Chapter 3: Deal

Child's Play


“Peniel , I know this is a little surreal.” The black-haired, eight-year-old continued, “But we all woke up this morning with our ages reduced about fifteen years.”

“Luckily enough,” Hyunseung chimed before  jumping off the chair. “We still kept our minds and memories.”

The 7 year old, Kikwang, at the table groaned loudly as everyone turned their attention toward him.

“What’s wrong, Hyung?” Dongwoon asked as he swept up the shards of the broken casserole dish.

“I have searched all over the internet and have found no record of this ‘fountain of youth’ effect anywhere. I’ve researched everything I could. ‘Age regression,’ ‘Sudden youth’ ‘Fountain of youth’ and all I find are made up stories and goofy fanfiction.” He closed the laptop and laid his head on the table. “How did this happen to us?”

Peniel’s eyes widened as he thought back to the night before. He remembered the exact words he said to the fortune teller. I wish for just as more. I want more experience than Beast. I wish, just for once we can outshine them and expose those boys for the children they are. He covered his mouth in shock and surveyed over each of the boys. “This is.... my fault...”

The boys instantly turned toward Peniel. “What are you talking about, Peniel?” Junhyung said, his eyes narrowing.

“I’m the reason you’re like this... Last night... I went to this fortune teller, and keep in mind, I was stressed and angry...but I kinda wished that BtoB would have more experience than Beast. So instead of us gaining experience.... I guess you lost yours. I swear! I didn’t know this would happen. When I made the wish, I didn’t even think this stuff was real.” He felt a cold, dark aura building just to the side of him. He glanced over nervously to see a truly pissed off young rapper.

“Shin-Dong-Geun!” He said through gritted teeth.

“I-I-I’m sorry! I d-didn’t mean to.” Peniel stuttered out looking at the angry victim of his crime.

“Why?” The small orange haired visual walked over to him from the couch. “Why would you even make that kind of wish to begin with?”

“I just... I was... jealous. I see how good you all are at what you do. At dancing and singing at the same time... and I’m not. I just wanted to be better.”Junhyung clenched his fist at Peniel’s words.

“Well no harm done.” Everyone turned around to their leader.

“Are you kidding?!” snapped Junhyung. “His stupid wish turned us into-”

“Yes. But now that we know how this happened, it should be easy enough to reverse.” Junhyung unclenched his fists as Doojoon continued. “We just need to go back to that fortune teller and have her undo the spell she cast on us.”

“Um... it’s not that easy.”

“Of course it’s that easy. Why wouldn’t it be?” Kikwang asked, pulling a bottle of water from the refrigerator. His pants were trying to slide off but he held onto to hem to keep them from falling. At that time Peniel noticed how large everyone’s clothes actually were and how they were struggling to keep them on.

“Truth be told, I have no idea where the shop is. It was dark and I wandered there completely by accident.”

“What! WHY YOU LITTLE!” Junhyung then lunged at the boy, his small hands reaching for Peniel’s neck. Hyunseung grabbed Junhyung shirt before his fingertips could latch on.

“Jun. Calm down.”

Junhyung calmed himself as Doojoon made his reply. “Well if it’ll take more than a day to find the fortune teller, we’ll just call our manager and make sure they cancel all our schedules while we’re like this.”

Peniel’s eyes widened once Doojoon reached for his phone. “NO DON’T!” He snatched the phone out of Doojoon’s hand.  “Please don’t tell!”


“Please don’t tell. If anyone were to find out I caused this, thousands of scandals would arise. My bandmates wouldn’t trust me. I could even be kicked out of BtoB.... And BtoB means everything to me.”

“Deal with it!” Junhyung yelled out and Hyunseung held him back.

“Please! I’ll do anything for you to keep this thing a secret! I promise I’ll find that fortune teller! I’ll fix this.” His tears began to fall as he fell to knees. “ Just please don’t tell...”

The six boys glanced at each other before proceeding to the living room to talk.

“What do you all think?”

“I think, we tell the manager and let him sort out his own problems.”

“Jun, he’s begging us for forgiveness. He sincerely seems sorry” Hyunseung placed his hand on Junhyung’s shoulders.

“Well I don’t care either way,” Kikwang finally spoke up. “I just want this to be over so I can finally fit my clothes.”

“I agree,” spoke the maknae. “I couldn’t even find a pair of pants that wouldn’t drag beneath me or fall down completely. Not even Yoseob’s.”

The five boys turned to their pantless dongsaeng, his shirt covering his legs to just above the ankles. They then returned to sharing glances at each other.

“I think we should keep his secret. I mean, even if this is troublesome, We shouldn’t take away BtoB from him. Imagine if we’d lost Beast due to a mistake.” Yoseob sighed heavily.

“Then what do you want us to do? How are we gonna keep our reduced ages a secret.” Junhyung said, aggravatedly.

“I think I have an idea.”

Doojoon then walked over to a sad and scared Peniel. “Alright, Peniel. Here’s the deal.” Peniel looked up at Doojoon, staring him straight in the eye. “None of us’ll tell our managers and we’ll keep this whole situation a secret.”

Penial sighed with relief as he wiped his eyes and smiled at Doojoon. “Oh thank you! Thank you!”

“However, for us to successfully keep our mouths shut, you’ll have to take care of us from now until we return to our adult forms.”

“Say what now?” Peniel and Junhyung said in unison.

“Think about it. It’s not like six kids can live alone in a dorm room without anyone noticing.”

“Doojoon? Are you cra-” Doojoon pulled Junhyung aside, a mischievous grin on his face as he turned his head toward the other four. Junhyung looked at the other boys before immediately catching onto Doojoon’s plan. He folded his arms and Doojoon continued.

“Besides, look at us. We’re not exactly tall enough to cook for ourselves anymore.”

“And it’d be a lot harder to keep this place clean.” Kikwang smiled as he accompanied Doojoon.

“And if it’s all the same to you,” Hyunseung joined in. “I’d like some clothes that fit.”

Both Dongwoon and Yoseob smiled looking up at Peniel. They knew where Doojoon was going with this plan and they both knew it would be a lot of fun.

“Or, of course, we can just have our manager do it.”

Peniel surveyed over the 6 boys. The thought of babysitting them made him feel uneasy but the thought of being kicked out of BtoB terrified him. He swallowed and looked Doojoon in the eyes.

“So, do we have a deal, Appa?” Doojoon outstretched his hand for Peniel.

Peniel bit his lip and in turn bit back his pride. He knew there was only one way. One way to cover up his horrible mistake. Only one way to insure he’s not kicked out of BtoB. And only one way to keep the Beast members quiet. He reached out and grabbed Doojoon’s hand and shook it firmly. “Deal.”

“Well now, that’s settled. How about some breakfast. Dongwoon obviously can’t cook right now.”

“I didn’t see you trying!” Dongwoon protested.

Me? Cook! Peniel thought nervously. I don’t even cook at my own dorm. He sighed heavily and walked over to the kitchen. He pulled out a cookbook and swallowed as he grabbed ingredients from the refrigerator.

After about an hour of trial and error, Peniel served each of the boys a plate of rice and Kimchi. With the exception of Dongwoon, they all shot him glares but decided not to say anything; knowing in their current condition, they wouldn’t be able to do much better.

“Junhyung. Aren’t you gonna eat anything?” Doojoon asked as the other members were well into their plates.

“I’m not that hungry. At least not for this.”

“I tried my best!” Peniel yelled but Junhyung just rolled his eyes and pushed his plate aside.

“Then you best practice your cooking if you’re gonna be our caretaker.”

Peniel groaned as Dongwoon stood up, clearing his plate from the table. He moved his chair over to the sink and climbed on it. He placed his plate inside before reaching up to turn on the water.

“Woonie? What’re you doing?” Kikwang asked, his mouth full of rice.

“I’m just washing my dishes.”

“You don’t have to do that.” Yoseob chimed in, smiling ear to ear. “That’s what Appa’s here for!”

Peniel glared down at the young visual and Dongwoon surveyed over everyone. His eyes seemed to focus on Doojoon as he smirked, his eyes indicating Yoseob was right. He proceeded to jump off the chair leaving the water running. Peniel ran over to shut it off.

“You could’ve at least turned the water off!”

Dongwoon smiled looking back at Peniel. “That’s what Appa’s here for.”

Peniel glared at the maknae trying hard not to lash out in rage. He had the feeling the boys were messing with him but he knew he had to endure it if he wanted everything to remain a secret. He walked to the sink, turning on the water. He washed the dishes as a sudden knock on the door startled him.

“Guys! It’s Joonkun! Open up! I heard your alarm went off!!”

“! You’re manager! You guys have to hide!”

“Guys! Open up!! Are you ok?!”

The boys looked at each other before Doojoon whispered, “We’ll hide. You take care of Joonkun, Appa.”

Peniel cringed at being called Appa as the 6 boys ran off to their bedroom, closing the door. He sighed heavily calming himself while contemplating a lie in his head. After settling on an excuse he walked to the door, opened it and Joonkun stumbled in.

“Boys! Boys! Are you ok...” He trailed off glancing around the dorm before turning to Peniel. “Dong Geun? What are you doing here?!”

“H-Hello Joonkun-hyung.”

“Where are the boys? Are they ok?”

Peniel took a deep breath before turning away from the manager. “I don’t know.”

“What do you mean, you don’t know?!”

“I-I just don’t. I showed up a few minutes ago to ask them for a favor but they weren’t here. I thought they’d be right back but not just yet”

“This place is a mess,” Joonkun commented.

“Yeah. That’s why I assumed they’re coming back.” Peniel wiped the sweat from his brow and watched Joonkun walk over to the table.

“Kimchi and rice? That’s so basic.”

Peniel swallowed hard, turning away from Joonkun. “Y-Yeah. It was already on the table when I got here. They must’ve been in a hurry.”

“That seriously worries me. I’m gonna call Doojoon.” He pulled out his phone and started dialing.

Peniel began an internal panic. Thousands of thoughts and worries began to run through his head. Ok Peniel. It’s ok! You won’t get caught! You won’t be found out! The boys won’t be found! They can’t be found!! They’re not gonna rat you out. After all, it’s not like they’re actually dumb enough not to turn off-

♪Geojyeo julke jal sara, Geumalbakke nan mothae♪

A faint ringtone of could be heard from the bedroom. DAMNIT DOOJOON! How could he not have turned his phone off! Peniel began to panic as Joonkun heard the ringtone. He wandered down the hall until reaching the bedroom door. Peniel was dripping sweat waiting for the boys to be found. He expected the worst as Joonkun reached for the knob. It’s all over. My life is over! He closed his eyes, waiting for the worst to happen.

Joonkun opened the door and walked over to Hyunseung’s bed. “Hmm?” He picked up a cell phone before returning to the door. “He left his phone.”

Peniel opened his eyes, glancing around the room. He was surprised to see that none of the boys were in sight. “What?”

“I said Doojoon left his phone, Peniel. But that concerns me very greatly. I'ma contact the other managers and find out if they’ve seen the boys. If your gonna stay here, call me immediately if you find them.” He set down the phone and Peniel internally sighed with relief.

Peniel nodded as Joonkun quickly gave him his phone number. He watched the panicked manager leave, before letting out a huge external sigh of relief and shutting the front door.

“You owe us big time.”

Peniel jumped and spun around nervously; the young Junhyung stood in front of him, arms folded.

The other boys soon emerged from the hallway, looking up at Peniel. “What?! How did you-?! Where did you-?!”

Yoseob chuckled and Peniel decided to stop questioning the boys. They kept the manager from finding them and that’s all that mattered for the time.

“Alright. Now that that’s over, we should head out.” The small leader spoke.

“Head out?” Peniel questioned. “Where?!”

“To the mall”





Only 1 song to mention in this chapter so be the first to identify it and get that honorable mention. 
Remeber the most honorable mentions get a special prize at the end of the story.

Don't forget!!! Songs aren't always Beast or BtoB. Think outside the box. 

Comment and subscibe if you wanna win. 


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This fic may be over, but be sure to keep reading my work. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING CHILD'S PLAY!!


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 4: Beast kids, why so cute!?
Chapter 22: I read this a long time ago, but decided to read it again and fell in love with it like the first time I read it. I love this story! ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Like a roller coaster when i read this. Laughing non stop and i just remember that i have an quiz tomorrow gard. ;; you know? I keep on fansgirling the way you wrote this fanfics and describe them. Peniel reminds me of Zorro One Piece because both of them really bad in direction. Lol

Its all cute thoo! Our boys changing into child and being naughty around xD how can you imagine that huh? cx
697 streak #4
Chapter 22: i just can't believe i only found this fanfic now.. it made me stay awake that i only had 4hrs of sleep... this is so good!!! i just wish you could make a fanfic about junseung since i love those bias wreckers of mine to death...
yoseob_sz #5
Chapter 22: Is the second time I am reading. I love this story ~
Chapter 22: I had mixed emotions while reading this. but all in all it was fun
it's cute imaginung beast boys turn into children.
Chapter 22: Wow, this story is awesome.
I can felt their bonding through the story. ^_^
How Peniel adapt with the beast boys and how the beast boys played with peniel.
It's fun to read.
And thank you for sharing this story <3
Chapter 22: no no no no no no no no no!!! I can't believe it's over!!! I need moreeeee T.T
Pleaseee make special chapters of after? Like when they're together and Peniel automatically babies them??? PLEASEEEE?!?!?!?!?!
nice story ^^