Chapter 7: Dance Practice

Child's Play


Peniel sat down in the living room waiting for the boys to finish their shower. He felt it would be better if he didn’t head out “gypsy hunting,” until the boys fell asleep. He had a bit of time to spare because he knew the boys liked to do some internet searches before heading to sleep. Peniel stood up and made space for himself in the living room. Now’s as good a time as any to practice. He pulled his ear-buds from his pocket and plugged them into his ipod. Slipping the earbuds into his ears, he chose a song and got into position.

Peniel began counting while doing the steps. He kept his focus on his feet before falling behind once more. Unable to determine where he had moved, the foreigner’s foot caught the edge of the couch and he lost his footing, tumbling backwards. “Ow!”

“What’re you doing?’

Peniel looked up to see a certain red-head, towel-drying his hair, a smile plastered on his face as he tried to stifle a laugh. “Oh. It’s you, Hyunseung.” Peniel stood up, brushing imaginary dust off his person. “ If you must know, I’m trying to practice this new dance.”

“Looks like you’re struggling, to me.”

“What do you know! You’ve never even seen the dance!”

“Hmm...” Hyunseung grabbed Peniel’s headphones from his ears and put them in his own. He nodded his head to the music and thought for a moment before snatching the ipod out of the caretaker’s pocket and restarting the song. “Is this what you were trying to do?”

Hyunseung pushed Peniel aside and after a moment, broke into dance, performing the chorus to “Wow” with flawless precision only stopping once the song reached the second verse.

Peniel scowled and opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

“Look, I know it was a little rusty. I’ve only seen the dance once while you guys were practicing but I think I got the jist of it.”  

“Ugh. Damnit.” Peniel held his head and sat back on the couch before glancing up at the ceiling. “Why the hell can’t I get this right.”

Hyunseung looked at the distraught caretaker. “Peniel. When you first came to our dorm, you wanted to ask us for help with something. Was this it?”

Peniel sighed heavily before nodding. “ I just can’t seem to master this performing stuff. I’m lucky the others are on stage with me to cover my mistakes. But I feel like I’m holding them back, y’know.”

Hyunseung continued to stare at Peniel before breaking out into a smile. “Ok then, Appa, I’ll help you!”

“Huh?” Hyunseung tossed Peniel his jacket before picking out and oversized hoodie for himself. He went to put on his shoes as Peniel approached him. “What’re you doing.”

“Come on. Get your shoes. We’re headed to the studio.”

“What?! But what about the others?”

“You’ll have your phone on you,” the 4-D prince finished tying his laces before turning to his caretaker. “Besides. They’re adults. I think they’ll be fine without you for a couple of hours.”

Peniel rolled his eyes considering the boys have made it their mission to prove Hyunseung’s statement wrong every chance they got.

“Come on, Appa! Let’s go!” Peniel dared not argue with the boy. He really needed the help and aside from Kikwang, Hyunseung was the best dancer in Beast. He quickly put on his shoes and followed the boy out the door.

“Oh! I forgot the van keys,” Peniel said as they entered the lobby.

“We’ll take the bus. It’d be pretty weird, anyway, if you drove up to the cube building driving Beast’s van.” The 4D prince had a valid point. “Hurry up, Appa or we’ll miss it!” Hyunseung grabbed Peniel’s wrist, dragging him to the bus stop, just as the large bus arrived.



It was about an hour before the boys reached Cube. The sun had already set and not many people were in the building. Hyunseung pulled up his hood and led Peniel toward the dance studio. Just before entering, a familiar choreographer made his way through the halls.

“Hi there, Dong Geun.”

Hyunseung ducked behind Peniel, keeping his head covered.

“Oh, hello, Haw-ssi. How’s it going?”

“Eh, can’t complain.” He paused for a second before looking over Peniel. “Shouldn’t you be in Busan right now. I thought BtoB had a couple of fan events there this weekend.”

“Oh, we do, but I stayed behind.’s not feeling too well. I felt better being nearby to take care of her.”

Prepix’s Haw nodded before glancing over at Hyunseung. “Oh and who’s this little guy?”

Hyunseung kept his hair covered, keeping his face out of his choreographer's line of sight.

“Oh..h-he’s my cousin. My mom’s sister’s kid. W-while my mom’s in the hospital and my aunt’s taking care of her, I agreed to take the kid off her hands for a while. You know, cause he’s kinda a pain.”

Hyunseung shot Peniel a quick glare before returning to avoiding Haw’s gaze.

“So what’s your name?”

Hyunseung kept quiet. “He’s very shy.”

Haw rubbed the boy’s head but Hyunseung refused to look at him. “So what’s his name?”

“His name is..” Peniel trailed off, trying to quickly come up with a name. The choreographer stared at him until he inadvertently blurted out, “Junseung.”

Hyunseung turned to Peniel, narrowing his eyes. “Really? Really?

Luckily, Haw was unable to hear Hyunseung’s comment. “Junseung. That’s a strange name. But at the same time oddly familiar.” He rubbed Hyunseung’s head again causing the boy to gradually become irritated. “So what brings you two here?”

Peniel pulled the red-head aside to keep him from saying something either one of them would regret. “Well, Seung here really wanted to try dancing in a studio. He’s a bit of a dance enthusiast.”

Hyunseung nodded slowly as Haw looked down at him. “Is that so.” He smiled. “Well, maybe we’ll see you at Cube when you’re older. Who knows, you could be the next big thing, someday.”

Hyunseung glanced behind Haw at a Beast poster on the wall. Yeah. Someday.



Hyunseung and Peniel entered the practice room, closing the door behind them. “Junseung?! Really. Of all the things you could’ve called me?  Tae Kyung? Shin Woo? Jeremy?”

“It was the first thing that came to mind. Now are we gonna practice or are you going to spend the rest of the night obsessing over your OTP shipping.”

Hyunseung rolled his eyes before walking over to the closet and pulling out a pair of speakers. He plugged them into a wall outlet before plugging Peniel’s ipod into it. “ Alright Appa, take it from the top and I’ll try and figure out why you’re struggling.”

Peniel stood up and tossed his jacket to the ground. He stretched before looking at Hyunseung. “You know, you don’t have to call me ‘Appa’ when it’s just the two of us.”

“Yeah. But I’ve kinda gotten used to it.”

“It’s a bit unprofessional-”

“Appa!” He stuck out his tongue before sitting and sliding himself back over to the speakers. “Alright. When you’re ready.”

Peniel got into position and gave Hyunseung the cue to start the music.


BTOB Back again BTOB Change the game BTOB Get your swag♪

Peniel started dancing matching the move precisely with what he had learned. He thought each step through, counting each beat in the song. Hyunseung suppressed his urges to dance as well, in order to figure out Peniel’s problem.

♪ppalgan ribseutig kkaman seuta king. jangmi han songi nal bureuneun nunbich♪

Peniel began to lose track and fall apart as Hyunseung watched intently. The boy knew he was falling behind and by the chorus he became too frustrated to continue and shut off the music.

“Why’d you stop?” The 4D prince asked, his focus never leaving Peniel.

“Because I screwed up again.”

“So. You should’ve kept going. Just listen to the music and pick it up at a part you know.”

“What do you mean?”

Hyunseung thought for a moment before his eyes widened in realization. “I know what your problem is.”

Peniel turned toward the now smiling child. “What?”

Hyunseung. “It’s simple, Appa. You’re thinking too much.”

“What?” Peniel answered in confusion.

“You already know all the moves. They’re programed into your subconscious. You’re too focused on doing the moves right that you get it wrong. It’s easier to just block out your mind and just let the dance happen.”

“What are you talking about? How am I supposed to not focus on the moves I’m doing?”

“Just blank out your mind.” He chuckled. “Listen to the music and the dance will just happen.”

“Easy for you to say. You’re the 4D prince. I’m not sure if you focus on anything!”

“I’m focusing on you, aren’t I?”

Peniel rolled his eyes as Hyunseung walked over and unplugged Peniel’s ipod, replacing it with his own. “What’re you doing?”

“I got an idea. Let’s try a different approach. He scrolled through his playlists before stopping at one labeled, ‘Free dance.’ He selected the first song in the list and smiled when he heard his favorite SNSD song.

“Huh?” Peniel looked at the boy in confusion as the child started dancing.
“No restrictions. I think it’ll benefit if instead focusing on one dance, we just dance. You know, for fun.”


Peniel stared at the happy, dancing boy before rolling his eyes and joining in.

♪neomu banjjak banjjak nooni booshuh no no no no no. neomu kkamjjak kkamjjak nollan naneun oh oh oh oh oh♪

Both boys danced along to the music. Hyunseung matched his moves to SNSD while Peniel just improvised his own. Peniel internally laughed at how feminine Hyunseung looked at the moment. It also amused him that the redhead had the whole dance memorised and could do it without thinking.


Peniel had danced through several more songs from a huge assortment of idols. They sat drinking water while listening to Rain’s ‘Sad Tango,’ when Hyunseung pulled out his phone, stared at the screen, and began to send a text.

“Who’re you texting?”

“Yoon Leader. I think he tried calling me about six times while we were dancing.” He chuckled. “They know you’re with me but I think that makes them more worried.”

“What’s that supposed to mean! I’m a good father.”

He started laughing. “They’re worried for you, not me.”

Peniel rolled his eyes and swallowed the last of his water as a very familiar song came onto the speakers.


♪Every day I just can’t control. Every night the loneliness my love. So beast♪

Hyunseung instinctively got up and started dancing the Beast hit performing as though he was on stage with his band. Peniel smiled as the boy was completely lost in his performance. He took one more drink of water before walking up next to the boy once the chorus began.

♪Every day I shock (shock) Every night I shock (shock) I’m sorry jebal naege dasi dolawa jullae♪

Peniel matched the boy’s movements perfectly throughout the chorus. He closed his eyes and completely losing himself in the song. Hyunseung looked up at Peniel, a huge smile appearing on his face as he watched the foreigner finally breaking out and performing alongside him. It was as if Peniel himself was a member of Beast.

Once the chorus ended Hyunseung stopped and stared at the caretaker as he couldn’t help but laugh. “And I thought you hated our music.”

Peniel’s smile faded as he diverted his gaze from the child. “I-I never said I hated it. I mean, ‘Shock’ is a fun song. I may listen to it every now and again.”

“Appa. You  just performed the dance.”

“ Ok. So I know the dance. Hyunsik and Ilhoon do it all the time. I probably just picked it up from them.”

Hyunseung nodded. “Ok. I’ll believe you until I catch you dancing to ‘Troublemaker,’ or something like that.”

“Never gonna happen!”

Hyunseung shut off his Ipod before plugging in Peniel’s, “Ok, Appa, from the top. And remember. Don’t think. Just do it.” He started the BtoB track as Peniel got into position.



The song started and Peniel listened to the song, enjoying what he heard. Just as Hyunseung predicted, he was able to perform the steps without thinking about them.

Geubi dalla namdalla tae tae tae taega dalla I like it I like it♪

Peniel kept dancing, not tripping over himself once. Hyunseung could see his energy and couldn’t stop himself from grooving to the song as well. He laughed and Peniel got a little nervous. He stumbled slightly as he thought of his moves but immediately went back to listening to the song. Within seconds he was able to pick up where he left off.

The song ended with Peniel falling to the floor trying to catch his breath. Hyunseung applauded. “I think you’re getting the hang of it, Peniel. Dancing’s much easier when you don’t have to think about.”

Peniel smirked. Leave it to the 4D prince to come up with a concept like that.



The rest of the evening continued just like that. They danced to various songs, fast and slow, taking breaks when needed. Peniel had forgotten all about searching for the gypsy and kept getting lost within the music. He only realized how late it had become when he noticed his partner had fallen asleep, leaning against the studio’s mirror. He picked the child up after pocketing his ipod and carried him out of the room, despite his own exhaustion. He glanced over at the child’s peaceful expression and couldn’t help but smile. Thank you, Hyunseung.




A/N: Short Chapter. Yes I know

Chapter 8 may be late. Thanksgiving is coming up and work is killing me. 




Good job b2utifulyoebo on securing yet another honorable mention! You're on a roll!!


But I'll admit, I'm sad that not more people guessed. The prize is pretty cool! I promise. Or it will be once it's ready! 

Songs for Chapter 6:

Wanna- Kara

Good Boy-Baek Jiyoung ft. Yong Junhyung

Jumping- Kara


Please guess and comment this time. Even if you're not sure, guess.

I usually reply to help you out (Without giving it away).  I wanna see that people are really reading

Please keep playing and I'll see you soon with chapter 8 (with a game changer, Heh heh ) 


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This fic may be over, but be sure to keep reading my work. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING CHILD'S PLAY!!


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 4: Beast kids, why so cute!?
Chapter 22: I read this a long time ago, but decided to read it again and fell in love with it like the first time I read it. I love this story! ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Like a roller coaster when i read this. Laughing non stop and i just remember that i have an quiz tomorrow gard. ;; you know? I keep on fansgirling the way you wrote this fanfics and describe them. Peniel reminds me of Zorro One Piece because both of them really bad in direction. Lol

Its all cute thoo! Our boys changing into child and being naughty around xD how can you imagine that huh? cx
698 streak #4
Chapter 22: i just can't believe i only found this fanfic now.. it made me stay awake that i only had 4hrs of sleep... this is so good!!! i just wish you could make a fanfic about junseung since i love those bias wreckers of mine to death...
yoseob_sz #5
Chapter 22: Is the second time I am reading. I love this story ~
Chapter 22: I had mixed emotions while reading this. but all in all it was fun
it's cute imaginung beast boys turn into children.
Chapter 22: Wow, this story is awesome.
I can felt their bonding through the story. ^_^
How Peniel adapt with the beast boys and how the beast boys played with peniel.
It's fun to read.
And thank you for sharing this story <3
Chapter 22: no no no no no no no no no!!! I can't believe it's over!!! I need moreeeee T.T
Pleaseee make special chapters of after? Like when they're together and Peniel automatically babies them??? PLEASEEEE?!?!?!?!?!
nice story ^^