknae immediately smiled, scrolling to a familiar tune.

Peniel’s eyes widened beneath his glasses and mask once the song began playing. “You have got to be kidding me.”

Yoseob displayed a slightly evil smile as Dongwoon pulled the caretaker to an open area . “Come on, Appa. What better way to get over your stage fright.”

Areumdawo sarangseureowo Keurae neo hey keurae baro neo hey

Peniel groaned as the boys stood on either side of him. He knew what was coming and didn’t like the thought of it, but he knew that he had to get over his dislike of Variety shows somehow, and these boys knew a thing or two about it. He took a deep breath, swallowed his pride, and prepared himself.

♪Oppan gang-namseutayil♪

The three began dancing, as many civilians stopped to watch and laugh. A few of them even pulled out phones to record the performance.  Peniel felt heat rising up to his cheeks. Both boys, however, had huge smiles across their faces.

♪Eh~ y lady♪

Peniel felt all of his dignity slipping away. He couldn’t believe what he was doing, as he glanced at the gathering crowd. He noticed the other boys of Beast gathering in the area and laughing. They’re trolling me! They’re seriously trolling me! But wait...

Peniel turned up to the crowd and noticed how they were enjoying the show, laughing and some even dancing along to the tune. He watched, smiles appearing on women and men, on adults and children alike. He noticed as both Doojoon and Kikwang walked over to join them as Junhyung buried his face in his palms.  He internally laughed at the shy rapper. Maybe it’s not so embarrassing after all.





A/N: Super psyched for Yoseob's solo album to be released tomorrow! YEY Yoseob, HWAITING!!










It means there's a new way to get honorable mentions! 


Bold songs are in bold print, and are harder to get because they can come from. commercials, tv/anime openings, and lesser known artists. 

To get an honorable mention you only need to guess the name and/or origin of just one bold song first.

But this doesn't mean you have to guess the bold songs to get your regular honorable mention. Just guess the regular print songs and still get a mentions

(ex: This chapter has 4 songs. 2 regular and 2 bold. Guess the 2 regular or either one of the bold to get an honorable mention. Meaning up to 3 honorable mentions will be given for this chapter. Get it? I hope so)




Anyway, Congrats to Seoblove for guessing the songs in chapter 7 and securing your second Honorable Mention. HWAITING!!! 


Songs for Chapter 7:

Gee-SNSD (Girls Generation)
Shock- Beast


Two regular songs and two bold songs for chapter 8. Good luck!! 



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This fic may be over, but be sure to keep reading my work. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING CHILD'S PLAY!!


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 4: Beast kids, why so cute!?
Chapter 22: I read this a long time ago, but decided to read it again and fell in love with it like the first time I read it. I love this story! ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Like a roller coaster when i read this. Laughing non stop and i just remember that i have an quiz tomorrow gard. ;; you know? I keep on fansgirling the way you wrote this fanfics and describe them. Peniel reminds me of Zorro One Piece because both of them really bad in direction. Lol

Its all cute thoo! Our boys changing into child and being naughty around xD how can you imagine that huh? cx
692 streak #4
Chapter 22: i just can't believe i only found this fanfic now.. it made me stay awake that i only had 4hrs of sleep... this is so good!!! i just wish you could make a fanfic about junseung since i love those bias wreckers of mine to death...
yoseob_sz #5
Chapter 22: Is the second time I am reading. I love this story ~
Chapter 22: I had mixed emotions while reading this. but all in all it was fun
it's cute imaginung beast boys turn into children.
Chapter 22: Wow, this story is awesome.
I can felt their bonding through the story. ^_^
How Peniel adapt with the beast boys and how the beast boys played with peniel.
It's fun to read.
And thank you for sharing this story <3
Chapter 22: no no no no no no no no no!!! I can't believe it's over!!! I need moreeeee T.T
Pleaseee make special chapters of after? Like when they're together and Peniel automatically babies them??? PLEASEEEE?!?!?!?!?!
nice story ^^