Chapter 2: Awakening

Child's Play


The alarm went off in the Beast dorm. Doojoon sat up and hurled it over the edge of the bed. It was the boy’s day off and the last thing he wanted was to be woken by a loud beeping. Doojoon laid his head back down and closed his eyes before he noticed a strange sensation on his body. It had felt as if someone had placed a large sheet over him. It made him uncomfortable, and therefore unable to sleep any longer. He sat up once again and climbed over the edge of his bunk. Quietly descending the  ladder, Doojoon felt a large piece of fabric catch the bottom of his foot. He missed the bar and fell from the ladder, landing on his back. As he sat up and rubbed the back of his head, he noticed the “sheet” from earlier was draped over his shoulders.

“What?” He pulled out the fabric in front of him, realizing it to be the t-shirt he wore to bed; he then looked at his own hands. Tripping over himself, Doojoon ran to the bathroom, reaching up to turn on the light switch. He stared into the mirror, shocked once he saw his reflection. Unable to comprehend what was going on, Doojoon approached the mirror. He gazed into the glass and he saw, not himself, but a young boy of eight staring back at him. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Yoseob awoke to the sound of Doojoon’s scream; He jumped off his bunk, not realizing how high it actually was. After a painful impact to his feet Yoseob took off in a sprint toward the bathroom only to come face to face with a young Doojoon. “AHHH!”

“AHHH!” Yoseob’s scream was met with one of Doojoon’s as the boys stared at each other.

“W-what the hell happened to you?!” Yoseob’s high-pitched voice rang out through the bathroom.

“S-speak for yourself.”

Yoseob, pushed Doojoon aside to gaze into the mirror. He then  turned his attention to his hands and then down to his feet. “I... I’m a child?!” His breathing became panicked as the boy ran his hand through his hair. “And why is my hair still orange?”

“Focus, Seobie! The two of us have been shrunk! This stuff just doesn’t happen!” Yoseob took several deep breaths before managing to calm himself. Doojoon continued. “Ok. Ok. You and I are children now. We have no idea how or why this happened. But it seems as though our minds are still in tact. Neither of us are in any pain, right?”

Yoseob shook his head softly, while gently massaging his temples. “Well, except my feet from jumping off of that bunk.”

“Um, yeah. I had a similar experience.”

Yoseob let out a huge sigh. “I guess this means I’m no longer just the visual maknae.” He smirked slightly trying to make light of the situation.

“Actually, Yoseob... you still are.” Doojoon and Yoseob turned their gaze around toward the bathroom door. There standing before them was a small boy, no older than six, wearing a long white t-shirt, reaching just above his ankles. His hair, bleached blonde.

“D-Dongwoon?” Yoseob stuttered out.

The young boy nodded and Doojoon’s eyes rolled back in his head as the poor leader fainted.



After reviving their leader, the three boys ran back to their bedroom to wake the other sleeping members. They had hoped the others were still adults but had no such luck once reaching the bottom bunks.

“H-Hyunseung! Wake up! Wake up!” Yoseob shook the sleeping red-haired boy as he started to stir. He fluttered open his doe-eyes and looked up at Yoseob.”

“Yoseob... You’re looking young and full of life today.”

“Hyung. I’m seven.”

“Mm. Seven.” Hyunseung rolled over, pulling his covers up over him.He closed his eyes, before realizing just what Yoseob had said. His eyes soon shot open. “SEVEN?!” Hyunseung threw off his covers and looked Yoseob in the eyes. “Yoseob! You’re a child!!”

“Heh. So are you, hyung.” Yoseob smiled nervously.

Hyunseung examined his own body over, his clothes not quite fitting and his height decreased, substantially. He let out a loud, high pitched yelp as he pulled the covers back over himself.

“What’s with all the noise.” A young Junhyung arose from his bed.

“J-Junnie! You too!” Hyunseung stammered nervously.

“Me too, what?” Junhyung then glanced over at his bandmates before his eyes widened. He then quickly surveyed over his own body before looking down his oversized pajama pants. His eye twitched as he lept out to of bed, pushed Doojoon aside, and ran to the bathroom. “AHHHHHHH!!!!”

“Kiki! Wake up!” Dongwoon shook the exhausted Kikwang as he refused to awaken.

“ Just five more minutes, umma.”

“Oh for the love of-” Doojoon, walked over to Kikwang’s bed, and grabbed the sheet from under him. He yanked hard, causing the small boy to roll into the wall.

“Ow. Ok I’m awake.” The young boy winced as he surveyed over his bandmates. “Something’s different about you all today.” He scratched his head before it hit him. “Um guys, I don’t know how to tell you this but you’re all-”              

“We know,” the four children chimed in unison.

Doojoon pulled Kikwang up out of the bed by his extra large wife beater as Hyunseung climbed out of his bed, his bedspread wrapped tightly around his body. “Ok. For whatever the reason, the six of us have shrunk into children, but it doesn’t seem like our minds have regressed as well. Does anyone know how this could’ve happened.”

The other four boys looked at each other, confused, as Junhyung re-entered the room, pale and in a state of shock.

“Maybe we were drugged in our sleep. Just like in Detective Conan!” Yoseob chimed.

“I think we would’ve noticed if a stranger snuck into our room and put pills in our mouths.” Dongwoon retorted. “We have a security system set up on the doors and windows”

“Junhyung?” Hyunseung turned his direction to the pale boy. “You ok?”

“So... Small.” Yoseob chuckled and Hyunseung rolled his eyes at Junhyung.

“Ok, we should handle this logically,” Doojoon started. “Hyunseung, Junhyung you two check the news for any kind of similar activity. Kikwang, you check the internet. Yoseob and I’ll search the room for any clues, as well as some clothes we can wear. Dongwoon... if you can reach, please put together some breakfast.”

The six boys agreed and walked out of the bedroom. Yoseob couldn’t help but smile. “Maybe this isn’t so bad. In fact, it could be fun.”

Yoseob laughed as Doojoon held his head. He had no idea of what happened, or whether the effects were temporary or permanent. All he knew for sure was, for the time being, he’d have to be a child once more.




Peniel had reached the practice room where the rest of BtoB was already waiting. A tired look on his face.

“Nice of you to join us, Peniel,” Eunkwang’s voice echoing his displeasure.

“Give me a break! I got lost last night!”

Sungjae couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as Eunkwang walked over to his ipod. “Ok. Irresistible lips, once more from the top.”

The boys got into position. Peniel couldn’t help but feel a little anxious. It’s not like he had believed in the crazy woman’s fortune telling but, he was curious if going to see her did give him more experience.  And just like before, Penial began counting. Things seemed to be going well at first but once Sungjae go to his part of the song, it all fell apart and Peniel lost count.

Eunkwang shut off the music. “Penial, You’re 4 steps behind everyone!” The entire group looked at Peniel as he punched the wall.

“Damnit! I’m even worse than yesterday!”

“Peniel. Please! Let me help you.” Hyunsik approached him and put his hand on Peniel’s shoulder.

He pulled his arm away and turned to Hyunsik. “I don’t need your help! I can do this all myself.”

He stormed out of the room and down the hall, leaving the others dumbfounded. Peniel quickly realized he’d need a walk, to clear his head once more. He knew he shouldn’t have snapped at his hyung or the other bandmates but the stress of constant failure was getting to him. He finally needed to face up to the fact, that he had been avoiding for so long. The one thing he never wanted to admit. I need help.

Peniel knew there was no way he could ask his bandmates for help, especially after the spectacle he had just made. And the band’s choreographer was out on business. There was only one more alternative for assistance. The one he had hoped he’d never have to face.




Peniel arrived at Beast’s dorm about an hour after deciding he’d need to ask for help. He entered the elevator and leaned against the wall. He thought about how he was going to approach the band he despised, and inwardly scowled at the thought of begging his sunbae for help. Last thing he’d want is for them to look down on him.

As he stepped through the elevator door, he let out a huge sigh. He knew he just had to be sincere with them. After all, how bad could they be. Peniel knocked on the door to the Beast dorm and heard all the sounds inside go silent. “Hey, um! It’s Shin Dong Geun from BtoB. I need a favor. Do you guys think you can help me out?” The other side remained silent as Peniel knocked again. “Come on guys. I could really use your help!” There was still no response from the other side of the door and Peniel started to become angry. “Damnit guys! I’m swallowing my pride asking you all for help! Can’t you just open the door and hear me out! I know you’re in there! I heard the tv on!”

A sudden, loud crash was heard on the other side of the door, followed by child-like yelling. “What the hell!” Peniel backed up slowly then ran at the door, breaking it open with his shoulder. As the alarm, sounded, Peniel’s jaw dropped at the sight in front of him. He staggered slightly when he looked around the dorm and counted six young boys all gathered in the living room and kitchen.

“Damnit, Dongwoon! Look what you did now!” The purple-haired boy yelled at the young Maknae. Peniel thought to himself as he heard the name. Dongwoon? Son Dong Woon?!

“It wasn’t my fault, hyung! You’re the one who muscled his way into the kitchen!”

“Geez, Peniel.” A red haired, doe-eyed boy stood on a chair behind Peniel and reached up to shut off the loud, ringing alarm. “You couldn’t wait for us to turn off the security before you burst in?”

“Hyunseung! Get off that chair! It’s dangerous, Hyung!” The tiny, orange-haired boy yelled from the living room.

Jang Hyun Seung?!

Two boys stood around a shattered glass casserole dish. “You’re just clumsy! I knew telling you to cook was a bad idea!”

“I sure as hell can cook better than you, Yong-Jun-Hyung!”

Yong Jun Hyung?!

“I swear if the next word out of your mouth isn’t Hyung, I’m gonna-”


Peniel took heavy panicked breaths as a the black-haired leader approached him. “Peniel.” He sighed heavily once Peniel looked down at him. “I’m Yoon Doojoon. We’re the members of Beast. We’ve just been.... shrunk.”

Peniel’s eyes widened and he stumbled back into a nearby chair. Holy !





A/N:   So, it's my birthday, so as a special gift, I'm Updating early!!  Yey!! Congrats to b2utifulyoebo for earning the first honorable mention! 


The songs in chapter 1:
Beautiful- Beast
Irresistable Lips- BtoB
I Like You The Best- Beast


Chapter 2 may not have a song but keep a look out. And remeber. Songs can be from ANY artist. Not Just Beast and BtoB. Congrats again, b2utifulyoebo!!


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This fic may be over, but be sure to keep reading my work. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING CHILD'S PLAY!!


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89_junseung #1
Chapter 4: Beast kids, why so cute!?
Chapter 22: I read this a long time ago, but decided to read it again and fell in love with it like the first time I read it. I love this story! ♡♡♡♡
Chapter 22: Like a roller coaster when i read this. Laughing non stop and i just remember that i have an quiz tomorrow gard. ;; you know? I keep on fansgirling the way you wrote this fanfics and describe them. Peniel reminds me of Zorro One Piece because both of them really bad in direction. Lol

Its all cute thoo! Our boys changing into child and being naughty around xD how can you imagine that huh? cx
697 streak #4
Chapter 22: i just can't believe i only found this fanfic now.. it made me stay awake that i only had 4hrs of sleep... this is so good!!! i just wish you could make a fanfic about junseung since i love those bias wreckers of mine to death...
yoseob_sz #5
Chapter 22: Is the second time I am reading. I love this story ~
Chapter 22: I had mixed emotions while reading this. but all in all it was fun
it's cute imaginung beast boys turn into children.
Chapter 22: Wow, this story is awesome.
I can felt their bonding through the story. ^_^
How Peniel adapt with the beast boys and how the beast boys played with peniel.
It's fun to read.
And thank you for sharing this story <3
Chapter 22: no no no no no no no no no!!! I can't believe it's over!!! I need moreeeee T.T
Pleaseee make special chapters of after? Like when they're together and Peniel automatically babies them??? PLEASEEEE?!?!?!?!?!
nice story ^^